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Hamas & Israel


Active Member
Nov 9, 2023
This is beyond fucked and there will be no end. There will never be peace.
There must be peace. Otherwise a new ben laden will emerge followed by another one and so on.

And we are paying for this shit.

Israel must sit down and retroced the Palestinian land they took outside of the United Nations resolutions.
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Aug 17, 2003
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Terror creates terrorists. Historically speaking, Ben Laden wasn't exactly the scariest mofo out there.... worst is definitly to come. For every killed 10 more are created. Its not like they will march silently and peacfully into an incinerator.

At some point we just have to accept that conflicts are human nature. There always was and always will be wars. Only difference, is we now get to watch it in near realtime at 1080p.


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Nov 9, 2023
Alca... va lire un peu sur le sujet ou même écoute quelques vidéos sur Youtube. Tu veux une réponse "pas longue", mais les conflits entre Israéliens et Palestiniens sont compliqués et ne sont pas seulement basés sur la haine. Chaque groupe a ses croyances et son histoire qui contribuent aux tensions.

Q: pourquoi la bande de Gaza
R: "Bande de Gaza" fait référence à une étroite bande de terre ("strip of land") le long de la côte orientale de la mer Méditerranée, bordant Israël et l'Égypte. Le terme "bande" est utilisé pour décrire sa forme allongée et étroite (c'est pas une gang). La région tire son nom de Gaza, sa principale ville.

Va regarder une carte, tu vas remarquer le Gaza n'est pas rattaché à la Cisjordanie (West Bank). Un peu comment les Américains doivent traverser le Canada pour se rendre en Alaska.

Q: ..Hamas,Hezbollah,Isis,Daesh
R: Hamas est un groupe terroriste islamique qui sont en controle mais disons de manière douteuses. En passant, ce sont eux qui ont creusé les tunnels. Mais les palestiniens n'ont personne d'autre pour les aider à se battre. Il est important de comprendre que ce ne sont pas tous les palestiniens qui sont d'accords avec Hamas. De la même manière que ce ne sont pas tous les juifs qui sont pour la maltraitance des palestiniens. En fait, il y a même des orthodoxes juifs qui sont très contre le movement zioniste (dont le seul but est de créer un État pour les Juifs en Palestine) et croivent que ce que fait Israël et litéralement contre la volonté de Dieu.... débile cette histoire quand même.

Donc, tu peux être pour la survie des palestiniens et égalemnet être complêment contre Hamas.

Un peu d'histoire

Il faut aussi comprendre la Diaspora Juive, qui désigne la dispersion/exile des Juifs en dehors de leur terre ancestrale (Israël), à travers l'histoire. Cette dispersion a commencé principalement après la destruction du deuxième Temple de Jérusalem par les Romains en 70 ap. J.-C. Depuis lors, les communautés juives se sont établies dans diverses parties du monde, y compris en Europe, en Asie, en Afrique et aux Amériques.

Selon les juifs orthodox, l'exile divin, commandé pas Dieu, interdisant les juifs de retourner en Israël en attendant le Messie (pour les Chrétiens, Jésus était le Messie - mais les juifs n'y croyant pas, et l'attendent encore) c'est pour cela qu'on entendait souvent parler de la "Terre Promise" dans nos vieux cours.

Je vais tenter de résumer pendant que c'est encore frais devant moi. Car j'ai viens moi-même refaire un petit tour dans le temps.
  1. Avant l'Exode: Les Juifs quittent Israel pour l'Égypte en raison d'une famine.
  2. Exode: 1300-1200 av. J.-C., Moïse mène les Juifs hors d'Égypte. (Naissance de la Torah et les 10 commandements)
  3. Époque biblique: Les Juifs établissent et vivent dans l'ancien Israël sous l'autorité des Romains.
  4. Exil romain: 70 ap. J.-C., l'Empire romain détruit Jérusalem, commence la diaspora juive.
  5. Règne ottoman: 1517-1917, la région fait partie de l'Empire ottoman (4 siècles!).
  6. Déclaration Balfour: 1917, soutien britannique pour une patrie juive.
  7. Mandat britannique: 1920-1948, la Grande-Bretagne contrôle la Palestine.
  8. Holocauste (Shoah) : 1933-1045
  9. Plan de partage de l'ONU: 1947, l'ONU propose de diviser la Palestine en États juif et arabe. (C'est vraiement ici que ça se gâche, encore les britanniques qui sont allé foutre la merde solide avec leur ignorance).
  10. Indépendance d'Israël: 1948, Israël déclare son indépendance. La première guerre israélo-arabe s'ensuit.
  11. Guerre des Six Jours: 1967, Israël gagne des territoires dont la Cisjordanie, la bande de Gaza et le plateau du Golan.
  12. Guerre du Kippour: 1973, attaque surprise des États arabes, finit en impasse.
  13. Accords de Camp David: 1978, accord de paix avec l'Égypte.
  14. Première Intifada: 1987-1993, soulèvement palestinien.
  15. Accords d'Oslo: 1993, accord de paix avec l'OLP.
  16. Deuxième Intifada: 2000-2005, un autre soulèvement palestinien.
  17. Désengagement de Gaza: 2005, Israël se retire de la bande de Gaza.
  18. Tensions en cours: Les conflits et troubles fréquents continuent jusqu'à aujourd'hui.

Donc... tu vois, c'est vraiement un gros bordel cette histoire. Ça date pas d'hier ce conflit. C'est un gros mélange d'histoire pour 3 religions : judaïsme, christianisme et mulsumans. Une chicane de famille qui date depuis Abraham. Donc tu peux imaginer les chicanes à propos des petits pointillés sur la carte géographique.

Les juifs son en exile depuis toujours, on leur donne Israël suite à la 2e guerre mondial (holocauste), la bande de Gaza et la Cisjordanie sont crée. Les deux peuples sont incapables de faire la paix. Les palestiniens sont forcés de quitter leurs maisons (dont certaines familles y vivent depuis des siècles et on commence à parler de "nettoyage ethnique" ou Nakba) pour voir des familles juives simplement prendre posession. Les palestiniens sont traités comme des animaux, ils décident de se révolter et ensuite Israël crient qu'ils sont des victimes. Ça pue au nez de la même manière que l'ouest est débarqué dans le moyen-orient... l'idée de penser qu'on peut forcer un peuple à la soumission par la violence ne peut qu'avoir l'effect contraire. Pour chaque enfant mort il y aura 1000 personnes pour le vanger et l'ouest est vraiemet en train se faire prendre au piège encore une fois.

Pour conclure, ce qu'il se passe n'est pas un conflit ; c'est une extermination. Rien de bon n'en sortira. Ceux qui prétendent que toute opinion contraire te rend antisémite n'ont manifestement pas d'autres arguments. C'est l'argument d'un imbécile lâche, du même genre que celui qui dit toujours : "Tu ne peux pas comprendre, ça ne t'est pas arrivé." Cette manière de penser écarte la possibilité de tout dialogue... mais bref, c'est quasi-impossible d'avoir une conversation intelligente avec quelqu'un qui a des croyances religieuse extrême de toute façon.

Religion = the longest ongoing brainwashing mind control program
Excellent ! Merci.
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A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
Is it about time Israel adress the root of the problem ?

Give back the stolen land and the Palestinian will be busy building their state.

Sam Harris, a prominent critic of all religions, has a clear understanding of "the root of the problem" in the war between Israel and Hamas. It is not land. It is the backward culture and belief system of Hamas and other jihadist movements in the muslim world. Hamas is no different from the terrorists of 9/11, the Taliban, Isis, the PLO and the many other groups and movements that have been attacking the West in general and Israel in particular during recent decades.

Hamas and Human Sacrifice

As the war with Hamas nears its anniversary on October 7th, the killing of six hostages, including the American Hersh Goldberg-Polin, has produced a crisis of confusion and recrimination within Israel. In this, these murders have served their intended purpose.

However, understanding the larger goals of a jihadist organization like Hamas can offer moral and strategic clarity. In addition to spreading death and chaos, jihadists seek to destroy open societies by subverting their core values. Since October 7th, 2023, Hamas has used our civilized (and civilizing) concern for innocent human life—which it does not share—to divide Israel from the rest of the world and against itself. It has done this defensively, by deploying its own noncombatants as human shields, and offensively, by taking hundreds of Israeli and international hostages. The result has been to drive decent people in opposing directions—turning some brutal in their willingness to sacrifice innocent Palestinian lives, while making others desperate to trade their own future security to win the release of men, women, and children who have been held captive in tunnels for nearly a year. Sadism or masochism, take your pick.1

The destruction of Gaza has been horrific. But the responsibility for all this misery and death rests with Hamas and those who support them. Yes, there is much to condemn on the margins: Israeli settlers and far-right ideologues are guilty of crimes and provocations; Benjamin Netanyahu is politically toxic; the IDF has made some spectacular errors of judgment; the Biden administration is spellbound by domestic politics and has become an unreliable ally; and the theocratic belligerence of Iran casts a shadow over everything. There is much blame to share and many fertile sources of bad luck on the landscape, but we cannot lose sight of two facts that have always been at the center of this conflict:

1. Hamas wants to destroy Israel as a state and the Jews as a people. Consequently, any ceasefire or peace process negotiated with this jihadist regime will be temporary, by definition. For Hamas, the purpose of peace is to gather the strength necessary to commit a future genocide.

2. Hamas remains popular among the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank. (Precisely how popular remains an open question.)

Given these facts, the phrase “two-state solution” has no rational application to the current crisis. There will be no lasting peace until the Palestinians themselves repudiate jihadism. The real question is, what can be done to effect such a profound cultural change?

Among all the values and forms of knowledge humanity imparts to its children, many Palestinians teach theirs to aspire to martyrdom above all. Stated this way, the reader can be forgiven for not fully grasping the implications. Another way of putting it, is that many Palestinian children understand that their parents’ and teachers’ greatest hope for them, as well as their true value as human beings, consists in subordinating every good thing—self-knowledge, compassion, scientific insight, artistic expression, love and laughter—to future acts of suicidal terrorism, for the purpose of murdering infidels, apostates, or Jews. If there is a more profane angle at which to set the initial trajectory of a human life, no one has found it...


Active Member
Nov 9, 2023
Sam Harris, a prominent critic of all religions, has a clear understanding of "the root of the problem" in the war between Israel and Hamas. It is not land. It is the backward culture and belief system of Hamas and other jihadist movements in the muslim world. Hamas is no different from the terrorists of 9/11, the Taliban, Isis, the PLO and the many other groups and movements that have been attacking the West in general and Israel in particular during recent decades.

Hamas and Human Sacrifice

As the war with Hamas nears its anniversary on October 7th, the killing of six hostages, including the American Hersh Goldberg-Polin, has produced a crisis of confusion and recrimination within Israel. In this, these murders have served their intended purpose.

However, understanding the larger goals of a jihadist organization like Hamas can offer moral and strategic clarity. In addition to spreading death and chaos, jihadists seek to destroy open societies by subverting their core values. Since October 7th, 2023, Hamas has used our civilized (and civilizing) concern for innocent human life—which it does not share—to divide Israel from the rest of the world and against itself. It has done this defensively, by deploying its own noncombatants as human shields, and offensively, by taking hundreds of Israeli and international hostages. The result has been to drive decent people in opposing directions—turning some brutal in their willingness to sacrifice innocent Palestinian lives, while making others desperate to trade their own future security to win the release of men, women, and children who have been held captive in tunnels for nearly a year. Sadism or masochism, take your pick.1

The destruction of Gaza has been horrific. But the responsibility for all this misery and death rests with Hamas and those who support them. Yes, there is much to condemn on the margins: Israeli settlers and far-right ideologues are guilty of crimes and provocations; Benjamin Netanyahu is politically toxic; the IDF has made some spectacular errors of judgment; the Biden administration is spellbound by domestic politics and has become an unreliable ally; and the theocratic belligerence of Iran casts a shadow over everything. There is much blame to share and many fertile sources of bad luck on the landscape, but we cannot lose sight of two facts that have always been at the center of this conflict:

1. Hamas wants to destroy Israel as a state and the Jews as a people. Consequently, any ceasefire or peace process negotiated with this jihadist regime will be temporary, by definition. For Hamas, the purpose of peace is to gather the strength necessary to commit a future genocide.

2. Hamas remains popular among the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank. (Precisely how popular remains an open question.)

Given these facts, the phrase “two-state solution” has no rational application to the current crisis. There will be no lasting peace until the Palestinians themselves repudiate jihadism. The real question is, what can be done to effect such a profound cultural change?

Among all the values and forms of knowledge humanity imparts to its children, many Palestinians teach theirs to aspire to martyrdom above all. Stated this way, the reader can be forgiven for not fully grasping the implications. Another way of putting it, is that many Palestinian children understand that their parents’ and teachers’ greatest hope for them, as well as their true value as human beings, consists in subordinating every good thing—self-knowledge, compassion, scientific insight, artistic expression, love and laughter—to future acts of suicidal terrorism, for the purpose of murdering infidels, apostates, or Jews. If there is a more profane angle at which to set the initial trajectory of a human life, no one has found it...
I am always surprised that nobody wants to adress the main problem.

Hamas exist only because those guys were young when their houses have been destroyed and their land stolen.

They only had war when they were young. Nobody was willing to help them.

Nobody is growing up thinking about a plan to blow up his neighbors. Here in Canada the young people are studying, preparing their future and hoping to build a family. Why? Because there is a futur.

In Palestine, every month the settlers are taking their land and nobody care.

What would you do if i come to your place and i do the same? For myself i would react. You can imagine that if the cops don’t act i will !

The United Nations has many resolutions about the land belonging to the palestinian and the land belonging to the Israeli people. In order to have peace, it must be respected.

Let’s start with implementing the UN resolutions and helping the palestinian have their country.

This will keep away the young boys from listening to extremism. They will have a future. When you have a future, you don’t think about war and djihad.

The palestinian state must be created ASAP and the stolen land must be given back. The illegal settlements must be destroyed.
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I am always surprised that nobody wants to adress the main problem.

Hamas exist only because those guys were young when their houses have been destroyed and their land stolen.

They only had war when they were young. Nobody was willing to help them.

Nobody is growing up thinking about a plan to blow up his neighbors. Here in Canada the young people are studying, preparing their future and hoping to build a family. Why? Because there is a futur.

In Palestine, every month the settlers are taking their land and nobody care.

What would you do if i come to your place and i do the same? For myself i would react. You can imagine that if the cops don’t act i will !

The United Nations has many resolutions about the land belonging to the palestinian and the land belonging to the Israeli people. In order to have peace, it must be respected.

Let’s start with implementing the UN resolutions and helping the palestinian have their country.

This will keep away the young boys from listening to extremism. They will have a future. When you have a future, you don’t think about war and djihad.

The palestinian state must be created ASAP and the stolen land must be given back. The illegal settlements must be destroyed.
What kind of BS revisionist history is this? Not only Palestine but the rest of the Arab world has rejected the UN Resolutions since 1947:
"Arab leaders and governments rejected the plan of partition in the resolution and indicated that they would reject any other plan of partition. The Arab states' delegations declared immediately after the vote for partition that they would not be bound by the decision, and walked out accompanied by the Indian and Pakistani delegates."

It's been "death to Israel" ever since.

Please stop posting lies and bullshit.


Active Member
Nov 9, 2023
What kind of BS revisionist history is this? Not only Palestine but the rest of the Arab world has rejected the UN Resolutions since 1947:
"Arab leaders and governments rejected the plan of partition in the resolution and indicated that they would reject any other plan of partition. The Arab states' delegations declared immediately after the vote for partition that they would not be bound by the decision, and walked out accompanied by the Indian and Pakistani delegates."

It's been "death to Israel" ever since.

Please stop posting lies and bullshit.
Its not bullshit.

We are in 2024 today.

United arabic emirates, bahrein, morocco etc have established diplomatic relations with Israel.

It’s expected Saudi arabia will do it. They already have talks and they work together in security and are doing business.

We are not anymore in 1947. We are in 2024. A lot of things changed since 1947.

Let’s be pragmatic.

The main problem is the confiscation of land by israel after 1973. And after the deal made by israeli premier Begin.

Let’s implement the UN resolutions and start from there.

The stolen land by illegal settlers must be given back.

The palestinian state must become a reality.

Israel is the big player and is creating new jihadist generation with the war and settlers.

If the UN resolutions are not implemented because Israel don’t want it, then do not support UN resolutions when it concerns pariahs states lime North Korea, Iran, etc.

Hamas is a creation the the wise guys running the show behind closed doors. Close the shop ! Give back the stolen land, let the palestinian state be created and make peace !
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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The Palestinian leadership and their backers do not and have not ever wanted peace, period and end of story. So your so called pragmatic simple solution is nonsense and non-reality. This notion that the Palestinian leadership and their backers have ever wanted anything other than the eradication of Israel as a State is a myth. That's the agenda.
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Active Member
Nov 9, 2023
The Palestinian leadership and their backers do not and have not ever wanted peace, period and end of story. So your so called pragmatic simple solution is nonsense and non-reality. This notion that the Palestinian leadership and their backers have ever wanted anything other than the eradication of Israel as a State is a myth. That's the agenda.
We can say the same with the israelian leadership.

Do you support the illegal settlements?

Do you agree that a lot of things changed since the last 30 years?

Are you aware that the arab states are normalizing their relations with Israel ?

What is Israel doing to have peace ? War and war ?


Active Member
Nov 9, 2023
You are not educated on the conflict. Time to get the education you are lacking:
I am sufficiently educated on the subject.

Now one more time:

1) do you support the illegal settlements ?

2) Are you aware that the arab states lime Bahrein, UAE, Morocco etc normalized their diplomatic ties with Israel ? And that Saudi Arabia is in the process ?

3) Tell me why it is a good thing for the jewish people to have a state but not the Palestinian people. Do you oppose the creation of a palestinian state as the UN suggested ?

4) What do you think of the UN resolutions on the subject of a peace treaty / ceasefire / ?
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Active Member
Nov 9, 2023
Since we are talking about education, how about this?

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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Since we are talking about education, how about this?

View attachment 78932
Please stop posting nonsense that show the board how totally ignorant you are! You never heard of the Jewish Diaspora???? Please educate yourself!!!!! The above is completely meaningless nonsense in light of the Diaspora and its propagated by Anti-Semites of which you appear to be a Poster Boy:


Active Member
Nov 9, 2023
Please stop posting nonsense that show the board how totally ignorant you are! You never heard of the Jewish Diaspora???? Please educate yourself!!!!! The above is completely meaningless nonsense in light of the Diaspora and its propagated by Anti-Semites of which you appear to be a Poster Boy:
I am bringing you facts from reliable sources.

Stop saying that it’s irrelevant.

You should consider what other people are saying. This is the start of something that might help people to walk on the road of peace.



Active Member
Nov 9, 2023
And don’t start the antisemitism shit. I am not antisemit. I am bringing my point of view.

Now please can you do a follow up on this :

Now one more time:

1) do you support the illegal settlements ?

2) Are you aware that the arab states lime Bahrein, UAE, Morocco etc normalized their diplomatic ties with Israel ? And that Saudi Arabia is in the process ?

3) Tell me why it is a good thing for the jewish people to have a state but not the Palestinian people. Do you oppose the creation of a palestinian state as the UN suggested ?

4) What do you think of the UN resolutions on the subject of a peace treaty / ceasefire / ?

A Christian just waiting for you answers in order to better understand you point of view.
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