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Going Bald


New Member
Jan 19, 2014
If one is going bald, then it's often less than $10k. How do I know? Because I've had a marginally receding hairline (that hasn't moved in about 6-7 years) and I've met with top hair transplant specialists in the NY/Boston area and Toronto/Ottawa area.

In all honesty, I have researched this, and I know that a transplant is the way to go if you're going to do it. It's really not a huge stigma for me since baldness runs in my family, but not everyone of us goes bald and I was hoping it would skip me. In the end, I decided just to accept it. I'd much rather go bald than give up hobbying!


New Member
Feb 19, 2015
I started losing my awesome hair at 21, I am short and skinny and still decided to completely shave my head. I don't keep any facial hair either. Balding is becoming very common in North America. Don't waste your money on treatments of any kind, just be happy with what you got. Confidence can be seen.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
That's crazy. Who told you this? Some of the most expensive hair transplants in North America generally cost $10-12k on average. Your claim of $45k and then 'touch ups' thereafter running to $40k is possible, I suppose, but an absolutely extreme case that is so unrepresentative that it's utter nonsense to even discuss.

Why would you choose a crap doctor to start with? Is it because when it comes to verifying a doctor's credentials, the internet ceases to exist to do research? There's so much strange information/logic in your post.

If one is going bald, then it's often less than $10k. How do I know? Because I've had a marginally receding hairline (that hasn't moved in about 6-7 years) and I've met with top hair transplant specialists in the NY/Boston area and Toronto/Ottawa area.

Dr. Bernstein in New York. He is one of the best if not the best in the nation. This was in 2002 when I met him. But I wasn't qualified because my follicles lacked the density needed for one. I also met a few hustling crackpots who tried to push me onto a procedure where I realized it would be a disaster.

You state going bald. Not where there is nothing on top and they have to slice a huge strip of flesh from the back of your head. Then the doctor and his technicians will spent the next 12 to 15 hours taking all those little follicles from that strip of flesh and plugging them onto the top of your head. That is about on average 10,000 to 11,000 grafts. Each graft where a follicle contains three to four hairs runs about $4. This is the ideal number for a successful transplant. My number is two per follicle which that cancels me out. Dr. Bernstein gave me this thorough and sincere analysis. He gave me two choices. Shave my head or go on a Propecia/Rogaine regimen. I was like fug it. That regimen is for life and we don't know the long term side affects. After talking with that doc I went to my barber for the last time and shaved whatever was left. Then hopped over to the drug store and got a Mach 3 and some gel and the rest was history.

Now looking back I am damn glad I lost that hair. No more time wasting primping in the morning. Also joined the gym which reinforced discipline and giving a damn.


New Member
Dec 16, 2008
I'm clean shaven (face) about 5 foot 11 inches in height slim and wear glasses. I go to the same barber every 2 weeks and get him to use clippers to cut my hair as tight as he can. Been doing it for 10 years plus. Never been an issue wishing I had long hair again. Thanks for the time gents.


New Member
Jan 19, 2014
Sooooooo.... What's the verdict? Do you like it? How does it feel?

It didn't happen! I actually went into work today. It wasn't really pressing, but I still had to go in for a while -- I hit the snooze alarm from 7:00 to 7:45 & then I finally dragged myself out of bed. But I hate how it looks. When I see myself in the mirror in the morning, with my hair sticking out all over the place, I think of Albert Einstein. It will be gone soon -- I have a big family party to go to on Sunday & I have relatives coming in from out of town, so I want it gone before then. Thursday? And I'm going to take a pic of myself in the mirror waving goodbye to it with a sad look on my face.

To be honest, I could have just shaved it when I got home today, but it really isn't easy! Can I keep it for two more days? I'll take it off soon -- and it will be just in time for all of my bald cousins to give me shit about my bald head! : ) Oh, well!


New Member
Jan 19, 2014
Sooooooo.... What's the verdict? Do you like it? How does it feel?

If I manage to do this on Thursday, you can picture me standing in front of the bathroom mirror for about 45 minutes before I work up the nerve to turn the razor on.

I'll be okay, though. Sometimes things aren't as scary as they are in your imagination. Like meeting an escort for the first time!

I liken it to going skydiving. When I first went skydiving, I was terrified. I couldn't sleep for about a week before my first jump. But after I jumped out of the plane, I was fine. And I'm afraid of heights! It was looking down from the plane that freaked me out, but once I left the door, I thought, "That wasn't so bad!" And I enjoyed the trip down. Point being: I think I will be happier once the hair is gone. I'll take the dive & it will be fine.


Jul 10, 2004
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If you're in the early stages of hair loss, see your doctor and try Propecia (finasteride), Rogaine, or whatever the doctor recommends.

I have been using Propecia for 10+ years with great results.

Did you have any problems with your sex-drive while taking propecia? Some people do.


Active Member
Aug 24, 2011
i took propecia at 23.. it literally killed my libido. once i stopped taking it, it slowly went back. obviously, with age, i'm getting less horny


New Member
Jan 19, 2014
This might sound stupid, but I'm going to ask it anyway. Are you overweight or out of shape? This can really depress your libido. If you work out on a regular basis, you'll get it back pretty quickly. Just a thought...


Active Member
Aug 24, 2011
i'm actually slim and in a rather decent shape. just need to improve on my cardio but that's more because of weather than anything else. its definitely all in the mind so stress related


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Jan 28, 2004
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June 1, 2015 thats the date I will have my barber (she is asian and HOT lol ) cut my hair short and then shave the rest off ! This is not because I am going bald rather it is something I have wanted to do for most of my life. I have always worried about what I would look like ( damn we are all so concerned with what others think) but have now decided, fuck it, I want to do this and damn it I will. I can't wait thinking about the needless time I waste every morning brushing or combing my hair. Who knows, I may just decide that I like the look and the feeling and will keep it that way. :)


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
I can't wait thinking about the needless time I waste every morning brushing or combing my hair. Who knows, I may just decide that I like the look and the feeling and will keep it that way. :)

Shaved mine over a decade ago and have always been very happy about it in every way. Added bonus: I work out every day - always have - and I never have that sweaty wet hair feeling. Had a goatee for a while but got rid of that too. Bald is best, trust me.


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Jul 16, 2004
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Shaved mine over a decade ago and have always been very happy about it in every way. Added bonus: I work out every day - always have - and I never have that sweaty wet hair feeling. Bald is best, trust me.

I do agree :thumb:


Sep 24, 2009
I've had a shaved head since like 9th grade, so, not really an issue over here. But, then again I'm not old. Sounds to me more like you're dealing an age issue rather than a hair issue.

That said... the least sexy thing is trying to cling unto what's left. You're better off shaving it all off. The George Costanza look is not a good one.

When you're done have a drink and a girl, you'll forget all about it. :)
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