Montreal Escorts

French Canadian !


Supporting Member
Apr 20, 2017

Bonsoir.Je n'ai pas eu l'occasion de lire ce forum puisqu'il est majoritairement en anglais mais je voudrais remercier particulièrement gugu et Lily qui m'ont été d'un grand soutien technique.J'aimerais bien enlever le "F......" et écrire seulement French Canadian, j'avoue que ce serait plus gaie comme titre, vous m'en voyez encore désolée, j'ai été maladroite quand au choix du titre.Ça m'a donné envie d'amélorer mon anglais et justement hier dans le métro, j'ai vu une pub pour des cours d'anglais et c'était écrit : Vous pouvez dire "Je parle deux langues" mais vous ne pouvez pas dire " I speek two tongues" :pound:Brittany

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Well honestly guys, i think you miss the boat. You call me xenophobe and such, but i never said i had anything against english speakers. Take a look at this history short...

1) French comes here and establish, they build the base of the cities, work hard to cut the trees and everything. In french we say "ils on defricher les forests"

2) English from England attack and win, yes France fucked up big time, i know. They pretty much abandoned us, but does not mean our culture and link to it has to be abandoned too

3) England get beaten up by the newly formed USA and all the loyalist are exiled into "Canada" or what will become of it.

So even to this day Canada is not even fully independant. You could argue that yes the prime minister decide eveything and the Queen never put her nose in our business, but the fact is there, she could if she wanted to. And we pay millions of $ for those "lieutenant gouvernors" that serve absolutely NO PURPOSE what so ever. We waste millions of $ on "royal visits"

As long as Canada won't become its own country entiraly with a president like the states, i will have trouble taking it seriously. I have nothing against the England of today, as a matter of fact some of my favourite bands come from there, and i do love Kate Beckinsale ...and Jason Statham... in a different way lol but my point is if Canada really want to say YES WE ARE A DIFFERENT COUNTRY with 2 different languages, our own culture and such, they need to remove the scars of the past that is the british invasion and some kind of link still maintained with England monarchy.

That would be a first step. After that i think by the ratio of 10 to 1 ... plus 2 territories .. (and before you say 9 and a half cause yeah i know new brunswich have a lot of french speakers as well) its not too much asked that Quebec be preserved in its french roots, nature and culture.

I come from the Eastern Township, it never was a problem to co-exist with the english peoples. But it must remain clear that the language in Quebec is french and sometimes when i go to MTL i totally "loose this vision". The first time i got there i remember i was telling myself "wow there is a lot of tourist here..." cause i didn't understand peoples in MTL would not speak french. I was young sure but to me it was Quebec so it must be french and thats how the city was always presented on TV.

Anyway this is obviously a debate that will never end. But i think its one we should keep. Your very obvious argument of "Quebec will loose its culture and history because immigration etc" is exactly why there is peoples that have decided to step up and fight for there rights to preserve there culture. Peoples like La Meute to just mention one.

And just for the record when i was a kid, they did teach english in School. I would guess that they teach it better these days, from what i heard they start younger. It didn't worked out for me cause my way of learning i guess was different, proof be that now im pretty good in it (at least fine enough to communicate) having learned a different way, compared to when i finished school. But since i was 9 to when i was roughly 17 they where teaching it in school...

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Assimilate ?, How this could this be assimilation when the British (The English) protected the French language and their customs.

I think every Francophone should "Thank" the English for the existence of French Quebec instead of going by the way of

And thanks to the Bil 101, almost every English in Quebec is bilingual and every alophone is trilingual the least while
the francophone (Some against their wishes) are staying unilingual only (Forced by) thanks to Bill 101...
Until they get their FREEDOM of choice and attend English colleges after high school...

Which brings to the PQ convention where they will take the freedom of choice away, again, from these people and force
them to French colleges only.

False false false and false. Many immigrant (allophones) actually decide to go for english only as its easier to understand. Lots of them do not speak french. French peoples learn english in school as i said above, no need to go to english school. Hell if i would had been sent to an english school when i was in high school i would had been so lost, i could barely understand maths for instance and in french imagine in english...

A language have to be learned first. When they decide to go to college in english its mostly cause they where pretty good at english in high school or learned it very fast with outside help etc.

And as someone pointed out, we own nothing to the english. They tried to have us on our side to make sure we didn't join USA in the fight as someone said above. And may i remind you my ancestors fough hard to preserve french culture (the pariots for instance) And even in 1950 french peoples where STILL seen as lower class citizen. Thanks to peoples like Maurice Richard and others it changed over time.


Feb 17, 2016
Quoi qu'on dise, quoi qu'on fasse...(cf Robert Bourassa), et quelque soit l'endroit où est abrité ce site, un francophone qui se sent obligé d'écrire en anglais ici est et restera un minoritaire soumis incapable de s'assumer culturellement et socialement
merb serait un non sens futile sans la participation active des francophones. If you don't understand the above, you are the only one to blame...and I, we, could not care less...


Active Member
Aug 9, 2017
Curieux qu'un thread parlant initialement de la difficulté pour les francophones d'avoir accès à de l'information dans notre langue supposée officielle sur des sites canadiens soit rendu un débat sur la loi 101. Mais allons-y donc.

Il y a de ce monde ceux qui croient que l'anglais devrait remplacer toutes les langues dans la vie courante et ceux qui croient que les autres langues ont encore des droits fondamentaux. Moi, je fait partie de la 2e école de pensée. Il est donc normal qu'en Allemagne, les allemands puissent travailler dans leur langue et se faire servir dans celle-ci, Mismo caso para los paises que Hablan espanol, même chose pour les russes, les italiens, etc.. Alors donc, ici au Québec où 8 personnes sur 10 parlent français, ce serait inacceptable d'exiger de se faire servir dans notre langue? Allons donc, en tant que majorité, on a les mêmes droits que n'importe quelle autre sur terre.

La loi 101 à été créée à cause de la persistance des commerçants à refuser de nous servir en français. Ce n'était pas juste des cas isolés mais un méchant problème. Nous, québécois, on se faisait traiter comme des étrangers dans notre propre province où la minorité imposait sa langue à la majorité. Et ça a dure longtemps. Mais, un génération en a eu assez et à passée une loi pour qu'enfin on se fasse respecter chez Nous, après des décennies de mépris avec le fameux "speak white " à ceux qui osaient exiger d'être servi en français.

Les responsables de cette loi, ce sont donc ceux qui ont toujours persister à refuser de nous servir en français. S'il n'y aurait pas eu autant de mépris face aux québécois pendant aussi longtemps, jamais cette loi n'aurait vu le jour. Alors ceux qui sont contre, ils avaient juste à nous respecter avant 1977. Vivez avec auteure car elle est là pour rester.

Et puis quoi? La loi 101 n'empêche en rien les services en anglais. Alors ceux qui sont contre, C'est parce qu'ils ne supportent pas d'avoir à offrir des services en français, C'est tout. Mais C'est quoi cette insistance à vouloir à tout prix imposer l'anglais dans une province francophone à 80%? Jamais le canada-anglais n'accepterait de se faire imposer le français hors-qc où le monde refuserait de leur répondre en anglais comme on tente de le faire sans cesse ici au Québec.

Exiger d'être servi en français au Québec est du racisme? Je suis tanné de me faire traiter de tous les noms car j'exige simplement le respect chez moi. Ce n'est pas du racisme mais le simple bon sens. Refusez de servir quelqu"un en anglais juste une fois pour voir hors-qc, ça va virer en émeute et pas mal plus qu'ici certain


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
False false false and false. Many immigrant (allophones) actually decide to go for english only as its easier to understand. Lots of them do not speak french. French peoples learn english in school as i said above, no need to go to english school. Hell if i would had been sent to an english school when i was in high school i would had been so lost, i could barely understand maths for instance and in french imagine in english...

A language have to be learned first. When they decide to go to college in english its mostly cause they where pretty good at english in high school or learned it very fast with outside help etc.

So that gives the government the right to enforce a language on them? Is that not kind of like the British and French conquering other countries? Have you learned the language of the Natives? Funny how you forget about them when they were here before you. As for language that is their choice to choose. That is what democracy and freedom is about but you throw that out the window just so you can have French all over. Sentiments like the one you describe are one of jealousy and gave birth to radical terrorist groups like the FLQ. Do you know what they did? Those immigrants you talk about it depends on which European country conquered them. India for example was under British rule so they almost always choose English. Haiti was conquered by France so they always choose French. Mauritius also chooses French. You are actually being very ignorant about things you know nothing about. First educate yourself with an open mind only then will you understand. You learned English as it is the international language. You like playing video games as designed with selling to the greatest amount of people in mind the language is English. You like to playing video games in active environment with others well guess what most people will speak English. You also am sure like to watch movies and listen to music well most of it comes from the US so again English is the language. Like it or not you need to know English otherwise stop watching movies and listening to music and it would be pointless to play video games. Jealousy is the root. You see the US does not have laws that enforce English on everyone.

I am reading the post you made and you clearly have separatist mentality and also one of nationalism. You think immigration is polluting the culture. Well your ancestors were once immigrants also. You when I lived in Toronto many people did not speak English. Majority of the time it were the Chinese especially the older ones from their country often they did not speak any English. They come and take the bus and the driver is trying to tell them something but they do not understand. There are even Asian malls with almost all signs in Cantonese and Mandarin. But you know Toronto does not have laws to enforce English. No one there is jealous. Jealousy is a negative emotion and it leads to hate. Not good. But you know what all that I wrote is irrelevant. You guys got your language enforcement bill and in about 30 years English will be completely eradicated in Quebec. That is what you separatist xenophobes wanted since the 60's and you got it.

An interesting read the PQ wants to implement more of its Draconian xenophobic measures ->ébécois-pq-defund-english-cegep-1.4283168

Personally if such extreme and strict laws are needed to enforce a language then the language does not deserve to survive.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Montreal has chased away many head offices of large corporations in the past, that will never return.

Exactly. During the 60's Montreal was the biggest city in Canada... Toronto had nothing it was a small minor city largely undeveloped. Bill 101 made those companies leave and now Toronto leads as the main city of Canada. Montreal has been kind of stagnant. Besides why would any business want language shoved down their throats and have very high taxes?

Point is do they want to bother, when there are plenty of other cities courting them where they don't need to contend with all this nonsense.

Amazones has nothing to loose. They got plenty of other cities. Quebec is quiet insignificant. No serving here they do not loose much. The only people loosing are the citizens. They will have less access to more variety of products and goods. You know if you check the BestBuy websites and others many products cannot be shipped to Quebec due to not have French instructions. Halloween Mike does not care so long as it is all French that is all the separatists care about.


Jun 14, 2015
On était juste des ados au secondaire... Une petite gang de gars et de filles qui découvrent la vie dans une banlieue de MTL... Ça parlait juste français et très mal anglais dans le temps... Un nouvel étudiant arrive à l'école. Pas mal "cute" aux yeux des filles. Il avait l'air tout seul. Il venait de l'Ontario et parlait "mostly" anglais. Une des filles de notre gang voulait lui souhaiter la bienvenue et elle me demande comment on dit "allo" en anglais.

Sans rire, je lui ai juste dit: "I swallow"...

Vous auriez dû voir la face de l'Ontarien...


Jun 14, 2015

Exiger d'être servi en français au Québec est du racisme? Je suis tanné de me faire traiter de tous les noms car j'exige simplement le respect chez moi. Ce n'est pas du racisme mais le simple bon sens. Refusez de servir quelqu"un en anglais juste une fois pour voir hors-qc, ça va virer en émeute et pas mal plus qu'ici certain


Sans oublier les milieux de travail où un anglais parmi plusieurs français imposait sa langue à la majorité... Il faisait tellement pitié l'anglais!


New Member
May 22, 2008
Montreal has chased away many head offices of large corporations in the past, that will never return.
I agree with EB that ones like Amazon have the power and money to make their own deals, there are always politicians with there hand out, they are the scum of the earth.

Point is do they want to bother, when there are plenty of other cities courting them where they don't need to contend with all this nonsense.

True many compagnies such as petsmart redlobster are all over canada and USA not in quebec

Bill 101 made French the official language of Quebec but it had a draconian way to implement it. They can make it official without having to enforce it. I guess you do not understand the meaning of freedom and democracy or you only choose where it is convenient to you. But you should read up on communism in the Soviet Union and of course Fascism in Nazi Germany. Quebecs way to enforce French has many similarities to communism and fascism. I also do not think you understand that the original intent of Bill 101 was. I suggest you also to read up on the history of it. In short the Bill was designed to create a peace and to give the citizens the right to be served in French, to use French at work, and to make it the official languages of business in Quebec. But the seperatist xenophobes are using it in a way to enforce French and to eradicate all other languages. That was not the purpose for the bill neither was it intended to be used this way. The PQ has been selling lies for years and lied to the people to make them believe that it was about preservation when in reality it was about dominance.

Many of those video game nerds are obnoxious. They say a lot of stupid stuff behind a keyboard. Having said that Quebec does have a reputation. Many people are familiar with Quebec draconian approach to enforce French. As Sol Tee Nutz stated the majority of Quebec is French with the exception of Montreal. But you know Montreal is a distinct city within Quebec just as Quebec is a distinct province within Canada. A business can choose to offer whatever language they wish. This is freedom and the free market. But why would a business serve in a language where there is no demand for it? Would any sensible business that is there to make profits will serve in English only in Sherbrooke? They would shut down. If a business choose to serve in English first it is their right and second that is because there is enough demand for the business to remain profitable therefore they deserve to survive. Let the public decide what language they want to use. If they all choose English then so be it. The government should keep their nose out of other peoples business. They got no business enforcing language. And one last thing I can see you have old school separatist thinking. That is xenophobic and is not good. The PQ are toxic.

So you think two wrongs make a right?? I have to say usually your posts are very well written and very true and informative but these latest posts of yours are no good. There is a lot of negativity in this.


Curieux qu'un thread parlant initialement de la difficulté pour les francophones d'avoir accès à de l'information dans notre langue supposée officielle sur des sites canadiens soit rendu un débat sur la loi 101. Mais allons-y donc.

Il y a de ce monde ceux qui croient que l'anglais devrait remplacer toutes les langues dans la vie courante et ceux qui croient que les autres langues ont encore des droits fondamentaux. Moi, je fait partie de la 2e école de pensée. Il est donc normal qu'en Allemagne, les allemands puissent travailler dans leur langue et se faire servir dans celle-ci, Mismo caso para los paises que Hablan espanol, même chose pour les russes, les italiens, etc.. Alors donc, ici au Québec où 8 personnes sur 10 parlent français, ce serait inacceptable d'exiger de se faire servir dans notre langue? Allons donc, en tant que majorité, on a les mêmes droits que n'importe quelle autre sur terre.

La loi 101 à été créée à cause de la persistance des commerçants à refuser de nous servir en français. Ce n'était pas juste des cas isolés mais un méchant problème. Nous, québécois, on se faisait traiter comme des étrangers dans notre propre province où la minorité imposait sa langue à la majorité. Et ça a dure longtemps. Mais, un génération en a eu assez et à passée une loi pour qu'enfin on se fasse respecter chez Nous, après des décennies de mépris avec le fameux "speak white " à ceux qui osaient exiger d'être servi en français.

Les responsables de cette loi, ce sont donc ceux qui ont toujours persister à refuser de nous servir en français. S'il n'y aurait pas eu autant de mépris face aux québécois pendant aussi longtemps, jamais cette loi n'aurait vu le jour. Alors ceux qui sont contre, ils avaient juste à nous respecter avant 1977. Vivez avec auteure car elle est là pour rester.

Et puis quoi? La loi 101 n'empêche en rien les services en anglais. Alors ceux qui sont contre, C'est parce qu'ils ne supportent pas d'avoir à offrir des services en français, C'est tout. Mais C'est quoi cette insistance à vouloir à tout prix imposer l'anglais dans une province francophone à 80%? Jamais le canada-anglais n'accepterait de se faire imposer le français hors-qc où le monde refuserait de leur répondre en anglais comme on tente de le faire sans cesse ici au Québec.

Exiger d'être servi en français au Québec est du racisme? Je suis tanné de me faire traiter de tous les noms car j'exige simplement le respect chez moi. Ce n'est pas du racisme mais le simple bon sens. Refusez de servir quelqu"un en anglais juste une fois pour voir hors-qc, ça va virer en émeute et pas mal plus qu'ici certain

Donc une compagnie base au quebec peu recevoir une infraction parce que leur claviers n'est pas en français ?20,000$ même si tout les factures sont faite en français ?Mon word et excel sont en anglais..

instead of embrassing the fact that we could have a big advantage to have the abilities to speak two languages some act like spoiled child....


Professional browser
Aug 17, 2017
It seems to me this debate is becoming stale and sterile.

HM & Co say "we should be able to speak French in Québec"
Cloud 500 & Co say "enforcing a language by imposing it is not democracy"

HM & Co say "I want my ancestors' language and culture to survive"
Cloud 500 & Co say "English is the international and business language, get used to it!"

You're both right! Or wrong...
In any case, I keep seeing people preaching to a deaf audience.
Maybe it's time to close this thread?!

J'aime ma salade de patates avec un peu de ciboulette.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Big broweser bonne idee la ciboulette. Si tu en as pas de fraiche essaye une version avec des cornichons sucree (couper petit).



Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
I`m just glad the title of this thread was changed.
Now it should be transferred to the politics section.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Personally if such extreme and strict laws are needed to enforce a language then the language does not deserve to survive.

I mean this is french. I really don't think French is going to stop existing anytime soon. It exists in quite a few countries and a huge part of QC is mostly French.

Btw you are extreme and strict most of the time when you post on this forum. I'll let you take a guess on what that means, just throwing that into the universe lol

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I like mine prepared by "Oma" a true German, none of this IGA crap.

Very true, my mom made the best potato salad. I usually make my own but for single servings I hit the IGA, Costco actually has a decent red potato salad.
For those of you who make your own switch mayo with plain yogurt, very good.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
I had a German potato salad prepared by a German neighbor who unfortunately passed away earlier this year. It was delicious. It had chopped bacon and chopped hard boiled eggs and mayo and scallions and potatoes. I recall she used the red potatoes, the small ones and left the skin on them. Best potato salad of all time.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
This forum needs a culinary section. Maybe combined with restaurant/bars ? Just saying...

I love cooking. When I am free and need to fight the urge of booking an SP I cook. The other day SSJ text me asking which girl I would see that day, I sent him a pic of my date, a roasted chicken haha


Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Cloud 500 :

I watch movies and listen to music ever since i was a kid. I watch movies in french mainly and i listened to music before i was speaking english. Didn't bother me to not understand the lyric. I listen to bands from all over the world. From the very commercial Ramstein (to wich i never understand what there songs says) to finnish groups and norse metal. Even tough i think video games are not as nicely translated (voice acting work and dialogues) as movies i have countless friends who play them in french. It became standard to have them or at least subtiled in french ever since PS3/Xbox 360. France had this for all the PS2/Xbox original era by the way... Its a good thing we finally have it. At least we have the choice. And i could play online without knowing english, it does is a small plus but not really a huge requirement.

Indian peoples have there own language by the way...

Then you speak of the FLQ... oh boy. If there original idea may had been "good", they fucked up big time "en route" and yes became a terrorist group. Thats not how you proceed to show your ideas. There fuck ups is what killed them in the end. When they got too far nobody wanted part of that anymore. Separatist peoples are not extremist dude... Thats like saying every muslim is a terrorist cause ISIS...

As for the natives, its a very touchy subject. I mean they where killing themselves tribe vs tribe way before european got here. Most of them (not all) where nomads. Its a different thing as who "build" Quebec. But i know many wrongs where commited there, and i am all for them to preserve there culture and language. They are really not nemerous these days so i guess this is why they mostly stay in reserves. Also they like not paxing taxes... lol. But honestly i hate when i hear stories of what happen to native women and such. The way some peoples do not respect them irritate me.

They have a fabulous ancestral culture and i would be happy to know more about it.

True many compagnies such as petsmart redlobster are all over canada and USA not in quebec

Actually Victoria, Red Lobster was in Quebec... i remember it as a child. Think they left cause they didn't made enough profit or something. They got eaten by other competitor. Pretty much whats happening with Burger King today. I like Burger King's food, used to go there often with one of my buddy when i was in Sherby. But the fact is most peoples take fast food hamburgers they think Mcdo. Also Mcdo is SOOO MUCH faster. Honestly thats the only part that bugged us about BK, we got there often very late around 10 or whatever, nobody in restaurant and we would wait like 25-30 mins.. like what??? lol. Employees where chilling out we would be hearing them laughing. So i can understand Mcdo has eaten the competition, there super fast, the food is good (at least for taste... lol)

It seems to me this debate is becoming stale and sterile.

HM & Co say "we should be able to speak French in Québec"
Cloud 500 & Co say "enforcing a language by imposing it is not democracy"

HM & Co say "I want my ancestors' language and culture to survive"
Cloud 500 & Co say "English is the international and business language, get used to it!"

You're both right! Or wrong...

Yeah independantist and federalist will always clash and will always stay hard on there positions, even french vs french... so imagine when you have an english vs french... :p

I can totally understand (to a degree) what Cloud think, he was likely born and/or raise here, he consider this his home and it denying it. English is part of his culture and i would guess just as any minority born into a place dominated by a different language, he want to preserve it as well. Its very simple, Cloud is EXACTLY thinking the same as me but on a different scale. I am the french minority in Canada who want to protect and keep my culture in a largely dominated english county. Cloud is the english minority in a largely dominated french province who to protect his language and culture.

Its as simple as that...


New Member
May 22, 2008
Halloween mike i won't quote because i keep getting points warning for it
Yes they were in Quebec..Olive Garden Never

As for Petsmart i cant find the documentation but there is an obvious stigma

I'm sure that they are many here could says how many businesses moved their headoffice or moved out completly of Quebec...

Please keep in mind that i understand that some feel strongly about keeping the language and my mom is the first...Of course with solid explanations as to why...Loosing so many business opportunities because of the new laws and how..Not everyone but a fair amount never been out of Quebec acted ignorant.

We get told that we speak as paysans in France yet they use some words in english to describe a place such ..Je m'en vais au drugstore(fair enough it's actually on their sign lol)...

While i do understand that we were close to lose the french language in Quebec ..It's not the case now...Do i expect every single person to speak french no i actually think it awesome that they try..However been able to communicate in English is a must...Please do tell me how many of you can actually go in vacation on the islands or Mexico or elsewhere and able to communicate only in French?Very fews...

Now what i would say will chock fews but i think many americans that has been traveling to other countries are aware of the stigma they have...Obnoxcious loud americans...Do i think that or generalize absolutely not but if many americans are aware that putting a canadian flag on their bags was better(it has been a running joke)..They are obviously some stigmas as i remember americans coming in business in Japan and they told me..I even saw it as they all though i was american and the taxi driver would change completly their demeneanor (positivily )toward me.Been Québécois has strikes similars...I know many of you have watch Elvis Gratton...Funny yes exagérated not so much.
Some people here are educated speak or write both languages..It's awesome but i think at the end expectant a "hooker review sites" to be in french or have everything in both language is a bit much...They actually did few sections in french and we should be grateful for that

I thankful for those that came from other countries and learn french..But also kept their roots and own language...

Not sure if some of you Québécois français know but out west we arent that loved lol well aside of the escorts working been known to be more horny,open and exotic..

Montreal been one of the lowest market in this industry in Canada and with expectations of full gfe...I don't think most...I said most are greatful..Actually i know some Québécois living in Ontario used it as his fun time to play in Montreal as many americans but many many Quebecois feel entitle...Anyways that is an other can of worms lol

Je suis désolé que tu ai du partir un sujet parce que tu n'avais pas les responses a tes questions sur les règlements ..Et que tu es en désaccord avec le fait que il ne parle pas français ..J'aimerais bien sympathise avec toi mais malheureusement non Et je ne veux pas que tu le prenne personnelle car cela n'est pas le cas(tu semble être une fille super and très intelligente and beaucoup d'idées originale et super a lire).A moins que tu prévois juste travaille dans la province de Quebec c'est un "must".Bien sure MOD 20 peu t'assiter en français il le parle très bien..Gugu est membre établis depuis longtemps et plusieurs autres fellas ou même les filles..Je n'ai absolument pas de problème a aider un personne dans le même métier que moi et je l'ai fais souvent .Je crois que on apprend l'anglais depuis notre primaire et je comprends l'hésitation de l'écrire or de le parler(j'ai été souvent juge au états-unis par mon anglais en écriture quand je suis vraiment fluente en anglais et PARFOIS sans gros accent francophone).Ma copine qui avait complète plusieurs années a l'université en phsychologie ne pouvait pas parle anglais..Simple conversation dans le club..
Le site juste en passant est site de "recommandations" c'est pas faite pour nous mais pour les hommes qui sont dessus même si c'est nous qui paye pour s'annoncer...Par tout les sites que je connais a part de deux ne t'attend pas que le site soient de ton cote...C'est sites la on apparues parce que les gars trouvaient pas juste que different services étaient offer a d'autre..Parce que si tu pu de la graine mais te review disent que tu fais bbbj t'a pas le droit de refuse...Apparement...Anyways un autre sujet a part lol...Mais j'aime ma job je m'en viens juste plus sélective avec qui je veux passe du temps..Malheureusement les québécois ne m'impressionnent pas dans leurs actions..A side of some of fews
Mais S'il te plait ne prend pas mon poste comme un insulte envers toi...

If they are guys that do..Go ahead and attack me.Fine i'm getting to get use to it on merb lol..I'm getting use to all the assumptions that most of you have of me here

on that Je tire my reverance lol!I love some of you and do despite some of you by the personnalité you display on the computer which is so inaccurate

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
My son wants to stay in Drummondville, he figures there is business potential there. My daughter wants to leave Quebec when she graduates, many of her friends feel the same way ( they are all in an English college ).
Myself I like the arrangement I have, Alberta income with Drummondville cost of living, my $165 K house in Drummondville would be $500 K plus in Calgary. Movie for 2 in Sherbrooke is $35 and $50 in Calgary. Escorts $200 compared to $300. I found the majority of Quebecers friendly, language for the most part is not an issue. My only complaint is the lack of Conservatives or people who understand economics in politics. People out west are pissed at the spending Justine is doing and what it will cost our kids in the future.
I was one of the westerners who thought Quebec was an evil place for westerners, then I came out here and found it was over hyped BS.
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