IMO, all these have nothing to do with protecting this or that, its just revenge time (Understandably) because
of what happened in the past, thats it.
I agree with this and looking at the issue objectively and rationally from the standpoint of the outsider who does not favor any one culture or language over another, it (Bill 101) is xenophobic, ethnocentric and divisive. There is no other way I can see it except that, if you remove emotion from the equation.
Regarding Amazon, they will likely seek and receive an exemption from Bill 101 as a condition of headquartering in Montreal. Then Coderre will have to sell that position to his electorate which he probably will because of the jobs it will create, which will mostly go to younger foreigners who are recent college grads. In case nobody has looked lately at the college demographics in Montreal, tons of students from Asia and Middle East countries who speak French worse than I do, but they will have a college diploma in the computer information systems. Their parents own the real estate in Montreal in which they are living. So who has ownership of this situation?
What many of you do not understand is that big companies like this do not give a shit about local laws, they create their own laws. I have had some cases in CT with Chase and Chase doesn't care about obeying Connecticut law, but rather they will adhere to their own company policy and regulations even if they happen to clash with Connecticut law. Amazon will have the same attitude and will tell Coderre Bill 101 does not get enforced against us or we go elsewhere, dude. It's that simple. And Amazon holds the power, not Coderre. Coderre will get the votes of every person who gets a job at the Montreal Amazon location if he makes it happen. Add up those votes and Coderre will not lose.