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Female Teachers That Have Been Caught Sleeping with Students


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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Same old tired story.

She teaches in the Elementary School. Apparently Special Ed.

The school asked her to coach high school sports, since she was a former athlete.

She had sex with a high school student under 19 (the “Kid” might have been 18).

She is 22.

Now charged with two felonies.

Why the fuck would a cute young lady want to teach? Sure she helped the Special Ed. children, but it wasn’t worth this price to her. And she wasn’t teaching the student she supposedly had sex with.

This is crazy... I'm a broken record on this but: it may not be ethical for a teacher of whatever age to have sex with someone they are responsible for, but is it criminal? Especially if both are above 18? That being said, the article does not mention the age of the student.


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Sep 8, 2003
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I don’t agree with the judges, but there are several cases that say it is constitutional for a state to pick a certain profession, such as teaching, and determine that a sex act they participate in is illegal, even though the same sex act involving two parties would be legal if neither was a member of that specified profession. Here is the latest publicized court case involving a female teacher challenging that concept.

And if we are going to accept that the All Men Are Created Equal in the constitution is bullshit, which it is if the law can make an act committed by a teacher illegal when the same act would be legal if committed by an auto mechanic, why not just say fuck it and make the law only applicable to male teachers. The male student victim has to get an erection to have sex. That makes the male student fundamentally different than the female student, even more of a fundamental difference than the teacher and the auto mechanic, in my opinion.

The issue here is Consent. Students, as minors, are deemed unable to consent. That infantilize all student, no matter what age.

Let's be clear: Rape is rape. Sex without consent should be punished. Sex with children should be punished. But that's not the point. Even if they consent, even if they are adults or late teens, all are treated the same way as a 7 y.o. girl. What they do is effectively take away that person's ability to consent and replace it with what the "right-minded" legislator consider they should have consented to. That reminds me of a certain anti-prostitution bill here in Canada that does the same thing...


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
How many 15 year old boys haven’t seen nude pictures of women, even when there was no internet.
This is carrying stupidity too far.
To put someone in prison for this is just mind boggling while real criminals seem to get away with all kinds of crap.


Active Member
Jun 1, 2020
This is carrying stupidity too far.
To put someone in prison for this is just mind boggling while real criminals seem to get away with all kinds of crap.

This is undoubtedly true, the punishment is outrageously harsh. Not only a prison term, but also having to register as a sex offender for life, that is no fun. I thought only guys caught peeing on a wall had to do that.

But speaking of stupidity gone too far, the lady seems to be no rocket scientist either. Not the smartest thing to do in today's U.S., whether in Kentucky or elsewhere.


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2011
wow that is stupid, although I agree with you that this is over the top

however, you can call me sexist, but if I found out an old dude sent dick pics to my daughter... 2 years is not enough or 2 years in pelican bay sounds fair.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
What difference does age make when sending dick picks to your daughter.?
Strange how we have a different outlook if it is our own children especially if it is a daughter.

If my sons would have been sent nudes buy a great looking 30-35 year old female I would have laughed it off , part of growing up lol.
If it was dick picks to my daughter ( I don’t have one) I would have been ok with hanging him by the balls for 2 years no problem.


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2011
if my son received boob picks from a older hottie

*** high five *** that's my boy! You gonna grow up into a fine fuckboi like your old man !


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Miss Kentucky claimed that it was a mis-send and the topless pics of her tits was meant for her husband, and the sentencing Judge may have been angered by her failure to take responsibility for her actions. Of course the defense could have been valid, if the population in the sender queue of the phone of how the names were saved was similar. However, if you mis-send, you at some point recognize the mistake when informed by the incorrect recipient, or by the failure to respond of the intended recipient. And I fear the sentencing Judge probably asked these questions and got highly unsatisfactory answers. What you guys need to know is it is not OK to lie and bullshit when you are in Court. Lying and bullshitting with defenses that cannot be backed up by evidence or common sense will always result in a judicial smackdown. You guys just do not have the experience to have seen or observed how things like that go down in Court when you are on one side or the other of it. Demonstrable lack of candor towards a tribunal is an act that will be punished if it is perceived, even if it is not proven. When you are a soldier on that battlefield you can read between the lines of these news media articles and spot what the average laymen misses.

I mis-sent an email the other day to one attorney that was actually intended for another attorney with the same first name who had populated in my queue. I did not realize the mistake until I was informed by (1) the attorney who got the email who responded that the case in the subject line was not his, and (2) from the cc:d secretary of the intended attorney recipient who said she did not recognize the other recipient's email address. Mistakes do happen and emails get mis-sent, but the error is usually quickly recognized.
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A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
“...He says they had some form of sexual intercourse 100-plus times and sometimes in Boozer's own class at school...”

It took the guy 100 encounters to realize that his teacher is a “predator?” Maybe he decided that after his mother found out about the relationship.
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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“...He says they had some form of sexual intercourse 100-plus times and sometimes in Boozer's own class at school...”

It took the guy 100 encounters to realize that his teacher is a “predator?” Maybe he decided that after his mother found out about the relationship.
That may be true from his standpoint, but isn't Boozer's job to teach her students and not have sex with them???? Is she innocent in this matter??? She is a teacher, not an SP and not a sexual surrogate. She is paid to teach, not to give blow jobs.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I sure wish I would of had her. I would of signed up to be her assistant upon graduation. I might of became a Spanish major.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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My Spanish teacher in high school was the homeliest woman and she weighed around 300 pounds. I did not do well in that class. Foreign languages was my weakest subject in high school.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
It must have been that last 100th time that pushed him over the edge.
Lucky he was an athlete and lasted that long.

Now if only my English teacher in Australia would have been like that, I had such a crush on her, but so did all the other guys, she was a knockout and she knew it.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I saw something profound the other day on Twitter. It said Woke Twitter Mobs Can Suck My Balls. Imagine that? Everyone can fuck off. Yes, only a bad teacher sleeps with students. She’s been dealt with. Now the effeminate son and his family want to cash in.

i wonder if I can go back and sue the women that broke my heart over my lifetime. Two of them have done real well for themselves. I could say, I would have done a lot better had they continued to provide me with “comfort.” The reality is that having the rug pulled out from you really makes you press on. But who cares. I want free stuff. I’m a victim!!!!


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
Well said, Patron. Good analysis.

I wonder whether there are any reputable studies of what drives 20-something female teachers to seduce a teenage male student.

This has happened frequently enough to constitute a phenomenon, especially in recent years. Has this always been going one and we just didn’t know about it? Has it really become more common or just more common to report it and go public with story? I suspect that it has become both more common and more common to get reported.

My guess at an explanation is that some women get off sexually on the power dynamic between a teacher and a student. In contrast to a normal relationship, the female teacher holds all the power and dominance over the teen male. The attraction of such a relationship to an adult female is perhaps understandable, though still inexcusable.

I also wonder what we would think about a sexual relationship between an adult female and a minor male if you remove the teacher student aspect of it. Though any relationship between an adult and a minor is clearly illegal, what do we think about a sexual relationship between a random attractive 25 year old woman and a random 15 or 16 year old guy-say they are neighbors or acquaintances from a workplace and not a teacher and a student? Does that scenario ever happen? It seems like it is always about a teacher and a student.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
It always did happen. In the 40’s teachers would merry students upon graduation. Now you’ve robbed someone of their precious childhood and stolen their precious virginity. What complicates matters is that people married younger back in the day.
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Has this always been going one and we just didn’t know about it? Has it really become more common or just more common to report it and go public with story? I suspect that it has become both more common and more common to get reported.
It's always been going on, it's just that back in the day nobody talked about it, just the same as homosexual child abuse by Catholic priests was going on and nobody ever talked about it. I lived through that personally in the 1970s, although friends/classmates were the victims, not me. They only told me about it long after the fact. None of it surprised me, to be honest. They had various reasons for not talking about it, but the chief one was getting into college might have been jeopardized if they complained against those who would recommend them, or not. This is the real world fellas- and it always was the real world.
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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The thing that bothered me the most was my advanced placement English teacher, who was a Catholic priest. I always admired him as a teacher and thought he had a great grasp of the classics. Shortly after I graduated, he, like a few other well liked teachers, suddenly and inexplicably disappeared. Through the backchannels I got the story, later confirmed by another priest who had taught me in high school. He gave a detention to one of his students. Alone in the classroom, he order the student to strip naked and do 100 pushups. The student complied and did the punishment. It was not done to degrade or punish the student, but for my former teacher's own sexual satisfaction. The parents complained. No lawsuit, just a private complaint to the school by rich, politically connected parents. My senior AP English teacher was sent away by the Catholic Church to teach at a school in a Third World Caribbean country. The thinking, I assume, or the "logic", if you will, is that he would be harmless there as he would not get hard ons for poor black boys, just the rich white ones. Beyond fucking sick. It's bothered me to this day, especially since I admired him while taking his class. He was from the UK and spoke in the most erudite manner, and I only wanted to be able to talk and speak in such an erudite manner as he did. But he was also a sick, pathetic homosexual pedophile. He fooled everyone. And he was not the only one.

I would like to physically beat with a baseball bat the person in the Catholic Church who unleashed him on the poor kids in the Caribbean.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I can only say I had a sort of relationship when I was 16 -17 with a 35 year old lady.
She was gorgeous, she was kind, and I learnt a lot from her, far better experience than the awkward ones I had with girls my own age at the time.
I will always be grateful to her and remember her fondly, she was awesome.
All she wanted to do was get me over to her place and have sex all night as many times as my body was capable of.
I have been a huge fan of French Canadian ladies ever since.
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