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French Canadian !

Jun 15, 2015
Who knows
Actually he spent more time in London , I believe. While Franklin was in London from 1757-1775, some historians believe he was a member of the Medmenham Monks, also known as the Hell Fire Club. This was a group of libertine men who were known for their perverse sexual proclivities and their rejection of religious constraints.
What a concoctions he was, lol.
Jun 15, 2015
Who knows
Surprising you say that. Remember the description of Napolean Bonaparte, he would return from his campaigns and would send a courier earlier to ask that his wife stop washing herself for 2 weeks. Obviously things were different and motivations and habits change.


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
I love you guys. I've learned a lot from reading everyone's posts on this thread and other threads in the Lounge.

I think the folks who operate and host Merb (and its cousins) do it as a labor of love. As I understand it, the cost of sponsorship is minimal (e.g., a couple of hundreds a month), compared to the high costs of maintaining secured servers; the Mods probably work as volunteers. Regardless, I don't believe Merb is making money like gangbusters (like Google).

I agree, Brittany should receive prompt responses to her questions as a sponsor. Guru has a good suggestion -- Brittany and others like her can reach out to some of the senior Merbites for assistance with helping to translate for her. I realize as a self-employed business lady, for Brittany and other Independents, every expense is a huge deal. And I wish her well in her endeavors. I consider escort work as legitimate as legal work, regardless of what the current law mandates or societal norms. The ladies are good people; and on one is any better or worse than them; we are all human beings -- and Life is a Bitch!

(Here is how Google Translate "translated" what I wrote: Je suis d'accord, Brittany devrait recevoir des réponses rapides à ses questions en tant que sponsor. Gourou a une bonne suggestion - Bretagne et d'autres comme elle peuvent se joindre à certains des Merbites supérieurs pour obtenir de l'aide pour traduire pour elle. Je me rend compte en tant que femme d'affaires autonome, chaque dépense est une affaire énorme. Et je le souhaite bien dans ses efforts. Je considère que le travail d'escorte est aussi légitime que le travail légal, peu importe ce que la loi actuelle impose ou les normes de la société.)

I recently saw a piece on Deutsche Welle (I find the German language exquisite and wish I could speak it): a sizable number of Brits have moved to various towns in France because they love the French culture and language. Many of them vowed that they will never return to their motherland -- the UK -- especially after the Brexite vote. Many said they will be applying for French citizenship. Even the "truest" Anglophiles (those born and raised in the UK and whose ancestor roots in the UK go back centuries) embrace the French culture and language. So, I believe the French culture and language will survive and continue to thrive globally, in France and Quebec for certain. But Merb likely do not have the staff to handle matters that require French speaking staff to resolve.

As for Napoleon Bonaparte, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander the Great, and others who purportedly spread their seeds in many territories, I don't know that they engaged (much) in DATY because of hygienic reasons, taboos and other social norms at the time. As for me, I'm praying for my penis to return to normal after it was affected by the poisons in the blowfish sushi and sashimi I inadvertently consumed. I was in a coma for several days. My urologist told me it will be a few more weeks before my Mr. Junior, which collapsed, can engage in any sexual activity -- it has to heal and get stronger :)

Life is too short my dear friends. It's good that we have this forum to express our views and share our experiences. The Merb community is a very good community with great people. I only able to join the discussion group now and then because of my extremely low energy level and some residual paralysis.


Active Member
Oct 17, 2006
I don't know that they engaged (much) in DATY because of hygienic reasons, taboos and other social norms at the time.

I was encountering thick bushes down there from late 70s to early 90s (less and less as the years went by).
Used to be "Part-time barber"

Vacationing in Europe couldn't believe seeing the hairy armpits of these beautiful naked girls on the beaches.
As we were used to to Quebec girls, clean shaven.

So moving to another topic (Shaving tools of the day).

Since Gilette and Shick were not around, I don't think they had the tools to make themselves
DATY ready in those days.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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As far as I know, electric razors were available technology in the 1970s. However, I think there was just a different attitude about a woman clean shaving her pussy. I remember once commenting to a girl I knew, a stripper, on how nicely shaved and manicured her pubic hair looked. She had a small, trimmed, triangular patch. She told me "yeah, I don't shave it fully otherwise I don't look like a woman, it looks like a baby's pussy." That attitude likely prevailed at one time. Shaving technology, hygiene, etc. have improved. I love DATY and it's very rare that I come across a lady whose pussy isn't fresh and tasty. But the hair part should not impact on hygiene if it's kept trimmed. My preference is a carefully trimmed pussy with hair.
Jun 8, 2011
I think the main reason for waxing and shaving is that women in their 40s, 50s and 60 are fooling around a lot more today than they did when we were teens. Women get white hair on their heads and elsewhere starting in their mid 40s. They will dye their hair on their heads but it is easier to shave between the legs.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Yes but if a woman is dying her head hair how hard is it really to dye her pussy hair? Unless the pussy skin is more sensitive to the dyes, it should not be an issue. Its like a man putting henna in his beard or goatee, many guys do that.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
My urologist told me it will be a few more weeks before my Mr. Junior, which collapsed, can engage in any sexual activity -- it has to heal and get stronger :)

Go to that great japanese website you once sent me. Then get your Junior in erection mode a few times per day. Remember it's a muscle. Just like any other muscle of your body it need exercise. The goal being back to conquer mode once your back in montreal!

Life is too short my dear friends.

Fucking right! That is why I am currently waiting for the review of the out of this world Dasha to see if I book tomorrow. But wait I am suppose to see Sonia this week! But wait dudu wants to do a 4 some. What was the subject of the thread again?


p.s. Shyman the visit to the sex store we did with detour will stay in my mind for a long time. My god you 2 were fun to watch in that store. Could have made a great documentary out of it haha Calling netflix.. haha


Professional browser
Aug 17, 2017
Le piment d'espelette n'est peut être pas le plus fort au monde mais il est si bon !
Il paraît que la gestation de la brebis est de 152 jour. La fête nationale de l'Uruguay est le 25 août et j'ai cru comprendre que la prétendue descendante de Salvador Dali n'est rien d'autre qu'une arnaqueuse !


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
Jalimon, thank you very much for reminding me of the great times we had. I wish there were Montreal SP's near where I live to help me strengthen my Mr. Johnson :)

During my recent extensive travels (before I became deafly ill), I had the fortune of meeting SP's from Russia, Germany, Portugal, Spain, and various Asian countries -- none of them came close to the Montreal SP's in terms of looks, friendliness and GFE services. I wish there was a service like Merb in every Asian country I visited. I hope to be spending more time in Montreal next year.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I am very proud of my french roots because despite multiple tries to assimilate us, we are still there, and Bill 101 is one of those tool that help us in that regard. You mention Canada as 2 official language, but i am pretty sure (unless my history teacher was wrong) that Quebec has only one offiicial language and it take priority over the "2 officials of Canada"

Maybe i was a bit harsh in my last post, had a couple of beers and i didn't like the way you put your post was made, but the reality is there. I am not asking tourist and visiting peoples from the states to learn french, but if you live here and want to operate a store or something, i think this is a minimum to know and operate in french. Im not talking about your computers or bills that does not interact with customers, altough that your employees do deserve to be able to communicate in french and such, but the contact with customers.

I have many friends that i know speak also french at least fine enough to communicate but i always communicate with them in english, cause there friends or if not close friends at least peoples i know and im glad to meet etc. I am fine with that. My problem is going to montreal, entering a store and not being able to get service in french, that should not happen in a province that the main language is french.

It may just Montreal for now, but i don't want to see that happen to other cities.

I may be old school minded being a french separatiste for some peoples, but its important for me. I think as i grew up and saw how we where saw by both americans and english canadians has just re-inforced my views. I know its not all of them, but on xbox live back in the days before party chats (where you can lock voice chat to your friends only) we would often speak to each others in french in the game's chat and the thing peoples said to us... both americans and english canadians... that was very disgusting. Yet it happened way less with other languages. If for some reason there was mexican or finnish people in the game, they would just keep talking to each other in there languages and ignore us, but never insulting us. I know xbox live is a toxic environement especially with the "hide behind your screen" type, but link this to the old days where french peoples where considered like lesser citizens and i guess it tilt my knob...


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
Le piment d'espelette n'est peut être pas le plus fort au monde mais il est si bon !
Il paraît que la gestation de la brebis est de 152 jour. La fête nationale de l'Uruguay est le 25 août et j'ai cru comprendre que la prétendue descendante de Salvador Dali n'est rien d'autre qu'une arnaqueuse !

En poursuivant dans la même veine, le tricot estonien est absolument fascinant. En voici de beaux exemples. Ce n'est pas du crochet, c'est bel et bien du tricot. Rien à voir avec le tricoté serré.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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That was going to be my question Vicky- what thoughts of yours were reinforced? That Benjamin Franklin would have been a top poster if MERB existed in 1777? I think Franklin's MERB handle would have been "Stoveman". Or did the thread reinforce that Germans should always make their own potato salads as self-suffficient Germans and never should let IGA do the job? Or that the Soviet Union suffered horribly in World War II but also imposed tremendous suffering on other countries?


Active Member
Nov 29, 2014
Merci Halloween Mike , tu traduis exactement ma pensée . Ce cloud , est assurément très obtus et doté d'une vision ennuagée de la situation du français au Québec et plus particulièrement à Montréal . Je me permet une petite anecdote : une amie et sa fille magasine à Montréal , au moment de payer leurs achats , la caissière ne parle qu'en anglais . Je suis fier de la réaction de la fille qui s'insurge de ne pouvoir être servi en français mais tellement déçu de sa mère qui excuse la caissière et prend même sa défence et qui est gênée par l'attitude de sa fille . C'est le genre d'attitude de mon amie qui est presque de l'indifférence ou à tout le moins l'ignorance de l'assimilation du fait français en Amérique qui est déplorable . Ce cloud se permet de faire de la démagogie à 5 cents mais jamais il ne pourra s'attirer ma sympathie concernant la situation de la langue anglaise au Québec . Un dernier point , je comprend tout à fait un immigrant qui fait le choix de l'anglais au Québec , la langue shakespearienne étant omniprésente . D'ailleurs, un acteur ( dont le nom m'échappe ) voulant apprendre le français arrive à Montréal se disant que Montréal , ville française ( sic ) qui se trouve près de chez lui , sera un excellent choix . Malheureusement , il a dû se rendre en France pour apprendre le français constatant que Montréal ne pouvait l'aider à atteindre son objectif .


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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You speak of the "fact of assimilation of French Canadians in America", but what about the fact of assimilation of immigrant populations in Quebec? I strongly recommend you walk around in downtown Montreal. Unless you have eyesight issues you will see mixed racial persons, many immigrants and people speaking different languages that are not French or English. Go to Chinatown I and II. Get in a taxi. If you get in a taxi your chance of getting a French Canadian driver are less than 10%! Last three times I was in Montreal taxis, foreign languages were being spoken and they were not French. The Caribbean cultural practice of incense burning was being practiced, which last time I checked was not at all a French thing. Sit at a table at Delice Oriental in Chinatown II. You will be the only French guy in the place and you will not hear English or French being spoken.

Halloween Mike lives in a fairytale land in which everyone holds hands and sings Frere Jacques to their children as they go to bed. His life is lived online mostly and in fairytale lands. Go out some time and look at the city- the real downtown Montreal. I don't see French culture. I see a Cosmopolitan city, with people speaking many languages and interracial couples holding hands. New York City is the same thing. Quebec and the USA are a big melting pot and no one culture dominates. It's basically North American culture now. We are all one and the fact that we speak French or English is perhaps becoming the only major difference.

As for your story, sometimes a unilingual Anglophone needs a job too, you know? Maybe the mother in your story pitied the poor unilingual Anglophone whose skills were only good enough to be able to get a cashier's job. You cannot force everyone to learn a difficult language. Some simply do not have the talent to do so. It's essentially having a handicap, and we should not discriminate against those with any handicap.


Active Member
Oct 17, 2006
I am very proud of my french roots because despite multiple tries to assimilate us, we are still there, and Bill 101 is one of those tool that help us in that regard.

British rule (1760–1867)
Royal Proclamation (1763–1774)

British rule under Royal Governor James Murray was benign, with the French Canadians guaranteed their traditional rights and customs.[21]

Assimilate ?, How this could this be assimilation when the British (The English) protected the French language and their customs.

I think every Francophone should "Thank" the English for the existence of French Quebec instead of going by the way of

And thanks to the Bil 101, almost every English in Quebec is bilingual and every alophone is trilingual the least while
the francophone (Some against their wishes) are staying unilingual only (Forced by) thanks to Bill 101...
Until they get their FREEDOM of choice and attend English colleges after high school...

Which brings to the PQ convention where they will take the freedom of choice away, again, from these people and force
them to French colleges only.

(Third world countries don't have laws like this and yet a law like this exist in a G7 country).

IMO, all these have nothing to do with protecting this or that, its just revenge time (Understandably) because
of what happened in the past, thats it.

And to add another topic to this fascinating thread.

Amazon is looking for a second headquarter, major, very major investment and Montreal (The Mayor's wishes)
wants to be in the running, you think Amazon will consider Montreal when they see what they have to go through
dealing with Bill 101 ?
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