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French Canadian !

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Just my opinion but it should be up to the families to keep the French thing goimg in Quebec, if the parents do not pass things on kind of sucks. Everyone I know in small town Quebec has a strong French upbringing, where it is being lost is in Montreal. With the Liberals and Trudeau claiming that the immigrants have more rights and respect for Canada than Canadians what do you expect.
We have a Liberal Muslim MP that motioned a law against speaking bad against Islam, we now have a possibility of a NDP leader being Sikh. When Trudeau gets punted he may win.
With separation talk, there is more of a chance of Alberta and Sask leaving Canada than Quebec, people are getting real pissed at Justine.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
If it was just as simple. Some peoples have "heritage" and get the money out of there parents. Other just as natural talents at something. I could push as hard as i would to be a doctor, i could not do it, i would faint before i open up somebody lol. I could push as hard as i could to be a lawyer (what i wanted to do as a kid, to help peoples) and yet my terrible memory prevent me from going even near it.

I don't even have the good look or whatever to become a popular streamer or something that would be more in my cords of doing.

I was only 18-19 and i knew my life would always be like it is today. I tried many times to return to school, even managed to get my DES but this is as far as i can...

Not everybody is the same...

And Sol yeah that motion you talk about is an abomination. I can't believe such thing even could pass like that.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Thanks Sam. Futur will tell i guess.

In any case just wanna inform everybody the debate is closed on my side with Cloud. I said everything i had to said and its turning around since a while now. Nobody will convince the other he is right.


Active Member
Oct 17, 2006
With separation talk, there is more of a chance of Alberta and Sask leaving Canada than Quebec, people are getting real pissed at Justine.

This kind of sounds as good news...

Alberta gone, the rest of Canada won't be dealing with the Harpers and the conservatives and their views anymore.

And you mean Albertans (People) getting pissed...not the rest of the Canadian people, who are fairly very happy with the way the
economy is going recently, traveling people are enjoying their vacations thank to the dollar going up (Must be because of Justin I guess).


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Cruiser I am doing most of my business in US dollars. I am pissed that our economy is doing well and our dollar going up!!



Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
Bill 101 has only one purpose: to promote Quebec separation. It is easier to manipulate people that do not know English and thus are language and culturally isolated. There are many other ways to preserve language and culture which are hardly used now. All over the world even in the first world countries are distinct societies having much worse situations then Quebec French. Look at Basks and Catalonians in Spain, Corsicans in France, Welch in UK etc., etc. And guess, nobody has or allowed to have local law like 101. As for visiting hobbyists like me we would win tremendously if Quebec separates. The property value will drop in Montreal like a rock (we have seen it), SP’s prices will drop too especially if Quebec will be forced out of Canadian dollar and working outside of Quebec will be as difficult for girls as now in the US and local demand will shrink due to a slump in economy. By the way I predict Quebec will drop 101 right after achieving independence even just for economic reasons.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
This kind of sounds as good news...

Alberta gone, the rest of Canada won't be dealing with the Harpers and the conservatives and their views anymore.

And you mean Albertans (People) getting pissed...not the rest of the Canadian people, who are fairly very happy with the way the
economy is going recently, traveling people are enjoying their vacations thank to the dollar going up (Must be because of Justin I guess).

Serious? People are happy with the economy, higher debt, higher cost of living, more taxes to come. Liberals are a strange bunch of people.
If there was no equalization payments Alberta would have a 200 billion surplus and Quebec could add 300 billiom to theirs, sorry butLiberals/socialists no nothing of an economy.
Lets say you have a credit card with a 50K limit and you spend it, then you get a 20K addition with a 3% interest increase, in your mind it that a good thing? Think before you answer.


Jun 14, 2015
Je me suis toujours demandé pourquoi les anglos du Québec qui sont contre le concept de société distincte et contre l'autonomie de la province endurent les persécutions dont ils disent être victimes...

Pourquoi les anglos hors-Québec n'acceptent pas que le Québec soit autonome et, en même temps, ils affirment que le Québec est un boulet pour l'économie du Canada car il profite de la péréquation.

Le Canada serait donc plus riche sans le Québec... Mais alors?


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Chaque pays d'Europe a ses propres lois pour protéger la "langue de la maison"... En Italie, par exemple, il y a environ 15 diialectes avec une langue commune. CHAQUE dialecte est protégé par des lois.

Pourquoi est-ce que le Québec ne pourrait-il pas obtenir la même chose?

Nowhere in the world are their language enforcement laws. No place in Europe are there laws to shove a language down everyones throats or to enforce businesses to have to use a specific language. The choice is made by the people and businesses based on the demand. Those are two different things. Quebec has a very draconian approach to it. Even the US with so much Spanish does not have English enforcement laws.

Alors... Imaginez les 8 millions de francophones éparpillés en Amérique du Nord face aux 350 000 000 d'anglophones... Le "petit" Québec (avec les quelques survivants en Ontario, au Nouveau-Brunswick, Au Manitoba et en Saskatchewan) représente 2,2% de la proportion linguistique en Amérique du Nord si on exclue le Mexique...

Funny you mention this within the province of Quebec the city of Montreal is a distinct city. English is centralized in Montreal only. Go outside of Montreal and it is all French. So why Montreal cannot gain an exception as Quebec can?

Il y a un monde de différence entre "protéger" et "attaquer"...

La loi 101 n'attaque pas l'anglais... Elle protège le français...

La loi 101 est une arme DÉFENSIVE...

The law is being used to attack English. It always has. They restrict Francophones and Allophones from attending English primary and secondary education. French signs got to be twice the size as the English one. The PQ is now proposing to extend the restrictions to post secondary education to restrict Francophones and Allophones from attending English post secondary education. They also want to reduced funding to English language post secondary education to be in line with the demographics of the English population. And here you are telling me it is not to attack? Presently the English minority are being treated as second class citizens. And who are you kidding this is not about protection or defense this is about DOMINANCE it is a direct offensive attack against English. Bill 101 is being used to ensure that French dominates all other languages. This is their goal. The laws are very severe not too different in what you would find in a communist or fascist government. Just be honest in that you want it French everywhere.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Je me suis toujours demandé pourquoi les anglos du Québec qui sont contre le concept de société distincte et contre l'autonomie de la province endurent les persécutions dont ils disent être victimes...

Pourquoi les anglos hors-Québec n'acceptent pas que le Québec soit autonome et, en même temps, ils affirment que le Québec est un boulet pour l'économie du Canada car il profite de la péréquation.

Is this not how the separatist xenophobes thought? Why they could not accept that Montreal was a distinct city? Why do the Francophones not accept that Montreal should be autonomous? Here is a great idea why not Quebec separates from Canada and Montreal will separate from Quebec and join Canada? Problem solved?


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
The "Bill 101 was enacted to protect French" posts crack me up and make me laugh. The greatest threat to the subjugation of French language and culture is assimilation. I said this previously, do any of the defenders of Bill 101 ride in taxis in Montreal? In most of them Bill 101 is not observed, as different languages and cultures are being spoken/practiced. Such persons are having babies with French Canadian men/women and the babies are raised speaking other languages and learning their non French parent's culture. Assimilation is defeating the people who are standing up for Bill 101. Slowly each generation a bigger and bigger defeat is handed. Eventually, maybe some hundreds of years from now, the defeat will be complete. At that point maybe Chinese or English will be the dominant languages and French will still be spoken but not as the official language but a third language. Maybe even 4th behind Arabic.

There is no point in standing in the way of that which is already happening and even being facilitated by other laws. Such as immigration laws. Bill 101 and liberal immigration laws are mutually exclusive, pointing out the true xenophobic nature of the former.


Jun 14, 2015
CLOUD... Cherche... Google est ton ami...

La majorité des pays d'Europe ont des règles linguistiques... Je n'invente rien.

Ton idée de "Montréal distincte"... C'est drôle que tu apportes ça. En dehors de MTL, la plupart des gens sont anti loi 101 (sauf au Lac St-Jean). La lutte pour la protection du français est sur l'île de MTL... Ailleurs, les gens ne comprennent pas pourquoi il faut protéger le français. Ils ne se sentent pas menacés car les anglais NE VEULENT PAS ALLER EN RÉGION. Pourtant, les anglais sont les bienvenues partout au Québec.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005

Well said. In a free society it is up to the people to decide. Any language where such laws as severe as what we have in Quebec is needed then the language does not deserve to survive. It just makes no sense. Globalization is merging many cultures together. Empowerment is to embrace the change and to learn more languages.


Jun 14, 2015

Tu as raison... À MTL, il parait que l'anglais n'est même plus la deuxième langue parlée à la maison... Le nombre d'allophones dépasserait désormais le nombre d'anglais de souche à MTL.


Aug 15, 2011
Gimme a break


Well said. In a free society it is up to the people to decide. Any language where such laws as severe as what we have in Quebec is needed then the language does not deserve to survive. It just makes no sense. Globalization is merging many cultures together. Empowerment is to embrace the change and to learn more languages.

Give me a break with that natural selection bullshit. Laws of nature do not have to be applied to cultural phenomena. We can use our good judgement and alter the course of events for the common good. There is no attack or persecution of anglophones in Quebec. I used to work in an office where francophones would systematically switch to English even when there's a single anglophone in the room, even when we perfectly know that person has command of French. Even when I'm alone with such a person will I speak English, in order not to appear as this fanatic separatist... The truth is, English is much easier than French, and mandating that non-anglophone kids learn it first, up until high school, is not exaggerated. Doesn't mean teaching of ESL to kids couldn't be improved.

I live outside of Quebec now and my kids have become English speakers and writers within 2 years, matching the natives. I'm convinced this couldn't have been as fast for French, with its complex verb tenses, grammar rules, etc.

From where I live now, Quebec appears extremely moderate, tolerant, and centrist politically. Racism? Believe me that Quebec is a joke in that sense compared to where I live, where black parents tell teenagers to keep their hands on the wheel if they get arrested.

The propensity of some montreal anglos to perpetuate a dishonest representation of the facts in itself constitutes a form of passive-aggressive discrimination.

I defy any anglophone on this board to translate my post to French, themselves, in a level that matches my level of English, me the son of French/Quebecois parents. Good luck with that.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Any language where such laws as severe as what we have in Quebec is needed then the language does not deserve to survive.

Ok, HAHAHAHAHA, let's talk severe laws.

welcome to the UK where, to move there, :

You might need to prove your knowledge of the English language if you’re 18 or over and applying for citizenship or to settle in the UK (known as ‘indefinite leave to remain’). Your citizenship or settlement application will be refused if you send the wrong qualifications. If you’re already in the UK you may be able to extend your permission to stay, so that you can prove your knowledge of English.

You don’t need to prove your knowledge of English only if you’re:

aged 65 or over
unable to, because of a long-term physical or mental condition
You must provide a completed exemption form or letter from a doctor confirming your physical or mental condition.
If you come from certain specific countries

There are no other exemptions if you’re applying to become a British citizen. You must have a relevant English language qualification even if you were exempt when you were granted settlement.

As for settlement....
You don’t need to prove your knowledge of English if you’re applying as:

-a victim of domestic violence as the partner or spouse of a British citizen or someone settled in the UK
-the partner or spouse of a person who has died who was either a British citizen or someone settled in the UK
-an adult dependent relative between 18 and 64 of someone who is present and settled in the UK, is a refugee or has humanitarian protection
-a refugee living in the UK

And a few others.

Not going to post the full law. Use your brain for once and look it up.

Not sure but I think un the UK, too, businesses need to identify their services in English. You cannot call your restaurant ''Au délicieux casse-croûte'' unless you add an English description stating it is a restaurant. Seems familiar to me, we do that with French and businesses in Quebec.

So I'm guessing you think English doesn't deserve to survive in the UK. Not surprised haha I mean, you're the type of human who thinks everyone on the planet deserves to die :)
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