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Hottest SP that you ever banged.

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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Dolce from GOF by far the hottest SP i've done (i seem to be the only one here to think so apparently) but but 2-3 years ago there was Nadia from Xtase,a solid no2.
That's the 'Dolce' that had first started in the biz with Eleganza. I totally agree that she was very hot. I saw her at the first Devilish/GOF party about 4 years ago. I was told that she was a bit too thin, but she looked great when i saw her. I don't think she worked again after the party, and a few months or so later a new 'Dolce' was born.


Recreating Lost Dreams
Feb 10, 2006
North Pole, QC
I will concur with above. There have been many beautiful and totally hot ladies over the years, in the SP circle for me.

But there has been only *one* SP who was so gorgeous and looked so utterly amazingly beautiful that I was afraid to kiss her and couldnt believe my luck that she was with me in a private hotel room!
Sex was not nothing special but I could have just sat there talking to her and watching her from close quarters.

Nobody else has had that effect on me ever (in this hobby).
I think the year was around 2006-2008 or thereabouts.

She was Dolce from Eleganza.
I also remember she was a CEGEP student at the time, and fairly polite and accommodating in her demeanor. Being mostly French, our conversation was fairly limited which didnt matter much. Yet, it was a special date for stated reasons.

Unfortunately, i was quite busy for a few months after the encounter. When i came back looking for her, she was gone.

What a memory!


Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
She was Dolce from Eleganza.
I also remember she was a CEGEP student at the time, and fairly polite and accommodating in her demeanor. Being mostly French, our conversation was fairly limited which didnt matter much. Yet, it was a special date for stated reasons.

I"ve had quite a few 'regrets' over the years, meaning that i should have jumped on the train when it went by. Dolce was one of them. I had actually cancelled her one evening when she worked for Eleganza when one of my favorites suddenly showed up on her agency's schedule. The evening i saw 'Dolce' at that party was the moment i realized my mistake and until today is one i still regret not having booked.


New Member
Mar 15, 2005
I have seen Karyna Klein and Mykaela, both are incredible hot...Luna also but limited service..Venus xxxtase..ofcourse Vicky Vixx
memorable sex was Angelic from Eleganza..sloppy BJ ..just crazy !!!
Mar 1, 2012
The following three are from 8 years ago:

Amy at Devilish
Gia at CF
Miss Samantha
Luna at Mtl xxxtase

From 10 years ago:

Geneviève at LFDMJ


Nov 12, 2007
Lana Lee Smith, a muscular woman with a great body. Unfortunately, she does not work in Montreal anymore :(

I think she is still working in Ottawa. However it is hard to tell and I suspect from the last pic updates that she isn't as hardcore as before.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
The following three are from 8 years ago:

Miss Samantha

She just may be my all-time favorite. I still remember the night i first met her...maybe back in 2002...when i instantly fell in love with her the moment i first laid eyes onto her. I was drunk as a skunk. But the skunk was IN LOVE. And i later felt like a SLAVE IN LOVE when i requested to see her the following night! :D

Samantha....definitely one of my all-time favorites, and quite possibly my #1 of all-time!!!! (as Kanye once said about BEYONCE). :thumb:


Jul 30, 2011
Wildest was Daryn from Elganza she was a true nympho
Samantha from xxxtace
Jezabelle from Satin Dreamz


New Member
Aug 16, 2011
Merbites you remember Sarah Bernard ? She was a great MILF , lot of guys put her #1 on their list.


A monk on the loose ;p
Jan 10, 2006
Many, which reminds how lucky we are in Montreal.
The hottest ever (1999): Kathia and Vanessa at Douce Folie (that agency could surprise at that time). Never saw gals as hot looking as both ever since. never.
But there have been many other very very beautiful women: Vicky Vix, Melanie who was at XXXtase years ago (some of you did not like her), Rachel (the quebecoise/portuguese mix who used to work at Devilish years ago), Marika (XXXtase), Karina Klein, Ex Luna, Ex Chloe Indy, any of the nicer looking gals of Nadya VIPS, the current nicer looking gals of Mike4U.


May 3, 2004
Visit site
Si on parle vraiment de la plus belle sans entrer dans la notion de service, de mon côté, la plus belle fille que j`ai rencontré dans ce milieu est une fille de Québec qui est maintenant indépendante et qui vient parfois faire un tour à Montréal, comme la semaine dernière par exemple. Non pas que son service n`est pas à la hauteur, mais elle est jeune et pas aussi expérimentée qu`une Sarah Bernard par exemple. Mais si je comprends bien, ici, on veut parler des plus belles.

Voici sa dernière annonce: http://www.montrealeroticservices.c...pendent-companion-vip-model-events-companion/

Je crois pouvoir mettre le lien car j`ai déjà écrit un review sur elle lorsqu`elle était Océanne pour l`agence Aphrodisia à Québec:éanne-Aphrodisia&highlight=oceanne

Je l`ai revu à 3 reprises depuis septembre. Et la dernière fois, elle a comblé un de mes fantasmes. À 6h30 du matin, je me suis levé pour prendre ma douche et faire ma toilette. J`ai ensuite laissé la porte entrouverte avant de retourner sous les couvertures en laissant les rideaux entrouverts pour laisser passer un peu de la clarté du matin. À 7h30, elle est entrée doucement, sans cogner. Elle s`est déshabillée, quel magnifique spectacle, et elle s`est glissée sous les couvertures pour venir se coller doucement contre moi. On s`est embrassé comme deux amants qui se réveillent ensemble (sans l`haleine du matin évidemment:)), et je vous laisse deviner la suite.

On a une relation particulière elle et moi, et au lieu d`être son client, elle m`appelle son amant-payant;)

Je retourne à Québec dans deux semaines et j`ai déjà hâte de la revoir.



Mar 22, 2006
Extremely impressed with Tiffany`s photos ! I`d drive to Quebec for her :)

Si on parle vraiment de la plus belle sans entrer dans la notion de service, de mon côté, la plus belle fille que j`ai rencontré dans ce milieu est une fille de Québec qui est maintenant indépendante et qui vient parfois faire un tour à Montréal, comme la semaine dernière par exemple. Non pas que son service n`est pas à la hauteur, mais elle est jeune et pas aussi expérimentée qu`une Sarah Bernard par exemple. Mais si je comprends bien, ici, on veut parler des plus belles.

Voici sa dernière annonce: http://www.montrealeroticservices.c...pendent-companion-vip-model-events-companion/

Je crois pouvoir mettre le lien car j`ai déjà écrit un review sur elle lorsqu`elle était Océanne pour l`agence Aphrodisia à Québec:éanne-Aphrodisia&highlight=oceanne

Je l`ai revu à 3 reprises depuis septembre. Et la dernière fois, elle a comblé un de mes fantasmes. À 6h30 du matin, je me suis levé pour prendre ma douche et faire ma toilette. J`ai ensuite laissé la porte entrouverte avant de retourner sous les couvertures en laissant les rideaux entrouverts pour laisser passer un peu de la clarté du matin. À 7h30, elle est entrée doucement, sans cogner. Elle s`est déshabillée, quel magnifique spectacle, et elle s`est glissée sous les couvertures pour venir se coller doucement contre moi. On s`est embrassé comme deux amants qui se réveillent ensemble (sans l`haleine du matin évidemment:)), et je vous laisse deviner la suite.

On a une relation particulière elle et moi, et au lieu d`être son client, elle m`appelle son amant-payant;)

Je retourne à Québec dans deux semaines et j`ai déjà hâte de la revoir.


Rusty Staub

6x All-Star selection
Jul 10, 2008
I am not sure if she was the hottest but I doubt I will ever find another like Roxanne from Eleganza

She was probably 19 4'10" and 90 rounds (note - I love petite women)


A monk on the loose ;p
Jan 10, 2006
Lovelegs - Par hottest, c'est ce que j'ai compris aussi: on parle des plus belles (tres beau visage, tres beau corps, appeal physique).
Pour moi, clairement, Kathia et Vanessa de Douce Folie (1999) survolent de tres loin les plus belles escortes que j'ai connue à Montréal.
Leurs physiques et visages étaient d'un attrait assez rare, mais ce qui me fait rigoler d'avantage c'est qu'elles étaient aussi d'excellentes amantes.
Une anecdote: elles se faisaient approcher par des athletes (hockeyeurs, etc) dans des bars, et non l'inverse. Ca donne une idée de leur beauté.
N'ai plus jamais revu des filles de ce calibre, mais on est gaté à cet effet à Montréal. Et puis tant mieux si ca ne se revit pas car cela fait de beaux souvenirs:)
Je connais bien la fille de Quebec que vous mentionnez, pour avoir utilisé ses services à deux reprises par le passé. Elle est jolie, en effet. Mais on s'en sort très
bien ici aussi, ne serait-ce qu'avec n'importe laquelle des filles les plus populaires de chez Nadya Vip ou Goodgirls.


The decimator
Jan 15, 2011
That's the 'Dolce' that had first started in the biz with Eleganza. I totally agree that she was very hot. I saw her at the first Devilish/GOF party about 4 years ago. I was told that she was a bit too thin, but she looked great when i saw her. I don't think she worked again after the party, and a few months or so later a new 'Dolce' was born.

You know your shit doc..but perhaps you should book her for an hour I bet she looks as good as she did 4 years ago.


Dec 15, 2013
Theres a movie call Dogma with Ben Afleck and Matt Daymon about god. one of the character goes
Faith when your a child is a small glass so its easy to fill but as you get older it gets harder and harder to fill.

Same thing applies to SP. its all in my head now, looks are the least my worries. Chemistry and intelligence does it for me.

I hope my ex mom right, that ill age gracefully.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
You know your shit doc..but perhaps you should book her for an hour I bet she looks as good as she did 4 years ago.

You're referring to Dolce #2, right?? I was referring to Dolce #1, who started out with Eleganza & moved to Devlish/Gof. I believe she's been retired for about 4-5 years, and then was replaced by another Dolce.

Last night, i found some old pics of Dolce #1. I hadn't noticed it until now, but she really looked very thin. I suppose if guys are into ribcages she'd be your thing. She did seem to have nice b-cup boobs, though...and a cute derriere. But i had been told by a since-departed hobbyist that she was way too thin for his tastes & he wondered why i'd consider seeing her. Now i realize that maybe he wasn't wrong after all. But i did see her in person fully dressed and she had a gorgeous face and seemed to have the body-type l liked at the time.
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