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Hot Take, Giving money to fellow Clients.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Actually the comment I made was directed at Mike and the premises of this thread is to get money for absolutely nothing. I would put Mike a step above the homeless in that he has no apparent mental illness. Which means that my point is more applicable to him as it was intended to be.

Mike did compare his situation to SBs on Seeking Arrangement, yet did not comment on whether he would perform sexual favors for older men (Midnight Cowboy style Gigolo service). So he might find some older guys looking for BBBM males however it is not clear to me that he would be open to providing such services. And if not have no idea why he would bring up SA as it is not money for nothing.

The character in Midnight Cowboy was heterosexual and wanted to be a Gigolo for older women, but young gay men is from whom he ended up making money. I don't know if Mike would be willing to suck some dick or CIM but you would have to ask him, probably for enough money he would.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
EB be carefull now as you are starting to derail the thread a bit too much. The thread is about the fantasy/fetish of financial domination / gathering joy in making another guy happy rather than the guy being a male escort.

If its not clear no i wouldn't perform any sexual services on a man, i am strickly hetero. Thread was never about this. (Lol...?)

I was curious to see what peoples taught of this concept as a whole, but lately the thread has turned into a bit too much of "making judgment on HM" to my liking.

Just so we are clear, some fin dom online persona make money out of doing "nothing" like you say (but they still do something to an extend) , some camgirls don't even get fully naked and get thousands of $ in a session, the point is more power to them. If i could personally get money for doing minimal things, hell yeah i would, why not? If guys are willing to pay for that, awesome for them. I was just curious to see if this could somewhat exist in a different form.

And this will HOPEFULLY be the last comment on me PERSONALLY, i would ask you guys to respect that. As i said before, even tough i am not the richest, i have a roof, a pretty awesome gaming room, food in mouth every day, friends to have fun with, and i do manage to see escorts once in a while, im GOOD ! So all these allusion and comparison to montreal beggars are very out of place. So we are clear? Can we get back on the subject of the thread before the mods decide its derailing too much and lock it?


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Mike in your very first post you compared your request to a SB on SA. You invited these kinds of comments. What is it that you think that Sugar Babies do in exchange for financial domination?


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Getting back to the thread then.

No, I would think there are probably very few men out there that would get anything out of or outright just laugh at financing someone else to spend time with escorts.
Men are just not programmed that way.
I will help out an SP in time of need to a certain extent especially if I know her and have seen her before but to finance another guy who I don’t even know ( paying for a buddy when out for a good time not a problem ) to screw an escort, WTF are you kidding. Would you?


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
HM start a go fund me page? Just don’t mention its for an escort just a generic page asking for help to get laid. Should work!

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
What is it that you think that Sugar Babies do in exchange for financial domination?

Some do not provide any type of sexual services actually. You should know that.

WTF are you kidding. Would you?

YES ! As i said above, having the funds, hell yeah ! Even to strangers in the concept of a party. I would get a "kick" out of making an unlucky guy (with women) happy. So in reality even tough its a fantasy/fetish i can't logically have due to being me and not having said funds, its something that appeal to me. In a way it make you in a position of "power" indirectly too, being the "popular host" who get his enjoyement out of knowing the peoples at his party have fun, in many ways. As for giving money to buddies, again yes ! I already said to a selected friends if i win the loto they are getting some money out of it right away. Then taking them out to have fun, including paying an escort if its their thing (most of my friends tough its not) or lap dances or any other form of entertainement would definately be a thing. The same way you pay a beer to a buddy, but since you have much more money, the 10$ become a 200$ ... Kinda like when we say in the NHL if a player get a 5000$ fee for doing something against the rules, its like us paying a 50$ ticket, annoying but not a big deal.

HM start a go fund me page? Just don’t mention its for an escort just a generic page asking for help to get laid. Should work!

Actually it would be illegal to create a gofundme for something false and saying its "for getting laid" would probably break the rules and be considered prostitution.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Very judgemental. You got no idea what you are talking about Weird how Americans find it easy to believe thay millions are lazy instead of saying that 40 over priviliged executives are greedy and living off their employees. Greedy CEOs got a sense of entitlement. .

Cloud you also have no idea.
It is so fucking easy to always blame someone else for your troubles.
I worked for the greediest most despicable human being I could imagine who is now the CEO of Bombardier.
Having said that if you know what you are doing, stop bitching and instead make yourself indispensable to your group and management you can make a fabulous living, have one of the best benefit plans around, get to travel the world and be left with a decent pension when you retire.
All at these corporations that you despise so much.
The easiest thing in the world is to bitch and complain constantly and blame everyone else for your troubles.
Usually that gets you nowhere.

Bbw hunter

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2018
Starting now to understand why those Brazilians were thinking of throwing that Gringo off the balcony.

Incomes in Quebec are not exceptionally high, particularly in rural Quebec. So many middle class folks in Quebec would not have the funds to see many Montreal escorts per year.

It is one of the reasons that escort rates are lower than in Toronto or the United States.

Also, pretty sure Gofundme would not be amused by a John page. They take a dim view of sex work.
I always enjoy your posts Patron but you may overthinking this one. Maybe they just like throwing Gringoes off balconies over there.:yo:


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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The Bombardier CEO Bellemare gets $9.5 million (USD) while the Fired Boeing CEO Muilenberg was making $23.9 million a year in his last year. To me Bombardier is getting a bit better value in their CEO services. I don’t think one can be greedy when providing “value” services within an industry.

Bbw hunter

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2018
Haha interesting thread Mike. Guess you cannot blame a guy for trying!

As Fradi pointed out no guy he knows has this fetish. Wanting to see another guy have fun with a lady on your dime while you get nothing out of it yourself? Good luck finding that unicorn.

I work long hours sometimes to pay for this lifestyle that I love. Nobody rides for free. Least of all the girls at Econolodge haha.

I got a kick out of your original post, slyly suggesting that EB subsidize your hobbying in US funds instead of just buying you a beer LOL. Not a bad idea. Hey Beav, got any dead presidents to spare? Ya...probably not gonna happen.

Mike, in all seriousness you seem like a really nice guy with a good head on his shoulders. You hardly seem like a charity case either. Didn´t you just see Heaven and Elly, you lucky bastard? You don´t seem to be doing too badly. Seems like you are actually living life to the fullest,my friend. Guess it doesn´t hurt to ask for more though, huh?:yo:


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner

I didn’t know Mulienburg, I did know Alain.
Cloud is right that some of these guys have no conscience and don’t give a rats ass about laying off thousands of people just after receiving government grants in the billions ironically with promises that they won’t lay off employees.

That doesn’t change the fact that most of these corporations have above average benefits, pay above average wages and if you are able to have the special skills they need you can have a very good career, but that means constantly updating your skills and knowing which direction they will be moving in so you don’t get left behind and become redundant.


Oct 8, 2018
This is the kind of thing I could see Lucifer doing in that dc tv series. Guaranteed that he would do it more often for the ladies though.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I got a kick out of your original post, slyly suggesting that EB subsidize your hobbying in US funds instead of just buying you a beer LOL. Not a bad idea. Hey Beav, got any dead presidents to spare? Ya...probably not gonna happen.

I did one time offer another Montreal based MERB hobbyist money to see an SP I wanted some intel on, and the offer was contingent on him attempting to obtain certain services and obtaining specific intel on them. It was on an MP lady I had seen, but had not sought extra services from, just the usual rub and tug. As I left the session with her, she deliberately allowed a condom to drop on the floor, and said something about it. An old trick by some MPs. I was really taken by her. So I was curious and I offered to reimburse his full cost of seeing her for one hour. He agreed, then saw the SP, and provided the intel I wanted via PM, but declined my monetary offer, for reasons only he can explain. I guess he just wanted to do it as a friend and not profit on it. So my 5 Dead Presidents plus $80, which was his cost of providing on the intel, stayed on the table due to the surprise declination.

Bbw hunter

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2018
I did one time offer another Montreal based MERB hobbyist money to see an SP I wanted some intel on, and the offer was contingent on him attempting to obtain certain services and obtaining specific intel on them. It was on an MP lady I had seen, but had not sought extra services from, just the usual rub and tug. As I left the session with her, she deliberately allowed a condom to drop on the floor, and said something about it. An old trick by some MPs. I was really taken by her. So I was curious and I offered to reimburse his full cost of seeing her for one hour. He agreed, then saw the SP, and provided the intel I wanted via PM, but declined my monetary offer, for reasons only he can explain. I guess he just wanted to do it as a friend and not profit on it. So my 5 Dead Presidents plus $80, which was his cost of providing on the intel, stayed on the table due to the surprise declination.

Interesting. Do you need any intel on April McAdam by any chance?Just a thought...Lol.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
I understand the need to help the disadvantaged such as persons with disabilities, kids etc. But any manifestation for the free stuff entitlement from the able bodied man and women is repulsive. You can sometimes observe this demeanor from young escorts that consider that their good looks are enough reason to have $200/h pay without producing quality service. For Mike, who sounds on this board as a smart guy, fluent in French and English the possibilities to earn decent money in Canada are limitless. It is laziness, fear of change and the lack of initiative that prevents him from success. Maybe his sexual appetite will provide enough stimulus to lift his ass, thus any free money would be just detrimental.
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