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Female Teachers That Have Been Caught Sleeping with Students


Sep 24, 2009
They're pedophiles. Lock'em up for a long time.

Yeah, we say "I would have done her" ... but think about your mind-state at 14.

None of them are sexy, they're predators.
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Sep 8, 2003
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This is crazy.....

Not long ago, 16 years old was the age of consent here. Not long ago people at 16 had kids and a family! Now we're throwing people in prison for having sex with them, we shame them by writing on all media all kind of details about them and break their lives as they find themselves as sex-offenders for the rest of their days! Doesn't it sound too extreme?

While I agree that we should protect the vulnerable, there is a HUGE difference between a 16 years old boy and a 6 years old kid. Don't tell me the boys didn't know what they were doing and were so naive that they were VICTIMs of their teacher.... come on! I am sure that the trauma these boys live through is mostly due to their private lives being exposed publicly and them having to testify in court and be grilled by lawyers. This is much worst than having sex with your teacher, in my view.

There should be a code of ethics for teachers, just like there is for doctors and psychologists for example. And yes there should be a way we protect the people they have under their responsibility. But there should be a difference in the way we treat these offences with the way we treat an offender who violently and aggressively rapes someone. You can't compare the psychological damages of both and treating offenders of both categories the same way is inequitable and makes puts the second one on the same category as the first one. If I was a rape victim, this would make me so angry.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
the guy may be bringing a civil case for the mental anguish relating to the threesome.

On what grounds???? Were the teachers not interactive enough? Lucky kid.

On a more serious note, I'm glad they got off. What a waste of tax dollars it would be to luck these two women up for fulfilling the wet dreams of a 17 year old horny kid who has been jacking off to this scenario for the past 3 - 4 years.

As I said before, teachers should lose their jobs have to eat crow and maybe do a little community service. But jail time? No way.


New Member
Apr 19, 2013
I think when it happened years back the boys kept it to themselves, now a days they tell everyone and that is how they get caught.


Active Member
Jun 17, 2010
Great info... Apparently, I have frontal lobe damage...


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Patron - the teacher should be fired at the most. This is getting ridiculous. I find it disgusting to call a 21 year old woman a sexual predator for going out with an 18 year old male student. She wasn't taking advantage of him. She was making his decade!

The media insists that authorities make a Mountain out of every molehill. Here is another example: A principle was fired because she caught three 6 year-old children taking pictures of each other performing sex acts. The principle found the pictures on a child's tablet. The principal informed the parents as to what was going on. She was fired because she didn't also call the police.

Now think about it. What sex acts could three 6 year-old kids have been doing with one another? Couldn't this just be 3 kids trying to imitate what they saw on TV and just curious? I think that the principals actions were probably entirely appropriate. The Parents would take the tablet away, spank the kids and put them in the corner for the weekend. I do not have all the details but this sounds like a good course of action. The media would prefer an FBI investigation. Their three 6 year-olds for God's sake.


New Member
Apr 29, 2011
The girl may not have asked for monetary damages, the $225 may be awarded by the court as expense of a filing fee.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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Reading this thread, I'm blown away by the puritanism of those who pretend to be defending others and those applying the law. We should protect kids from abuses, yes. But thinking that teenagers are pure, have no sexual thoughts and don't have the judgement to consent to anything whatsoever is insane! I just remember when I was a teen.... omg.... don't go there! And applying the rules without judgement (I saw a teacher being fired for having a relationship with someone 17 years and 11 months....) is nuts!!!

I'm wondering if this is just the US society bleeding onto us, or if we Canadians are also deep down like this?

However, in the cases where the teen is clearly consenting (despite what their parents think), the thought that we protect the teens by blaming and shaming their supposed "abusers" ludicrous. This is probably hurting those teens so much more than the potential damage made by these abusers. Think about the rumors circulating in their social circles and social media, and all the guilt that comes with feeling someone whom you loved is going to prison because of you. Why don't anyone designing and enforcing the law see this???


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Why don't anyone designing and enforcing the law see this???

Because too many grumpy sexually frustrated people are making the laws to make sure no one has such fun as having sex. If not, prostitution would be legal. Their mentality is "I am not getting any, they wont get any!"



Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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Because too many grumpy sexually frustrated people are making the laws to make sure no one has such fun as having sex. If not, prostitution would be legal. Their mentality is "I am not getting any, they wont get any!"


Which is ridiculous, because the more they make sex appalling, the more rules they make, the less likely it is they will ever get some! lol!


Sep 24, 2009
@Curly ... Fantasy and reality are not the same.

I had a couple of cute teachers that I fantasized about in high-school, however, thinking about it now - if it would have become real - I do not think I would have liked it much. Sexuality requires informed consent... There are few things that can make your life more complicated than sex/emotions.

There is a reason these people are called predators.
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