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Going to Paris.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Hello all,

I am considering my dream trip to Paris next year. But organizing it seems so daunting. When it comes to choosing an airlines, a hotel to stay at, and getting around Paris to see all the famous sites and experiencing Parisian culture, I would be very grateful if you could advise me from your own experiences. And are there special areas to consider about going there that one would not normally think of?




Apr 30, 2006

lephoquesexuel said:
If you go in Pigale area avoid the Pickup bar with a door man in front tryig to get you in.

They will charge you all your drink plus the one from the lady that she will choose from the most expensive one and you will get nothing except a huge bill on your credit card.

In fact, avoid any pick up bars. Most of them are located in Pigalle but there are a few others within the city.

SW are genarally european ladies and the standard price is 150 euros for one hour. I don't know much about the escort scene though.

There are a few massage parlours that charges 130$ for half an hour and that includes Thai and HJ. Those are mostly located off the main streets on the "Rive Droite" (north of the Seine).

Other than hobbying, Paris has a lot to offer.
If you plan to go to the Louvre (or any other museum), plan 1 day just for that. The Eiffel tower being the main attraction, be sure to get up there on a sunny day because you will wait a lot to get up there. But the view is worth it.

You can also go up the Arc de triomphe, which is also nice to see the "Etoile" and the Champs Elysee from an upper view.

Montmartre, Pigalle, Jardins du luxembourg, les catacombes, Notre Dame de Paris.... all of this should be on your to do list. Versailles is also very nice and it's not very far from Paris. Same thing for EuroDisney.

If you want to try a tradionnal french restaurant, try Chartier. It's at the Grand-Boulevard subway station. There are lots of good restaurants in this area including my favorite pasta place Pastapapa. Oh and this reminds me there is a wax museum there too: Musée Grevin.

It's hard to sum it up and it also depends on how long you'll be there in order to plan things out. But are you visiting Paris or France in general? Because in both cases one trip is not enough and not all the same experience (both good in their ways).

Cheers all,



New Member
Nov 9, 2003
I flew Air France when I went to Spain and I can say that even in coach, wine was included with your meal and you could get a cognac as a digestif after. While obviously not as much room and comfort as in business class the service was none the less very good. The meals were better than on many other air lines; though it is still airplane food.



Dec 30, 2004
I lived there 2 years and SP are very expensive like 200-300 Euros. As mentionned before, watch out for pickup bar located in Pigalle and also near Le Louvres around Rivoli and Pyramide.

You can find hookers on St-Denis near Les Halles, but choices is not great. Someone mentionned to me that you can find asian near Porte d'Italie. Also you can find them around Porte Maillot, near le Palais des Congrès, mostly Eastern European, but you need a car. Be careful of the camping trucks south of Porte Maillot and le Bois de Boulogne area, because most of them have a big surprise in their panties...:D

Also, strip club are not very good. It's mostly a burlesque show, I went to the American Dream, a strip club near Opera, girls are dancing on the bar and only topless. But hey, it's 3 years ago, but i doubt is had change.

There`s a lot of swingers club, but in most of them only couples are allowed.

Other than that, Paris as a lot to offer, restaurant, museum, landscape. It's fun to take a beer on les Champs Elysees. Night Club is different from Montreal, most of them have a dress code, no jeans, even some of them you must be with a lady or wearing a suit, there's a lot of screening from the door man. Cover charge is around 20-30 Euros including a drink, and drinks are around 8-15 Euros. They're open until 6am

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