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Habs off season thread: free agents, trades ...etc

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Ziggy Montana said:
Next move is a desperate one: Pat Breezeby, 36 y/o,

I honestly don't get this move. Every can laugh at me if they want, but what they need is some punch for the PP. Why don't they sign PP specialist Jason Allison who's desperate to play anywhere?


Active Member
Jul 3, 2005
My_dingaling said:
We always wind up withy great goaltending, thanks to very good scouting and a goaltending coaches, but then the franco press comes along, all high and mighty, a bunch of desk jockeys who've never laced up before, much less gone full steam into the corner for the puck again a guy 200+ lbs.
They ask that we get more 'québécois' players, whatever that is because it seems only the franco québécois are worthy of being called upon as québécois players, and they ask we win a cup.... logically, it may be impossible to have both, but that's irrelevant to them.
Who's running the show? We'll know for certain when we get Brisebois's new mailing address. Common sense says he'll not be commuting to the Bell Centre.


Ok,the franco press,

He might be an exception among the ''franco press'' but he did go in the corner full steam.His name?
Guy Lafleur.He writes weekly column in JdM and roots for more quebecois players,including ANGELINO ESPOSITO,a 100% franco quebecois I suppose?
Not only him but most journalists and fans wished that Habs have drafted him(Esposito).
As a matter of fact,it's an anglo journalist who said that Esposito wasn't franco,he said that Esposito is anglo/italian.Pat Hickey I think,but not sure 100%.
In a not too distant past Sergio Momesso,Karl Dykhuis,Gino Odjick,Mike Ribeiro,Donald Brashear,Enrico Ciccone,ect...all played for the habs and were all recognised as quebecois by both the fans and writers.
I do remember though that an anglo writer put the emphasis on Theodore's greek origins,stating that he was greek,not quebecois.Who's beign exclusive here?
So please get your facts straigth before shooting.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
It will be difficult for the Habs to start concentrating on drafting french-speaking Quebecois players as long as they have a non-Quebecois anglophone GM in charge. Unless you're a french-speaking "Quebecois" GM, it's hard to understand why the team you're in charge of trying to improve & build into a competitive team should consist of french-speaking 'Quebecois' players which the local fan base prefers. This isn't Gainey's fault.


Active Member
Jul 3, 2005
Doc Holliday said:
It will be difficult for the Habs to start concentrating on drafting french-speaking Quebecois players as long as they have a non-Quebecois anglophone GM in charge. Unless you're a french-speaking "Quebecois" GM, it's hard to understand why the team you're in charge of trying to improve & build into a competitive team should consist of french-speaking 'Quebecois' players which the local fan base prefers. This isn't Gainey's fault.

What or who do you consider ''french'' Quebecois?
Are these guys ''french quebecois'' ?:

Karl Dykhuis
Mike Ribeiro,
José Théodore
Sergio Momesso
Gino Odjick
Enrico Coccone
Steve Penney
Steven Finn,
Donald Brashear
George Laraque

All of them are quebecois,all of them speak french and other languages.

Where should we draw the line?
Who decides if a guy is this or that kind of quebecois?

As I said,most of these guys were/are recognised and apreciated as quebecois players.Not greek,italian,portuguese,dutch,irish,haitian,ect....

Please stop this non-sense that quebecois fans are only after 100% white french only quebecois.

A lot of those ''french quebecois'' were booed and chased out of Montreal:Vincent Damphousse,Patrice Brisebois,Serge Savard,Michel Larocque,Patrick Roy,Claude Lemieux,ect....

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Cosmo said:
What or who do you consider ''french'' Quebecois?
Are these guys ''french quebecois'' ?:

Karl Dykhuis
Mike Ribeiro,
José Théodore
Sergio Momesso
Gino Odjick
Enrico Coccone
Steve Penney
Steven Finn,
Donald Brashear
George Laraque

Yeah, they all fit the bill. They're first language is french. Ils sont tous de bons Canadiens-Francais. What i meant in my previous post was 'homegrown' talent. Enough with drafting all of these Americans & signing marginal Russian players who's role could easily be filled by homegrown talent.
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Active Member
Jul 3, 2005
My_dingaling said:
You know what I mean....
Anecdotal evidence isn't valid proof to the contrary of what I mentionned about the French press. And Guy Lafleur isn't a journalist really. It's a gig for him. He's replaced the Rocket basically.

Québécois like Ribiero and Ciccone and Brashear... the huys speak French as well as any Montrealler. You're making my point.
Page A12 of La Presse this morning (granted, not the sports page) : "Une Montréalaise mariera le petit-fils de Elisabeth II" Not "une Québécoise" but "une Montréalaise" ... she's an anglo from Pte Claire so not worth of being called Québécoise.... a tad raciste?
La Presse and your JdM are full of this inconsistent crappy reporting.

Yeah I do know what you mean.
Tu cherches des poux partout ou il n'y en a pas.
Oh yeah and the anglo press is all very honest,never biased of course!
The Gazette,TSN,CFCF,CJAD,all of them are soooo honest all the time.
Lorsque le twit de la Gaaaaaazette dit,pour fermer la trappe aux québecois, que Angelo Esposito est un anglo/italien,bien sure qu'il ne fait pas dans le racisme,n'est ce pas?
Et tous ces journalistes ''franco-québecois'' décu que les Canadiens n'aient pas repecher Esposito,c'est quoi ça d'abord?
Je lis journaux francos,j'écoute ckac sport,RDS , je ne vois vraiement pas ou tu veut en venir.
Et en plus tu te sers d'une ANECDOTE qui n'a rien a voir avec le sport pour appuyer tes arguments.:mad:

En passant,un gynécologue(homme),que je sache,ca n'a jamais accouché,et pourtant ca peut faire le travail quand'meme.
De meme qu,un journaliste qui n'as jamais joué dans la LNH.
Pas besoin d'avoir déja accoucher pour etre gynécologue.


Active Member
Jul 3, 2005
My_dingaling said:
De toute évidence, tu maitrîse mal le vocabulaire français.
L'argument du 'journaliste' Guy Lafleur est une preuve anecdotique puisque la condition est presque unique, ie il y a peu de journaliste ou commentateurs sportif qui ont pratiqué le sport. Il y en a quelques-uns, les Bergeron et Fournier, mais les plus écoutés, non.
Mon exemple était un exemple que l'on retrouve quotidiennement dans la Presse. Un autre exemple, en début de saison de baseball on parlait du Québécois Eric Gagné et du Montréalais, Russell Martin ... un franco-québécois et un anglo-québécois?
En course F1, dans un même article, on parlais du québécois Villeneuve et de l'Allemand Schumacher et du Brézilien .... allo???
Les exemples semblables abondent dans toutes la pages des journaux et à télé .

J'espère que la différence entre anecdote et exemple est plus claire.

(Note de comparer les niveaux compétences d'une gynéco male (avec ses 6 ou 7 ans de scolarité universitaire) à un journaliste sportif est vraiment très amusant, faible comme argument, mais amusant tout de même.)

Non mais tu fabules ou quoi?
Des joueurnalistes au Québec il y en a plein:Fournier,Bergeron,Gabriel Grégoire,Pierre Vercheval,Pierre Dumont,Dave Morrissette,Joel Bouchard,Jacques Demers,Bertrand Godin,Daniel Talbot,Helene Pelletier,La clique de 110% presque tous d'anciens joueurs(dont PJ Stock),ect...Et il n'y a pas si longtemps Pierre Bouchard,Jean Perron,Mario Tremblay,Gilles Tremblay,ect...

Quels journaux lis-tu?
C'est drole moi quand je lis les journaux il est toujours question des quebecois Russel Martin et Eric Gagnon.
Et je susspose que la gazzette les désignes en tant que québecois?
Et combien de joueurnalistes sportifs anglos.....crédibles puisque tu sembles etre celui qui décide qui l'est ou ne l'est pas?

Et jacques Villeneuve est né ou?
Au Zimbabwe?
Je ne comprends absolument rien a ton raisonnement concernant les coureurs automobiles.Si le gars vient du Brésil,comment doit-on le designer?....allô?

Un autre fait pris dans le JDM(que tu ne lis pas de toute évidence):
Il y avait la nomanclature des quebecois champions du monde de la boxe l'autre jours,en voici quelques uns sur la liste désigné comme QUÉBECOIS:
Dave Hilton,Matthew Hilton,Otis Grant,Joachin Alcine,Arthuro Gatti,ect...
Tous des bons franco-quebecois pure laine je suppose?
Encore une anecdote?
Ca commence a faire bien des anecdotes.
A défaut d'etre pertinent,sois un peu original et utilise d'autres arguments.
Et pour ton sarcasme pas drole du tout,concernant la comparaison entre un gynéco et un journaliste,elle provient de Michel Bergeron.
Il s'en est déja servis lorsque qq'un a dit que lui et Scotty Bowman n'avait jamais joués dans la LNH.
Comique hein?
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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Un autre fait pris dans le JDM(que tu ne lis pas de toute évidence):
Il y avait la nomanclature des quebecois champions du monde de la boxe l'autre jours,en voici quelques uns sur la liste désigné comme QUÉBECOIS:
Dave Hilton,Matthew Hilton,Otis Grant,Joachin Alcine,Arthuro Gatti,ect...
Tous des bons franco-quebecois pure laine je suppose?

Ever notice that they are only declared to be Quebecois AFTER they achieve international success? :cool:

Now back to the topic at hand...Quebec stars don't want to play here. The press follows every aspect of their life worse than the paparazzi follow stars in Hollywood. And the sports media tear them apart whenever they make a mistake. Not to mention the tax situation. If we had a playoff team it would be a different situation but the fact is we don't. The days of the Flying Frenchmen are long gone and they aren't coming back.


New Member
May 16, 2007
Brisebois is purelaine ... no parade because he's coming back ?

And just watch Esposito go ... line him up with the right players (Radulov last year) and he's gonna be 40+ goals a year. Pittsburgh got the steal/deal of the draft ... Espo should've gone much higher.

My 2 cennes


Active Member
Jul 3, 2005
Techman said:
Ever notice that they are only declared to be Quebecois AFTER they achieve international success? :cool:

Now back to the topic at hand...Quebec stars don't want to play here. The press follows every aspect of their life worse than the paparazzi follow stars in Hollywood. And the sports media tear them apart whenever they make a mistake. Not to mention the tax situation. If we had a playoff team it would be a different situation but the fact is we don't. The days of the Flying Frenchmen are long gone and they aren't coming back.

Totalement faux.

Ou voulez-vous en venire exactement?
Est-ce que les médias doivent-toujours identifier les athlètes québecois comme tels?
Et les médias anglos eux?
Lorsque le bouffon de la gazette dit que Esposito es un anglo/italien il ne fait pas dans le racisme lui?

Les Hiltons,Alcine,Gatthi et Grant ont toujours eté identifiés comme étant québecois.
De meme que Aleksandra Wosjnak,Bruny Surin,Fathi Missaoui,Danny Mascioscia,Paul Lambert(un anglo malgré un nom a consonnance française),ect...
Lorsqu'on parle des meilleurs gardiens québecois dans la LNH on parle de Martin Brodeur,J-F Giguere, Luongo.
Et si on dit que Brodeur et Luongo sont de St-Léonard?

Vraiement a vouloir chercher des poux....


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Aug 27, 2003
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Techman said:
Ever notice that they are only declared to be Quebecois AFTER they achieve international success? :cool:

Now back to the topic at hand...Quebec stars don't want to play here. The press follows every aspect of their life worse than the paparazzi follow stars in Hollywood. And the sports media tear them apart whenever they make a mistake. Not to mention the tax situation. If we had a playoff team it would be a different situation but the fact is we don't. The days of the Flying Frenchmen are long gone and they aren't coming back.

I don't know about that ... look for Bob to have Vinny in a Habs jersey in the not too distant future :D


Active Member
Jul 3, 2005
My_dingaling said:
Exactly! I could care less if the player is French Canadian. I care even if he's labelled 'Québécois', because I know that, to the press, means white, French speaking only.

Ah oui?

Moi je trouve Brashear et Laraque plutot fonçé.
Et pour la xième fois,je te répète que les médias fracophones souhaitaient fortement que le CH repeche Esposito.... Mike Bossy en 1977.

Deux quebecois.Un d'origine italienne,l'autre anglophone.

Bien sure,2 autres anecdotes.....


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
Techman said:
Ever notice that they are only declared to be Quebecois AFTER they achieve international success? :cool:
Chauvinism is not an exclusive trademark. Remember Ben Johnson? How "Canadian" he was before the Seoul fiasco? But while the steroids scandal was unfolding, the anglo press suddenly ceased to bracket the word "Canadian" together with "Ben Johnson".


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Jul 3, 2005
First of all,no Tremblay never played NHL.Neither did Ron Reusch,Randy Tieman,Red Fisher,Dick Irvin jr, Bob Cole,ect....
But I have a lot of repect for those guys,even if I don't always agree with them.I still enjoy reading and/or hearing them once in a while.

Now back to Brisebois.
He can't be worse than Niniima or Josh Goerges. He's no Souray that's for sure but better than those two ballerinas.The problem with his aquisition,is if they use him as fourth defencemen.
And the fact that he wants to teach the young defencemen.
Wich young defencemen?
Are they any?
Teach them what?
Komisarek is the youngest at 25 or 26.
Habs don't need a coach,they need someone who will help them on the ice.
Speaking of young players,Brisebois'acquisition is nothing to boost any aspiring up and coming prospect,such as JP Coté who should've got the spot this year.


A monk on the loose ;p
Jan 10, 2006
Brisebois: retour à la souffrance?

J'arrive pas à croire que Brisebois revienne à Mtl. Il a tellement souffert quand il était ici. Je l'ai toujours adoré mais plusieurs fans aimaient le faire souffrir. Ca sera interessant de voir si l'histoire va continuer.


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Jul 3, 2005
montreal_monk01 said:
J'arrive pas à croire que Brisebois revienne à Mtl. Il a tellement souffert quand il était ici. Je l'ai toujours adoré mais plusieurs fans aimaient le faire souffrir. Ca sera interessant de voir si l'histoire va continuer.

Effectivement,je me demande s,il n'est pas masochiste.
Ou simplement mal pris.

Combien d'équipe de la LNH veulent de lui?


Getting wood daily
Nov 27, 2003
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Carey Price

Habs have been getting a lot of calls lately about Price, their young phenom goalie who was the key to Hamilton, the Habs' farm team, winning the Calder Cup. Price looks to be the real deal and is already being mentioned in the same breath as the great Roy, as the next franchise goalie for the Habs. As far as I'm concerned, Price should be untouchable.


Getting wood daily
Nov 27, 2003
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Habs not done yet with deals...

If anything can be gleaned from Gainey as GM, it's that he takes his time deliberating on potential trades. The ones that end up getting done are totally out of the blue. There have been no big names UFA signing this offseason but the new Habs are all hard-nosed players so that should count for something.

Now that the stockpiling of defensemen looks to be over finally, the Habs need to shore up their offense. They really don't have a natural LW on the top line right now. Ryder is a RW and is going to be an UFA next year and by going to arbitration he pretty much signalled that he doesn't really want to be here. So I see Ryder being part of a package deal this offseason for a LW. Among potential top line LW candidates to wear a Habs uniform for next season are: Markus Naslund of the Canucks. He was their captain last year and rumor has it he's not happy in Vancouver. He's also going to be an UFA after next season so Habs can get him for one season, see how he performs before committing to him. Naslund is 34 and is older than Ryder so the latter will have more upside as an UFA after next season. Another legit LW whom I like is Alex Tanguay of the Flames. Tanguay was the second leading point scorer (81pts) behind Iginla last year. Trade bait for Tanguay could either be Ryder or Kovalev although the latter's big salary may kill the deal.
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Feb 28, 2007
Wild Imaginings

picasso said:
Markus Naslund (...) Alex Tanguay (...) Trade bait for Tanguay could either be Ryder or Kovalev although the latter's big salary may kill the deal.
Like Dalida used to sing: "parole, parole, parole..." Expect puck hog Ryder and underachiever Kovalev to start the 2007-2008 season with the Habs, doing what they do best: hogging the puck and underachieving.
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