On one trip to Germany, I recall having 40 to 50...figure 3 or 4 per day at a club....then a couple different partytreff's where Id do all 9 to 12 girls at the place.
As I've have written before, my record is fourteen sessions in a twelve hour period at a German Partytreff. This wasn't with fourteen women but eight. I did several repeats.
You have to think inside the box, in Germany your doing half hour's for half to a third of the price in Montreal (and with the euro lower, its even more reasonable). You can either do a two hour call in Montreal...or six different girls in an fkk club.
I think if your going to change the way you collect your data.... Do a poll that has in your personal life and your hobby life.... But that's only my opinion!!!!
don't forget the bulgarians, russians, romanians, hungarians, polish, italians, lithuanians, greeks, and the czech's. also saw a few brazilians, spanish, and asia chicks.
don't forget the bulgarians, russians, romanians, hungarians, polish, italians, lithuanians, greeks, and the czech's. also saw a few brazilians, spanish, and asia chicks.