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How do you "older guys" feel about booking 18 y/o girls?


Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2003
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I was looking at John's announcement about his 2 new ladies (Eleganza) and noticed that a lot of his ladies are very young (18/19 yrs). Obviously his agency is not the only one to recruit such young ladies and that is not the point I am trying to make.

What I'm getting to is this. I'm in my early 30's and have a hard time booking such young ladies. I feel "weird" about it...:confused: Yes they are legal and I'm sure most of them have a lot of sexual experience (they start at such a young age today :eek: ), but I still have a weird "perv" type of feeling when I think of booking such young ladies.

So here's my question. How do you "older" guys do it? Let's define "older": 50's and 60's... heck I could even go with mid 40's. Don't you feel weird when you're kissing/datying/doing a girl that could be your daughter? What scares me is that I will soon (well ok not that soon... but 10 years will come by real fast :eek: ) be faced with that problem myself and I don't know how I will react. Who knows maybe I won't be hobbying anymore by then ;) .

Anyways, let me know what you think. BTW I am not passing judgement on anyone here (and I expect everyone who participates in this thread to do the same), I am simply asking how you feel when you are with these really young girls. If you feel nothing different then when you're with a 30 y/o, then good for you, if you feel differently, let me know how you overcome it.


Active Member
Nov 15, 2006
I am almost 50 and I prefer an 18-20yo over the thirty year old any day. Generally when I have had an sp over 25, I havent felt the same as with the younger ones in the sense that I get the feeling that the innocence is no longer there and that for me is such a turn on. I find there is also more chance of mechanical service with an older sp. In a nutshell with an older sp I usually get the feeling that they are there doing their job, whereas with the younger ones I tend to get more the feeling that they are into it and really make me feel like they are my gf for the time. That could also be because they turn me on more so I perform That initial shyness and sweetness that comes with the 18-20yo is a big turn on, and when that initial shyness converts to her being a total sex machine complete with sensuality there is no bigger turn on that that for me. For instance the experiences I have had with say, Akyra (eleganza), Amelia (devilish), Jessica (ex-devilish), Allison (ex-eleganza), Kelly (ex-eleganza), or Tamara doesnt compare with any sp I have had that was over 25. And so I dont feel weird at all, but then again I dont have a daughter but I have a teen age son. Maybe I would feel differently if I had a daughter.


Aug 17, 2007
I am 44 years old. So like when you dream, do you dream of women your own age? When you go to bars or nightclubs, does the hot MILF catch your eye first? WTF? If I didn't want my fantasy fulfilled, I would just chase(& catch) women older than me all day & night. As I get older it gets harder & harder to just get it up for any lady in her 30's or older, but I don't seem to have that problem with the super hot, young ladies that are working for Eleganza. Which is not to say that I prefer young ladies in my personal life, but in my fantasy SP life, I will only pay for ladies so hot that I really have no business talking to them. For a hour or two, how much talking are you really going to do, when you are paying by the hour $160+? Older women are perfect, if you want a relationship and someone to share conversation with. Yes, there are a number of hot MILF's out there, but they are either married or have way more issues than the younger women.......... if I could find a hot MILF, that had her sh*t together, I would not have this hobby. My hobby just gets me through the lean times of dating women that are my age........ yes, I do close my eyes and fantasize about Karyna(of Eleganza) when I am on top of a lady, who's breasts are saggy and torso is covered in stretch marks. So in a way, young SP's are helping the older women in the real world.

I am a "Perv"(nothing criminal though), I have no problem paying for sex or going to Strip-clubs, I am not in a relationship, I love all kinds of women, I don't have any children, but if I did.... I would not date their friends until they were at least 28(then all dating restrictions are off), and the only weird feelings I have are that of regret........ that I did not book the SP for a longer time or that I am running out of money?

I feel great about younger SP's! You might think it's funny, much like I think guys who like ladies with big backsides are funny......... but Beauty is still in the eyes of the beholder. Good luck with your inner issues with age, as you can guess, I have my own inner issues to workout, but age isn't one of them. Peace


Oct 16, 2004
6' under
happygolucky said:
yes, I do close my eyes and fantasize about Karyna(of Eleganza) when I am on top of a lady, who's breasts are saggy and torso is covered in stretch marks. So in a way, young SP's are helping the older women in the real world.


Jul 26, 2005
Dee said:
How do I feel when I do it?

Really, really good.

A corollary (and serious) question is:

How do you "younger guys" feel knowing that escorts prefer "older guys" as clients?

Nice ... :D

Jess ;)


Aug 6, 2004
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My 45 y/o husband seems to like it just fine. I know he like 18 y/o's because he married one! He has complete and total access to a woman his own age, and takes frequent advantage of that. I don't begrudge him the occasional adventure with someone more flexible or smoother or whatever. I mean, I'm not much attracted to women my own age but do quite enjoy sharing the occasional sweet young thing with him.

For me, it comes down to this: everyone here knows what they're doing. Limiting who you see because their age is too small a fraction of your own is like the alcoholic who feels virtuous for not drinking until noon. If you see someone that isn't exactly what you're attracted to, you're just being dishonest with yourself by trying to pretend you're not some sort of perv. I love my pervy husband just the way he is.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Stick to the older providers, I will keep the younger ones busy!


Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2003
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BTW this is not a debate on who provides a better service, teens (yes 18 and 19 are teens!) or MILF's.

And there a lot of options between teens and MILF's, such as 21-29 year olds (my favorite age group). 3 years (18-21) makes a big difference for me.

I have seen 18/19 y/o before... but it was over 5 years ago... and I was in my late 20's :cool: .

Would I see another one at some point in time? Maybe, depends on the lady and her reviews. But I'll do it before I hit 40!:D


New Member
Dec 12, 2005

I feel kind of creepy if she is in my eldest daughters age range. 23 or so. I've had a younger 18 or so and it just feels weird. Not that I'm inconvertable, but I like them older. At least 30 generally. But I'm flexible.


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Aug 29, 2004
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Too young for me

I tend to agree with MG, I`m 43 and rather be with an SP in the 25 to 35 age range. I see ladies to share sexuality and companionship and I do connect better with that age group, I feel the culture gap is more similar when we talk.

I was never blessed to have children but when I look at the agencies web sites I do shy away from the young SP`s, robbing the cradle syndrome I guess, but some do look real good Leah, Marie-Eve of GOF for example. :rolleyes: With time maybe I`ll indulge.

The funny thing is that some agencies tend to take years off on SP`s profile to attract more business, a 25 yo turns into an 19 yo (some magic trick), but it has the adverse effect on me.

That`s my 2 cents


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
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Equanimity said:
I don't know ....I guess I'm definitely in the minority here. The sweet spot for me is from 28 to 38.
You're not in the minority with me. Women do get more interesting looking as they get older and skill in bed is not something bestowed from the heavens. It is a learned skill that you just don't get by the time you're 18.


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Jul 21, 2003
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Let's no drift away please...

I think this debate is starting to drift a bit... I was not asking about who makes better lovers (young women/men or older women/men), that's a question of taste and we all have different ones obviously + you can't generalize, there are terrific and horrible lovers in all the age ranges, both with men and women. Start another thread (although I'm sure there are others out there) if that's the topic you wish to debate.

What I'm asking is do you think it is weird or even creepy that older men try to meet with teens (18/19).

I don't think we have any teen SP's participating on the boards, it would have been interesting to hear their side of it. Then again I don't think they would come out publicly and say they are creeped out by older guys and then alienate a large part of their clientèle.

But mostly it would be interesting to hear the older gentlemen who book with the teens as we have a bit so far in this thread.

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Feb 13, 2004
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Teen aged escorts often lack of experience, ie rough . They might also lack of conversation between the rounds.
I prefer the 25 to 30 years old companions such as Samy, Mia and other Lauren.


Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2003
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Guillaume said:
Teen aged escorts often lack of experience, ie rough . They might also lack of conversation between the rounds.
I prefer the 25 to 30 years old companions such as Samy, Mia and other Lauren.
Exactly the type of post that doesn`t belong in this thread as stated in my post just above yours :confused: .


Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2003
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Happy, thanks for your participation in this thread but you should have asked for my permission before posting my reply to your PM in this thread. Although there is nothing compromising in it, you should NEVER post other posters' PM's in public threads, it is against rules and you could be banned for it.

happygolucky said:
I PM'ed MG_mtl earlier today, because I didn't want him to think I was attacking him. I think he wants me to admit that I am weird, because I have no problem sleeping with a 18 year old.
It is my opinion and I am asking for everyone else's. I do not want you to admit squat.
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