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Female Teachers That Have Been Caught Sleeping with Students


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
You make some very good point here. Personally, I only wish every hot female teacher I ever had was a pedophile starting at the age I turned say 13 or 14 or so.


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Dec 7, 2018
There isn’t a doubt that children and teens today are much more knowledgeble about sex and sex acts compared to past generations. However when I say a 13 year old child is not mentally developed enough to consent to sex, it doesn’t refer to whether or not he knows what it is or how to do it. What I am refering to is rational and thought out decision making. Something that doesn’t fully finish developing till 25. Woman often talk about men thinking with their penis, hormonal teenage boys are the pinacle of this. I’m sure every man in this forum would jump at the opportunity to have sex with a attractive teacher when they were his age, including myself. That doesn’t mean it is right. As the adult it is the teacher’s responsability to not allw this to happen. This Woman was not raped. She willingly accepted his advances and initiated her own as well. At the end of the day she is a woman who is sexually attracted to minors and enjoys it. She is a pedophile plain and simple, just because she is an attractive woman should not give her a pass. If anything her going to jail protects the child, not harm it. Why would you want a pedophile raising a child? You say that it would be difficult being a teacher in this environment. Yes it would if you are a pedophile, if you aren’t the event of having sex with one of your underage students would never happen regardless of the situation, because you wouldn’t let it.


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Sep 8, 2003
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However when I say a 13 year old child is not mentally developed enough to consent to sex, it doesn’t refer to whether or not he knows what it is or how to do it. What I am refering to is rational and thought out decision making. Something that doesn’t fully finish developing till 25.

I'm sorry man, but this is total bullshit. If we follow your logic, we would not be able to fuck before we're 25? Come on, get real!

I'm not condescending to the point of thinking that a 13 year old is a virgin mind and not mentally developed enough. They are fully capable of enjoying sex, and the proof of this is that it is allowed between themselves.

The law that exist is there for a good reason: to protect them against manipulation, black mail, threats, pregnancies and other types of pressures and abuses from grown up adults. For an adult to have a relationship with a 13 years old is illegal, and that's a good thing to protect them. However this has nothing to do with the development of their brain of the pleasure they can take from sexual act. Come on!

I also have problems with is when we compare this to a rape because of the notion that they can't consent. Enough of that nonsense. Ask a real women/men who were really raped, those who were really abused as teenagers by coaches and religious. That is a rape. Comparing a consensual relationship, even if the consent is not fully enlightened, to a rape is insulting to those who really lived one.

Get me right here. I fully support the legislation and having sex with a 13 year old is wrong. But I'm tired of the abuses and inflation of words. People trying to make a point using excessive language instead of developing their point eloquently. Like the "rape culture" in universities for example. I don't know about you, but when I studied and worked in university environment for decades, the vast majority of males there didn't rape anyone. A culture is something that is shared by a critical mass of people within a group, and this is certainly not the case.

So, let's talk about having sex with a minor as illegal, as incorrect, as unacceptable, and as an abuse if it is the case. But let's stop comparing this to rape. Let's leave this word for real rape, for victims of a violent and disgusting act.


Active Member
Dec 7, 2018
I never said it was rape, nor do I believe he was raped. He is being taken advantage of by the teacher from the things you mentioned ( blackmail,pregnancies, manipulation ext). Which apart from being gross and unethical is another reason why pedophilia and sex with minors laws exist. I also never said that people should wait till 25 to have sex, I was just pointing out that rational and logical thinking takes very long to fully develop, emphasis on the word fully. A 18 year old has much better decision making than a 13 year old. I also never said that a 13 year old can’t enjoy sex. If anything they enjoy it more, cause hormones are at their peak and the experience of sex is also new making it more exciting.

A 13 year old can consent to the act of sex yes. If your 13 and can’t decide if you want to stick your penis in a vagina or have someone stick a penis in your vagina, there might be a few IQ points missing. But just cause they can decide to have sex doesn’t mean they are mentally ready to. It’s the same reason, 13 year olds can’t consent to medical procedures and can’t refuse care from doctors and paramedics. Because they can’t see the bigger picture.

Also, not sure how rape culture got into this, but yes I agree rape culture is bullshit in most parts of the world, especially in the west. For rape culture to exist, rape needs to be something that is encouraged by society and not deemed unethical. Neither of these things are the case. Rape is highly frowned apon by society, we have many laws in place against rape and the punishment for rape is often more severe than the punishment for murder. Rape next to murdering a dog is also one of the most commonly used acts to portray and establish fictional characters as evil. If rape culture existed, this trope wouldn’t work. If rape is considered bad by most people then a rape culture can’t exist.

I hope this clears things up about what you thought I was trying to say.


May 11, 2010
Female Teachers being inappropriate with students. Sensationalism or epidemic.

I am sure the cases that make it into the legal system are real, but is it really that big of a problem? With a population of 250 million in the USA and Canada it is extremely rare. Why are there fewer reports of male teachers being inappropriate?
It it just sensationalism on the part of the media?


Feb 6, 2004
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How to find those sexy teachers (caught having sex with their students)

There are lots of them. Sexually unsatisfied women in their late 20's and early 30's who just discovered sex (It's not a joke; Most American women "Discover" sex in that age group, a whole 10-15 years late.

Call it American culture or whatever these sexually-depraved women in America in that age group have no alternative but to reach out to the easiest target (Their underage aquaintances: Reason: they are AFRAID of REAL dicks on Real MEN).

I wish I could take out an ad in American newspapers headlining it with "Looking for Late Bloomers: Sexual Training Provided: Orgasms guaranteed: No Questions asked. Totally safe". LOL!


Feb 6, 2004
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It's not just sexy hotties who are teachers..that have a yearning for the closest dick they can find..But..being so socially retarded they can't find real men.... It's most of the American women in that late20s age group. Late Bloomers...who just discovered SEX...or did not date enough to find out what they want from sex and have no way of getting that level of sexual awareness.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007


Feb 6, 2004
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These are only the retarded school teachers that GOT CAUGHT. There are tens of thousands that are teachers and every other profession out there as the USA....that are longing for a nice dicking once or twice a day....and are NOT getting any....for months and years...(hard to believe but true).


Feb 6, 2004
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I conclude from these instances that THESE Hotties had no other way of having sex ALOT with regular-age men.

There are lots of places in the USA where this can happen. ... in general. 1e., Hotties that need dick but can't find some...on a regular basis..a few times a day for some.

How do regular guys find them?..hmmm..That may need another thread.



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Sep 8, 2003
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20 years.... this will cost society about $1 million USD to keep her there instead of her contributingto society. Some murderers don't even get that long! What's wrong with this picture?


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Ridiculous! I wonder if the following make sense: When the so-called victim turns 18, maybe he should be able to speak. He could say to the parole board that she was fantastic and the only problem was I couldn't get enough and as an adult I can say that I loved every second of it. Bam! Like that she goes free.

I don't is wrong and she should be fired and the process is the punishment. She was humiliated. She shouldn't be a teacher anymore. Maybe she could do community service? She could take on poor soles like us that have to pay for it?

20 years? It just seems like overkill. If I am ever accosted I hope it is by this woman with sex.

I think of the Olympic gymnasts and the MSU Doctor. They paraded all these angry, crying way could tehy parade angry crying boys. they would all be slapping high-fives etc. Ya I had her!


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007

I doubt that it will cost $1 million to incarcerate her, like it does in the rest of the United States. Probably cost about $59.95 a year in Arizona.

Yes, the fixed costs are already in the ground unless they are running at capacity.


Feb 6, 2004
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Europeans look to the USA as their "spoiled, retarded cousins". I would say maybe about 90% of Americans fit that description. ..and more...Americans are really really sexually and socially retarded too, compared to most Europeans.

Americans think that the real "slime class" of the immigrants that have come to the USA in the past 50 years is what the world looks like. BECAUSE...Americans don't travel...and think they do not need to..because America is the center of the universe..LOL.

Americans are sexual deviants at the core, because of their upbringing as "we are the best notion". Thet have no desire to compare themselves to the rest of the world. That is where all the problems start.

NOTHING can help the USA.
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Feb 6, 2004
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American women cannot be even compared to most European women (yes I have been and lived all over the USA in the past 25 years and in Europe the past 2 years). Prostitution laws are coming from Individual govts in Europe (more about it below). Nordic countries are more "equal" gender wise and when it comes to sex. I suggest you see some of the youtube videos about this and especially Iceland. I will send ya links if you cannot find them.

Light and dark skinned Europeans socialize...a lot.. in Europe. But in the USA, dumb English and German background Americans call the third of Europeans who are dark skinned (southern/Central Europeans) "colored people". I know because I am "one of those dark-skinned European-Canadian".

Socializing the real sense of the what Europe is all about.. Not like Americans. American guys only know how to be macho and American women prudes. Go to bars, restaurants, watering real socialization anywhere in the USA. Its all race-class-based hanging out and getting drunk (no sex; Sex is still a dirty word). I am talking about the middle 80% of the social-class-money wise Americans. Exclude the gold-digger-American females who cater to the upper 10%-rich..see below..

The bottom and upper 10% of Americans would be the un-predictable kind. Either too crazy or too poor or rich to care about what most of Americans do and don't do. I say that because America is the most economically-variant/biggest divide between rich and poor- country in the world where the upper 10% own 90% of the wealth and the bottom 10% something like 0.1%. Something;s gootta give in about 25-50 years. A civil war maybe.

The ONLY reason I can think of for stricter prostitution laws in Scandinavia and France-Italy is that the lawmakers think that any male who seeks a prostitute in those extremely sexually liberated countries has to be a moron to look for a prostitute when it is so easy to get laid. But we all know it's not true. Even in those places where women make first moves a lot, a guy cannot wait when he is horny (to be asked) or for him to ask the right female in the right social setting (lack of time and/or distance to travel to such a place). The other is that they want to "discourage" sex-tourism to their countries.

The USA laws should be even stricter than they are because there are a lot of "Sexual-Violent deviant" American males. A lot of the American male population is totally "screwed up" because of their double-standard American upbringing which is sexually very visible but the American-female in reality does not behave anything like a sexually liberated female and far-far away from what she is portrayed as in the media.The American male relies a lot on the porn industry for that matter - a business that rakes in close to 10 billion dollars a year. As for deviant females...well..we have the 20-something socially retarded American women in socially isolated settings (there are thousands of them I am sure) who grab the closest dick they can find..the female teachers for example.

~ Hey JRR Tolkien...I tried to wander all over the world to lose myself, instead I FOUND you were right! :smile:


Feb 6, 2004
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Patron - Sex tourism point is correct. I already mentioned that.

What you call "mixed dating" will be laughed at in most European circles. That is ridiculous.

A eastern European having sex with a western-women is not "mixed". Neither is an Italian/Greek women having sex with a German. This happens so much, I am surprised you even mention this or deny this knowing fully well that that is not the case. I did not expect this from a man of your intellect and supposed travel-scapes. You must be an American with "we know all" mentality. Go and see Europe like it should be seen. Don't take Google translate with you or any maps.

What I have seen and experienced all over Europe is not something ANYBODY on this board has experienced or mentioned and in my view will never even get close to what I have experienced. Because I have balls go and talk to REAL Europeans...not just the escorts. Where do you find these REAL Europeans?. On the streets, in hostels, in coffee shops. Ask them directly. Tell them about the American sexual-scene. Be laughed at if you mention "mixed dating". I dare you to do it. Most Europeans already know how " non-sexual" USA is and how much capitalism has to do with it. Most Europeans are socialist, which capitalist Americans have no clue about.


Feb 6, 2004
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Patron - 100% wrong.

UK and Scandinavia are places where men DO NOT have to work hard to find sex. .. and Scandinavian women DO NOT elusively have sex with Scandinavians..go to the popular beach destinations and see for yourself. Sex is everywhere you look in UK and Scandinavia - Have you been there?. I have.

Economic status has nothing to do with a women's sex partner she chooses in Socialist Europe.. That is totally an American capitalist phenomenon.

Women have a lot of sex in ALL of Europe..and when I talked to women there most laughed at the American sex-less society. You see this is 2019..and most Europeans have either been here or know somebody who has. Unlike most Americans, who are experts by watching TV-armchair travelers...because USA is the center of the universe to them. A very dangerous ideology that creeps into politics as well. LOL.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Aside from Scandinavia, where I have never been, I would agree with Azzaro and I am not talking about escorts as I never needed to seek them out when on vacation anywhere in Europe.

The women are no where near as uptight, and don’t play this North American puritan game of hard to get and the ones I have encountered in the States are the worst. I used to vacation in my late teens and early twenties on the ocean in NJ and most times I would hook up with girls on vacation from Quebec City because the Americans were so up tight and thought their pussy was a gift from god to be guarded forever.

That is another reason why I love Montreal the French Canadian ladies here are much more out going, fun to be with than their American or even Canadian sisters, as close as you can get to European women.

Then sometimes you really luck out like me with an ATF who is born Brazilian and grew up here and has a Quebecois liberal mentality, it doesn’t get any better than that.
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