Korbel said:Hello all,
Right now I am projecting a minimum of 324 electors for Obama, and that's without projecting Indiana, North Carolina, Missouri, and Montana all of which are tied at the moment, for either side. I believe Virginia, Florida, California, Washington, Oregon, Nevada, and Colorado will go to Obama.
Hello Jag,juzt_a_girl said:Well McCain still got 48% of the vote. I'd say that isn't a dead party, and America is as divided as it was last election...
p.s. yes, I predicted a McCain win by a small margin, but that was my fatalist-who-couldn't-believe-Bush-won-last-election side speaking. I'm glad Obama won.
I am also very glad to see Obama as a president. However I wonder if the result also reflects not to vote for republican, instead of voting for democratsmass1965 said:The most qualified man is chosen without consideration of what he is but who he is.
Hey Centaurus,centaurus said:May God bless George W Bush, the greatest president in the US history.
Have your fun for the night, commies.
We have nothing in common with you liberals. We believe in God,cherish our family and love our land. The complete opposite of you. That's why we shall seceed from you.
Long live the Southern USA !
Korbel said:Hey Centaurus,
And you personally know what to do with your racism and sick phobias.
St*ff em,
JustBob said:Congrats to Obama. Classy speech by McCain.
mazingerz said:Hein??? Le plus cinglé tu veux dire? Il a passé proche de créer la 3e guerre mondiale. Il a relancé la course aux armements et a attaqué l'Irak sous la base d'un véritable mensonge. On sait tous que les Etats-Unis ont attaqué l'Irak pour le pétrole. Pour libérer un peuple tu me dis? Allons donc! Pourquoi ils n'attaquent pas la Chine ou l'Iran alors? Ce sont des peuples oprimés aussi. Bien non, ils ont bien trop peur. Ils ont demandé à l'Irak de se désarmer et lorsqu'ils ont eu la conviction qu'ils n'avaient plus aucun moyen de défense, là ils les ont attaqué. Ah ça oui, ils ont bien ochestrés leur coup!
Tu dois probablement aimer les conquérants. C'est pour ça que tu prétend que ce fut le meilleur. Moi je dis que c'est le plus dangereux. Son père aussi était fou mais pas autant que lui.
Et quant à la soi-disant lutte au terrorisme, mensonge et idiotie de toute pièce ça aussi. Il cherche juste un prétexte pour vendre ses bombes. On ne combat pas le terrorisme en envahissant les autres pays, on ne fait que l'amplifier.
Sorry??? The most lashing you want to tell? It passed close to create the 3rd world war. It restarted the arms race and attacked Iraq under the foundation of a true lie. They know all that the United States attacked Iraq for oil. To liberate people you say to me? Let us go therefore! Why they do not attack China or Iran then? They are oprimés people also. Definitely not, they have fright very too much. They asked in Iraq to disarm and when they had firm belief that they had no more means of defence, there they attacked them. Ah this yes, they have definitely ochestrés their blow!.
You must probably love the conquerors. It is for this that you pretends that it was the best. Me I say that it is the most dangerous. His father also was mad but not as much as it.
And as for so-called conflict in terrorism, lie and idiocy of any room this also. It just searches a pretext to sell its bombs. They do not fight terrorism by pervading other countries, they are it only amplifying
Nous aimons aussi notre pays mais nous sommes assez intelligent pour ne pas croire en quelque chose qui n'existe pas. C'est fini le temps où nous laissons les prêtes nous laver le cerveau. Les Québécois, eux au moins, c'est un peuple éveillé et qui sait comment ça se passe vraiment
We also like our country but we are rather clever not to believe in anything that does not exist. It is finished the time when we let the ready wash the cerebrum. The Natives of Quebec, them at least, it is bright people and who knows how this really takes place
Roland said:Naaaaa, don't bother with him,Korbie.
Your country did well tonight.
Markets will do well tomorrow.![]()