It's been going on for a long time, and it's disgusting.As Golda Meir ones said, we may one day forgive you for killing our people, but we will never forgive you for forcing us killing yours.
It's been going on for a long time, and it's disgusting.As Golda Meir ones said, we may one day forgive you for killing our people, but we will never forgive you for forcing us killing yours.
Why Israel is still in the process of making new illegal settlements in 2024?
Who killed Ytsak Rabin ?
Assassination of Yitzhak Rabin | Israeli Prime Minister, Peace Deal, & Oslo Accords | Britannica
The assassination of Yitzhak Rabin took place on November 4, 1995, following a mass peace rally in Tel Aviv. He was killed by a Jewish extremist, Yigal Amir, who was angry about the Oslo
Why is Israel still building new settlements ?Israel has proposed many times to freeze building new settlements in exchange for stopping all terror activity by Palestinians. Palestinians has decided that seeing dead Israelis give them more satisfaction. Thus, stopping new settlements is regarded by many Israelis as caving to terrorist pressure. As for Yitzhak Rabin assassination, he was killed by the right-wing religious extremist. Israel is not the only country that has this kind of bad apples.
Eager ?Eager,
Why Israel is still in the process of making new illegal settlements in 2024?
Who killed Ytsak Rabin ?
Assassination of Yitzhak Rabin | Israeli Prime Minister, Peace Deal, & Oslo Accords | Britannica
The assassination of Yitzhak Rabin took place on November 4, 1995, following a mass peace rally in Tel Aviv. He was killed by a Jewish extremist, Yigal Amir, who was angry about the Oslo
One question: why would Hamas need to keep their new leader's identity secret if his or her initiative was peace and not "Death to Israel"????????
Israel only kills those whose stated goal is death to Israel. They have never killed leaders who wanted peace. Anwar Sadat was killed by his own people.![]()
'Destruction all around us': BBC reports from site of Israeli strike in Beirut that killed 18
The Israeli military previously said it hit a "Hezbollah target" near Lebanon’s largest public hospital - adding that the facility was not
On ne peut comprendre ce qui arrive aujourd'hui sans prendre du recul et reconnaitre que le projet sioniste est assez simple. Il a été mis en pratique avant même la création d'Israel : nettoyage ethnique, explulsion des arabes, accaparation des terres, destruction de la culture palestinienne, apartheid pour les arabes vivant en Israel et maintenant pure génocide. Quand les palestiniens réagissent de façon horrible, ça ne fait que justifier une accélération du plan par Israel. Les horreurs commises régulièrement par les deux parties nous font oublier la vue d'ensemble.Eager ?
The last time was in 2009 when Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu implemented a 10-month freeze on settlement construction in the West Bank in an attempt to jumpstart peace talks with the Palestinians. The moratorium on settlements has been also implemented several times in the 90's to promote peace negotiations.Why is Israel still building new settlements ?
And could you please give us your sources when you say that Israel proposed to stop the illegal settlements in exchange for peace?
With all respect man, but you have the habit of stating things in slices. He made that moratorium as a gesture for negotiation to resume. The real question is why were the settlements still going on in the West Bank in the first place? His declaration of a “pause” is void and is manipulative tactics. The Palestinian authority has always refused armed resistance and was always, even to this day, in favor of negotiations. All that this man and his government has done is undermine them by humiliating them in every way possible. One of the reason Hamas and the others in favor of armed resistance grew in popularity. So, in summary, Netanyahu seizes land, when he is exposed, he plays the nice guy or the victim, then after some round of negotiations, where he gives up nothing, settlements resume, along with demolition of houses, confiscation of others, or the land, etc....The last time was in 2009 when Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu implemented a 10-month freeze on settlement construction in the West Bank in an attempt to jumpstart peace talks with the Palestinians. The moratorium on settlements has been also implemented several times in the 90's to promote peace negotiations.
It is problematic when the real cause of the conflict is camouflaged or dismissed just like that. It was always about Land, and it still is. The world wants to see a Palestinian state, but not Netanyahu. Like I said before, he is saying it, on multiple occasions, so it is not even a guess or an analysis at this stage.But who would be the peace figure on the Palestinian side? . Who would change the islamo destructive hatred ideology ?
It’s not about land my friend. The world wants the Palestinians to have a land but their leaders have other plans. History is there to prove it
I would say that if 2 miliions Muslims live and enjoy democratic rights in Israel why jew would not be able to live also in a future muslim Palestinian state?Eager ?
So, blowing up buses and youth clubs was just a gentle reminder? They still pay special pensions to families of jailed and deceased terrorists and promote such "martyrdom" in schools and everywhere. Est Jerusalem has been plastered with posters celebrating deceased terrorists when I visited Israel short after the last intifada.The Palestinian authority has always refused armed resistance ...
Sorry .... Natanyahu does not know Golda MeirIt's been going on for a long time, and it's disgusting.
Israeli soldiers don’t put gun to the baby head and pull the trigger. Hamas terrorists did exactly that and there are videos of these horrible acts. If Israeli soldiers came under fire from say some building, they may respond by firing tank shell back or by dropping a bomb on a mortar position placed inside a mosque or a school and killing some civilians inside. The civilian casualties during battles in urban arias are inevitable including innocent babies if they are not evacuated. You must however have a very narrow tunnel vision by not seeing the difference. As Golda Meir ones said, we may one day forgive you for killing our people, but we will never forgive you for forcing us killing yours.
you run out of rational arguments and put the label. That's it.MinutemenX: You have a one side view of the war. Benjamin Natanyahu is always right . The others ( Arabs, Muslims, European, ONU etc) are always wrongs. My last comment to you : Benjamin Natanyahu will past to history along side Adolf Hitler. I will not comment yours posts anymore . It is a waste of time.
You making up news now? When did Abou Mazen, the head of Palestinian authority do that? Plus how can this be a case or an argument when the IDF does so much more then that? In terms of killings the innocents and blowing up civilians structures, Israel has no right whatsoever to give lessons or complaints. The terrorism they use against the Palestinians on all level (social, political, military, economic) has never been witnessed in history. The level of Cruelty and Barbarism is simply astonishing.So, blowing up buses and youth clubs was just a gentle reminder?
This made me smile. Honestly?! What you are saying is that the settlers are ready to become Palestinians Citizens, and give up all their weapons (they are all armed), and accept Palestinians laws to stop taking over lands and homes? I am certain the Palestinian authority will not object to that. You are stating unrealistic things. Moreover, the future Palestinian state is a secular one, not a Muslim one (they also are Christian Palestinians).I would say that if 2 miliions Muslims live and enjoy democratic rights in Israel why jew would not be able to live also in a future muslim Palestinian state
No point discussing with you guys. For you Jews are wrong by definition when defending themselves. This is an argument for which there is no answer for more than 2000 years.You making up news now? When did Abou Mazen, the head of Palestinian authority do that? Plus how can this be a case or an argument when the IDF does so much more then that? In terms of killings the innocents and blowing up civilians structures, Israel has no right whatsoever to give lessons or complaints. The terrorism they use against the Palestinians on all level (social, political, military, economic) has never been witnessed in history. The level of Cruelty and Barbarism is simply astonishing.
This made me smile. Honestly?! What you are saying is that the settlers are ready to become Palestinians Citizens, and give up all their weapons (they are all armed), and accept Palestinians laws to stop taking over lands and homes? I am certain the Palestinian authority will not object to that. You are stating unrealistic things. Moreover, the future Palestinian state is a secular one, not a Muslim one (they also are Christian Palestinians).
"History is crowded with chapters in which Indigenous peoples, starved and immiserated by colonial oppressions, finally rebel, with those rebellions at times including atrocities. This, in turn, becomes the pretext for their colonial overlords to unleash unhinged “exterminate all the brutes” rampages, to the point of genocide. "No point discussing with you guys. For you Jews are wrong by definition when defending themselves. This is an argument for which there is no answer for more than 2000 years.
"History is crowded with chapters in which Indigenous peoples, starved and immiserated by colonial oppressions, finally rebel, with those rebellions at times including atrocities. This, in turn, becomes the pretext for their colonial overlords to unleash unhinged “exterminate all the brutes” rampages, to the point of genocide. "
Jewish writer Naomi Klein in The Guardian about Israel
No, not Jews. I said it before, Jews are innocent of this bloodshed.No point discussing with you guys. For you Jews are wrong by definition when defending themselves. This is an argument for which there is no answer for more than 2000 years.
Man, ignorance is not a virtue. All through Middle Ages Jews were persecuted everywhere across Europe, were treated as noncitizens and has been expelled numerous times from different countries and were specifically harassed by the Inquisition. Antisemitism was rampant across Eastern Europe especially Russia where Jews were forbidden to live beyond the Pail of Settlement, big cities and occupy most of common professions. It is a myth that Germans single-handedly killed 6M Jews. Authorities in all occupied and affiliated with Germany countries and local population were eager to assist. France is no exception with tens of thousand Jews shipped to concentration camps by the Vichy government. As In Arab countries, just before WWII and throughout Ottaman empire, there was special tax that Jews must pay. Also, many occupations were forbidden to Jews. All large Jewish communities were expelled from most Arab countries and their properties were confiscated in pretext that they have sympathy toward Israel. Right here in North America in many hotels in 30th (Florida in particular) the sign ”No Blacks and Jews” was common. Antisemitism was rampant especially in Quebec where it was fueled by the Catholic Church. Remembering own history every Jew understands that when the shit hits the fan he can’t rely on protection from institutions and good neighbours and has nowhere to go but to his own country. Recent events confirmed this. Thus, practically every Jew to a large degree is a Zionist. Zionism is simply the movement stated that Jews need to maintain and defend their own country. So good luck separating antizionism from antisemitism as this is practically the same thing.No, not Jews. I said it before, Jews are innocent of this bloodshed.
Zionism is not Judaism.
Historically, Jews have always lived in relative peace and prosperity in the Middle East. They were not persecuted, and the Jews were spread around all the countries and well-integrated.
As a reminder man, Jews were persecuted in Europe, especially in Nazi Germany, in Europe. The Palestinians are in the middle or near East and have nothing to do with those.
No one is wrong defending himself, but an aggressor cannot claim self-defense. Defending themselves against babies, kids, and innocent civilians, the press, the medical teams, the ambulances?
We look at history to draw lessons and not the repeat the same mistake. We evolve by creating laws and practices that will prevent horrific incidents from the past. One such development is the UN and the Conventions to protect the civilians and innocents. Referring to the incidents that were the reason of the creation of those is just looking for a pretext, and not a sound argument.