Montreal Escorts

French Canadian !

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
If Quebec became a Conservative stronghold kiss goodbye to Quebec liberal stripclubs and competitive cost but very high quality escorts. The Conservatives want to enforce social behavior based on the bible. Theocracy is their moto. Remember Harper of the Conservatives made prostitution illegal for the first time in Canadian history.

You just proved my point, you prefer cheap and plentyful escorts over a good economy, if you had a good economy you could afford more expensive escorts. Life is not just cheap escorts.
Has Justine changed any of Harpers laws over prostitution?
Your thoughts on Conservatives is so messed up, you must have been completely brainwashed as a child, now you think is is good to have high debt, high taxes, losing our rights, cost of livinf increases but having plentyful cheap escorts makes up for it.
Here is a secret, Conservatives see escorts, go out and drink at night, some even stay out late, the no strippers in Saskatchewan was a NDP thing, Alberta has GFE ladies but since the market allows it the prices are higher. Alberta until last year was a " Have " province payinf hundreds of billions of dollars to " Have not " provinces, Quebec has been a " Have not " province since 1959, sponging off the west. Yes Conservatives are evil, so evil they spread their wealth to assist Liberal provinces decade after decade and still manage to see and have escorts, and go out drinking at night.
Like I said, wish some peoole here knew about political economics, guess having cheap escorts and late night bars makes up for it.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
You just proved my point, you prefer cheap and plentyful escorts over a good economy, if you had a good economy you could afford more expensive escorts. Life is not just cheap escorts.
Has Justine changed any of Harpers laws over prostitution?
Your thoughts on Conservatives is so messed up hou must have been completely brainwashed as a child, now you think is is good to have high debt, high taxes, losing our rights, cost of livinf increases but having plentyful cheap escorts makes up for it.

STN you said it in another post, you like being paid in Alberta but live in low cost cheap Quebec :) Montreal was what #1 or #2 city in the world as per the economist when you consider quality of life? That was last year and you know what, they are right!


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
It is a win win for me as in savings, I am here for one reason, to make sure my kids get what they need to excel in life, once they are set I am gone.
Montreal is a great city, Quebecers are nice people, your politicians are assholes, all politicians are assholes but Liberals are twice the size.
The cost of living is going up and up and your daily intake is going down but since " you " can afford it there is no problem. Millions are living on the poverty line, every extra tax or cost of living increase effects their quality of life. That should be a concern to people, not where a transgender can pee, not having cheap escorts or late night pubs, not being friendly and allowing nore money to be spent on illegals and which in turn will cost Canadians more loss in their quality of life.
This new Liberal carbon tax will have a negative effect on millions of Canadians. I know my kids and I will survive but millions will have at accept less, less food, less clothes, less shelter. I think of others in the future, not me now. Conservative VS Liberal/NDP.
And I wish people would compare all of Quebec and not just Montreal in their statements, we are talking about a whole province. No other place in Quebec is like Montreal.
Just to add because I do think some of you do not get it. Things are cheap in Quebec because the standard of living is low, escorts are cheap and plentiful because there are not the jobs with the income they need to have a quality of life they like.


New Member
May 22, 2008
Have you eaten at Red Lobster?
I have once in Florida, that was enough.
I totally agree with EB, Red Lobster sucks big time.

McDonald's is not high end, by any means but it is consistent and not all that bad(I mean taste wise), sad to say I took my kids there many times after soccer games, they loved the place.

Mc Donald c'est la marde de clown puis Red Lobster la marde de mer lol .
Point is we lost a great amount of business opportunity


Active Member
Oct 17, 2006
if you had a good economy you could afford more expensive escorts.

the no strippers in Saskatchewan was a NDP thing, .

SP in Quebec = $200.00

Same Quebec SP goes to Alberta prices go up $350 to $400.00 (And maybe non GFE).

So more expensive for the same thing, why ?, is that what you call good economics out West ???

I think NDP is a "West thing" people vote for them over there, here in the East they are more like a Nuisance party.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I wish some of you would take out the escort factor when talking about economics and embellish the rates, it does not go from $200 to $350+. There are plenty of full GFE escorts at 300 or less in Alberta. Thinking good economics revolves around the cost of escorts, funny but sad.


Active Member
Oct 17, 2006
I wish some of you would take out the escort factor when talking about economics and embellish the rates, it does not go from $200 to $350+. There are plenty of full GFE escorts at 300 or less in Alberta. Thinking good economics revolves around the cost of escorts, funny but sad.

This is M Escort RB

References made to escorts because we are in this forum.

If it was a real state forum, or luxury car forum, or other forum, the reference would have been made to economy
and those topics.

The price reference wasn't meant for the local providers (Since I have no idea about them) but the Quebec ones
who were going out West and their prices were going way up to what they were charging in Quebec
(As I was told by them as to why they were going out West so often).

As seen below, your words, economy and more expensive escorts.

if you had a good economy you could afford more expensive escorts.


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
SP in Quebec = $200.00

Same Quebec SP goes to Alberta prices go up $350 to $400.00 (And maybe non GFE).

So more expensive for the same thing, why ?, is that what you call good economics out West ???

In Winnipeg where I live there are at most five decent SPs.
There are dozens of ads in backpage but none I'd pay to see. Most would have to pay me. A lot.
Many guys here (in Winnipeg) don't bother with locals and only see touring ladies.
Also touring SP's have a lot more expenses than someone with an incall in Montreal.

So very high demand and limited supply=high prices

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009

I could pretty much sum up your post in this... Yes governement enforce french but that is because we let waves and waves of immigrant in all the time. We need to ensure these peoples are able to speak french. Yes french has to be dominating in QC. We can't let everyone come here and just allow them to do whatever the fuck they want. This is the way to preserve the french culture and and i couldn't care less if you consider this fascism or communism or whatever. In russia you do as the russian. Apply this to QC. Yes i do think partly immigration was responsible for the loss of the referandum, one of QUEBEC'S DARKESS MOMENTS in modern time. I was just 10 at the time... so i wasn't aware of what it meant. Now as an adult i realize how that day will be remember forever as the failure of Quebec.

As for the FLQ like i said they had some good ideas at first but the way they decided to go was atrociously wrong. Murder and bombs will never be a solution for anything !!! And for that even separatist like me will condemn the group.

Quant a ce qui concerne les conservateur... autant j'ai detesté Harper, autant en ce moment je me dit que j'ai echangé "the devil i knew for the devil i don't know" et on a bien pire. Le NPD est surement la solution medianne a ces 2 extremes que je supporte pas. Mais au Quebec on a le Bloc et du coup je prefer voté Bloc que NPD, ces mon devoir de Quebecois.

Quant au Provincial on a certainement pas besoin des conservateurs. On a le partie Quebecois. Je vais avouer que ya une election ou j'ai voté Option National a la place, parce que Pauline et ces chaudrons j'etait pas capable. Je supportais pas Matante Pauline pentoute... Mais bon bien que je suis pas le plus grand fan de Lysée il fera la job. Je crois que Paul St-Pierre Plamondon est le futur du PQ personellement, meme s'il est pas encore assez connus. Le gars est de loin le meilleur selon moi.


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
When are you moving to Mtl?

I fly out whenever I can. She's worth it.

I would rather have a spectacular session every few months than a forgettable (and regrettable) one weekly.

There are a few women in Vancouver charging 800 per hour.
Lots are 500-600 per hour.
A new trend is minimum 2 hour bookings.
None of these women are of Montreal level quality.
They are excellent at marketing themselves, they would be lucky to get 250 in Montreal.
The huge influx of Asian cash has thrown the market crazy.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005

I could pretty much sum up your post in this... Yes governement enforce french but that is because we let waves and waves of immigrant in all the time. We need to ensure these peoples are able to speak french. Yes french has to be dominating in QC. We can't let everyone come here and just allow them to do whatever the fuck they want. This is the way to preserve the french culture and and i couldn't care less if you consider this fascism or communism or whatever. In russia you do as the russian. Apply this to QC. Yes i do think partly immigration was responsible for the loss of the referandum, one of QUEBEC'S DARKESS MOMENTS in modern time.

Your thoughts are obvious to me. You are a xenophobic separatist. This is very evident. Your thoughts represent everything that people tried to run away from that is fascism and communism. But do not think I am a fool to believe your lies or that of the PQ about this being about preservation... This is about DOMINANCE. You do not care if people have the choice and freedom to choose you want to enforce it on them. Nothing else matters to you so long as everything is in French. Fortunately many French Canadians do not think like you. Many have even moved out of this province. I meet many of them in Toronto. People like you are in the minority and the movement is falling each day. The PQ btw was trying to sell more of its Nazi type nonsense they want to restrict Allophones and Francophones from attending English post-secondary education and they also want to cut funding to English post-secondary schools. The PQ is loosing support everyday. That is old school mentality of the 60's and you belong to those people. Good thing most French Canadians are open minded people. BTW the other provinces do not have measures to ensure if immigrants speak English. See the difference. The other provinces are open and welcoming while Quebec is jealous and fearful. Quebec has lost a lot due to these types of laws. But you know to hell with it so long as everything is in French does not matter if Quebec's economy is going down the toilet.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
You just proved my point, you prefer cheap and plentyful escorts over a good economy, if you had a good economy you could afford more expensive escorts. Life is not just cheap escorts.
Has Justine changed any of Harpers laws over prostitution?
Your thoughts on Conservatives is so messed up, you must have been completely brainwashed as a child, now you think is is good to have high debt, high taxes, losing our rights, cost of livinf increases but having plentyful cheap escorts makes up for it.

Like I said, wish some peoole here knew about political economics, guess having cheap escorts and late night bars makes up for it.

So is that what you are doing? Are you booking Alberta escorts? Last time you were complaining about there being no escorts in Fort McMurray? Plus you made a review once of a stripclub in that region. It does not matter how much money you make what matters is how much of it is leftover after all the expenses like housing/rent, groceries, automobiles, etc.. Sure you might make more money but also the cost of living is much higher. This is what you wrote

I have, Alberta income with Drummondville cost of living, my $165 K house in Drummondville would be $500 K plus in Calgary. Movie for 2 in Sherbrooke is $35 and $50 in Calgary. Escorts $200 compared to $300.

So what is the use of a higher income? You know that Montreal has the most variety of escorts and not only are the prices lower but they are also far more beautiful and give top GFE service. You will not find that ever at Calgary but maybe if you payed $500/hr. Stripclubs in Quebec offer so much and you know that. The Conservatives believe in trickle down economics which has consistently proven to be a failure each time. In a conservative world the top 1% rich get richer. And sure the province might be rich but most of the wealth is being hoarded by the top 1%. Toronto has been ruined by Conservative premier Mike Harris for example who removed rent control. Now the prices are out of control. Good for the rich who own but sucks for new immigrants who want to make something of themselves but all their money is being taken by greedy business owners. Very great your conservatives. BTW since I know you will jump on this one I am not a Liberal supporter also. All they want to do is jack up taxes and give them to refugees and people who have kids. The Liberals like Justine are also feminists. If you ask me I think all politicians and parties suck. But I can never vote for a conservative because they are about theocracy and traditional family values. I hate tradition. I am atheist and do not give a shit about The Bible or any other religion and I like escorts, stripclubs, etc.. I want to see sexual services available everywhere like in Amsterdam. No Conservative will ever support that. If you like going to church every Sunday and only having sex with your wife then by all means go to where the Conservatives are. One last thing in a Conservative government you got no rights. They enforce social behavior. No escorts, no abortion, etc.. Yep I like late night bars, 24 hours fast food joints. That is what makes a city fun and not boring and lame like the Prairie provinces.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Your thoughts are obvious to me. You are a xenophobic separatist. BTW the other provinces do not have measures to ensure if immigrants speak English. See the difference.

Separatist yes, xenophobic not so much. But be my guest to keep believing it if it make you feel better. I guess the japanese are all xenophobic as well then.

The other provinces does not have to enforce english but there is 9 of them, a full freaking country speaking the language. You know as much as me english has NO RISK what so ever to be outthroned as the main language in Canada. even if it was not the most common language possible, and it is.

The PQ, even tough it had its bad moment, was made to represent the Quebecois, cause none other party, either from then or now, can do this properly. They don't always succeed, oh was i ashamed of Aunty Pauline and her damn cauldrons, but they try there best.

Your main problem is that you see Quebec as a province that want to rebel, a province who can't conform to its english surrounding.

We on the other hand, we want freedom, we want our language to yes i say say dominate in our OWN HOME !!!

Simple as that.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Separatist yes, xenophobic not so much. But be my guest to keep believing it if it make you feel better. I guess the japanese are all xenophobic as well then.

The other provinces does not have to enforce english but there is 9 of them, a full freaking country speaking the language. You know as much as me english has NO RISK what so ever to be outthroned as the main language in Canada. even if it was not the most common language possible, and it is.

Your main problem is that you see Quebec as a province that want to rebel, a province who can't conform to its english surrounding.

We on the other hand, we want freedom, we want our language to yes i say say dominate in our OWN HOME !!!

You are again in denial and believe the lies of the PQ. Do you even know the meaning of freedom? Do you know what your ancestors even fought for? Freedom and democracy. The right to choose and also the Human Charter of Rights Canada. The Japanese do not have language enforcement laws and neither do they have a $19 million budget per year on for the language police. Did you ever think at how ludicrous this is to enforce a language and to have such a large budget for the language police officially known as the OQLF? Quebec also does not need to enforce French. The majority of Quebec was mostly French with the exception of Montreal. As I explained to you in one of my posts and also Sam21 has mentioned to you but you seem to have tunnel vision. The reason why the separatists rebelled was due to their jealousy and fear. The international language was English and since most major businesses were doing their business in English for obvious reasons those closed minded French people were locked out of the decision making high paying management jobs. But they could have learned English. Knowing both languages is empowerment. It is better for yourself and everyone else. Knowledge is power. A lot of the younger generation of today are fluently bilingual. The language was never in jeopardy. It was jealous closed minded people who wanted it to be French ONLY. Instead of thinking as Quebec conforming to its English surrounding why not think Quebec adopt both official languages just like New Brunswick? But the xenophobes want Quebec to be unilingual French. You want to know how petty the xenophobes are? They made a big issue about the way PK Subban's name was being pronounced. They said this is Quebec and it should be "Pé Ka" instead of "Pee Kay". Imagine how petty they are. Loool


Jun 14, 2015
Chaque pays d'Europe a ses propres lois pour protéger la "langue de la maison"... En Italie, par exemple, il y a environ 15 diialectes avec une langue commune. CHAQUE dialecte est protégé par des lois.

Pourquoi est-ce que le Québec ne pourrait-il pas obtenir la même chose?

En Europe, il y a combien de pays déjà? Avec combien de langues distinctes? Chacune ayant un rapport de force comparable avec les autres. Donc, le combat de la préservation linguistique est égalitaire d'un pays à l'autre. Personne n'aurait l'idée que l'allemand pourrait assimiler l'italien, par exemple...

En Amérique du Nord, c'est complètement différent... Il y a TROIS langues. Mais l'espagnol n'est certainement pas menacé de disparaitre ou de se faire étouffer par l'anglais car il y a un "backup" plus au sud. On pourrait même étirer la sauce en disant que l'anglais est menacé par l'espagnol dans certains états des USA.

Alors... Imaginez les 8 millions de francophones éparpillés en Amérique du Nord face aux 350 000 000 d'anglophones... Le "petit" Québec (avec les quelques survivants en Ontario, au Nouveau-Brunswick, Au Manitoba et en Saskatchewan) représente 2,2% de la proportion linguistique en Amérique du Nord si on exclue le Mexique...

Venez donc ensuite prétendre que le français n'est pas menacé... Venez donc prétendre que les francophones sont xénophobes... Dans 10 ans, les francophones vont représenter moins de 2% de la population de l'Amérique du Nord si on ne fait rien.


Jun 14, 2015
Il y a un monde de différence entre "protéger" et "attaquer"...

La loi 101 n'attaque pas l'anglais... Elle protège le français...

La loi 101 est une arme DÉFENSIVE...

En parallèle, le PQ fait au Québec, pour les francophones, ce que la NRA fait aux USA pour les propriétaires d'armes à feu...

CLOUD... es-tu francophobe? Je te pose la question car ta réaction et tes écrits vont dans le même sens que ce que tu reproches à la loi 101. Tu es agressivement contre la protection du français. Si rien n'est fait pour protéger le français en Amérique du Nord, le québécois va devenir un personnage folkorique au même titre que le cajun...

En passant... l'exemple de la langue japonaise est tirée par les cheveux. Quelle langue pourrait remplacer et effacer le japonais au Japon?

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
The Japanese do not have language enforcement laws and neither do they have a $19 million budget per year on for the language police. They made a big issue about the way PK Subban's name was being pronounced. They said this is Quebec and it should be "Pé Ka" instead of "Pee Kay". Imagine how petty they are. Loool

I used the japanese for exemple cause there immigration policies are very strick and they let VERY few immigrants in compared to us or other countries. They don't need a solution to a problem they don't have. So they don't need any language laws. Just for fun, do you know how popular is the XBOX ONE in japan? Or even its predecessor the 360? The Xbox One X is even sold as a 4K blu ray player in some store, not even a game consol. The japanese are ULTRA CONSERVATIVE of there culture and heritage. They won't let americans take over there for instance. Thats why i asked you if you consider them xenophobic as well.

And i find the PK Subban thing very idiotic as well. A name is a name and should be pronounced the way it was given at birth. If its Pee Kay then its Pee Kay and not Pé Ka. But just as the same they should say MARTIN BRODEUR and not Matine Broudure when pronouncing his name. Christophe Lambert is a french acteur, its not Christopher Lamberte. When somebodies name is OLIVIER its not Oliver, yet most english speakers seem to auto translate it for some reason. This is something that always annoyed me...

TV is also guiilty of this, i see names like Amber being translated to Ambre... wich not only sound weird but Amber is such a beautifull name to start with.

And i don't have a problem with english being an international language. As you say most countries use it for business with other countries. You can't ask a director of enterprise to learn russian just like that in a matter of weeks, then learn german etc etc. The difference is again Russian will never be threatened by english in there country. The transactions with other country is one thing but domestically it stay Russian. Here its not the same.

And you are right on one thing, yes its better to learn multiple languages. I have been trying to learn Russian on and off since a while now but man is it complicated. My argument is that in our home it should never be an issue. When in Quebec everything should be in french, signs, menus, services from clerks etc. Not everybody want to learn english and they should not have to do it. Your argument is always travels and enterprise. I know im in the land of "big shots" here on merb. Most peoples here make lots of $ and have compagnies and such. Good for them. But some of us work in good ol Quebec locally as clerks, delivery guys or whatever. And therefore we only need one language. And with today's devices its pretty easy to just pull out your phone, use google translator if you really need to understand what a person says.
Toronto Escorts