If a conservative doesn't approve of certain sexual behaviours, he forbids them for everyone. If one escort is underage or trafficked, then hiring any escort should be illegal. (C-36)
A conservative
physician thinks that women who are raped can shut down their bodies to avoid getting pregnant.
A conservative thinks that even victims of incest and rape and women whose life is in danger should be prevented by the state from having abortions. The government should control women's bodies, not women.
A conservative thinks that increasing penalties decreases crime - how is the war against drugs going? The solution to any social issue is to put more people in jail for longer terms and give the police military grade weapons. Demonstrations should be suppressed by force.
A conservative thinks that the solution to every foreign policy issue is to bomb somebody. When that doesn't work, send in the troops. Diplomacy is for the wimpish liberals.
A conservative believes that the government should never apologize, even for shooting down a passenger aircraft.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran_Air_Flight_655 But what the hell, they were all potential terrorists?
A conservative thinks that overthrowing a democratically elected government and installing puppets who take their orders from the US government and the US corporations means that they have liberated that country.
A conservative believes that corporations are people. They should have the right to hide the ingredients and origin of their foodstuffs. Pollution always creates jobs.
Conservatives believe that the rich and the corporations should be allowed to spend without limit to influence elections and government policies.
A conservative thinks that only criminals need privacy, so everybody should give it up freely to the government.
A conservative believes that whistleblowers should be tossed into jail for decades for demanding that the government obeys its own laws.
Conservatives believe that the right to a speedy trial exists only for some, indefinite detention for others.
A conservative believes that waterboarding is not torture, but torture is justified anyway. Studies which show that the information generated from torture is not reliable are like any evidence - to be ignored if it doesn't fit one's point of view. If tortue not allowed in Canada and the US, put them on a plane to be tortured elsewhere.
A conservative turns surpluses into deficits (Bush and Harper) and then tells everybody that he is the best to manage the economy.
A conservative gives welfare to the rich and the corporations which support them and call the people who actually do pay taxes parasites.
A conservative thinks that Parliament and the Supreme Court are annoying impediments to dictatorial rule and tries to concentrate all the power in the office of the Prime Minister. A conservative runs on openness in the government and then forbids his MPs and even the government service scientists from communicating with the press.
A conservative denies climate change and any scientific evidence which runs counter to his faith based beliefs.
Conservatives believe that homosexuality is a lifestyle choice. Gays make the evil choice to belong to a tiny, shunned minority. They can be cured, but choose not to be.
Discrimination can be justified if an appropriate passage can be found in the Bible.
A conservative thinks that the Flintstones was a documentary - that dinosaurs coexisted with early humans. Their god played a trick on them with the fossils and the world is only 6000 years old.
A conservative believes in the separation of church and state - except for his own religion.
A conservative believes that hunters need machine guns, bazookas and anti-aircraft guns to hunt squirrels and that the Second Amendment means that anybody has the right to own and carry any weapon he wants anywhere.
A conservative believes that anybody who disagrees with them is a communist, terrorist, socialist, Moslem or foreign born.