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Montreal Escorts

Have you ever gotten emotionally involved with an SP or a client?


Nov 15, 2005
Dee said:
Happens all the time. Talk to people who are divorcing... presumably they were in love at one time.

We save our deepest feelings for those who are or were closest to us. Hence deep love can quickly flip to deep hate.

I have loved a number of girls in my life, but it never turned to hate when it ended, hence my question.


Feb 17, 2005
Near By
Originaly posted by chefplus
I have loved a number of girls in my life, but it never turned to hate when it ended, hence my question

You're lucky that your relations ended in good terms but sometimes, it's endind on the bad side. Think about those guys who have to give half, if not more, of their salaries to their ex-wifes as pension and those ex are fighting in court to make shure that theirs ex husband will not be allow to see the kids.

My 2 cents


New Member
Feb 18, 2006
Observation about this thread

Having just read this entire thread, I want to transmit to you all, an interesting personal observation... that you emapathize with DB and want to help him deal with his thoughts and emotions... and furthermore, that not one of you has asked him how to contact his lady.

My conclusion: many of you out there are decent, senstive and caring human beings... keep up the comradery.

John Legend

Aug 16, 2004
Albany, NY
Visit site
Donnie B and Triton:

Amazing stories. My feelings go out to both of you. I have fallen in love numerous times thru the years of doing this, but I haven't gone as far as you guys have (no furthur then fuck buds). I give you both credit for sharing with us. It puts what we do in perspective. I think we all need to evaluate what we are doing in this hobby. I think we need to treat it as a hobby, and not fall in love. Some of these girls can't be tamed. It's up to us to hold our lives together. Hang in there guys!!!


New Member
Sep 7, 2005
SW Ontario
Hobby or fantasy? Tough to control sometimes

Easier said than done John L, when fate hits you. There is nothing to control if the time and the circumstance is right, the wave hits and you fall. I was reading the Toronto board on this yesterday and threw out a comment there too... Yes it happened to me too. That was one of the reasons I started to read these boards last year, to start to learn what was actually going on in the adult industry in Canada. What an education ;)

Life does go on and you better learn from it. Me, I try not to burn my bridges, but that is just my way. IMHO It worked out for us and I think we are better friends today.


New Member
Jan 9, 2006
John Legend said:
Donnie B and Triton:
Some of these girls can't be tamed. It's up to us to hold our lives together. Hang in there guys!!!

John, I think this is where you are not inderstanding the story being told. Donnie Bs' friend was in fact faithful and NOT working up until he broke her heart for the 2nd time with promises to leave his wife - it is then, that she returned to this work, and in my opinion, she did so in retaliation for the pain she suffered. I can imagine this scenario would play out similiarly whether she was a SP or not.

So now, they spend time blaming each other for ruining things, for not trying hard enough, and giving up efforts too soon for it to have the desired effect. Both of them have given up mentally, but spiritually, emotionally, they are still commited. Doesn't this sound like more than HALF the "civilian" break-ups you ever heard of?


donny brasco

New Member
Jan 28, 2006
Wow. Such insight

I know I had stated earlier that I would not be contributing to this thread anymore, as I had expressed my inner feelings, but Anik's post stirred me up a bit.
First, I want to thank most of you who have expressed understanding. And to repeat what I said earler, that by his comments. GG you appear to be a good man and I thank you.
My curiosity had me checking comments and hopefully you understand a little about my integrity. I received a message from a board member asking me who my lady (former) love was. For all to know, I respectfully declined and I would never, under any circumstances disclose who the lady is, although I am wondering if she has been as discrete.

Anik, you seem to have a very strong opinion as to how both she and I feel. I must say, that as far as I am concerned, there is no feelings here on my part. I won't use the word hate, much to strong an emotion, however I will say there is no love, passion, or good thoughts in my heart, my soul, nor my head. You see to me, the person I fell in love with was not the SP, it was her real self, and to me, that person no longer exists. That person is dead in my heart.
I never denied that I hurt her, although I think watching my son in a hospital bed after a very bad auto accident, which threw me into an emotion frenzy, a normal person might comprehend and not give up on us so quickly. She was back providing within three weeks of the accident.

I ask you Anik, I have apologized for what I put her through, I asked her to stop providing, allow me to stop seeing her reviews, and for her to stop touring. She had not and does not. There have been recent reviews, yet all the while, as recently as a couple of days ago she leaves me voice mails, emails, and a e-card professing her love to me and wants to be with me. All the while, all I have asked is to be left alone. So I ask you, what is your insight on that?

Because to me, it is one sided for not letting go, and quite frankly, neither of our wounds will ever mend, as long as she hold on to this lie. Because lets face it. You can't be both. You can not be one of Montreal's top SP's and at the same time have a loving, caring relationship. Might work for some guys, but not me.
I want to be a one woman man, but I also in return demand a one man woman.

I have respected your comments to date, until now. You must have the incredible ability to understand someones true inner feelings, without having ever met or spoken to them (I go on the record that YOU and I have never met or spoken).

Thank you all and I will sign out with this post


New Member
Jan 9, 2006
Donny -
Actually Donny, I do have a profound ability to read people and there feelings without meeting them... and I am not being sacastic right now. It is something that I have always been like... would call a person that I haven't talked to for ages, because I had a feeling they needed to talk (one time I called my ex the day after his mom died {and when he answered I said I heard you were sad}- I hadn't talked to him in 2 yrs) - I have always been like that. (ok - now that I have confirmed that I am CRAZY-lol)

In your post about how wrong I am - you express very much emotional conviction, you blame her for not understanding that your son was in the hosptial, it is her fault afterwards for not trying hard enough afterwards - etc... (I have never been more right!) I never said this means you two should be together, just that neither of you will move on until you fix the boink ups you both made. You both have expressed the same feelings of blame and blaming.

For you, it is her fault because she went back to SPing and won't PROVE her love by quitting, and for her, it is your fault because you broke her heart 2 times, when after the first time, you promised never to do that again (in her mind - she already PROVED love to you because she had quit while waiting for you). Whether love and hate are opposite in your mind or not - I feel that they are not.

You need to be honest Donny - you sons accident was AFTER an earlier instant which didn't have such a profound excuse - where you remained with your wife and family. She needs to stop working too, not for you, but for her, she obviously is SPing right now out of spite and I would hope that she takes a bit of time to clear her head and heart before continuing on.

I understand you wanting to just let it rest - but women are not built that way, we need to fix it, or tear it down, it is a manufacturing default ;)

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Jun 4, 2005
Montreal, Qc
donny brasco said:
I ask you Anik, I have apologized for what I put her through, I asked her to stop providing, allow me to stop seeing her reviews, and for her to stop touring. She had not and does not. There have been recent reviews, yet all the while, as recently as a couple of days ago she leaves me voice mails, emails, and a e-card professing her love to me and wants to be with me. All the while, all I have asked is to be left alone. So I ask you, what is your insight on that? [...]

Thank you all and I will sign out with this post
Sorry if I'm totally off. I cannot read minds but it seems to me that a probable cause of the SP in question to come back to her work is financial. DB you did not mention that she had a degree and could easily switch to another highly paid job.

I am not saying this is the only cause. A lot of sex industry workers become addicted to their job. We are used to receive affection from a diversity of men and all of a sudden you expect us to give that up for one man. It seems like your relationship was satisfying enough for her and she agreed to give up SPing but since you did not give up your family what do you expect? Any rational SP after being hurt like this would have returned to her job.

The irrational part is her prosicutions. Emails and voice mails are not normal. She seems to be having an obsessive disorder and I wouldn't think it is in her interest to reveal herself to other board members.

I've had obsessive disorders and I know they can pass away. There is one thing that is required on your part if you want her to leave you alone. You have to clearly notify her by phone or email (if you haven't done so yet) that you wish her to stop harassing you and that you have made a clear decision not to bother with her ever again. After this stop responding to her and her harassment will eventually seize. This is the least painful way for both of you (unless I misunderstand the situation).

chefplus said:
Can you guys help me understand something, please: how can you be so in love with someone, and then later on call her a whore ?
Chefplus, you come from another planet. I mean you are probably come from secluded elite circles where every man is a gentleman and the word 'whore' is not a part of his lexicon. An average man is a werewolf (that easily turns from human to animal and back). When an average man finds out that his deeply loved woman cheated on him will call her 'a whore' or 'a slut' if he is more polite.

I am sorry to the rest of you to make this remark. Most of the board members are educated which already makes you above average. Those of you who never offended a lady are exceptional and you should keep up the good work!:D

Carla the blunt

P.S.: I am not a feminist. Women have a lot of other vices which men don't have.


New Member
Sep 18, 2005
sapman99 said:
Many "friends" have commented to me about strippers or escorts "she's just a ..., not worth your time". Yadda yadda yadda.

I happen to work with many SPs and strippers, in fact, these women are my clients and have no reason to BS me about their work etc. They pay me so im the one who listens (like the hairdresser ;) )

Every woman that comes to meet me has a different story. I would say that many of them are quite interesting persons. Some are dumb as hell but its the minority. I can honestly say that many have an average IQ thats above the overall population, or at the very least are not as boring as the overall population :D . If I was single I would maybe be in a relationship with an SP and would have no problem with that whatsoever.


New Member
Sep 18, 2005
Kaempferrand said:
Translation to you all: I get more ass than a toilet seat and I get to take their pictures too!



Just try it and see if you can stay in business by grabbing their ass ;)

BTW I was saying that the most girls are quite nice and that I like them. I have all the ass I want but its not at work. Thanks for caring.


New Member
Sep 18, 2005
Kaempferrand said:
Very jealous. Fuming in jealousy.

Well that is good you stand on your integrity and would not cross that line.

I met my share of the gals in this busines and yes they are a true gem and a honorable bunch.

And you're welcome.


I enjoy a well written reply. Happy to meet you Kaempferrand

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
tonsecret said:

I enjoy a well written reply. Happy to meet you Kaempferrand


Thanks for sharing, can I come work with you?:D



Mar 3, 2006
Resumes ???

So now you know that "tonsecret" is going to get flooded with resumes of guys who want to come work for him! ROFLMAO :D


New Member
Sep 18, 2005
incognito_NYC said:
So now you know that "tonsecret" is going to get flooded with resumes of guys who want to come work for him! ROFLMAO :D

:D Yes we always have lots of volunteers


Dec 29, 2004
Well guys and gals!

You know I've been feeling like the proverbial fly on the wall on this one!

While you all did a wonderful job of analizing and commenting on Donnie's and I experiences and you've shredded it apart till it now resembles a casting call for the most desperate.

I must commend you all none the less.

I had no idea this would affect so many of us out there. I guess many of us on both sides of the business have a tendancy to fall for one another or simply want to feel loved. It means that simply we're all human. All capable of love and unfortunately hate.

Donnie and I have reached and crossed a nexus in our lives where sanity is more important than ideology. Hating my ex is my way of putting the past behind me. And yes bareback sex is dangerous. But it applies to everyone not just with SP's. And that's another discussion. But when you love someone the risk doesn't become real anymore. (yes you can quote me later and call me stupid)

This wasn't just a regular relationship after all and we knew it.

When dating a SP your dating the entire city. I (and I should say we) went through great lengths to do normal things like going to the movies or dinner. A walk in the park was sometimes met with crossing paths with a prior customer. Going out for a drink in a local bar meant that I had to fend off paying suiters because they didn't know or care that we were dating. Have any of you any idea what its like to be out with the love of your life and some a-hole offers you two to three hundred dollars to fuck your girl in the john because he thought you were her PIMP? And then have her chastise you because you refused the offer! In the end we went to establishments off island in some cases way off island.

Shit I went through hell with that girl. I'm not even going to hint at the BS I did for her and all for not or was it? It's not as if this was a one sided relationship. In many ways she pursued me as well and was first to tell me she was in love with me. Not that I wasn't all ready I was. I just hadn't said it. Why? because after all I knew what she was. I knew it was going to be difficult to make this relationship happen. But I also felt at the time it was possible. She had what it took to come clean. She had what it took to stop whoring. And I did everything humanly possible to support her in her struggle to break free of the only thing she's ever known since childhood. She wasn't even in highschool when she started in the business. She had business cards before she was seventeen! But it was the most intensely loving relationship I have ever felt. And I'm a complete cynic when it comes to love, relations, friends and family. I trust nobody to a certain extent. And this one blind-sided me. By God she loved me in so many ways that I cannot fully assemble the memories into a comprehesible volume of books! But the emotions linger in me constantly like the passing scents of the Seasons of Winter to Spring and Summer to Fall. I still feel her warmth against my chest. I hear the loving words from her lips. And I still see the love in her eyes. And I long for them again. I know we loved one another at one time there is no doubt.

I'm at the end of my family making years. My biological clock is still ticking strong but if I had kids now I'd be almost retired by the time they moved out! Annie (BTW not her real name) is the only one to bear a child of mine that I'm truly aware of (not to sound heroic or anything just a simple fact). Unless your walking in similar shoes there's no real way to comprehend what I'm feeling or thinking. It's like being in the hospital with someone you care for and they're hurting something bad. And you say something like "I know it hurts." Well yes in a way you might be able to understand the pain but unless you have the same threshold of pain and experienced the exact same injury you really haven't a clue what they are feeling. But you're trying to be compassionate and understanding. And that's all good but it doesn't mean "you know".

Which brings me back to the beginning of this long and boring surmise. It's rather remarkable that in this day and age there are people out there who give a shit about each other. And that this thread has surely chipped away at the stereotypical view of cold hearted JOHNs that prowl through the night illicing sex from dirty ignorant cheap women that creep in the shadows of the underbelly of society.

When in fact its society that is the "cold hearted orb that rules the night". It's the crooked cops that weild twisted laws like murdering crusaders in the name of religion. There you find the real crime against society and humanity. There amongst the governments and law makers. The suits that hide the true menace to society wearing sunglasses to sheild themselves like an executioners hood so as not to be recognized. Only truly evil people hide behind masks and uniforms or in the shadows waiting to pounce on the innocent. Like a cop waiting in an alley with her radar gun out. Or the taxman discecting your returns in hopes of catching an error so you can be fined. Only the powerful "powers that may be" should be scraped from our boots on the edge of the curb for the rains to cleanse. And free us to express our inborn love for one another.

I hate my ex and called her a "whore" for what she did to "us" and the son I know nothing of. I don't hate her for who she is or was, infact I'm still fond of her and hold a special place in my heart or in my pocket (inside joke incase she's reading this) for her.

But I do truly hate what "it" has left me... "nothing but an emptiness that cannot be filled".



Psychiatric help, 5 cents
Mar 22, 2005
Only until the moment of no return. After that I know what it's about. When the load is gone, so am I. :rolleyes:


New Member
Feb 11, 2005
This is great to see male vulnerability !

ChiefPlus, I agree with you, to love someone is to care deeply thus it does not imply hating. Hatred suggests wanting to destroy that person's possibilities. To love is to help that person grow, improove, be happier and flourish.

Donny Brasco and Triton, thank you for sharing your vulnerability in this public board, it is so courageous of you both !

I find both of your stories fascinating !

Donny Brasco, you got married at 19 ? Some reserchs argues that the brain is only fully formed after the age of 23. I think at the age of 19 one does not even have any self-knowldge, how can you chose a partner for life in such a naive periode on one's life ?

Triton, you were very vulnerable when you meet her, no wonder you fell in love.

I can see how risk this is, some of you guys are very hot, attractive, well spoken and desirable therefore it is hard sometimes not to day dream about some of you guys. However the reality is, in my head, most of you will allways treat us as Sex Wokers ( even though some of you here said that SPs are far more interesting then typical females, I have to agree on that:p ! )
And although we are Sex Workers, we are also socialised to be typical females as well, therefore we might perceive some of you as deserving special places in our lives, when in reality. The diccotomy between bad girls and good girls are sooooo present in the male psyche, that the sex worker end up lousing, the client and the ''potential loving possibility''

This is very emotionaly risk because love is a search and we all looking for love, and some people are more loving/more interesting/deeper/and fun then others, even when are are Sex Worker or a Client.

Marginalised categories does not keep any one form falling in love, even if it is momentarily !

As one of my favority Brazilian singer would have said: ''To love is to risk till the end'' Marina Lima
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New Member
Jun 19, 2006
anyone ever get "involved" with an SP

Sorry if this is the wrong category. As my moniker suggest, I'm lousy with women. My first ever experience in Montreal, beginning of 2005, I saw one, and the experience was okay, she asked if I wanted to have dinner afterwards, and I said sure. So we went out and ate and rank for a wee bit. She even drove me in her car.

I guess I mean "involved" as in just extracurricula activities with them.

Another time I went to Toronto, saw an SP for two hours, and when we were done, she gave me her email address, and told me she wanted me to go to a concert with her in several months if I was gonna be in town then. I never made it back, but email for a wee bit, and lost contact. The next night I saw an SP in Toronto and after we were done she called up the agency, said she wasn't feeling well, and spent the evening with me. she was kinda wild and crazy.

There's another one, but I wont mention it. Is this abnormal? I realize for you guys, you probably are of the "pay them so they leave after" variety. But for me, I have virtually no female contact other than some brief relationships or a casual relationship or two, that I really just miss their company sometimes.

In case you didn't know, in Thailand, they spend the night with you. The sad part, the 2500 baht (which was a lot more than some people pay) gets them to stay the entire night. My first SP experience (take that back, second) was, there, and I felt so shitty when she left. Doing that probably every night for $60 or so.. I felt sad for her. Then later I adapter when I went to Phuket, and saw the same one two nights in a row. This chick was hilarious, she even took me to her house on a moped with her sister on there too (no, it didn't happen, though it could have, but damn, that would have been so wrong. Both of them worked at the same tiny bar). Man, I miss Thailand. The food, the cheap bar, but damn, those lady bar places were REALLY uncomfortable for me. Was like bizarro world. I had to get drunk so I wouldn't be so embarrassed to have her check in with the hotel before we went up to the room. When in bangkok, it took me the first 4 days the courage to even enter the soi cowboy or whichever one I went to.

Yes, I am rambling.


Wine, women, & song ...
Jul 6, 2004
Banlieues de Métropolis
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