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Greta Thunberg


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Well remove that child abuse comment. It’s in appropriate to say the least.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2018
Pothole City
.....Greta does not want to stop the issue overnight. Where the fuck have you read that?

I did not mean it that way!...I said that Greta thinks that the world economic powers can stop the issue at hand overnight if they wanted...which is impossible and wishful thinking on her part!!

The key buzz word if you haven't heard it for your knowledge Jali is "TRANSITION"...a lot is being done globally at the current pace for companies and governments to transition to a low carbon economy without adversely impacting the world economy...moving too fast by implementing drastic changes through regulatory burden and taxes on corporations will lead to an economic depression globally!

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
One of my bad habits, jumping into a conversation.
Jaliman, the child is not normal, she has conditions that should not be exploited, she is terrified about climate change, there is a rage in her. The pro climate change minions are cheering with glee as she rants on. This child in a couple of years could be a basket case.
Just my opinion.

^^^^^^ Up 1.... Bang on, have to agree.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
The key buzz word if you haven't heard it for your knowledge Jali is "TRANSITION"...a lot is being done globally at the current pace for companies and governments to transition to a low carbon economy without adversely impacting the world economy...moving too fast by implementing drastic changes through regulatory burden and taxes on corporations will lead to an economic depression globally!

It's way too late for transition. and we are barely transiting.. That is what you are not getting. People all over the world are electing ass hole who only thing about short term. Look at the USA reviving coil mine. Look at Bresil....

We live in a selfish world were people are afraid of a global depression to give some hope for our future. WTF?



Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2018
Pothole City
Jalimon, I like that acronym "WTF"...World Transition First"!!

I got a new acronym for you swallow..."ESG"...and its not a service provided by your favorite!

No one mentions it and I'm not surprised that Greta didn't either...which goes to prove that she and those puppets "schooling" her are all hype with no proposed solutions!

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Jaliman, you should give her the pep talk you give your employees, if you do not have a solution do not bring up a problem.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
She did stn. First thing she focused on was to fucking say read the UN scientist report. Most do not because it easier to think its biased. She did say people are more afraid to impact their quality of life ahead of making the necessary changes. At 16 she does not have all the solutions but she is way fucking ahead of you.


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
When I first heard about Greta Thunberg I thought to myself,,,here goes another young teenager parroting scientists theories about Global Warming.
But I was all for it because at the very least she would bring awareness about our environment in general . I mean even if you don’t buy into the GW stuff ,,, it’s still irrefutable that our oceans are being polluted , the air in a lot of our metropolis is poisonous, toxic , unbreathable smog (well not in Canada because we are lucky) and all the alarming deforestation and the list goes on.

But after watching some recent clips of her its obvious to me that she needs to tone it down a notch . She is alienating a lot of folks that where previously rooting for her . She needs to fire whoever wrote that speech and Chillax a bit !! Lol. I mean cmon I did not know high schoolers in Sweden are that far ahead in science than everybody else . She was pontificating like a PHD expert about a subject that not even the brightest scientists seem to completely understand and agree ,let alone be certain .
As a matter of fact nobody in this thread knows if climate change can be reversed or if it was caused by human activity in the first place . The verdict is still out there but for all we know she could be right.

That being said I like her spirit and her fight is a noble one but she’s just a teenager after all ,,, too emotional , not enough substance and no proven facts. Still I’ll go as far as to say that the world needs more like her as long as it’s a more watered down version .


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
GMA , always a pleasure reading you sir .
And that goes for the rest of the folks in this thread , always interesting to hear everybody’s point of view.

Now I just want to clarify quickly as I think I’m being misunderstood... I am not disputing climate change, because that is almost a certainty based on what’s been going on all around us . All I’m stating is ,,,well at least to my understanding is that the scientific community seems to be split as to the reason this climate change/ global warming is happening. Out there and in this thread aswell folks are picking sides just like Greta T. Some are convinced that the culprit is human activity and others that it’s just business as usual , some ongoing cycle on our planet that’s been going on since the beginning of time .
And that’s pretty much my take that nobody knows why it’s happening, we are all speculating based on which scientific studies we choose to believe. So I’m staying on the sidelines on this because how can I possibly know, how can anyone?!

Now going forward, I’m of the opinion that things are going to get much worse before they get better.
What is happening in China , India is not slowing down anytime soon . Not even an army of Greta’s is going to make a difference for the time being.Too think that these giants are willing and capable to drastically clean their act is wishful thinking. They need a lot of electricity to power their huge populations and feed their growing economies. China to my understanding is not abandoning coal anytime soon . They will probably need to slowly replace their coal power plants with nuclear power plants,,, but then you got different kind of risks

The green revolution , aka clean energy is in its infancy stage ... to think that solar power and wind farms can make a difference in those countries where populations are in the billions is beyond laughable .
As for the rest of the third world countries I don’t think global warming or environmental issues are things on their list . Impoverished countries have different priorities.

P.s. the news about the bird population is sad and alarming. Never a good thing when the ecosystem loses its balance. Many species have already gone extinct because of over hunting and now this . I would have never suspected cats being one of the reasons.
Anyways even if some folks don’t care much about animals it’s still bad news for them. What’s happening is bad for farming because many birds are pollinators and most importantly they feed on the enemies of many fruits and vegetables. Without a large bird population these bugs and parasites thrive . That means more chemicals to combat them ....which of course is never s good thing for the obvious reasons.


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
She did stn. First thing she focused on was to fucking say read the UN scientist report.

Read the UN scientist report, funny, you must know by now what I think of the UN.
I really wish I could jump to 2050 and post here " See, told ya ".


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2018
Pothole City
.....Sharkman is my friend, but he is dead wrong about this issue. We can see it all around us if we open our eyes.

GMA, not sure what you are inferring to about being "dead wrong" about the issue! However for the record, I am 100% behind efforts to transition to a lower carbon economy and the shift to renewable energy sources as a means to lower the global carbon footprint. We see this occurring as we speak at the corporate level in many sensitive economic sectors! Corporations, Governments (sovereign, state, and municipal) are issuing a specific type debt to finance "green projects and green programs"! Whether you or others see it as "being too slow to implement" that's another can of worms altogether!

What I don't like are all encompassing terms like "Climate Change" which doesn't mean anything and is a marketing term that keeps getting rehashed into another term (i.e: the environmentalists having lost all credibility previously called it "Global Warming"...I can see the day sometime soon when these same clowns will be accusing corporations of "Cooking the Climate"!), as well as scientific boiler room studies which criticize the corporate world and politicians but and don't provide viable solutions (i.e.: all talk, no action), and one-sided ridiculous attacks from the likes of "Greta and the Environmentalists"!

We had another thread on Climate Change (started by STN) that is more relevant to the big picture on the environment and other factors that we should stick to rather than this thread focused solely on Greta T!

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Poor Greta, she thinks we need to let the planet heal itself, for that to happen we would need to kill off half the population.

A point of view of Greta's UN speech ( I agree on a lot of his points )

Her" We need to plant more trees"

Amazed that people flock to the advice of a kid just because she is the flavor of the month.

If you watched her UN speech you may have noticed that during her reading of a paragraph she had rage, when the paragraph was over she was calm like she was about to get an icecream, when the reading started again the glare came back into her eyes.
With me if I am pissed, it still shows when I stop talking.

Here, 500 scientists letter to the UN. Many other articles claim this.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Taking politics and science out of it, I found her speech to be effective from the standpoint of public speaking and advocacy. It’s not easy to speak effectively in public forums, Courts, etc. and it’s especially difficult for 16 year olds. When I take depositions or conduct Court testimony of teenagers they are, with some rare exceptions, usually petrified and ineffective testifiers/speakers. Her method of alternating rage and calmness was very effective as it demonstrated both control and the requisite emotion directed at the subjects of the rage at alternate points of the speech. It’s a form of advocacy and is no different than an attorney being expected by a jury to go hard ass on a lying scum witness or to treat an obviously sympathetic opposing witness gently with velvet gloves. Juries will fucking kill you if you don’t do these things. Basic fundamentals of speaking in public but since many of you guys don’t do it for a living, it’s not as easy to recognize. This girl has very good public speaking and advocacy skills for her age.

By the way, in the past I coached high school teams in mock trials and occasionally saw a good performer like this one who showed feistiness, but most of them are crude, lack confidence and are highly ineffective, which is why they need coaching.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
As a matter of fact nobody in this thread knows if climate change can be reversed or if it was caused by human activity in the first place . The verdict is still out there but for all we know she could be right.

You have not listen to her closely. You probably only read the backlash not what she said.

She has never mentioned climate change can be reversed (it cannot). Nor that it was solely caused by human activity. And she has never mention anything about who is right or wrong because what she says is not to care or not to focus on that. She even said not to listen to her. To listen to the scientist. She is saying we can still make a difference. If we dare to care.

The world reality right now is that countries are electing populist. Look at the USA, Brasil, Italy and the list will go on... These are definitely not the right people to make the slightest of difference. The problem is much worst then what most people think. Just try to go down in the Carabean right now. I used to go 2-3 times a year. I dont anymore as the beach are fucking covered in sea weeds... Caused by by Brazil polution of the amazon forest (important to note it's probably not the only cause but it's the most important cause).



I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Nice post EB. Frankly I never really focused on her speech ability. Like you said I do not do that for a living. For me I like her because I find it funny to see that we need a kid to act as an adult to try to pass a message to adults who act like kids!

Sorry but anyone mocking her, or her Asperger syndrome condition, is in my opinion a moron that still needs to learn about life. She could be our kid!
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