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Herouxville:Them damm bastards do not know what dammage they have done to themselves.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
...want nothing to do with the manipulative minority.

That's the problem. They should be getting involved in their community and publicly oppose them instead of 'having nothing to do with them'. Instead they withdraw themselves from the situation and let the minority grow stronger and gain more influence. This does not help matters.


New Member
Nov 19, 2004
The "laissez faire" multiculturalism of Brittain and Holland and the strict integration policies of France are at the opposite ends of the spectrum, and I wouldn't advocate either. There has to be some balance to be found somewhere in the middle.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
3) Can a woman born to a religious Muslim family in Montreal has the choice to wear or not to wear a veil? If she wants to, would she be allowed to have non-muslim boy friends? If she wants to, would she be allowed to go swimming in a public pool there were male instructors around?
4) Does she have the freedom to convert to another religion?

She has the right to do whatever she wants if she's over 18 but her family also has the right to disown her if they don't agree with her choices.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Why 18? Because 18 is the age of majority in Canada. She can then make whatever choices she desires.

Or kill her if she tries to convert...

In which case they will be arrested and prosecuted

So they can be intolerant....

Just like any other religion, whether it's Muslim, Jewish, Jehovah's Witness or yes...even Catholic. Equality for all. :cool:

Big Daddy Cool

Emperor of Earth
Jul 20, 2005
69 Hard-On Ave
Everything you said is right on target. Did you know that one of the biggest opponents to Sharia Law in Ontario was the Canadian Consul of Islamic Woman? Why was this? Because they know how they were treated back in their own countries and want our country to stop giving into the crap being demanded by the extremists who we allow to stay here. It's about time Canada followed Frances example and grow some balls.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Maxima, I hate to break it to you but there are very strict parents in every religion. Children under the age of 18, who live at home, are subject to the rules that their parents choose. One of the problems in society today is the lack of desire in parents to enforce any rules at all in their own home and they allow their kids to run rampant with no guidance or consequences for their actions.

Would you convert if your penalty is death?

We are talking about Canada here. When did you ever hear of someone being killed for leaving their religion here?

The parents can force their under 18 y.o girls into pre-arrange marriaged then.

Where did I say that children were property for the parents to do as they choose with? And it's not only Muslims that have pre-arranged marriages. It happens in other religions as well, including 'Christian' ones.

So all of the goodies of our free, open tolerant secular society do not apply to women under 18?

It has nothing to do with whether a minor is male or female. They are the responsibility of their parents until the age of 18, no matter the religion. And many of the 'goodies' of our society as you put it, do not apply to anyone under the age of majority, no matter the religion. And they also do not apply to many who are over the age of 18 if they follow their beliefs strictly and to the letter.

Edit: I forgot to answer your first question: the big deal is that I hate predjudice and bigotry directed against anyone. When a town, no matter how small, starts to put these kind of ideas into a public declaration it's a small step towards a very slippery slope. If we start sliding down it, there will be disastrous consequences. I for one have no wish to see riots in the streets of our cities caused by such stupidity.
Last edited:


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Have you ever heard of it happening in Canada? I'm pretty sure that there must have been cases of Muslims marrying outside their faith here in our country. Not all Muslims follow their religion to the letter.


New Member
Nov 19, 2004
Maxima said:
If some parents in Herouxville fordbid their kids to convert to Islam or any other religions you would scream bigotry, would you not?
Can a Muslim woman under 18 have a non-muslim boyfriend if that what she wants? or must she be under the control of her parents/community? If some parents in Herouxville prevent their girl to have a muslim boyfriend, you would scream bigotry, would you not?

No, I would blame stupid parents and/or their religious beliefs, which they are entitled to as long as they don't break any laws. If a Muslim kills another Muslim because he/she converted to another religion, said Muslim would be arrested, prosecuted, and jailed.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Maxima, why do you continue to go back to posts that I have already addressed and edit them? If you have a new point to make why not just make it instead of changing your original post?

Can a Muslim woman under 18 have a non-muslim boyfriend if that what she wants? or must she be under the control of her parents/community? If some parents in Herouxville prevent their girl to have a muslim boyfriend, you would scream bigotry, would you not?
So Turkey and Egypt must be accused of bigotry for banning the veil then.

A girl or boy under the age of 18 is subject to the rules of their parents. Many white families don't want their children dating outside of their religion or race. And yes, I consider that to be bigotry no matter who does it. I judge people by who they are not by what color they are or what god they worship or how they choose to worship he/she/it.

Herouxville can be accused of "stupidity" but they have not break any law. What's the big deal?

I already answered that question. Why ask it again?


New Member
Nov 19, 2004
Maxima said:
So Herouxville can be accused of "stupidity" but they have not break any law. What's the big deal?

I'm just going to repeat this:

"Tout ça pour dire à tous les exaltés du « gros bon sens », à tous les mollahs de l'identité québécoise, qu'il est possible d'être d'accord avec quelqu'un sur le fond, mais absolument pas sur la forme. Je dis ça pour tous ceux qui se sentent obligés d'applaudir une mesure futile et stupide comme les « normes de vie » d'Hérouxville (normes de vie, on dirait les règlements d'une polyvalente) parce qu'ils sont du même côté de la clôture que les élus de ce village. Il y a d'excellentes raisons de contester les AR. Mais tous ceux qui contestent les AR n'ont pas d'excellentes raisons. À vous lire sur ce blogue, on dirait que la fin justifie les moyens..."

A silly counselor (who sounds more and more like a complete idiot everytime he's interviewed...), from a hick town nobody had ever heard of and which has not a single Muslim immigrant, wanted his 15 min of fame. The "big deal" as you stated, is that so much ink and media time has been devoted to this nonsense, and that Herouxville still hasn't gone back to oblivion where it belongs.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Maxima said:
Exactly my point! A storm in a tea cup. Was it not Hearst who said: " bring me any picture and I will make it a big headline.."

I will agree with that wholeheartedly and as far as I am concerned, this issue has taken way too much of our time. I won't spend any more on it. Thanks for the discussion.

J. Peterman

New Member
Feb 26, 2004
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The racist of Herouxville got what they deserved.

The cocksuckers of Herrouxville found out that their closed minded attitude and their desire to stay in the 19th. century is not of the same mind as most Canadians or even Quebecois.


Psychiatric help, 5 cents
Mar 22, 2005
J. Peterman said:
The cocksuckers of Herrouxville found out that their closed minded attitude and their desire to stay in the 19th. century is not of the same mind as most Canadians or even Quebecois.
Really...., you'd be surprised.


New Member
Jun 14, 2006
EagerBeaver said:
I totally agree with this statement and it is consistent with the American federal law as embodied in the establishment clause of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. Separation of church and state.

It's one thing when a muslim person lives in a Muslim country, but when you come to live in the USA and Canada it has to be understood that we have a separation of Church and State unlike what exists in the muslim countries. What this means is religion is kept out of schools and it is kept out of government.

That is why western civilization has succeeded and the Arab countries are virtually all miserable failures. It's the failure to separate church (or Mosque) and State. It's also ironic that these people are coming from dysfunctional lives in dysfunctional countries and some do not respect the very tenet that enables us to live a bit less dysfunctionally, which is the doctrine of separation of church and state.

However, most of the Arabs I know in the USA are hard working types who have "figured it out" - that means they have westernized, own small businesses like gas stations and restaurants, they don't wear towels on their heads, and they don't push their culture on others or do anything to piss off their customers. These guys own gas stations and the last thing they want to do is piss off their customers, many of whom drive the proverbial Ford pick up truck with the obligatory confederate flag. So they behave as westerners behave. And they make money like any good businessman will.

What is happening in Canada is that due to your more liberal immigration laws you are getting the "fresh off the boat" types who have not figured it out as have most of our immigrants. I think that Herouxville's controversy is the kind of thing that is needed to help them figure it all out. My 2 cents.
If you went to these counties(Muslim) and wanted to force your way of life or even carry you way of life at home ie christian religion , you would be thrown in jail shot or stoned , so why do these people come in this country and want us to force us to abide to their way of life,

I have to be racist!

Big Daddy

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Mar 16, 2003
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ricky08 said:
why do these people come in this country and want us to force us to abide to their way of life,

I think that people are resistant to change. These guys want best of both worlds. They want the good that Canada has to offer and still keep their old way of thinking as long as Canada allows it.


Psychiatric help, 5 cents
Mar 22, 2005
Equanimity said:
Hasn't the fat lady sung on this one yet?
Would that be the opera singer or the Eaton's worker?
Sorry for the transgression, I should have said "Eaton".:rolleyes:
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