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Hamas & Israel


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019
Man, ignorance is not a virtue.
Regarding what exactly? You repeated what I said about Jews persecution in Europe but jus added details (thanks for the info i guess?).
All large Jewish communities were expelled from most Arab countries and their properties were confiscated in pretext that they have sympathy toward Israel
That is not entirely correct, but lets assume it is, then the cause is clear, the Arabs considers that Land to be Arab, whether Jews, Christians or Muslims. Ben Gurion was Polish. That overreaction would have been because of this and not the fact they are Jewish.
Now, the Reality (ignorance is not a virtue indeed). The massive Immigration of the Arab Jews was sponsored, encouraged, and facilitated by many Zionist institutions.
However, all of this, that History, or how or why Israel came to be does not excuse any of what is happening today. This constant going back is simply to try to gather sympathy and remind people that Jewish have suffered indeed, and that they were Victims. True as it may be, it does not mean that they can wipe out others, especially the ones that have nothing to do with their sufferings.
Jul 25, 2005
Additional history lesson for those who don't understand historical FACTS:

What people are too dumb to realize is "Palestine" was from the name given by the Romans as "Syria Palaestina" in the early 2nd Century CE (AD) when they renamed Judea. Prior to that for much longer it was known as Judea and Samaria. The name Judea is why they are called Jews. Ju, Jew, Judea, Jewish since it is an ethno religion so not all Jews are practicing Judaism/religious. Prior they were known as the Hebrews or Ancient Israelites in the united Kingdom of Israel which existed until 722 BCE when it was conquered by the Neo-Assyrian Empire.

Modern day/current narrative "Palestinians" are nothing but Arabs trying to steal more land like they always do. Arabs came from the Arabian Peninsula and have colonized the vast majority of the Middle East. The Arabs are the colonizers, the Muslims are the ethnic cleansers. Mizrahi Jews (and Christians) lived all across the Middle East and now are only really living in Israel now because of the Muslims.

Palestine in it's current narrative and it's so-called "Palestinian people" is the biggest lie in human history. If they want to become a legitimate people, they had numerous chances that they all turned down. 1948 Partition Plan turned down by the Arabs. Arabs waged war against Israel 1 day after declaring independance, so to those who claim the "nakba" was Israel ethnically cleansing "Palestine", no because it was a result of Israel defending itself from Arab nations on every border trying to destroy Israel.

" Conditioning " a lie repeated often enough becomes the truth. This is not about " Palestine " .......Israel , a liberal democracy is currently under attack by 7 Iranian sponsored militias who want to violently destroy it and replace it with a theocratic dictatorship .

I wonder what happened to the thriving jewish and christian communities in Iraq, Syria , Lebanon ? We may never know .


Une fois par jour
Jan 24, 2015
You making up news now? When did Abou Mazen, the head of Palestinian authority do that? Plus how can this be a case or an argument when the IDF does so much more then that? In terms of killings the innocents and blowing up civilians structures, Israel has no right whatsoever to give lessons or complaints. The terrorism they use against the Palestinians on all level (social, political, military, economic) has never been witnessed in history. The level of Cruelty and Barbarism is simply astonishing.

This made me smile. Honestly?! What you are saying is that the settlers are ready to become Palestinians Citizens, and give up all their weapons (they are all armed), and accept Palestinians laws to stop taking over lands and homes? I am certain the Palestinian authority will not object to that. You are stating unrealistic things. Moreover, the future Palestinian state is a secular one, not a Muslim one (they also are Christian Palestinians).
Stating that a future pàlestinian state would be a secular state is the best joke i ever heard.
after all maybe you don’t know much about the region and the conflict

Zabei Bolt

Feb 20, 2021
Palestine in it's current narrative and it's so-called "Palestinian people" is the biggest lie in human history.
Absolutely true. There is in fact a strong case to be made that the so-called "Palestinian people" is a propaganda device invented by the Russian KGB. See a very good write-up linked below.



Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2017
Man, ignorance is not a virtue. All through Middle Ages Jews were persecuted everywhere across Europe, were treated as noncitizens and has been expelled numerous times from different countries and were specifically harassed by the Inquisition. Antisemitism was rampant across Eastern Europe especially Russia where Jews were forbidden to live beyond the Pail of Settlement, big cities and occupy most of common professions. It is a myth that Germans single-handedly killed 6M Jews. Authorities in all occupied and affiliated with Germany countries and local population were eager to assist. France is no exception with tens of thousand Jews shipped to concentration camps by the Vichy government. As In Arab countries, just before WWII and throughout Ottaman empire, there was special tax that Jews must pay. Also, many occupations were forbidden to Jews. All large Jewish communities were expelled from most Arab countries and their properties were confiscated in pretext that they have sympathy toward Israel. Right here in North America in many hotels in 30th (Florida in particular) the sign ”No Blacks and Jews” was common. Antisemitism was rampant especially in Quebec where it was fueled by the Catholic Church. Remembering own history every Jew understands that when the shit hits the fan he can’t rely on protection from institutions and good neighbours and has nowhere to go but to his own country. Recent events confirmed this. Thus, practically every Jew to a large degree is a Zionist. Zionism is simply the movement stated that Jews need to maintain and defend their own country. So good luck separating antizionism from antisemitism as this is practically the same thing.
To me the actual barbarism of Israel provide some rational of the past antisemitism.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
To me the actual barbarism of Israel provide some rational of the past antisemitism.
Thank you for coming out of the closet Mr. Antisemite. By your “logic” present acts of Israel's self-defence justify all past persecution of the Jews. Antisemites among other “virtues” supposedly always had all knowledge of the future.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2017
Thank you for coming out of the closet Mr. Antisemite. By your “logic” present acts of Israel's self-defence justify all past persecution of the Jews. Antisemites among other “virtues” supposedly always had all knowledge of the future.
When you have orchestrated a genocide , this takes away your right to complain having been victims of a genocide. In other words: Benjamin Natanyahu = Adolf Hitler
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Une fois par jour
Jan 24, 2015
When you have orchestrated a genocide , this takes away your right to complain having been victims of a genocide. In other words: Benjamin Natanyahu = Adolf Hitler
When you comit a oct 7 atrocity and holding hostages it takes away your right to complain about anything and mostly to claim a country
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
When you have orchestrated a genocide , this takes away your right to complain having been victims of a genocide. In other words: Benjamin Natanyahu = Adolf Hitler
By your logic nazi’s murdering of 6M Jews has been justify by the future Israel’s “atrocities”? So, Nazi could predict the future? Antisemites have never been and never are bothered by logic obviously.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
When you have orchestrated a genocide , this takes away your right to complain having been victims of a genocide. In other words: Benjamin Natanyahu = Adolf Hitler
And who said that Jews are complaining? There is nobody in the world to complain too, not then, not now. Complain to impotent UN dominated by antisemites? World would not take any action if other millions murdered. Instead of complaining Jews remember, mourn, and derive conclusions. And the main conclusion is that you must defend yourself by any means.


Une fois par jour
Jan 24, 2015
The other half were either human shields or otherwise set up for death by Hamas method of operating their "military".
There’s no way to get the anti Israel/jew haters to move away from that blood libel genocide bullshit.
They won’t admit that it is not a genocide no matter what argument you can bring
I’m sick of this stupid BS

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
There’s no way to get the anti Israel/jew haters to move away from that blood libel genocide bullshit.
They won’t admit that it is not a genocide no matter what argument you can bring
I’m sick of this stupid BS
Same here. They completely miss the point that Hamas and the other Jihadist "play dirty". They are not a "regular military" with normal base, uniforms and such. They operate from civilian infrastructure, wear mostly regular cloaths (when in combat), they purposely hide among civilians and they said it THEMSELVES that they are willing to sacrifice as much of their civilians as needed just to manipulate the popular opinion.

When Noa Aragami was saved, Israel killed pretty much everyone on sight, they couldn't take any chances. She was held by a DOCTOR of all peoples and his familly, wich included minors and women. By holding that hostage, this doctor made himself a genuine military target and did the same with his familly. Ultimately Hamas will count these among the "civilians, women and kids", but they had it coming in my opinion.

So if we take a deeper look at the 43 000 deaths, how many were Hamas or other jihadist? How many were relatives of said terrorists? How many were working with them? Of course there was more than likely civilians who had no parts in it, but thats collateral damage. Its sad but it happen. And Hamas are the first to not care about endangering them at all.

So this "genocide" claim is nonsense.

Israel gave many opportunities to either Hamas and Hezbollah to stop the war and they won't. If anything Israel was extremely patient with Hezbollah before lauching the assault. At one point trading rockets on daily basic can't go on forever.

Now so many terrorist leaders been eliminated by Israel, we should thanks them dearly. I don't know how many "senior terrorists" are left, especially in Gaza, but at one point they should consider accepting a deal. One thing peoples forget is that altough Hitler and some of his closest allies ended themselves or fleed, the rest of Nazi Germany knew when they had lost and surrendered. There was no point in continuing fighting guerrila style. Hamas should do the same. At one point Israel will have found all the tunnels, secure every houses, its not a huge territory, and even tough they can kill the hostages of course, they will also suffer the same fate. Their entire leadership is done, they should surrender.
Jul 25, 2005
MinutemenX: You have a one side view of the war. Benjamin Natanyahu is always right . The others ( Arabs, Muslims, European, ONU etc) are always wrongs. My last comment to you : Benjamin Natanyahu will past to history along side Adolf Hitler. I will not comment yours posts anymore . It is a waste of time.

With all do respect what you are saying does not conform to reality in the slightest. There is a real genocide happening in Sudan with several hundreds of thousands dead, child soldiers recruited, whole villages burned with women enslaved and forced into marriage.... and you don't care......Because you havent been told to care.
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Jul 25, 2005
Same here. They completely miss the point that Hamas and the other Jihadist "play dirty". They are not a "regular military" with normal base, uniforms and such. They operate from civilian infrastructure, wear mostly regular cloaths (when in combat), they purposely hide among civilians and they said it THEMSELVES that they are willing to sacrifice as much of their civilians as needed just to manipulate the popular opinion.

When Noa Aragami was saved, Israel killed pretty much everyone on sight, they couldn't take any chances. She was held by a DOCTOR of all peoples and his familly, wich included minors and women. By holding that hostage, this doctor made himself a genuine military target and did the same with his familly. Ultimately Hamas will count these among the "civilians, women and kids", but they had it coming in my opinion.

So if we take a deeper look at the 43 000 deaths, how many were Hamas or other jihadist? How many were relatives of said terrorists? How many were working with them? Of course there was more than likely civilians who had no parts in it, but thats collateral damage. Its sad but it happen. And Hamas are the first to not care about endangering them at all.

So this "genocide" claim is nonsense.

Israel gave many opportunities to either Hamas and Hezbollah to stop the war and they won't. If anything Israel was extremely patient with Hezbollah before lauching the assault. At one point trading rockets on daily basic can't go on forever.

Now so many terrorist leaders been eliminated by Israel, we should thanks them dearly. I don't know how many "senior terrorists" are left, especially in Gaza, but at one point they should consider accepting a deal. One thing peoples forget is that altough Hitler and some of his closest allies ended themselves or fleed, the rest of Nazi Germany knew when they had lost and surrendered. There was no point in continuing fighting guerrila style. Hamas should do the same. At one point Israel will have found all the tunnels, secure every houses, its not a huge territory, and even tough they can kill the hostages of course, they will also suffer the same fate. Their entire leadership is done, they should surrender.
At this current moment turkey has cut off water and electricity to over 1 million kurds while continuing to bomb kurdish communities in the north of Syria indiscriminently. The kurds have been subject to a real genocide for over a decade now , but yesterday CBC still led their international news coverage with the self defense war of Israel and the self inflicted " famine " that Hamas has caused on their own people . So sad but like the expression goes , " Jews are news "


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
This is what you get when you import large numbers of young Arab males from supposedly francophone countries and combine them with native leftists (fat ugly females and beta males) who like to mimic European and American leftists. Trudyboy helped to inspire the riot by his promise to arrest Netanyahu if the Israeli PM came to Canada. The main result of the riot will be to inspire even more smart, intelligent and productive Montreal Jews to immigrate to the U.S., as many others have done in the past.

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A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
Muslims from the Middle East who are fortunate to live in a modern, peaceful and tolerant country like Canada should leave their ancient, intolerant and hateful beliefs behind. If they don't, then they should go back to the Middle or suffer the consequences in Canada, as this woman did.


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