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Gas prices


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
JP, your suggestions aren't of any use. Beside "buy as little as possible", They don't work!!

"Buy as little as possible" won't work if you make $5 purchases because, you'll just end-up buying more often. This was explained over and over why it's a waste of time and money. Why are you coming back with this? That will only get the gas station operator pissed, it won't make any difference on oil companies. The operators are stuck in the same bath we are.

"Buy as little as possible" could work if all the idiots who insist in driving SUV, minivans, power cars, 4X4, trucks and such, without having a valid reason to do so, would start using a vehicle that meet their transportation needs instead of their "I want a look" needs. ANY vehicle with an engine over, let's say 4 liters, should be taxed to the bones, at purchase and plates, unless the owner can prove he needs it.

  • And the list goes on!

    It would be easy for peoples to get price lower , only by adding some "collective intelligence" and social conscience but, bepoples are too busy bitching and blaming others to be able to look at themself.
  • My father in law used to drive a minivan: both him and the wife are retired and don't carpool so, the extra 5 seats got used maybe 20 times in 5 years! That's useless!
  • My neighbour also had a minivan. Same situation as the inlaws.
  • I have friends who are single, without kids, but still insist in driving a pick-up, even if they are office workers. The box is used for groceries and maybe a bicycle once in a while. Useless!
  • The roads are full of 4X4 who never saw a dirt road and never will. Not talking about "all weel drive" intended for better road handling, talking 4X4 designed to do offroading. Some say there's more space in these? Bull! I can get more stuff in my Accord than in a Cherokee or a RAV4 and my MPG is far better! They say it's for safety in winter? But they drive around with all season tires and are often found in the ditch because they don't know how to handle the 4wd.
  • What about Ginos driving around with big Muscle Cars for day to day duties? Useless!
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I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
JP, your suggestions aren't of any use. Beside "buy as little as possible", They don't work!!

"Buy as little as possible" won't work if you make $5 purchases because, you'll just end-up buying more often. This was explained over and over why it's a waste of time and money. Why are you coming back with this? That will only get the gas station operator pissed, it won't make any difference on oil companies. The operators are stuck in the same bath we are.

"Buy as little as possible" could work if all the idiots who insist in driving SUV, minivans, power cars, 4X4, trucks and such, without having a valid reason to do so, would start using a vehicle that meet their transportation needs instead of their "I want a look" needs. ANY vehicle with an engine over, let's say 4 liters, should be taxed to the bones, at purchase and plates, unless the owner can prove he needs it.
  • My father in law used to drive a minivan: both him and the wife are retired and don't carpool so, the extra 5 seats get used maybe 20 times in 5 years! That's useless!
  • My neighbour also had a minivan. Same situation as the inlaws.
  • I have friends who are single, without kids, but still insist in driving a pick-up, even if they are office workers. The box is used for groceries and maybe a bicycle once in a while. Useless!
  • The roads are full of 4X4 who never saw a dirt road and never will. Not talking about "all weel drive" intended for better road handling, talking 4X4 designed to do offroading. Some say there's more space in these? Bull! I can get more stuff in my Accord than in a Cherokee or a RAV4 and my MPG is far better! They say it's for safety in winter? But they drive around with all season tires and are often found in the ditch because they don't know how to handle the 4wd.
  • What about Ginos driving around with big Muscle Cars for day to day duties? Useless!

And the list goes on! It would be easy to get the gas price lower if peoples would add some "collective intelligence", civic sense and social conscience but no, peoples are too bust bitching at others, blaming everybody but themself. There's no way they'll take time to collectively make some postitive choices...

J. Peterman

New Member
Feb 26, 2004
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When you buy as little as possible and make it in $5 increments you send a message to the oil companies, you also keep the inventories in their tanks.
Today the price is $114 per liter, will you be buying any gas soon? I bought my $25 yesterday ( $1.04 ), and I am planning to make it last till it drops to $1.04 or less till I get more.
Stick it to them like they are sticking it to us! :(


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
JP, again and again and again... The $5 increment is useless! What good does a message do when the recipient doesn't want to read it?

The "...make it last till it drops to $1.04 or less till I get more." attitude is the one to adopt, but not only to the $1.04 mark, ALWAYS make it last! That's the way to go! If peoples would get rid of their Stupid Useless Vehicules, this would be a good start to get the gas price lower.

J. Peterman

New Member
Feb 26, 2004
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Gas at $1.18.....are we going to do anything about it.

I for one will only buy gas when the prices are lower later in the week, we do not have to encourage the gas companies to raise prices because they believe that well will put up with it.
All those with me say AIIiiiyyYYYY!...All those that are willing to put up with any price the gas companies charge, pull down your pants and bend over and get ready to be corn holed with a gas nozzle!:eek:


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Jul 8, 2003
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I would not be surprised to see $4 a gallon in the US very soon. The oil companies and Wall Street will jump on the excuse of Venezuala taking over the oil fileds there as a way to justify higher prices. Funny how fast in goes up on an kind of speculatiuon and how slow it comes down at the pump when the price per barrel drops. Prices are not determined by supply and demand, they are determined by speculators on Wall Street. And we all get the pipe where the sun doesn't shine!


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Here in the USA prices are expected to soar over $4 per gallon where I live. It is price gouging, and I believe there will be a revolt coming soon.


Mar 28, 2007
I for one am going to cut down on all frivilous/unnessary/ driving for entertainment.
(of course that doesn't include going to MTL!)
Now's the time to make sure your tires are inflated to spec,.spend a few bucks on new air filters, spark plugs as the payback in making these improvements is quickly justified. Also, slow down, and if possible siphon gas from your neighbour's Hummer. He'll never miss it.


2-2 in bans... loser...
EagerBeaver said:
Here in the USA prices are expected to soar over $4 per gallon where I live. It is price gouging, and I believe there will be a revolt coming soon.

Revolt by what means? Stop driving? No way.

Protests in front of refineries? Yup that will make them listen. NOT.

Unless everyone cuts down, increasing reserves and supplies, nothing will happen. Oh, and even THEN they can just cut production to decrease supply and keep the prices artificially high....


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
Personally, I don't understand why it's acceptable that a ressource can't benefit the peoples on who's territory it is. Canada produce enough petrol to satisfy our own consumption. Why does government allow private companies to basically steal our ressources and sell them to whoever pay the most? We should be allowed to use what we need, at a price equivaent to production, plus a predifined, acceptable, fix cost and, the only thing allowed to sold outside the country should be the excess.

But that's utopia, since money talks and population pay.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
DoingittoDeath said:
Great advice. I understand that after the price of gas stabilised last Fall that Canadian consumers went back to their wasteful ways and started buying SUVs and large vehicles again. People never learn. The price of gas will continue to go up and of course, throughout the nineties and early this decade was actually artificially cheap.

I'm content knowing that my transit pass is still only $65 - and no parking fees!

You're right when you state that people never learn. You're less right when you say that your pass is "still" only $65 - that price is only a few months old, the price goes up every year (and twice last year) and will go up again in January while the service continues to decline. This is all due to an aging network and to decades of inefficiency and corruption at the top levels as well as repeated pressure tactics by the various unionized workers.

J. Peterman

New Member
Feb 26, 2004
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If we keep the gas in their tanks we send them a message.

The gas price now is between $1.18 and $1.15, I only bought $5 and will not buy until I need more gas or if the prices go down. This way we keep the gas in their tank and keep their inventories high. As new oil come into the refineries they will have to get rid of the old gas. ( at a lower price )
The gas companies will also get the message if there are too many low volume purchases, this causes the need for more manpower to sell the same amount of gas.
We have to send them a message, otherwise we will keep getting fucked at the pumps. I have heard people say that when it gets to a buck a liter they will do something about it, the price is now at $1.18. Do we take a stand here?


Virgin User
May 17, 2006
J. Peterman said:
I only bought $5 and

But you are still buying the same total quantity, you're just doing it $5 at a time. So the supply/demand ration stays the same, as do prices.

J. Peterman said:
The gas companies will also get the message if there are too many low volume purchases, this causes the need for more manpower to sell the same amount of gas.

Exactly, which will mean more overhead, and so higher gas prices.

Oil is a limited resource. With more and more people (China and India) using more and more gas (SUVs, etc.) the price will keep going up. Also, because of Kyoto, our government will soon have no choice but to raise taxes on gas, and up the price even more.

If you really want to make the price go down, you have to drive less, car pool, take the bus/metro/train, buy cars with smaller engines, not heat your home as much in winter and not air condition it as much in summer (if you live in a province without hydro power), etc.

J. Peterman

New Member
Feb 26, 2004
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If you keep the gas in their tanks then when the new oild arrives on the tankers they have to get rid of the old oil at lower prices. I am also buying gas at a lower price as you know the gas prices spike one day of the week and then go lower. The reason for the lower prices is that they have to get rid of inventory. The people who have to buy it and the ones the do not give a shit will buy it at the higher prices.
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