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Herouxville:Them damm bastards do not know what dammage they have done to themselves.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
I have a simple solution for ethnic groups who expect/need/want special consideration on their religious holidays. Grant them unpaid leave.

The perfect solution. If anyone were to dispute this, they would be putting money ahead of their beliefs in which case they should just work on those days.


Active Member
Jul 3, 2005
player_82 said:
Oui, me rapelle d'une dame qui mentioner quand elle était petite dans un parc public a Montréal qui disait pas de chier et pas de juif!

Continuer le Québec va de bon train!

Pas vrais, le VAAD HAIR qui est l'association rabbinique de Montréal et les donateurs JUIF privée qui paye le maintien des installations et la salubrité de la cafétérias Casher. Inquiétez-vous pas un jour le nom changera pour l'hôpital Lionel Groulx.:rolleyes:

Est vous-pouvais garder les molas aussi! LOL!!

L'incident en question se passait il y a 70-80 ans.On est en 2007 et je n'ai jamais vu de telles affiches dans un parc récemment.Des propos comme les tiens démontre ton étroitesse d'esprit et un refus de voir la réalité tel qu,elle est.

Pour ce qui est de l'hopital,contrairement a un resto ou au ciné,on y va pas par choix mais bien par obligation.
Qu'un hopital soit juif ou pas,ca demeure un hopital.Si tu vas a l'hopital Charles Lemoyne,tu pourras emporter ton lunch et manger ce que tu veut sans te faire expulser.
Mon frere a travailler longtemps comme infirmier et il apportait toujours son lunch.

Je dénote dans tes propos une certaine rancune envers le peuple québecois et son identité et le fait que tu cites le passé lointain prouve qu'en 2007 il n'y a pas de véritable racisme envers les communautés religieuses,qu'elles veulent ou non s'integré.

Ah oui,y a pas a dire le québec et ses autoritées les plus molles du monde se dirige tout droit vers le mure,celui de la toure de babel.
Doi-je te rapeller que 85% des étrangers trouve que les québecois ne sont PAS racistes.
Tu ne fait pas parti de ces 85% évidemment.



Active Member
Jul 3, 2005
Techman said:
The perfect solution. If anyone were to dispute this, they would be putting money ahead of their beliefs in which case they should just work on those days.

These minoritites use the charter of rights and freedom.
Why don't we use it?
I think that granting somone payed holidays based on thier beliefs is a discrimination.
So if they get extra days off due to their religions,so should everybody,otherwise it's discrimination.



Active Member
Jul 3, 2005
player_82 said:
Je m'excuse, mais ca c'est de la pensée magic....:eek:

Non monsieur.
C'est le résultat d'un sondage,environs 85% des étrangers se disent a l'aise ici au Québec et disent ne pas ressentire de racisme a leur égard.
D'ailleurs, certains nous trouvent TROP tolérant.
Seulement les plus radicals(comme toi?) disent le contraire.:cool:



Active Member
Jul 3, 2005
player_82 said:
Je m'excuse, mais ça c'est de la pensée magic.... :eek:

C'est drôle que tu me traite d’étranger comme si je venez d'un autre pays, ca en dit long....:rolleyes:

C'est une chose ce que les gens dise a télé ou en public qui tienne a cœurs le sujets d'accommodement raisonnable et ce qui dise entouré de leur gang a table a mangé ou après quelques bonne bière....

Je trouve que la majorité fait une tempête dans un verre d'eau!

Je ne t'ai jamais traité d'étranger,simplement d'un membre réticent a reconnaitre l,ouverture d'esprit des québecois.Et je ne suis pas le seul.
Encore une fois la paranoia.
En passant,ce que disent certains éléments radicaux de certaines communautées religieuses a propos des femmes,et de ceux qui ne sont pas de leurs religions,ce n'est pas du racisme ou du sexisme ça?

Tu l'as dit toi-meme l'anarchie ca va dans les 2 sens.



Feb 24, 2005
Les québecois juifs demandent aux infirmières a domicile de porter des pantalons en été (jupes interdites) maintenant imaginer des québecois catholiques disons, qui demanderait a un docteur juif de retirer sont kippa (couvre-chef juif) pour les examiner.... quel serait la réponse?? Alors pourquoi demander ce qu'on ne peut offrir?


Active Member
Jul 3, 2005
player_82 said:
Je m'excuse, mais ça c'est de la pensée magic.... :eek:

C'est drôle que tu me traite d’étranger comme si je venez d'un autre pays, ca en dit long....:rolleyes:

C'est une chose ce que les gens dise a télé ou en public qui tienne a cœurs le sujets d'accommodement raisonnable et ce qui dise entouré de leur gang a table a mangé ou après quelques bonne bière....

Il faut se rappelle que la minorité radical n'a pas le pouvoir de passez des lois, mais une majorité radicalizée oui. Et être trop tolérant. Ouf, ça doit venir d'une place refoulé une affirmation pareil.

Je trouve que la majorité fait une tempête dans un verre d'eau!

La minorité radicale a un tres bon pouvoir,celui de faire chanter nos gouvernements d'unuques et de peureux.Car voit-tu,ils le savent que nos gouvernements sont des pleutres qui se cachent derrière la rectitude politique.On a qu'a voire l'immobilisme de Charest,Boiclaire et Tremblay.
D'aucun n'ose s'opposer a leurs revendiquations meme les plus farfelus de peur de se faire traiter de raciste(comme tu le fais présentement)
Une majorité radicalisée?
Come on!Je parlerais plutot d'une majoritée et de gouvernements manipulée par des extremistes religieux.
Le québec est rempli d'institutions juifs et Musulmans.A montréal seulement il y a plus de 80 Moskés.
Si on serait si radicalisés, pense-tu qu'ils y'en aurait tant que ça?
ET toutes ses institutions reliés au autres communautés religieuses(écoles,hopitaux,centres communautaires,journaux,ect....)
Quelle majorité radicalisée permetterait ça?
Celle de Israel?
De L'arabie Saoudite?
De L'Iran,de l'Afghanistan?
SVP arrete de me faire pleuré!:cool:

Oui ça se peut,etre trop tolérant. Et encore,ce n'est pas moi qui l'affirme mais bien des gens qui viennent de l'étranger.
Plusieurs sont venus s'installer ici pour fuire des régimes qui leurs impose des contraintes religieuse et ils arrivent ici et constatent que la majoritée accomode ces memes extremistes dans leurs demandes!!!T'as qu'a voire tous ces accomodements ''raisonnables'',ils ont été concedés par des membres de la soit-disante majoritée que tu qualifie de radicalisée!

Comment-se fait-il que certains membres de ces communautés ne revendiquent pas d'accomodements?
Pourtant ils sont pratiquants eux aussi.
Je connais des juifs qui ne veulent rien savoir de toutes ces accomodements.
Ils sont parfaitements intégrés.
La preuve que l'ont peut tres bien pratiquer sa religion sans l'imposer a tout le monde.



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Equanimity said:
:D That last comment was a knee-jerk response to your rather unsubstantiated and uninformed comment stating that US muslim immigrants have "figured it out" while their Canadian resident counterparts haven't. Given historical and current events this is perhaps the most unfortunate comment you have ever made.


What historical and current events are you referring to?

Do you deny that Canadian's immigration laws are more liberal than those of the USA?

Do you deny that as a result of said liberal immigration laws, Canada has received within its borders more "fresh off the boat", unadjusted-to-western-civilization immigrants than has the USA in recent years?


May 23, 2006
My parents are immigrants that came here from Europe. They have kept their culture, language and many other aspects of their being. They have managed to do all of this withing the framework and laws of Canada. Rules and laws were not changed for them, but they changed in order to follow the Canadian law.

This is all very easy and simple to summarize :

If you come to Canada, be ready to follow our rules, laws and customs. If you don't like them, get the hell out.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Equanimity said:
Not sure I understand this. All immigrants when they first arrive are "fresh off the boat" regardless of whether they arrive in Halifax or New York are they not ? I think it's a bit of a silly claim quite frankly and goes to what happens after they arrive rather than prior.

The point is that most of the US immigrants have been here for a while and they have either "figured it out", or else gone back to the countries they came from. It is Canada that has had a larger influx of immigration recently, and thus it is Canada that is dealing with more "fresh off the boat" type immigrants. You are completely confusing the issue presented.

What Canada needs most is a greater population to work up its tremendous and vast natural resources and energy production. The thing the USA needs most is natural resources and energy for its greater population. This is why Canada has more liberal immigration laws. This is also why Canada and USA are the world's two greatest trading partners: each of us has what the other needs.

None of this is rocket science to figure out. It is common sense and economics 101.

The Moose

New Member
Oct 5, 2006
J. Peterman said:
The hillbillies of Herouxville Quebec have dammaged :( themselves more than they know. The world is now a global economy and the world does not stand still for neanderthals like the Herouxvillians.
I suggest that they turn their clocks foward by 60 or 70 years so that they can have more tolerance for the world outside of the little town of Herouxville. When they do this I will be happy to welcome them to the 21 st. century.


You have to know very little about Quebec history to pass this kind of judgment about Hérouxville's people. Their concerns about loss of identity & culture are legitimate. Although innapropriate, their ''normes de vie'' translate a desire for the Quebecois to have their culture and traditions respected & preserved. It's all about respect. Think about it....what happens to me if I go to Iran and claim right to St-Jean Baptiste day vacation with pay ! Buddy they will shoot me. As I always say, don't judge a person before you have walked a mile in their shoes. Immigrants have it really good here, those who are trying to force their ''ways of living'' will only encounter anger & direspect. My two cents.....:cool:


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Equanimity said:
Listen, I don't mean to be totally argumentative but I think it is you that is confusing issues. First you say it is a "more liberal law" issue which implies easier acceptance by immigration authorities.

There is no evidence to support that statement.

You then state that the average immigrant in the US has been there longer than in Canada.

There is no support for this statement either. I have no idea how long the average immigrant has been in Canada or the US for that matter and I doubt that you do. If you do please let me know.

There is no evidence to support your statements to the contrary.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Equanimity said:
Quite frankly American culture through it's massive media availability poses a much greater threat to the small town Quebec culture than a woman walking around town with her faced covered.

What American culture?


New Member
Nov 19, 2004

In your post #19, you seem to be reducing this issue to Muslims and to "fresh off the boat" immigrants when the reality is (for us anyway) that Muslims are no more guilty of making these "demands" than other religious groups, and that groups like the Orthodox jews, for example, have been here for generations.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Equanimity said:
You don't think the US has a culture that is distinct from Quebec's?:)

Blues, jazz, rock n roll, hip hop, baseball, college football, hot rods,NASCAR, television, Hollywood, spring break and the sweet sixteen, blonds, breasts;),JD Salinger, JD Souther, Hemingway, Jack Daniels, Napa Valley cabs,......................................

Well, the only culture that matters to me at this time of year is the culture of college basketball, which definitely does not exist in Canada.:p


Active Member
Jul 3, 2005
Equanimity said:
Why are they ( town council) worried about a group of people that don't even live there? I can't imagine that Muslims pose much of a threat.

Quite frankly American culture through it's massive media availability poses a much greater threat to the small town Quebec culture than a woman walking around town with her faced covered.

But american culture will not try to change the laws of the town to suit their beliefs.
As for women walking with their faces covered, it represents repression and inequality between sexes and Herouxville don't want to do anything with it.
These women are carrying their own prison around.And they do it all year long be it cold or warm.I saw some of them in 30 degrees temperatures last summer,obviously they were not wearing it to protect from the cold.
I beleive that the decision they took was clumsy and not of their jurisdiction but it's the result of our governments inactivity.



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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JustBob said:

In your post #19, you seem to be reducing this issue to Muslims and to "fresh off the boat" immigrants when the reality is (for us anyway) that Muslims are no more guilty of making these "demands" than other religious groups, and that groups like the Orthodox jews, for example, have been here for generations.


That was not my intention. In fact, in the US, the biggest shit disturbers with respect to First Amendment establishment clause issues have been Christian right wing fundamentalists.

As I have noted above, I know many Arabs whose families immigrated to the USA and they are hard working and very westernized. I think that perhaps the problems that are perceived to arise are with those who have immigrated recently and are fresher off the boat. I have observed many such individuals in my travels to Montreal. The point I am trying to make is for these immigrants, there is an adjustment period during which the Church/State separation thing needs to be figured out because that is why in the Canada and USA at least, we have systems that work and make all of these immigrants want to come to our countries. I am not excusing or condoning the behavior of Herouxvillians, but merely pointing out the conditions that may be perceived as giving rise to such behavior.

The bottom line for the muslim immigrant is that he/she either figures out the Church/State separation thing, westernizes, and becomes successful within the contours of our society, or they don't, and in my experience those who don't go back to the countries from which they came.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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JustBob said:
Wrong. North Carolina beat Duke last nice and I can't wait for March Madness. :p

The game was played in Durham, North Carolina. As someone who has traveled there and to Chapel Hill to attend basketball games, I can tell you for sure that does not exist in Canada.


Active Member
Jul 3, 2005
JustBob said:

In your post #19, you seem to be reducing this issue to Muslims and to "fresh off the boat" immigrants when the reality is (for us anyway) that Muslims are no more guilty of making these "demands" than other religious groups, and that groups like the Orthodox jews, for example, have been here for generations.

But have they been demanding all those accomodations for generations?
Why now?
And I'm not sure those who ask all those accomdations are those who been here for generations.
Anyway,you might have been here for generations or not anyone from any relogion or culture that can't tolerate equality between men and woman does not belong here, no matter how long he's been here.
And all those who grants them those concessions are as guilty as them(YMCA,CLSC,swimming pool,police women,SAAQ agents ect...)
And all those gutless politicians are as guilty too.

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