Montreal Escorts

Have you ever gotten emotionally involved with an SP or a client?


Lily from Montreal

I am in love with a lot of men ..and women ...but like I always say: I am very faithful...just not monogamous loll,
I actually prefer meeting married men because single guy has a tendancy to fall in love, which is normal, so do I , but they tend to hope for more than what I can give ...I am sorry but one love is not


sarah bernard
Oct 10, 2010
Lilly!!!!!! Here i go : Dîner (tip-top one), then a classy loundge (for cognacs), Then dance club.............AND then: .................!!!!!!!!!;)
This is a official invitation for a date!

Lily from Montreal

Why chose only one kind when you can enjoy the whole buffet?loll
Thanks Sarah I am flattered xxxxxxx

Lily from Montreal

It help when someone can enjoy different pleasure with differents persons...instead on relying on only one person to answer all the needs, be it emotionnal or physical and yes financial someone can


Pimpin' ain't easy...
Dec 18, 2005
Je ferais n'importe quoi pour l'amour, mais blessé trop souvent j'ai abandonné.

Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
Je ferais n'importe quoi pour l'amour, mais blessé trop souvent j'ai abandonné.

bonne chance bucky..reste fort, et reste l'esprit ouvert.
l'amour cest pas quelque-chose qu'on recherche, cest quelquechose qu'il nous arrive..
mais je te conseille de pas embarquer dans une relation amoureuse avec une moins qu'elle lache le business pour etre avec toi, comme sweet maria, tu t'embarque dans toute une histoire mon homme.

i have been emotionally involved with a young sp that received on the plateau, and lived in st-hubert.
i wont be too precise with the details, but i knew from the beginning that nothing good could come out of the whole thing.
if you respect each-other as client/sp, and feel that there is something brewing below the surface..then you shouldnt take it any further than fuck-friends who have removed the financial compensation.
that is of course if she is still in the business during your fling.
never underestimate ex-boyfriends, pimps, wannabe pimps, and obsessive clients that lurk around the girls location way after their encounter..they are all quite real.


Jun 13, 2003
Visit site
I have as well. Was not for money obviously as she makes 5 times more money than me and paid for most of our nights out. All I can say is that it's fucking complicated and I will say no more as she is still active in the business.


New Member
Nov 17, 2011
montreal and quebec
i thinks it less expensive to go to cuba,i have been once when i was married and i can understand that i miss the party but i am still alive i will go soon down there.:eyebrows:


Active Member
Feb 24, 2005
Answer is yes:

Also, I have a confession to make. Forgive me merbites, for I have sinned. It has been a few years since my last confession. After the above incident, I did it again. I did not get any freebies this time. Although this SP is not the kind I usually see, somehow I felt a connection with her. She`s been working for 5-6 years when I saw her. I prefer ones that are relatively new, not as jaded (say less than 2-3 years).

We got pretty close: I have seen her cry, get angry/sad, genuinely happy. We took short trips together (my dime and didn`t get any freebies during the trip). Whenever we get too close, she puts up defense mechanism and pulls away. Then, she pulls me back in when I veer too far off. It was on and off kind of thing for over a year. I helped her out of a number of personal problems (not money involved). I was spending alot of money seeing her, on gifts and on trips.

Although we had a really good time (I am sure she did; I made her cum like a water fountain and that can`t be faked), I really hated the on-and-off thing and spending so much money on her. I stopped seeing her altogether. She disappeared altogether 1.5 years ago.

I could have spent the money seeing 60-70 girls instead of one.

Lesson learned again: don`t see a girl too many times.


Respect & Honour
Jul 4, 2011
On The Front lines
I am not adverse to getting involved with an SP. I'm fairly in control of my emotions so am not worried. However, I will not get involved with an SP if I have to pay. I mean, a dinner here and there and whatever, like a regular girl, but I won't dish out everytime I see her. I guess that's why I have never been involved with an SP before. Or more precisely, why they have never wanted to get involved with me lol.


Jun 13, 2003
Visit site
I am not adverse to getting involved with an SP. I'm fairly in control of my emotions so am not worried. However, I will not get involved with an SP if I have to pay.

Read my post above. If you have to pay then the emotional involvement is one sided. (guy) and you're just a sugardaddy in that case.

The person I was with paid lots for me most of the time as she had a lot more money than me because of escorting. However, it starts off all cool but once you get involved semi-deeply or deeply; all I can say is things get really really complicated no matter how much in control you are of your emotions. I never thought certain emotions or feelings would come out getting real close personally with an SP but they managed to come out regardless.

Conclusion: It was not worth the headaches, stress and drama at the end. You have to keep it simple, fun and enjoyable. But this person was pushing to get serious and I was not prepared to give that kind of commitment. I just couldn't with an SP unfortunately. No right minded guy can accept dating an SP or getting serious with her. Your head will get fucked eventually if BOTH parties really fall in love with each other. Should have this person outside of this world. Then it would have been a great match for both.


New Member
Nov 17, 2011
montreal and quebec
je suis de l'avis de Malboro,vaux mieux voir 60 filles que de tomber en amour avrc une sp.Mon experience avec une sp pendant 2 ans a ete couteuse et douloureuse au niveau sentimental.Quand on se fais bruler une fois,je pense que j'ai compris la lecon.DEs amis avaient vecu la meme experience et les memes problemes,morale de cette histoire il faut profiter du choix de sp offert et eviter de voir trop souvent la meme que ce soit avec l'agence ou en dehors.


New Member
Feb 3, 2012
Je suis d'accord avec simonpaul. Il ne faut pas trop s'embarquer avec les escortes. Celle que je voyais a completement disparue du milieu et elle est maintenant introuvable. Parfois je regarde si elle n'aurais pas une annonce dans le nouveliste de Trois-Rivieres le Samedi ou changer son numéro mais je ne trouve plus cette Nina. J'adorais sa sensualité et surtout ses formes. Je me blame moi meme car j'aurais du en voir d'autres. Et surtout maintenant je crains les deceptions. Je sais que parfois ces filles n'ont pas grand classe c'est pourquoi je préfere l'internet et je pense que je vais me prendre une escorte plutot a Montreal. Le choix est meilleur et on peu voir la photos.


Sep 24, 2009
Not really but...

I was seriously 'in lust' with one because she was an almost exact duplicate of a girl that I work with that I do love/fantasize about want to date etc.

When I first met this SP, my jaw dropped I thought it was the girl I work with. They could pass for twins!

So, yeah, it wasn't the SP... but looking so similar to the girl I have serious hots for ... I was addicted! :p


New Member
Oct 13, 2011
>>> Useless quote removed. Over 13 with this one already tonight... Mod 11.

haha great Snoodle.
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