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French Canadian !


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
#203. jalimon, tant qu'à couper des petits cornichons sucrés, aussi bien mettre de la relish ;) Cheers

Avec tout ces débats j'ai faillis manquer ce message de haute importance!

T'as ben raison! En plus c'est la recette à l'ancienne! Je veux pas dire que tu es ancienne là. Bon ca y est je me suis mis dans les patates...

D'ailleur quel est la meilleur patate pour une salade de patate?


Aug 15, 2011

O my God you are such a literate worldly Renaissance man. An international economics expert, versed in monetary policy, with a deep understanding of what shapes future world events. You are all unto yourself a trend setter, a thought leader, and a love guru, the Oracle of orgasms. Windows 7? That was your idea!

All that wisdom, all that knowledge acquired in the Anglo education system of the province of Quebec, to which you had full access, in total respect of your individual rights and of your community's historical place in Quebec's society.

Despite all your bile towards francophones, you still find your women too boring and go to Montreal to have your dick sucked by typical Quebecois girls, whose open mindedness you're mesmerized about. They're open enough to swallow your cum and offer anal sex, but surely they must be anti-semitic, anti-anglophone, and racist.


Jun 14, 2015

O my God you are such a literate worldly Renaissance man. An international economics expert, versed in monetary policy, with a deep understanding of what shapes future world events. You are all unto yourself a trend setter, a thought leader, and a love guru, the Oracle of orgasms. Windows 7? That was your idea!

All that wisdom, all that knowledge acquired in the Anglo education system of the province of Quebec, to which you had full access, in total respect of your individual rights and of your community's historical place in Quebec's society.

Despite all your bile towards francophones, you still find your women too boring and go to Montreal to have your dick sucked by typical Quebecois girls, whose open mindedness you're mesmerized about. They're open enough to swallow your cum and offer anal sex, but surely they must be anti-semitic, anti-anglophone, and racist.

Attends... T'as oublié une chose...

minutemenx va réussir une chose que personne n'avait osé penser être possible... Il va non seulement faire en sorte que le Québec devienne indépendant. Il va aussi le séparer du Canada... physiquement. Il va détacher le Québec et le faire bouger comme une plaque tectonique pour l'amener au nord de la Sibérie...


Aug 15, 2011
Je pensais plus qu'il allait l'engloutir sous une giclee de sperme et faire passer ca sur le dos du rechauffement climatique. Ah mais c'est qu'il en est capable, il ne faut pas le sous-estimer!


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
Ok, HAHAHAHAHA, let's talk severe laws.

welcome to the UK where, to move there, :

You might need to prove your knowledge of the English language "

Julia, if you born in the UK nobody can force you to speak English. You can speak Irish, Welch or Arabic. Nobody by law forces you to educate your kids in English. You can send them to Frech or German schools where they available (in some places they are).


Jun 14, 2015
minute moumoute...

Relis le texte de Julia...

Elle mentionne la possibilité de DEVENIR CITOYEN UK... Pas seulement d'aller y étudier ou d'y faire un voyage.

Pour devenir citoyen UK, tu dois prouver que ton niveau de langage EN ANGLAIS est approprié.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015

O my God you are such a literate worldly Renaissance man. An international economics expert, versed in monetary policy, with a deep understanding of what shapes future world events. You are all unto yourself a trend setter, a thought leader, and a love guru, the Oracle of orgasms. Windows 7? That was your idea!

All that wisdom, all that knowledge acquired in the Anglo education system of the province of Quebec, to which you had full access, in total respect of your individual rights and of your community's historical place in Quebec's society.

Despite all your bile towards francophones, you still find your women too boring and go to Montreal to have your dick sucked by typical Quebecois girls, whose open mindedness you're mesmerized about. They're open enough to swallow your cum and offer anal sex, but surely they must be anti-semitic, anti-anglophone, and racist.
I did not study in Quebec or even in Canda :) as I am from the south of the border :). And I have never compained about Quebec girls. In fact I adore them. What disquises me are some ass hole Quebec guys that can post such rude and terribly inapropriate messages as yours


Jun 14, 2015
Ah... Ok... un autre qui ne vient pas du Québec, qui ne vit pas au Québec et qui se permet de prétendre connaitre l'avenir du Québec...


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
minute moumoute...

Relis le texte de Julia...

Elle mentionne la possibilité de DEVENIR CITOYEN UK... Pas seulement d'aller y étudier ou d'y faire un voyage.

Pour devenir citoyen UK, tu dois prouver que ton niveau de langage EN ANGLAIS est approprié.

True, it is a pre-request in almost every country. But... as soon as you are UK citizen you can send your kids to any school and speak any language of your choosing. 101 goes far beyond the initial requirement for emigrants to speak French to be selected for Quebec.


Active Member
Oct 17, 2006

Think before you answer.

You gotta be kidding me ???

Really you take these things, thought, comments on this bored that seriously ???

And yes I thought before I answer, thought about how can I upset an conservative just for the fun of it.

Cheer up


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
Ah... Ok... un autre qui ne vient pas du Québec, qui ne vit pas au Québec et qui se permet de prétendre connaitre l'avenir du Québec...

stop guessing... not all of your assumptions are correct... The life can be much more complicated...


Aug 15, 2011
And you think you can pass judgement on Quebec's society? You should rather worry about a president that labels a whole class of immigrants as rapists, about predominantly white Republican states' attempts at redistricting to suppress the votes of non-white, mostly afro-american and poor members of society. You should question yourself regarding the deep scar slavery has left and the resurgence of white supremacists, the ramming of crowds with pickup trucks, by gun-loving pot-bellied fake tough guys losers who only feel courage when they gang up armed to the teeth against peaceful protesters, in the same manner their predecessors would, with pillow covers on their head.

I am sorry to correct you, but I think you meant I'm disgusting you, not disguising you - after all English is only my second.language and Spanish my third. Let me reassure you: the feeling is entirely reciprocal.


Jun 14, 2015
True, it is a pre-request in almost every country. But... as soon as you are UK citizen you can send your kids to any school and speak any language of your choosing. 101 goes far beyond the initial requirement for emigrants to speak French to be selected for Quebec.

OK... Au Québec, si tu N'ES PAS citoyen, tu peux aussi étudier dans la langue que tu veux. Si tu trouves une institution d'enseignement qui donne ses cours en swahili, vas-y, tu es le bienvenue. Mais tu dois retourner dans ton pays après ta formation...

Et si tu veux devenir citoyen, tu n'es pas obligé de parler français... Si tu parles anglais, tu es le bienvenue quand même et si ta langue maternelle est l'anglais, tes enfants iront à l'école anglaise si c'est ton choix... Mais la langue officielle s'applique pour les étrangers allophones (autre qu'anglais et français) et si tu ne trouves pas ça normal, alors tu n'as rien compris du texte de Julia...


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
. Si tu parles anglais, tu es le bienvenue quand même et si ta langue maternelle est l'anglais, tes enfants iront à l'école anglaise si c'est ton choix... Mais la langue officielle s'applique pour les étrangers allophones (autre qu'anglais et français) et si tu ne trouves pas ça normal, alors tu n'as rien compris du texte de Julia...[/QUOTE]

I mean precisely that. UK law does not discriminate allophones. So allophones are the second class citizens to whom you can dictate? What if one parent is Eglish and the other is French and after divorce kids are staying with the English parent?


Jun 14, 2015
En passant... La loi sur la langue française au Québec ne cible pas uniquement "les autres" langues...

Elle est aussi destinée à faire en sorte que les francophones parlent et écrivent dans un français convenable...

Dans un village de la Mauricie... Environ 2000 habitants. TOUS francophones... La pancarte du garagiste du village disait "le King du moffleur"... non mais tsé... Pour certains, c'est pittoresque. Mais en réalité c'est pathétique car le gars, le propriétaire du garage, ne savait même pas que le mot "silencieux" était le vrai terme pour "muffler".

Et quand tu poussais plus loin, il parlait d'antifrise, de sildebime, de winchire, de wipeur...

Je te rappelle qu'aucun anglais habitait dans ce village....


Jun 14, 2015
I mean precisely that. UK law does not discriminate allophones. So allophones are the second class citizens to whom you can dictate? What if one parent is Eglish and the other is French and after divorce kids are staying with the English parent?

tu n'auras jamais d'ex-père ni d'ex-mère... un de tes parents parle anglais? La loi te permet d'être inscrit à l'école anglaise...


Aug 15, 2011
What if these allophones come from war-torn Syria, have daughters that would have become Isis wives? You think they give a fuck about their kids having to learn French up until high school, and then see them go to university in English? You think they mind having polyglot educated daughters? You think it's not a fantastic heritage to leave them with?

Perspective is not your forte... Wait a minute you might be 21 and still living with your parents for all I know. Why am I wasting so much time trying to shake you up? I'm done here.
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