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French Canadian !


Jun 23, 2013
(J'essaierai de faire ça en français.) Je habite en Californie. Je vais souvent au Mexique. Là-bas il y a plein de magasins avec des nommes en anglais. Peut-être un peu drôle. Mais ça me semble mieux que de obliger
tous les noms à être en espagnol.


Active Member
Oct 17, 2006
Cruiser I am doing most of my business in US dollars. I am pissed that our economy is doing well and our dollar going up!!


I have friends in the same shoes as yours, the buyer is happy, the exporter is not happy.

Of course our American friends are not happy either as the "Discount" of hobbying is less with the strong Can $.

As always, some win some loose.


Jun 14, 2015
(J'essaierai de faire ça en français.) Je habite en Californie. Je vais souvent au Mexique. Là-bas il y a plein de magasins avec des nommes en anglais. Peut-être un peu drôle. Mais ça me semble mieux que de obliger
tous les noms à être en espagnol.

Bravo pour ton effort de parler français :)

Crois-tu que l'espagnol est en danger au Mexique? Crois-tu que la langue anglaise est une menace pouvant mener à la disparition de la pratique de langue espagnole?

En passant... Je doute que ce que tu mentionnes soit répandu dans tous le pays... Ça doit être surtout concentré aux abords de la frontière avec les USA pour attirer les dollar$ US...


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
En passant... La loi sur la langue française au Québec ne cible pas uniquement "les autres" langues...

Elle est aussi destinée à faire en sorte que les francophones parlent et écrivent dans un français convenable...

Je te rappelle qu'aucun anglais habitait dans ce village....

I have been told that in France is almost the same amount of Anglicanisms as in Quebec only different. Germans and Spanish also complain. C'est la vie, welcome to the global world :). Everything evolves and changes with the fast progress of technology. Seventy percent of the internet content is in English. It is unavoidable that in some not so distant future all world population will speak the same language that will be fused from many (Chinese will probably play larger role than most) and today English and French will be studied as archaic and extinct.


Active Member
Aug 9, 2017
C'est toujours la même histoire qui se répète. Dès qu'on demande à quelqu'un de maîtriser une autre langue que l'anglais, C'est la fin du monde. Est-ce que quelqu'un crit au racisme quand on demande aux allophones de maîtriser l'anglais pour vivre dans des pays anglophone? Est-ce qu'on remet en question le droit aux clients anglophones d'être servi en anglais chez eux? Est-ce que même on songerait à ne pas les servir en anglais? Jamais. Mais ici, au Québec, C'est la catastrophe dès qu'on demande à quelqu'un de maîtriser notre langue nationale.

D'ailleurs, ces si grands défenseurs du droit des allophones, les aimeriez-vous autant s'ils refuseraient d'apprendre l'anglais?

Pensez-vous que l'anglais ne s'impose pas dans le monde, Vous? En Australie, il y a un projet de loi pour jeter dehors les immigrants ne parlant pas assez bien l'anglais. En c.-britanique, les commissions scolaires francophones sont obligées de traduire leurs documents en anglais pour aller en cours. C'est drôle. Je n'ai entendu personne crier au racisme pour ça.


Professional browser
Aug 17, 2017
in some not so distant future all world population will speak the same language

There's a difference between "everyone will speak the same language" and "everyone will be able to speak one common language"

Being able to speak English and use it in business situations, for example, doesn't mean we need to forget our mother tongue.

And even if French, English, Spanish and all other languages are doomed to disappear one day to be replaced with Mandarin, isn't it natural for the people who speak these languages today to try to make them last as long as possible?


Jun 14, 2015
C'est correct pour moi que l'anglais serve de langue commune entre les différentes cultures. Il faut bien se comprendre. C'est valorisant d'apprendre plusieurs langues. Mais c'est plus pratique d'en avoir une qui puisse être utilisée partout dans le monde (ou presque).

Pour les échanges commerciaux et le tourisme international, c'est correct.

Mais que chaque culture de la planète puisse protéger sa langue d'usage domestique, ça devrait aller de soi. Si tu veux t'établir quelque part pour y vivre, tu devras t'adapter aux us et coutumes de l'endroit ET apprendre la langue locale.


Aug 15, 2011
Invalid argument

I have been told that in France is almost the same amount of Anglicanisms as in Quebec only different. Germans and Spanish also complain. C'est la vie, welcome to the global world :). Everything evolves and changes with the fast progress of technology. Seventy percent of the internet content is in English. It is unavoidable that in some not so distant future all world population will speak the same language that will be fused from many (Chinese will probably play larger role than most) and today English and French will be studied as archaic and extinct.

If you have a lethal disease for which your doctor tells you there is a cure, will you forego treatment simply because death is an inevitable faith anyway?

This demonstrates the invalidity of your argument: mankind is better equipped than ever before to preserve knowledge. Just because it's very likely that some languages will disappear does not mean that we should passively await that faith, especially given the means at our disposal.

The will to survive is deeply entrenched in human nature, the contrary attitude can't be presented as the norm.


Apr 9, 2017
Why is everyone assuming Mandarin will be the dominating language? It is very difficult to learn for any one whose mother tongue is an alphabetic language. If there will be a day that all human kind is speaking one language, then my bet is on English.

saying that, I don't see this happening in a foreseeable future.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
C'est correct pour moi que l'anglais serve de langue commune entre les différentes cultures. Il faut bien se comprendre. C'est valorisant d'apprendre plusieurs langues. Mais c'est plus pratique d'en avoir une qui puisse être utilisée partout dans le monde (ou presque).

Pour les échanges commerciaux et le tourisme international, c'est correct.

Mais que chaque culture de la planète puisse protéger sa langue d'usage domestique, ça devrait aller de soi. Si tu veux t'établir quelque part pour y vivre, tu devras t'adapter aux us et coutumes de l'endroit ET apprendre la langue locale.

Maybe I am naive but I think in the future mankind will outgrow the nation divide together with the sentiments towards the language of ancestors. I am personally indifferent to the skin color or person’s mother tongue as soon as it is intelligent and decent human being. I consider people are close to me if they share my life philosophy and are close professionally.

Let me cite some interpretation based on Kurt Vonnegut novel “Cat’s Cradle”
By Gregory McNamee

“Last summer, I traveled to Northern Virginia to attend the fortieth reunion of my high-school class. As I entered the hotel ballroom and surveyed the scene, a couple of questions inevitably came to mind: “Who are all these old people?” “Where are my people?”
If the late novelist Kurt Vonnegut were answering the first question, he might say, “All those old people are your granfalloon.” To the second he would say, “Ah, you seek your karass.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
Why is everyone assuming Mandarin will be the dominating language? It is very difficult to learn for any one whose mother tongue is an alphabetic language. If there will be a day that all human kind is speaking one language, then my bet is on English.

saying that, I don't see this happening in a foreseeable future.

My friend linguist says that spoken Mandarin is not difficult and is very logical. The writing is indeed very difficult. So probably writing of the future universal lingua franca will be based on the latin alphabet. If almost half of the world population is now Chinese and the economic power shifts East why the world will continue to communicate in English?


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005

As-tu déjà lu les articles de la loi 101?

I am not on Merb all day so yes I read it now. But read carefully. This is about linguistic rights it does not talk about enforcement of language as in nationalist countries with severe strict laws as in communist and fascist countries. Right now Quebec is trying to eradicate English from Montreal. English has been a big part of Montreal and they were jealous. Let me clue you in on the true reasons. Many of the old school mentality Catholic French people tended to drop out of school as such many did not know English and the French was not at the scholar level. They were locked out of the decision making high paying management jobs. Lets face it many businesses who invest were from the US and many also Canadian. The management were Anglophones so yes it was logical to work in English. IT and softwares were in English. Those closed minded people did not want to learn English so instead cause problems and the extremists decided to form a terrorists organization called the FLQ. You do know about that do you not? You cannot fool me. No one in Europe is enforcing language. They are not required to have a language with signs be twice as large. They also do not have a $19 million budget annually for the language police. Tell me more. Quebec has the most strictest and most severe language laws in the world. Other countries have them also but not anywhere as severe as in Quebec. All products got to have bilingual signs only to accommodate one province. Imagine that. You think Montreal separating is silly well Quebec separating is also silly.

The spirit of Bill 101 was to give French Canadians the right to be served in French and to work in French. But the bill is being used as a tool to have French dominate all other languages and to completely eradicate English. Why have laws to restrict Francophones and Allophones to go to English language elementary and secondary schools? What is the purpose of that? Do English people not have any rights? That link you sent me does not apply to Quebec. Now the PQ wants to restrict access to English language post secondary schools to Franciphones and Allophones and also cut funding to English language post secondary schools. English is slowly dying in Quebec and one by one English language elementary and secondary schools are closing down one by one due to reduced enrollment not because parents do not want to send their kids to them but because of Quebec severe laws. And you are telling me this is about preservation? From what planet are you from. Do not bullshit me. This is about DOMINANCE and the complete ERADICATION of English from Quebec. That article you sent me is a pile of horse manor. English people have no linguistic rights as far as I am concerned.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Give me a break with that natural selection bullshit. Laws of nature do not have to be applied to cultural phenomena. We can use our good judgement and alter the course of events for the common good. There is no attack or persecution of anglophones in Quebec. The truth is, English is much easier than French, and mandating that non-anglophone kids learn it first, up until high school, is not exaggerated. Doesn't mean teaching of ESL to kids couldn't be improved.

I live outside of Quebec now and my kids have become English speakers and writers within 2 years, matching the natives. I'm convinced this couldn't have been as fast for French, with its complex verb tenses, grammar rules, etc.

From where I live now, Quebec appears extremely moderate, tolerant, and centrist politically. Racism? Believe me that Quebec is a joke in that sense compared to where I live, where black parents tell teenagers to keep their hands on the wheel if they get arrested.

So you never heard of freedom? The human charter of rights? So you rather live in communist North Korea? Loool Presently Quebec is enforcing French on everyone to ensure it DOMINATES all other languages. I believe nationalism to be bad. I just do not believe it. That is old world mentality. We live in a time of globalization and mass immigration. With so many languages there needs to be an international language also. The European Union has proposed a common language since there are so many dialects. Having said that as I said before most French Canadians are open and speak both languages fluently. Remember Quebec is restricting Francophones and Allophones from attending English elementary and secondary schools. These laws are proof that they want people to be UNILINGUAL French. Many Francophone parents would like to send their kids to English schools but cannot due to Quebec strict laws. You are fluently bilingual that is power to you. It is better to know more languages. The PQ is trying to propose to restrict Francophones and Allophones from attending English language post secondary school and to reduce funding. Do you really think this has anything to do with preservation? You are right Quebec as become quiet moderate but that is due to the people who now have an open mind and understand that is is better for them to be bilingual. There are still a small minority of seperatists who want it to be all French but that is in the minority. The support to PQ is falling everyday. The PQ will eventually be off the map. Their platform is old school not many people are following that anymore. The PQ is promoting closed mindedness and nationalism. I do agree with you on this that English is much easier to learn.


Aug 15, 2011
Reality distorsion

So you never heard of freedom.......

You are perceiving reality in a completely distorted way. I've spent the largest part of my life living in Quebec and have never felt English was on the retreat, on the contrary. Full access to it on TV, Radio; pretty prevalent in Montreal, where one can easily live in English only if they please. I grew up with English pretty much surrounding me, and the advent of the internet has only contributed to accentuate that phenomenon.

Reduction of attendance in English schools can only be partly explained by language laws:

Part of this drop also stems from Anglo parents sending their kids to French school! Why do you think? Because that's their opportunity to learn a language that they otherwise would not grow up to be good at - as I said previously, French is simply more difficult than English. Parents like these take this as an immersion opportunity for their kids, knowing very well that this won't hamper their grasp of their mother tongue.

There is no secret plan for the DOMINANCE of French. It is a widely accepted fact among francophones that English is the second language of the whole planet. Not sure why you mention Europe: over there too, English is learned as the planet's lingua franca.

You have a far too acute sense of persecution. Quebec's language laws do not prevent you as an anglophone from accessing education, health care, etc., in English. I've lived in the ROC: it has nothing on Quebec regarding the treatment of its minorities.

The bulk of your frustration comes from the allophones not being able to send their kids to English schools: this betrays a sense of lost status. The immigrants being able to send their kids to English school would guarantee the DOMINANCE of English and the gradual eradication of French in the province, a generation would suffice, and you know it.

Well, English is dominant enough in Quebec and the world that it doesn't need the eradication of French in the province. Using social Darwinism as a justification constitutes an invalid argument, as I explained: your own paranoia regarding the disappearance of English in Quebec itself shows that you certainly do not want social Darwinism applied to you, right?

The mere fact that I'm replying to you in your own language is proof of the fact that French people in Quebec pay an extreme importance to the value of English as an international communication tool.

And please quit it with that old school Anglo obsession towards the PQ and the separatists. I don't think Quebec's independence is relevant anymore, and I don't care about the PQ's separatist agenda, but I fully agree with Bill 101 and the necessity to preserve French and guarantee its future in the Province. One does not have to go with the other.

Lastly, the simple fact that you can openly compare Quebec to North Korea under a pseudonym in an escort review forum couldn't be a better proof that Quebec is very far from being anything like North Korea. Do you have the Quebec secret police hunting you down? Didn't think so...


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
Spending too much time with this endless topic. But this is my final take. I am not a constitutional expert but for me 101 looks simply unconstitutional as it divides citizens on classes some of which have access to English schools and some does not. Allophone, Francophones, Anglophones or no phones should be all equal in all aspects and also when choosing language for kids. It simply no state business and is intrusion in private life. The equality of all citizens in all aspects is a cornerstone of the civilized society.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
You gotta be kidding me ???
Really you take these things, thought, comments on this bored that seriously ???
And yes I thought before I answer, thought about how can I upset an conservative just for the fun of it.
Cheer up

My comment was towards your comment that the dollar was up due to Justine and that the economy was good, in your mind. Now I understand that you realize our economy is in the crapper and Justine did nothing to raise our dollar. Also, not only was Alberta happy under Harper but millions of successful people, the have nots were the ones upset, now that they get higher taxes, less for their pay check and a gloomy outlook for future generations they are happy. One strange group.
I an cheerful, not angry, just dumbfounded as to how anyone can like the way Canada is going now, serious.
Back to the Quebec language, same thought for me, if the families csn not keep the language going does it deserve to be kept? I have no thought of small town Quebec lising the Quebec traditions, Montreal will keep it in the Old Port for tourists and some areas like the north, the rest will be absorbed into a multicultural city.


Active Member
Oct 17, 2006
I am not a constitutional expert but for me 101 looks simply unconstitutional .

Parts of Bill 101 were found unconstitutional big time (By the Quebec courts themselves) since it went too far against charter
of rights of Quebec before it went to the supreme court of Canada...

Where Quebec used the "Notwithstanding Clause"** put in the Canadian constitution on the insistence of the Western provinces
and of course then these provinces were bitching about Quebec using this "Loophole"*

In any case, IMO, laws like these don't belong to a civilized G7 country, I don't think 3rd world countries have any laws against
learning any other language if they want to.
Its hard to imagine that 3rd word countries have more freedom then the Quebec people (Who want to learn another language).

* On the "Positive" side (Thanks to Mr R.Bourassa), this gave birth to the English (Reduced size compare to French) signs.

** I wander if Quebec would use this "Loophole" regarding the Bill C-36 as we are Distinct Society and shouldn't apply to us
since we are more open society when it comes to having fun, drinking at 18, bars open until 3AM, nude women and alcohol
at the same time and so on and so on.


Active Member
Oct 17, 2006
My comment was towards your comment that the dollar was up due to Justine and that the economy was good, in your mind. Now I understand that you realize our economy is in the crapper and Justine did nothing to raise our dollar. Also, not only was Alberta happy under Harper but millions of successful people,

It is very simple, whoever is at the top gets the credit when things are good or takes the fall when things are bad, you have to give credit
where its due. (No matter who's up there and what political party).

Obviously can't deny how good the economy was in Alberta and you are giving credit to Mr Harper, was Harper, himself anything to
do with the oil prices, don't think so.

So Justin is dealing with $50.00 barrel (And you blaming him) instead of Mr Harper's $140.00s, as you know oil prices make a big impact
to our economy and to our dollar.


Active Member
Oct 17, 2006
Suggest this to the PQ as their new mandate.
They are desperate for votes nowadays.
Maybe they can install a Pussy Police squad to make sure prices are kept at an affordable level.


Good one.

I don't take politics (And religion for that matter) that seriously but I try to have fun.

BUT if the PQ would consider this mandate, I will be the first one to Join PQ and vote for them
(Along with so many other MERBites) to say the least.

Since I can not be a language police, because I speak 5 languages, (I think you have to be unilingual Francophone to qualify).
This is based on my friends / businesses who encountered and had to deal with some unilingual language police.

AND I would volunteer to be part of the "Pussy Police Squad" (PPS, man this sounds good) since in this case you have deal
with so many hobbyists who don't speak any French at all and of course affordable prices LOL


Professional browser
Aug 17, 2017
I would volunteer to be part of the "Pussy Police Squad" (PPS, man this sounds good) since in this case you have deal
with so many hobbyists who don't speak any French at all and of course affordable prices LOL
I would volunteer to be part of the quality testing squad.
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