as well as syphilis, gonnorhea, chalymdia, etc with the hobby. Anyone know an accurate window period for hiv and hepatitis b and c as well as syphilis. Need to know.
robertpal said:Actually some people say it can be up to 30% with a hobby girl. And that they could up to 10% prevalence of HIV
juzt_a_girl said:Robertpal:
Here's a suggesting, when in need of medical advice seek doctor. Get tested, it's anonymous and (almost) free. Get informed about your risks at the same time. Visit a clinic that won't look down at you: L'alternative. Look it up in the phone book... it's on St-Hubert.
She currently is not taking any drugs
I think what Ronnie ment was the girl still doesn't take any HIV-related drugs to control the side effects.upnsmoke said:The implication being that she did at the time? Because that could also compromise your immune system.