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full disclosure: here we go..

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Thor Jr

Wǎnshàng hǎo tiānshǐ
Jul 24, 2008
Hey STN, i have been saying it since the beginning, in more then one post, good people, bad people, you know who you are in this world, lets put this to bed and go back to writing reviews.

So, i didn't win the powerball, so i wont be making any ladies rich anytime soon.....

Thor Jr

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Hey STN, i have been saying it since the beginning, in more then one post, good people, bad people, you know who you are in this world, lets put this to bed and go back to writing reviews.

So, i didn't win the powerball, so i wont be making any ladies rich anytime soon.....

Thor Jr

Thanks, deleted todays posts. Enjoy the day


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
It's embarassing to read the way you expose so pivate matter of your life to justify yourself...

De grâce, un peu de pudeur...

Thor Jr

Wǎnshàng hǎo tiānshǐ
Jul 24, 2008
This thread has more lives then a cat..... its like the energizer friggin takes a licking and keeps on ticking....

Ok i am done now, i have to put some thought into my weekend sex activities.....energizer bunny...that reminds me, i need new batteries..

Thor Jr

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Not the lady involved though

As I said before, she does not even read merb and no reviews since my last one a year or so ago.. I am trying to stop my posting on this but certain things need to be said. The mods have the proof that RB free sessions for reviews involve far more than 1 SP.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2014
As I said before, she does not even read merb and no reviews since my last one a year or so ago..

After 2 Threads, and over 170 posts between the both of them, I wouldn't be surprised if she was made aware of it.

I am trying to stop my posting on this but certain things need to be said. The mods have the proof that RB free sessions for reviews involve far more than 1 SP.

You have no disagreements with me there STN :smile:

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
You have no disagreements with me there STN :smile:

I do not think she cares as nothing bad ( truth ) was said about her, what would have been bad is that the false review ( from the blue troll ) would have stood.
The actual thread was against Ricky, Rebecca was only a tiny fraction which would not effect her in a bad way. She is a sweetheart and I will see her when I get back as I always do.


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2007
At least ricky actually reviewed girls on here, unlike others on here who just backdoor review girls only to their buddys which undermines the whole point of the board, im surprised merb allows this

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
At least ricky actually reviewed girls on here, unlike others on here who just backdoor review girls only to their buddys which undermines the whole point of the board, im surprised merb allows this

To allow this merb would have to know and if done by pm there would be no way of knowing. Plus reviewing for your own gain is wrong.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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At least ricky actually reviewed girls on here, unlike others on here who just backdoor review girls only to their buddys which undermines the whole point of the board, im surprised merb allows this

What you are saying essentially is shill reviews are better than no reviews. Take that thinking to its extreme and you get an all-advertising post board, which was exactly what slowly happened to TBD due to poor and ineffective moderation. Guess what happened to TBD? And they didn't have a PM function!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2007
It wasnt meant literally, it was more to point out that there are other things taking place that hurt the board as much as shills yet nothing is said about it, perhaps even some of the people that complain about the shills the loudest are the ones doing what im complaining about? And as the guy says above how would the mods know this is taking place? Ummm well reviewed agencys here have girls fully booked for months and not ONE review of many of them??? Im led to believe that none of these guys booking them are from merb? It doesnt take sherlock holmes to figure out whats going on. Ive seen a few times over the years once a girl is reviewed members coming right out and saying oh ive saw her too before shes great i was keeping her to myself, thats leech like behavior to suck what you can off the board but keep the info you have to yourself or to your inner circle, i just feel thats almost as bad for us as the shill, and no im not for shilling! Exposed shills should be banned permenantley

Batista Mason

Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2011
Just as a followup to the last post: if in fact as posted by the Mods Ricky Bonds was getting freebies for reviews, he got those freebies because he likely has persuasive verbal communications skills and other talents (looks, body language) talking to the girls that most guys do not possess. I never met Ricky, but from his posts, I sense an ability to talk smoothly with women. Many guys I have seen, at VIP events and such, freeze up with the girl. I can recall one MERBiste in particular who at a party, when a certain SP walked into the room, spoke to me of his immense fear in trying to approach her and talk to her. Women read these body language cues; they are attracted to confident and intelligent men. If all else is equal in looks and hygiene, the guy who gets a better mileage or service is one whose presence is comfortable to the SP, and who also projects confidence. My best guess is that Ricky, if he did rack up sessions that were freebies, possessed these talents and skills in spades. Whether he told the girls he was opening an MP in Laval or was the son of the Molson family doesn't really matter. He was a persuader and one must have the verbal skills, the intelligence and the body language to pull it off. Very few true cheapass guys have any real combination of those talents. The execution and art of persuading women to have sex for free is not easy and it's like a football or hockey team performing at a high level, there must be great execution on each play. Not everyone can do it- in fact, very few guys can. It is easy for rich guys to get women, but at the working class level these other skills are paramount.

I took a break from seeing SP for a while, so I didn't see what was going on here and noticed RB was banned. Reading your post, it starting to make sense. Back when Byanka Star was clean and popular, he was the one who keep convincing me to see her (PMed me the most and answered all the questions). Then as soon as the drug rumor started, he kept telling me to not worry, she is clean, it just rumors from angry clients. When her ads were gone, he let me know he has her in his Facebook, so he could get me her new number. I felt like it was weird how he was so close to her. I didn't thought of shill because he has many reviews of many other SP. He was absent for a while, when he came back, I contacted him if he has news of Byanka and what is going on with here, no replies. I decided to just move on and stop worrying about Byanka.

I don't know the exact current situation, I just read the few last pages. So if he was manipulating this many SP all that time for free service, it make feel sad because I met many SP who were nice people and I just wished them a happy healthy life and nothing bad happens to them. While some do love sex and don't mind it as a job, some don't and the last thing they needs is people manipulating them.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Hello all

I have been a long time Booker and escort agency operator predating all the escort boards ,I do have a very interesting anecdote concerning similar situation that where explained in this thread

"Backdoor" drivers and escorts ?

Marketing escorts was way different then now but the cheating was the same

Having a full page publicity in the yellow pages was costing me $25,000 which needed to be paid upfront before cut off ,since escorting wasn't really a legit business .

Added to this I had $10,000 running adds in JDM ,La Press and the Gazette.

Talk time on cells was at $1.00 a minute.

My best in publicity where at $150 per hour there salary was half of it so $ 75 a hour but they had nothing to pay .

Clever Driver kept customers number and arrange with the escorts they where Driving to Backdoor ,instead of giving $75 a hour they gave $90 to $100.
They had 0 marketing fees and where using my clients on which I paid above half a million to recruit .

When girls and drivers where cought there hands in the cooking jar they where terminated

Some had the nerve to ask why, he is not more of a pimp then you are !Hummmm

He is taking care of me better, he is paying more !

Explaining this to a young escort isn't always easy .

Yes I am a pimp but your driver is a f_c_er and a pimp.

Upfront agency operators and Bookers pay fees Indies pay fees to market themselves
A backdoor Booker doesn't.

The wheel was invented long time ago sadly cheating and deceiving too .

Warmest Regards



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Interesting post and background BookerL. I agree agency operator, Booker, Driver, Escort they are all getting paid from and have different pieces of the same pie.

The question this thread presents is what pie Ricky was involved in eating from? Or was he truly going hungry?


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Interesting post and background BookerL. I agree agency operator, Booker, Driver, Escort they are all getting paid from and have different pieces of the same pie.

The question this thread presents is what pie Ricky was involved in eating from? Or was he truly going hungry?

Yes exactly ,you understand well EB ,keep it up .


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