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Gas prices


Dec 13, 2004
lets get together to fight the high price for gasoline

we as drivers as you well know are getting ripped of from the govt,oil company,and the gas station
my suggustion is to go to a gas station put 5 dollars and use your credit cards
it may be a little inconvent but it is warmer weather now and we could load up the gas station with alot of extra paper work this in turn will get the gas station screaming
when one person does this it means nothing ,but when thousands does it people will start talking

so i hope you people will get out there and show that you are a true merbites

also i would like other people to to write posts about this problem


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
And the person who will get stuck treating all this paperwork will be... The gas station owner, who often make 1-2 cent per litre... Wrong target.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Btyger has it right. Unified action can bring results in some areas but not in this one and not in this way.


Active Member
Oct 9, 2006
Consume less petrol.
That's the only way you will ever reduce their profits.
It's also the right thing to do if you don't want your grandchildren to inherit a wreck instead of a planet.

J. Peterman

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Feb 26, 2004
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It is not a waste of time to fight for better prices.

When the price of gasoline goes above $1.00 per liter we can all by al little as possible and only on the days of the week when the prices are lower than other days. If we were all to buy only gasoline in increments of $5 in the smallest quantities we can get by with we will get the attention of the big gas companies.
For example if no one fills up their tank and only buys $5, $10, $15, 20..ect. ect. We will show that we are serious about paying the lowest prices and we will also increase the need for manpower and capacity at the gas stations. How much more resources will the gas companies have to use up to serve 4 or 5 times the number of cars at the pumps and sell the same amount of gas?
There are those people who will tell you it is a waste of time. Hell, lets try it and see if it works.

Ben Dover

Jun 25, 2006
I personally can't wait for the upcoming shortage and ultimate final depletion of the world's accessible oil supply. Once there is no more oil the world, governments will have no choice but to move everything over to electric power and we'll be able to breath again... Hopefully we won't all be dead before that happens. All the politicians that vote against clean air legislation, kyoto etc should be forced to sit in their garage while the car is idling... That's exactly what they're doing to the rest of us. bastards.



I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
JP, what this will accomplish isn't much in terms of effects on big shots and all. All this will do is hurt local operators. Esso, Shell and all have most of their stations operated by independants owner. The big ESSO banner doesn't mean the guy at the counter is getting a paycheck from Esso. As I stated previously, these guys make a few cent per liter at most. The fuel is in most case there to attract peoples who will use the convenience store and might have gone elsewhere.
What makes a difference to petroleum companies, even if it's very small, is to stop buying premium fuel completely. Unless requested by car maker, premium fuel is useless in most cars today.
And I hope none of the peoples complaining here own SUVs? These are nonsense who should be illegal to own except under specific conditions. Same with peoples who own trucks but never put more than groceries in the back. A trailer and top case does the job when you need the space and when you don't, your car doesn't pollute as much.


Dec 13, 2004
dont cry for the gas station

when the price is 1.04 one day and the next day its 114 i think you people are not useing your grey when he filled his tanks at the old price


Just another fool
Dec 27, 2006
On a big ROCK
Wow you guys live in a different world

I read some of the remarks and I can't help but laugh. First off, filling up $5 at a time doesn't change the end barrel consumption. Also has no effect on the gas companies. Also the guy that said he can't wait for the oil supply to end, all I have to say to you is: Do you like to eat? We live in an oil economy which means everything from FOOD to toilette paper at some point gets affected by oil. Also we're good for another 50 years with our current oil estimates. (just a stat for you, the average canadian food travels 6000 miles before getting to your plate, americans is 5000 miles)

Ok so you're all complaining that gas prices are too high, then stop complaining and start acting. STOP DRIVING. Prices won't affect you then! Cheap energy is a thing of the past, even a new power source won't return cheap prices because world demand is just so much higher (more demand more cost).

Now for all of you ethanol and bio-diesel're the worst of the bunch. Save mother earth but starve the people. Made from food grade corn, have you looked at the price of corn lately!!!

I recommend people read Peak Oil, it will explain so much to you. Then I recommend you stop your whining and shell out the cost of gas or stop driving. Or do something sensible and take a bus!!! For you OIL company haters, since when is it immoral to try and earn a profit? (even a 10B profit)

Now for some positive tones: US company invents electric sports car that does 0 to 100 in 4 seconds. US Company invents a way of producing hydrogen from magnesium pellets and water, thus solving the compressed hydrogen storage problem. US Company increases electric car energy conservation to 40% (that's where the car gets power back from breaking). Bunch of new stuff being invented every day for a greener world.

Personally, I'm holding out for the Transporter! Beam me up scotty


Mar 28, 2007
We've all been spoiled, and society will continue to use energy inefficiently so long as it remains cheap. It will take a crisis. That's just the way people are.

As for the various protest measures proposed, I don't think they will have an effect to lower prices, but you know we have to keep showing the oil companies that we are not going to take it lying down. They do manage to stick it to us every time their input costs go down. (They wait a little longer to lower prices to the retail suppliers.)


Wine, women, & song ...
Jul 6, 2004
Banlieues de Métropolis


Jul 4, 2003
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Trying to do something about the high price of gas is a good idea. Unfortunately, the number of people that would have to participte in ANY sort of effective protest would be in the tens, if not hundreds, of thousands. Good luck finding them in this "Me,Myself,and I" society.

Mike Mercury

Sep 10, 2005
Charging 5$ on a CC is a silly idea. (you'll waste gas & waste time waiting in line, you'll only buy more next time)

So is boycotting all gas stations on Tuesday. (you'll only buy more on Wednesday, you know)

Its not just the price per litre. Its how many litres you consume.

So do something intelligent, for example:
Get a smaller car, drive less and take public transportation more often. Walk , most of us could use the exercise.


Jul 26, 2006
Some of you guys come up with some of the stupidest threads and comments in the world...... seriously. We're supposed to be grown men here and these are the things we talk and discuss about during our spare time...?

If you're really so anal about the gas price, either go buy an electric car, or start using the bus/metro more, or better yet, save on the "high" prices of fares and tickets and buy a $100 bicycle and make it extreme!!


Jul 4, 2003
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With all due respect MtlAsian, you seem to have enough spare time to not only read the thread,but contribute to it too. I guess you think your 2 cents must be pretty damned important to contribute to such a "stupid" thread.

J. Peterman

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Feb 26, 2004
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If you just pay the price that they put up on the sign and say there is nothing you can do about it is to accept whatever price they throw at you.
I for one will not just bend over and spread my ass cheeks for the oild companies.
We can start by showing them that we do not approve of their gas price prices and buy as little as possibe so that the inventories remain in their big tanks at the refinery.

J. Peterman

New Member
Feb 26, 2004
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I do not agree that this thread is redundant.

This is a thread started by someone that is asking the question: What can we do to lower prices. I can make a few suggestions.

- Buy as little as possible to keep inventories at the refinery.

- Buy in increments of $5.00 ( example: $5, $10, $15, $20........ ) So that
the gas companies know that you will not put up with their capricious gas
price hikes.

- Buy on the days of the week that have lower gas prices. It use to be
on Mondays and Tuesdays, but the gas companies are changing the day of
the week when they hike up the price.

I know of one way that will make the gas companies sweat, get a protest together and monitor the gas prices. Then determine which gas company it is that hikes their prices up the fastes and the most. Then get the public to cut up their gas credit cards. :eek: That should make them get on their knees!


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
J. Peterman said:

If you just pay the price that they put up on the sign and say there is nothing you can do about it is to accept whatever price they throw at you.
I for one will not just bend over and spread my ass cheeks for the oild companies.
We can start by showing them that we do not approve of their gas price prices and buy as little as possibe so that the inventories remain in their big tanks at the refinery.
I can say from direct experience that the problem with boycotts is they rarely work, at least not at nationwide levels. The difficulty to mobilize enough people to make a difference is overwhelming: so what if 500 to 1000 car drivers, here and there, don't buy gasoline for a month or two?

Then there's another difficulty which is inherent to the nature of power, here specifically the power held by oil companies: short-sightness. Short term returns being pretty much the only focus, there's little chance that the industry will revise its plans no matter the extend of the boycotts. Example: the protests against U.S. invasion of Iraq (let's call a cat a cat - "kalakatakat"), in the U.S. and elsewhere, reached unprecedented levels of participation and, yet, the Bush Administration went on with its agenda.
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