Montreal Escorts

GFE not SAFE!!!!

Ned Nobody

May 16, 2003
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Originally posted by Orgris
What are the problems wich appear when you suffer from herpes ?

Are they clear sympthoms ?

thanks to answer to these questions


While the question you ask is a good one, I think the best answer you will get is from experts, rather than a review board. I would suggest you look at to answer some of your questions.



Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2004
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For those of you interested, go here:

Tammy, thank you for your concern. May God bless you. And yes, there is NO cure for Herpes...only treatment. Although I also agree with Latinofreak that it is in Tammy`s moral obligation to list the escorts that are infected. Tammy, how would you feel if you could have possibly prevented a transmission, but didn`t do so only because you RESPECT your co-workers or ex-boss, or whatever. By not coming forth, you are possibly a MURDERER as well, atleast in a court of law. That`s some straight up, immature, non-sensical bullshit. You are theoretically JUST AS GUILTY. You`d get the electric chair too!!

Just my 2 cents Tammy. Please think about it.

BTW boys, you can catch anything from anyone. For example, you can fuck a $5 crack-stick without a condom and not catch anything, and then bone Wanda Curtis the next night at $1000 per hour with a condom, and catch something. Catch my drift.

Let me break it down more: Wanda is riding your covered pipe which is well-lubricated with her juices. She`s so lubricated, that her juices roll down to your nuts.

Then, condom comes off and she blows you willingly () since the condom is strawberry scented, so the taste does not bother her. She is similar to a squirrel...just ``gobbling up those nuts``. Little does she (or you) know that her tongue is actually transmitting the (pussy) juices from your nuts and the bottom of your shaft right back up to your ``football helmet``. Extremely small amounts of liquid get transferred back down your vas deferens and voila....INFECTED. Even if you blow a Peter North-style milkshake right back up. Too late.

I guess we`re fucked either way !!!!!!


Please avoid DFK, LK, FINGERS, Rimming, (to my chagrin) (or difference) and ESPECIALLY DATY.

I myself am guilty of , cuz I love it so much. Hence, I counter that by NEVER doing DATY, LK, DFK, FINGERS...And I am a great DATY-er, but I`ll save that for my future gfriend or wife.

I ALWAYS shower before going to an SP, and immediately after also. She should as well!!! Plus, make sure that hands and fingers are clean before, during and after sex. I have many times politely ordered an SP to ``come with me to the washroom`` to wash her hands.

Example: we are boning, I`m covered, but she is masturbating at the same time....I automatically make a mental note that she WILL NOT touch my bare pipe with those hands unless she cleans them thoroughly. And they always do. And they always look at me with a slight look of ``this guy`s a bit weird``, but after I explain it, they are flabergasted, and HIGHLY appreciative. And I think they like the fact that they are with an overly hygienic dude. Why? ....peace of mind. Or atleast, more of it.

You don`t know the number of SP`s that I have schooled. I`ve seen so many little fuck ups on their part. And most are absolutely CLUELESS. They think ``oh just put on a rubber, and everything is OK``. NAAAAAAAAAAWWWW!!!!!!!!!

Half don`t even know how to put on a rubber properly, using the tip of their nails to hold the reservoir tip. I tell em ``NO!!!!!!!!!Don`t do that!!!, can cut it with your nail``. Their response is ....``......oh?``

And re: unprotected oral sex,......... men can catch more when giving rather than recieving! I hope I have convinced atleast one of you, and not bored you. And you dudes with the girlfriends or wives, please think about what you are doing to yourselves. I`m not pointing anyone out, but....

Re: viruses: you can be carrying a dormant virus for up tp 8 months, and these viruses are not detected through modern diagnostical technology. So, you get tested..and You are clean!!!! GREAT!!! So you go home and bang the wife, not knowing that an SP (or any other cheap sex....) has given you something 5 months ago. So now, you and your wife are both carriers.

A friend of mine is an MD at the Jewish General. He told me of a Pakistani man who had HIV (from a prostitute, according to the man) and then not knowingly gave it to his innocent wife. She died before him.

I have spoken.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2004
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Man it`s the truth. We are all living on the edge, myself included with my selfish `s. But it`s like Travolta in Pulp Fiction when he says ``Yeah.....but steak tastes good!``

Big difference with a and a CBJ in terms of sensation. I guess this is the risk i`m dealing with. Doesn`t really make a difference if I don`t do the others (DATY, any kissing, rimming, whatever), I can still get tagged.


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Dec 28, 2003
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Good job Tammy

After analyzing everybody's posts, I see that there is a big difference of opinion between the junior members and the senior members.

The junior members seem to be a little freaked out by Tammy's post. The concensus made by Senior members is that there is no difference between doing it with an SP and doing it on a one-night stand. Unless you're for abstenance, you can't be totally safe.

On the hand, senior members are starting to be careless about this topic, since they have been doing this for a while and nothing bad happened to them yet.

I believe that posts such as Tammy's is extremely important so that everyone is reminded that shit happens in this business. I know what you seniors will say: "we already discussed this in another thread". MY ANSWER: WHO CARES??? What about the newbies that visit this board, do the first thing they search is std??? No, they go can check out which SP has the best deal.

So please, I encourage more SP's to do the same as Tammy. People will be informed and reminded about this serious matter.


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Jan 6, 2004
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I am sure there are more escorts with std and working. They rather not say anything so they can make $.

What we all need to do here is, for the agency owners to get all their escorts tested regularly and bring the proof from the hospital and give it to the owner. I know only few agencies are doing that.

For oldies and newbies, it does not matter. no difference.

I got into escort business last September and by doing GFE I caught herpes. We sleep with 7 or even more men a day so think about that.

GFE is not safe. Thank for all your support.

Good luck.

Ned Nobody

May 16, 2003
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My take

While I`m not a doctor, the following seems logical:

1) Since herpes infects the body at the point of contact, it seems to me Tammy could have received genital herpes only from DATY or BBFS. Since she doesn`t mention BBFS, I`ll assume that it was DATY.

2) Tammy worked in the business for months, seeing 7 clients a day, and regularly offered and DFK, yet testing revealed no health issues in regard to these services.

Now, before I get flamed for saying and DFK is safe...or that DATY is dangerous, read what I say. I speak only to what Tammy says at the present time, and since some STD`s have a incubation period, there may be future updates to come. I also note that a one person scientific study is not going to convince many people.

Periodically on an escort review board, there is a new scare, appearing as ``GFE not safe`` or ``Do it by yourself`` or such. Perhaps such hysteria is a good thing, if it encourages people to read and learn what risks are really out there. However, without clear, accurate, and detailed information, it makes it difficult to access the true risks.


Tammy, I`ll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume your post is sincere. I`m sorry to hear that you have herpes, and hope that it is a mild case. I`ll also assume that you weren`t previously infected, and that you had no personal partners during the time you worked, whereby you might have been infected. Yet parts of your post seem to be like the sensationalized news flash that we often see during television ratings periods. ``GFE agency staff infecting the city, film at 11``

If one engages in unsafe activities with their partner, be it an escort or someone picked up in a bar, they are taking a risk. You assert that activities with an escort are more dangerous than others, simply because of the frequency of encounters, but I think that`s a flawed argument. Let`s suppose that the escort offers GFE service with CFS 7 times a day, and the bar patron offers GFE companionship with BBFS 3 times a week. Without further information, I would think the risk would be less with the escort than the bar patron, as I believe the risk of BBFS is that high. Now, of course, I`ve made up part of this situation, and this is only my opinion, certainly others would disagree.

You make a big point of saying you worked for a well-known GFE agency, which you won`t name, and you know other girls are infected, who you wont name. I don`t suggest that you should name them, but I don`t see the point of this statement, if you don`t want to provide that information. To me, it seems simple enough to say that you worked as an escort and you now have herpes. Whether you were an independent or agency girl, it doesn`t seem to matter, as the bottom line is you`ve got it, and any of your clients you saw after you were infected were potentially exposed. Saying more than that could be perceived as an attempt to scare clients away from agencies.

About ``the situation`` in Vancouver, which you refer to as #1 STD city, it is only #1 in syphilis per capita, according to the articles I have read. Further, I believe it has little to do with Montreal, just as last year`s SARS outbreak in Toronto had little to do with Montreal.

You wrote ``there were many times when I went to see a customer giving right after another . U can catch something there right away. `` While I don`t disagree with the concept, that ``[you] can catch something there``, it would seem that did not happen in all of your experiences.

My post is not intended to flame or discredit you, as again, I will assume that you are sincere, and in an effort to get your point across, you made what I think are a few ``stretches`` and assumptions. Nor do I suggest that people should read my message and take me as an expert. I do think that some out there, both clients and SP`s, are unaware of the diseases that are out there, how they are transmitted, what symptoms they might observe, and where to go if they have concerns. To that end, I think your post was helpful, and I hope that message is received.

For someone who doesn`t think their English is very good, it seems fine to me.



New Member
Jan 6, 2004
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Thanks Ned,

But did you know that you can catch gonorreah by giving ?? both the customers and the escorts. That is what the dr. told me and I know a girl who went through that. she has been cured and fine now but you see nothing is safe if you take littl risk like that.

Do you really want to get from a girl who just did it with sombody else before she came to see you??

I think that all the escorts can enjoy sex better without GFE . They will feel better in the end.


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Jan 1, 2004
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Ned, let me try to sum up your detailed analysis from what I can gleam from your long post:

you tried to analysis every last word of tammy's to suggest that there are 'stretches' behind those and thus imply that there 'might' be reasons for her posts???!!! Wow, I think if I try to apply that criteria to your 'critical' post, you wouldn't be making any sense either. Can I assume that you are another ambulance chaser from the US? Not everybody thinks and talks and posts like that, you know.

Well, maybe you see nothing but pine needles that don't make sense, but I'd rather see the big sad picture that tammy tried to convey: GFE is not safe with escorts in Montreal. Any arguments in that?

As for the people who says this and that about tammy should say who's who, girls names, agency names etc. etc. Get real. If it were your own skin, I'm sure you'd kept your big mouths shut and not post here at all. So give the credit where it's due and much thanks to tammy for posting her sad story. Still don't think that you'd do that, post names and stuff??? How about everybody here fess up and tell us the times that you have caught stuff in this hobby? And Yes, especially including which girl, which agency here in Montreal???

Well, I'm listening? Nothing but deathly silence.....right! Nobody has ever caught anything! Yes, I was born yesterday and at mid-night too. What a sad bunch of losers!!

Now anybody cares to tell me what might happen to tammy if she fesses up everything?


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Dec 15, 2003
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The Fifth

If I were Tammy's lawyer, I would advise her to stop posting on this board before she goes ahead and gives names. She has conveyed her message pretty well and I don't believe she can add much more without exposing herself.

If mds are members, it's time for them to speak out.


Ned Nobody

May 16, 2003
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In any activity, there is some risk. I don`t think the attendees of a recent hockey game expected someone to try to make Bell Centre a drive-in.

On the subject, there are plenty of opinions both ways. It certainly seems possible, but some research suggests it`s relatively unlikely to pass in that manner. It seems that you are convinced it would happen, but again, in all of your sessions, 7 guys a day, over months, it didn`t seem to occur. Maybe you and your clients were lucky. As to gonorrhea, I`m personally less afraid of that than HIV and herpes, as I believe most prevalent strains of gonorrhea are treatable. But again, I`m not a doctor, so my opinion shouldn`t really matter to you or others on the board.

To me though, it seems to me that you are more concerned about , which is something that didn`t seem to cause you a health issue, than DATY, which perhaps did cause a problem for you, and this is confusing to me. If someone ran over me with a truck, I wouldn`t be out there trying to ban skateboards, and nowhere do I really notice you coming down on DATY.

As to escort feelings, I don`t think that you speak for all escorts, although I`m sure some do share your feelings. I have been told by some that they don`t like the taste or feel of latex. However, if you were in the business (or for that matter, in your personal life), and if it makes YOU feel better not to offer , and that would make YOU enjoy sex better, then I think YOU should not do it, and let others, assuming they are aware of the risks, choose for themselves.



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Jan 1, 2004
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Re: The Fifth

Originally posted by Lawless
If I were Tammy's lawyer, I would advise her to stop posting on this board before she goes ahead and gives names. She has conveyed her message pretty well and I don't believe she can add much more without exposing herself.

If mds are members, it's time for them to speak out.


yes, tammy, you've posted enough. For your own safety, you need to stop posting now...IMO, you've provided way too much information here for people to id you. And some bozo might just do that and post your name here. Translated, for your own safety, you need to stop now. Much thanks for your warning and sharing your own personal story.

oyster man

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Dec 31, 2003
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If anyone posts Tammy's real name on this board, the moderator had better remove it IMMEDIATELY. He's shown himself to be highly responsible in the past, so I honestly think that he would.
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