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Greta Thunberg

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
You do not get it. She does not fucking care about who she is, her condition, if you believe her or not. Cant you get pass over that? Stop focusing on the messenger. That is pretty much what she says. And start to be intelligent and think about where we are going. Basically stop being selfish.

What you do not understand is that she has been nurtured by the climate alarmists, she is being used to make people like you panic.
None of us are arguing that there is no climate change, we know that it is a money grab and there is nothing Canada can do to change what the climate will do. Do you think Canada banning straws did one ounce of good? Shit like that is stupid.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Exactly STN that’s all she wants. She wants us to panic. And thats perfect. The whole planet will have to make some choice. And do not mix everything straws and plastic bag is not about global warming. They end up killing marine life. Each year 8 million tons of plastic bag flow into the ocean. Thats too much. Only a fraction of it are straws... But we human are stupid and decided to replace straws because thats easy to do. Thinking we will solve the issue. Its plastic we need to replace. But then again thats to save our seas and marine life.

Shit like that is not stupid. People are stupid.

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
People are stupid.

That is true. Some people are actually so stupid that they are concentrating on the fact that Greta Thunberg's two-week trip across Atlantic in 'zero-carbon yacht' may generate more emissions than it saves . They don't get it that she is absolutely entitled to that as she is so noble and selfless. As for the rest of mankind (aka a herd of reactionary carnivores), that is a different matter altogether.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Bred you sound like some of my employees who always are first to bring problems to me. Now they know they cannot bring anymore problem to me unless they have at least one viable solution. Change is tough.


Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
Totally unfair. I was the one who pointed out that it is (way past) time to resort to practical measures, remember (post #12)? And it is you who who keep bringing up problems, the latest one is that of stupid people. Without, by the way, as much as a hint of a solution. Whereas the practical solution is easy and obvious -- brain transplant.

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
In the long run, it is not so important whether or not we come up with the right solutions here on merb, as long as our elected leaders know what they are doing. Clearly, Montreal got lucky in that respect as its mayor "knows the recipe"and has definitively solved the climate problem within the city limits. Time to cheer up (and maybe even pay a visit to your favorite SP), all is not lost!


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Good one ;)

I think this goes way beyond what our politician are saying. This is what Greta is trying to say. Do not listen to her. Do not listen to your politician because they will fuck it up.

Listen to you. Read on the matter. It's not too late to eventually make a difference. Yes the climate is changing and will change no matter what we do. But think we can stop the pop corn from exploding indefinitely.

STN it's an easy excuse to say Greta is manipulated. In reality who cares? As her message is real and impossible to refute. So the easy way is to blast the messenger. We humans are pretty good at that.


Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
it's an easy excuse to say Greta is manipulated. In reality who cares?

This is actually a very telling remark. Who the fuck cares about one specific human being when the fate of mankind is at stake (or so some people apparently think).

By the way, I am really hesitant to ridicule Greta herself (unlike some other transparently cynical climate demagogues), despite all the bullshit she is generating. The girl obviously has serious problems and is in dire need of help. It is people manipulating her who deserve all the scorn in the world.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
They end up killing marine life. Each year 8 million tons of plastic bag flow into the ocean.

You do know that none of our straws go into the ocean... no, they go into landfill sites. You also know the new straws are made from a wood product, what does wood products ( trees ) do, eat carbon and shit out oxygen.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
STN it's an easy excuse to say Greta is manipulated. In reality who cares? As her message is real and impossible to refute. So the easy way is to blast the messenger. We humans are pretty good at that.

I am not inline with her message, she has been coached what to say and how to act. Anyone can manipulate a child, especially someone with the condition she has ( friend of mine has a son who is autistic ) is easily influenced. I honestly believe that is every human on earth died the climate will still change, I honestly believe that unless India, China and other polluting countries come inline with the climate fanatics nothing will change. Why burden people with the unneccessary expense of s tax that does nothing.
Over the past 15 years we have made great improvements outside of India, China etc.
Things are moving, things like this do not happen overnight, give it 10 - 15 more years, wait for a feasible solution, not a smash and grab mentality. Fuck.... Patience is needed.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
GMA you are a scientist. You are one who needs to base decision first on human before everything else. No offense but it's easy for you to see and understand the problem. As a scientist it's your duty you were assigned for.

Most people are stupid they only think about their own self. They don't take the time to read. They don't take the time to see what could they do... Nah it's much easier to refute, deny, insult the messenger... etc... etc... What a pity... I am sure they are good people but they are lazy.



I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
So to comment on Greta's intervention today I would say it was a very bad one. Was she scripted. Probably... I don't know for sure I do not have that power.

Do I care? Not really...

We need more like her.

Our planet is reaching it's limit.

For fucking christ sake I used to go to mexico on the rivera maya 2-3 times a year. I don't anymore as the sea is covered by fucking sea weeds. The Sargasse. If you plan to go to pretty much anywhere in the Caribbean see watch out you wont be able to swim in the sea most of the year.

Dont't get me wrong whatever happen we will adapt. But it would be much easier to make the adaptation easier ;)

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Excellent thread, jalimon.
Every week, almost every day, new evidence emerges confirming the ongoing degradation of our planet for our children's future.
Just a few days ago, top ornithologists and government agencies from the US and Canada published a study showing the loss of 3 billion birds in North America over the past 50 years. They cite causative factors of agriculture and habitat loss, but also light pollution (which disorients birds). buildings (birds crash into), and roaming cats.

Guess we should ban wind turbines and cats.

Wind turbines kill*between 214,000 and 368,000*birds*annually — a small fraction compared with the estimated 6.8 million fatalities from collisions with cell and radio towers and the 1.4 billion to 3.7 billion deaths from cats, according to the peer-reviewed study by two federal scientists and the environmental ...Sep 15, 2014

And this was 2014, imagine the amount killed by those deadly wind turbines now.

I guess man could have never evolved, stayed in huts with no communication, then we would have lots of birds.

Also, just found this post.

Interestingly enough, Greta’s father is a distant relative of scientist Svante Arrhenius, who essentially discovered global warming


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2018
Pothole City
STN is absolutely correct! Seems that Greta is totally brainwashed! If anything, she embarrassed herself with her tirade targeted at world leaders at the UN!

Everyone knows the issue and the world is slowly transitioning towards a low carbon economy!!!...But no!...Greta is a spoiled millennial that wants climate change to stop overnight, and if a world leader disagrees with her she is going to pout and cry!!


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Sharkman we are not moving fast enough towards a low carbon economy. Not even close. And definitely not true every one knows the issue. A vast majority are stupid and/or deny it.

Greta does not want to stop the issue overnight. Where the fuck have you read that? I have more trust in a spoiled millennial like her then the stupid american president who mocks all who he dislike on Twitter. Who is the kid then?


Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
Greta is a spoiled millennial that wants climate change to stop overnight, and if a world leader disagrees with her she is going to pout and go cry to mommy!

I think that is a little too harsh. In addition to Asperger's syndrome, she has been diagnosed with high-functioning autism and obsessive compulsive disorder, so she deserves some lenience. As I said before, she needs help first and foremost.

The whole disgraceful spectacle is child abuse, pure and simple.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^ I do and yes it is.
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