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Female Teachers That Have Been Caught Sleeping with Students


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Here is a tutor I am considering hiring for private lessons:

First, she would have to look up my record at the school...which is terrible


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
You know Jalimon, I would be so fucked up in the head right now if this teacher would have seduced me at 14. Ya Right.

It would have boost your confidence to sky rocket level! At 15 I once found myself at the house of an 18 year old girl. Next thing I know she show me her boobs and ask if I liked them. She invited me to touch them. She kiss me and gave me a blowjob. My first time. Nothing ever happened again with that girl, but she changed me. After that I became very good in my soccer team and my grades in school went from below average to one of the best. That girl flipped somehing in me, she proved me that I could have it with girls. Ya she fucked me up, for the better :)

On a final note, as a father of 2 boys I am a lot more worried about them watching too much heavy porn then being seduced by a young teacher. Hard porn can fuck them up much more.



Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2007
Ahhh bull shit. I guarantee that these boys will become local celebs at home and then when they go onto the college campus. I would be getting high-fives from kids I had never spoke with. This would open so many doors at frat houses. As for the ruined families....yes they would have to play that game in order to cash in through the courts.

My objection to this thread is that it blithely mixes reality and fantasy. I've participated on fantasy boards and I say go for it: let it rip with all the kinky, taboo, inappropriate, embarrassing fantasies. (This board is actually VERY tame when it comes to talking about alternative sexualities and hidden desires. I'm not sure why but, metaphorically, it's all missionary out here.)

We all look back and remember our teenage desires, the crushes and lusts we had for older women; and we naively think that we could have handled an affair with a teacher just fine. Having known some people who did it, I can say that it worked out fine for some, not so fine for others.

In the end, though, when we talk about real teachers who had sex with their students, we're crossing a line that I find offensive. Call me old-fashioned, but I'm not a fan of adults in positions of authority sleeping with minors--underage students and children.

So, yup, when teachers sleep with underage students, it's not uncommon for families to be devastated and lives ruined. To think that it's all just wink-wink, high-five fun is to display--how else to put this?--total ignorance of reality.

So, for example: the teacher (female or male) loses their job, their certifications, their licensure, their incomes, their social status, their careers; many are prosecuted and some jailed; some end up classified as sex offenders.
The other teachers are inevitably upset and often angry, and their reputation and status in the community is tarnished because trust in their profession is diminished.
The school is embarrassed and the community upset.
The families of both the teacher and the student are dismayed, humiliated, and often ostracized. To suggest that they see this as a chance to make money is repugnant.
As for the students: some are fine, some are scarred, some we don't know. Can a 15 year old boy or girl have a healthy physical relationship with an adult? Sure, depending on the boy or girl. Is it more complicated when that person has a position of trust and power (teacher, boss, etc)? Of course.

Now if we want to have a conversation about the age of consent, great. If we think (as some apparently do) that it's okay for 15 year old boys to sleep with adults but not 15 year old girls, let's talk about that. If we think that all 14 years olds are mature enough to make the decision for themselves--okay, let's talk about that.

And, to repeat what I've said before, if we want to hang out and imagine what it would have been like when we were younger--as many in this thread are--then that's fine with me. I have the feeling--based only on the kinds of discussion on this board--that I'm actually far more "open minded" than many out here. But I find it offensive when we celebrate adults sleeping with children.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
What's worse? Teachers sleeping with their students, or Donald Trump grabbing every woman he sees by her pussy?


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
What's worse? Teachers sleeping with their students, or Donald Trump grabbing every woman he sees by her pussy?

I'm beginning to think that you are not a Trump fan.

This thread is about sexy female teachers having affairs with their students. I wish I had been molested by the first 47 I think.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Patron. I'm glad they got her. Who was hurt by all this? Me, that's who. I missed out and now reading about all this stuff make me angry and envious...just like that socialist that lives in mom's basement is envious of successful people. Did you see her glamour shots? Why couldn't there have been teachers like this in my day?

You know it is never too late. If there are any MERB women out there wants to use me in a sexual relationship please PM me. Use me! Use me! Use me!!!

Seriously though, firing her and baring her from teaching again and some community service (like servicing frustrated males like many MERB members) and the embarrassment would be enough of a punishment. Now I have to pay for her.


New Member
Jun 2, 2010
I wonder what the ratio of teachers that have had sex with students and have not been caught vs. teachers that have been caught. I would put it at less than 100 to 1.


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
Alexandria Vera, discussed above got 10 years, which I personally find ridiculous

That judge is insane, he acknowledges that she did little harm and is not a classic pedophile.
Ruins her life, ten years in prison, to send a message?
Exactly what message is he sending, other than he is a fucked up creep himself.
Probably had the hots for teachers himself but never got any, now he is getting revenge.
Stupid old fucker.


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
This should be a very interesting French election. Do folks in Montreal follow French elections?

57,000 French nationals registered to vote in Montreal according to the French Embassy!

So I guess some follow the elections.


New Member
Jul 13, 2010
Teachers with students is a rare occurrence, but it does happen. I am sure the ratio from regular women sleeping with boys are maybe 200 to 1 as compared to teachers.


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
So is Le Pen really as crazy as the media seems to portray her, or is it just our sensationalist media at work?

Her father led the party years ago he was a nut too.

Both of them are single issue candidates. Most French voters understand there is more than one issue to be concerned about.

Our media in Canada and Us does a very poor job of presenting issues as Euros see them. I watch Deutsche Welle now and then,
Al Jazera, BBC, get a different perspective.

Ugh this phone is a pita.


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2013
Mtl, Qc
I wonder if she has any restrictions!


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Fucking co-workers is not the same as it once was. Starbucks forbids coworkers from dating, and I know someone who was fired because of it. When I was the 24 year old manager of a fast food restaurant, I did have a totally consensual sexual relationship with one of the 18 year old phone girls. We were discreet and had sex outside the workplace and behaved as coworkers inside the workplace, but everyone seemed to know something was going on, from our coworkers to the owners. Nobody made an issue of it, although a few of my male coworkers asked me for details of our perceived sexual escapades. I gave none as I have and had a no kiss and tell policy I have always adhered to with real life friends and coworkers. It's also less than chivalrous behavior in my opinion for me or anyone else to have done so in that situation.

But nowadays in 2017, more and more companies forbid this as they fear sexual harassment claims. Starbucks is a classic example: if you are caught with a coworker romantically by Starbucks it's grounds for immediate termination.
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