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Female Teachers That Have Been Caught Sleeping with Students


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner

I wouldn’t go as far as calling American women retarded, and there is some truth that the wealthier the woman is the less likely she is to fuck you for fun but this again is more true in the states.

Europeans in general seem to enjoy sex more and don’t use it as a bargaining chip to obtain higher status and a wealthier man.
You go out with them and if they are into you, they don’t care that you are not wealthy, they will simply fuck you because they enjoy it as much as you do and for them it is part of having a great date and evening.

I would compare it to eating food for the sheer joy of the taste and not as a necessity to fill their bellies, maybe that is why more American women are obese also lol.


Feb 6, 2004
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Europe = Any guy can get laid easily and cheaply (escort/non-escort); You have to know a bit about each country (hangouts etc). Reason: Sexually open minded females in a socialist society.

North America (except Quebec) = Only the super rich guys (athletes, millionaires) and porn stars get laid with hotties -escort/non-escort (what else do you expect in a capitalist society?
Most of the rest of the American guys (young and old) use the 10 billion dollars a year porn industry to satisfy their needs. Reason: American sexually-retarded females (young and old) and their attitudes which are based on a purely capitalist society with not an ounce of socialism. Most porn for USA companies is produced in Eastern Europe.

Female teachers caught sleeping with young guys = sexual retarded females which are typical of the American female. Hates sex when she is 18-25 and suddenly likes dick around 25 and grabs whatever she can find. There are hundreds of thousands of these females...ALL OVER the USA. She still won't fuch the nice good looking guy next door because he does not have a car/money/mommy-media told her that guys can hurt she goes for the vulnerable underage teen...sic !


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Azzaro it's good to know there is someone who is even more drastic then me ;)

Of course there is always exceptions but I do agree completely with you. A bit of socialism, less inequality among the population and less (annoying) religious beliefs is much better for girl to open up and explore sexuality as something good instead of a sin...

North American girl (except quebec) are mostly still stuck in the "baby sue who married at 18" paradigm... They do not have this "openness" to them.

And you are correct Teacher who get caught sleeping with young students are filling a need that they never fulfilled when they could have.... It's still a sickness because if only they would open up to guys at least 18 or 19 they would be fine and have the fun they (need) seek...



Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007

There is a teacher shortage. Lousy pay, burn-out (particularly in lower income districts), and teaching to standardized testing are reasons sited. When the economy improves, unemployment drops and wages are up, finding good qualified teachers becomes a challenge. It has nothing to do with the ever increasing pool of hot teachers doing 10-20 years up the river but I don't think it helps. You have to be naive or some sort of ideologue or something to want to be a teacher. Lousy pay babysitting someone's neglected brat and then to have less rights then non-teachers? Insane.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Can someone explain to me what "third-degree sodomy" is?

And I did not know you could be charge with sodomy when you are the receiver?? Maybe this is related to second-degree but third?



I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Ha thanks guys! Now I get it.

She will lose. You simply cannot do anything in ANY circumstance with an underage nether if you are a billionaire or a teacher (unless maybe with a written consent by the parents?).

I mean could you simply imagine how many male teacher would enter the teaching world if they do change that law!! ;)


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^ Us men are good folk, would never do something like that.


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
Patron actually brings up an interesting point about how the laws differ here.

In Kentucky, the sodomy charge specifies that that the higher age is involved when someone is in a position of authority and trust and is brought into contact with the minor because of it.
In Alabama, all school employees (not just teachers) are forbidden from sex with people under 19 who are students.

It seems clear the Alabama law means you don't have to be that person's teacher, but it isn't clear whether they need to be a student at the school you work for. The Kentucky law seems to imply the person with authority should have authority of some kind over the minor to be charged, but that isn't spelled out specifically. (If I recall, in Canada that *is* spelled out specifically.)

It would seem that the Alabama law is far more ripe for a challenge than the Kentucky one.


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003

A year ago Patron pointed out the Barstool Sports Sex Scandal Teacher "Starting Lineup" for 2018.

Now here's the 2019 starting lineup:

[FONT=&amp]I believe it was Albert Einstein who said “It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.” But I know for a fact it was that other cosmic genius, Thornton Mellon, who said, “I like to date school teachers. If you do something wrong, they make you do it over again.”[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]Like so many great moments that changed the world forever and for the better, the exact moment the first Sex Scandal Teacher Starting Lineup was assembled is lost to history. No one knew at the time of the magnitude of such a creation. So the date was not recorded. No one thought to capture it for posterity. There is no plaque marking the location of the event. The best estimates are that it was some time in 2009, when a bored state employee who spent his considerable downtime surreptitiously writing blogs thought to himself, “Geez, there’s been a lot of these female teachers having sex with their students lately. I wonder if I can do something with that.” And so the cultural institution that is Grading the Newest Sex Scandal Teacher and then grouping them into a batting order at the end of the year was born. Possibly 10 years ago, but no one can truly say.
[FONT=&amp]What I can say is that for the two years I left Barstool to wander in the sports radio wilderness, every time I met a Stoolie, the SST was the second thing they’d mention. It’d be “I miss you on Barstool. Miss the teachers thing.” Towards the end of my contract, when I first talked to Dave about coming back, it was the second thing he brought up. Inside of two minutes we had a deal. And not four days ago a total stranger stopped me in a store to talk about the Stool and as I’m leaving he said “I love the teacher thing.” So for all of you, here it is. The teacher thing.
[FONT=&amp]We live in a world of hyperbole and extremes, where everything by it’s nature has to be classified as the Best Thing Ever or the Absolute Worst Ever, with no in-between. This is not the case here. There’s no need for such clickbait nonsense here. The SST Starting Lineup should be a sanctuary from all that exaggeration and hot takes. Objectively speaking, 2019 wasn’t quite the year that 2018 was. But this lineup can hold its deranged, horndog head high and compete with almost any of the legendary teams of the past. As you’ll now find out.[/FONT]
Presenting the 2019 Sex Scandal Teacher Starting Lineup...


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
Tonight ABC's 20/20 covered the long-ago (early 90s) case of teacher (or "media coordinator"), Pamela Smart. Smart started an affair with a 15 year old male student, then convinced him to murder her husband. The student, Billy Flynn, recruited two other guys to help him. The kids broke into Smart's home when she wasn't there and shot her husband in the head. The police solved the crime fairly quickly and Smart and the boys were tried and convicted. All went to prison.

Smart is still in prison. The show includes parts of a recent interview with Smart.

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Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2018
I saw a show years ago on the ID network where they recreated the details of the Pamela Smart murder case using actors. According to the show's producers Pam seduced her student to the strains of "Hot For Teacher" by Van Halen! Ya they may have used some dramatic license there. I believe the film To Die For starring Nicole Kidman was based on the Smart case.


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
She exploited herself?


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
... a 16 year-old lady made a cell phone video of her performing oral sex on a 17-year old male and the video got circulated amongst the students?

Two thoughts:

  1. This case is more evidence that the U.S. is in the grip of a moral panic about everything related to sex. I don't see it ending anytime soon. It only seems to get worse.
  2. I'm surprised that the girl didn't retroactively charge the guy with sexual assault. Then she could have been proclaimed a "survivor" instead of a criminal.



Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
This case is proof that the law is an ass.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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I simply don’t see why more judges and jurors in these cases, whether it be teens having sex with teens, or the absolute travesty of an adult woman having sex with a teen male, who ejaculated three times in the 60 minutes they were together, can’t just say Fuck The Statute, it wasn’t meant to apply to these facts.

Which raises the question, again: are teens and children considered the same under law? I see a big difference between an 8 year old boy and a 17 year old teen full of testosterone…. And the same applies to girls…

Somehow the legislation has adopted a black and white approach with the intent to protect teens from themselves. Sometimes, however, a bit if judgement (pun intended) is proper...
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