Montreal Escorts

How to introduce yourself like a pro


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
This thread is for information purposes only. You are not obligated to follow the recommandations discussed in this thread.

You’ve probably been rejected by a service provider for your introductory message if not, congratulations!

Let me help you get out of the introductory message zone.

Text message
Please drop the “avail?” “$$$?” “send your address” messages. Absolutely no one likes them, they make you sound like you have no manner, like you are a horny teen*ger and like you wouldn’t respect us.

Do not start by asking the address without even saying hi or anything. Just creepy.

Unless the rates are not on the ad, do not start by asking them. Many of us have different rates for different packages and we are not going to start listing them and confuse you.

You want to keep it short and sweet?
Try “Hi, are you available right now?” “Hi, are you available today?” “Hi, when is your next availability?”

You want to keep it short, sweet and be polite?
“Hi I’m X, are you available right now?” “Hi I’m X, when’s your next availability?”

That way the SP can choose to address you by your name instead of the infamous “hi babe”.

You want to keep it short, sweet, polite and be proactive?
“Hi I’m X, I’d like to book today for 60 mins, are you available?” “Hi I’m X, I’d like to book today for 60 mins incall. What info do you need?”


Don’t type the whole thing in the title. A good title to catch someone’s attention is the date you’d like to book. That way the provider or assistant knows she has to open it before a certain date.

“November 23rd” and “incall November 23rd”
would be excellent titles.

“Avail bb incall what’s your price I’m horny”
Not so much…

“Hi so&so,

I’m X. I’d like to meet you for a 60 mins date incall. Let me know when would be a good time and what info you need.


See it wasn’t long and wasn’t complicated either.

Phone call
I personally do not know anyone answering phone calls but if you happen to reach someone who does accept them, please don't be creepy. Keep it professional and state what you're looking for. If you call someone and they're not answering it can mean two things; they do not book through phone calls or they are busy. Do not call back 20 times in a row just to make sure.

Agency text messages
Make the booker’s job easier and state what you’re looking for in the first message. They receive a lot of text messages so don’t send the info one message at a time. Just rip off the band-aid and send it all at once

“Hi I’m X, I’d like to book so&so for 60mins at 3pm”

Just make it so that your message or email stands out but for good reasons.

Other useful threads
How to book an independent escort
OnlyFans FAQ
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Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
Oi... What is it with the "coucou" greeting? I find it so annoying. I get it is sapposed to be a nice cutsie french way of greeting. But ugh.. (sorry in a bit of a mood today.)
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Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
Oi... What is it with the "coucou" greeting? I find it so annoying. I get it is sapposed to be a nice cutsie french way of greeting. But ugh.. (sorry in a bit of a mood today.)

Not to be confused with cuckoo :p
  • Haha
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Oct 25, 2023
This thread is for information purposes only. You are not obligated to follow the recommandations discussed in this thread.

You’ve probably been rejected by a service provider for your introductory message if not, congratulations!

Let me help you get out of the introductory message zone.

Text message
Please drop the “avail?” “$$$?” “send your address” messages. Absolutely no one likes them, they make you sound like you have no manner, like you are a horny teen*ger and like you wouldn’t respect us.

Do not start by asking the address without even saying hi or anything. Just creepy.

Unless the rates are not on the ad, do not start by asking them. Many of us have different rates for different packages and we are not going to start listing them and confuse you.

You want to keep it short and sweet?
Try “Hi, are you available right now?” “Hi, are you available today?” “Hi, when is your next availability?”

You want to keep it short, sweet and be polite?
“Hi I’m X, are you available right now?” “Hi I’m X, when’s your next availability?”

That way the SP can choose to address you by your name instead of the infamous “hi babe”.

You want to keep it short, sweet, polite and be proactive?
“Hi I’m X, I’d like to book today for 60 mins, are you available?” “Hi I’m X, I’d like to book today for 60 mins incall. What info do you need?”


Don’t type the whole thing in the title. A good title to catch someone’s attention is the date you’d like to book. That way the provider or assistant knows she has to open it before a certain date.

“November 23rd” and “incall November 23rd”
would be excellent titles.

“Avail bb incall what’s your price I’m horny”
Not so much…

“Hi so&so,

I’m X. I’d like to meet you for a 60 mins date incall. Let me know when would be a good time and what info you need.


See it wasn’t long and wasn’t complicated either.

Phone call
I personally do not know anyone answering phone calls but if you happen to reach someone who does accept them, please don't be creepy. Keep it professional and state what you're looking for. If you call someone and they're not answering it can mean two things; they do not book through phone calls or they are busy. Do not call back 20 times in a row just to make sure.

Agency text messages
Make the booker’s job easier and state what you’re looking for in the first message. They receive a lot of text messages so don’t send the info one message at a time. Just rip off the band-aid and send it all at once

“Hi I’m X, I’d like to book so&so for 60mins at 3pm”

Just make it so that your message or email stands out but for good reasons.
I’m a pro then!


Active Member
Dec 13, 2023
It amazes me how many times I've had this conversation over the years with SPs. It just seems so simple yet some guys just don't get it. I've probably had at least ten occasions where a lady accepted my request and told me afterward that she only did because of my great introduction and text. Several were at a point of just not taking any more calls out of frustration. But it always a topic that needs to be brought up because people have lost the art of conversation and have little or no manners.
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Chick Hunter
Jan 18, 2020
So far, I've only been using text messages. To me, the key is to introduce myself and what I'm looking for in ONE TEXT ONLY, politely and straight to the point, and then take it from there.

If I don't get a prompt reply, I wait. No need to sound pushy or needy... it would be a very bad start.

I don't remember the last time this failed.

Rosie Sparkles

Sep 14, 2016
Haha yes its sad but I personnaly am very lucky with the people that contact me. I have little time wasters. I think that's the advantage of asking for a deposit and using emails only.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2012
Oi... What is it with the "coucou" greeting? I find it so annoying. I get it is sapposed to be a nice cutsie french way of greeting. But ugh.. (sorry in a bit of a mood today.)
In other context in french, "coucou" can also be use to designate a weirdo who harass somebody...
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Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2013
I will usually write and give my first name then I will ask for a period of time usually on one of two days. When dealing with indies I always ask at least a day in advance, and often more. I allow 4 hours for a response. I don't need a confirmation of the time because people are busy, don't always have their schedules handy, etc., but I do at least want an acknowledgement that they have seen my message and will respond back later when it's more convenient, preferably with some idea as to when that will be, in which case I will wait for an appropriate time. I also know that 4 hours isn't necessarily enough for everyone if they're involved in a longer activity but that's how much time I have to spend within my requirements before I move on to someone else. If they write back to me after that then I will apologize, make a polite explanation, and open the possibility of a session another time.

From the SP side here's what I don't want to see. If I have offered you my name I would like the dignity of her using it. Hey, I even use my real first name and she doesn't have to, as long as she gives me something to call her. I don't want a response saying Hey babe, chérie, papi, honey, and for the love of God it's so inappropriate and insulting to their intelligence to call someone handsome if you've never met them and never seen a photo that I'm astounded that women do it, but they do. If I've given you a range of times then don't respond with a cut and paste rate sheet and say you're available every M-W-F between 2pm and 8pm. I've provided you with times that I'm interested in and the block I'm looking for, so please tell me specifically when you're available so I can actually book something with you and save everyone time and aggravation. If the SP is one of the dumbasses that can't even tell you what general part of the city they're in without first getting a deposit then... I'm too polite to finish the sentence. If someone writes to you in English then respond in English. Likewise if they write to you in French. If you're not comfortable in one language or the other then politely indicate that so that accomodations can be made. I have a number of American friends who feel insulted or mocked when they write in English and repeatedly get responded to in French, even after they've indicated they don't speak French. Should be in someone's ad anyway, but.... Any of these things is not necessarily a deal breaker (except for the deposit before general area thing, because that's just to stupid to bear) , although they can be, but definitely red flags.

It's also amazing how many people ignore using even minor social lubricants, like "Hi Bob, it's nice to hear from you. (add rate/availability info here)" or "Looking forward to seeing you" or even "have a great day!" . Just adding a few words to the sentence makes the distinction between the human being and the service robot. If I have to make a choice between two then I'm picking the human being every time.
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Of the moon
Supporting Member
Jul 18, 2024
I will usually write and give my first name then I will ask for a period of time usually on one of two days. When dealing with indies I always ask at least a day in advance, and often more. I allow 4 hours for a response. I don't need a confirmation of the time because people are busy, don't always have their schedules handy, etc., but I do at least want an acknowledgement that they have seen my message and will respond back later when it's more convenient, preferably with some idea as to when that will be, in which case I will wait for an appropriate time. I also know that 4 hours isn't necessarily enough for everyone if they're involved in a longer activity but that's how much time I have to spend within my requirements before I move on to someone else. If they write back to me after that then I will apologize, make a polite explanation, and open the possibility of a session another time.

From the SP side here's what I don't want to see. If I have offered you my name I would like the dignity of her using it. Hey, I even use my real first name and she doesn't have to, as long as she gives me something to call her. I don't want a response saying Hey babe, chérie, papi, honey, and for the love of God it's so inappropriate and insulting to their intelligence to call someone handsome if you've never met them and never seen a photo that I'm astounded that women do it, but they do. If I've given you a range of times then don't respond with a cut and paste rate sheet and say you're available every M-W-F between 2pm and 8pm. I've provided you with times that I'm interested in and the block I'm looking for, so please tell me specifically when you're available so I can actually book something with you and save everyone time and aggravation. If the SP is one of the dumbasses that can't even tell you what general part of the city they're in without first getting a deposit then... I'm too polite to finish the sentence. If someone writes to you in English then respond in English. Likewise if they write to you in French. If you're not comfortable in one language or the other then politely indicate that so that accomodations can be made. I have a number of American friends who feel insulted or mocked when they write in English and repeatedly get responded to in French, even after they've indicated they don't speak French. Should be in someone's ad anyway, but.... Any of these things is not necessarily a deal breaker (except for the deposit before general area thing, because that's just to stupid to bear) , although they can be, but definitely red flags.

It's also amazing how many people ignore using even minor social lubricants, like "Hi Bob, it's nice to hear from you. (add rate/availability info here)" or "Looking forward to seeing you" or even "have a great day!" . Just adding a few words to the sentence makes the distinction between the human being and the service robot. If I have to make a choice between two then I'm picking the human being every time.
Some guys like to be called pet names but I understand that you don't want to be called that way because most of us really don't like hearing that. One thing you have to understand is that we get a lot of really rude inquiries (and sometimes that's an understatement honestly), and it can make the booking process really tedious. If I'm too nice it will give the impression that I'm easy to take advantage of, but if I answer in a way that is too cold or strict, it might make the person feel like I will be rude in person which is really not the case.
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Active Member
Feb 2, 2009
Ottawa, Montreal
So for all these years when I was texting "Hey" and they never responded it was all my fault? Damn I wish I would have read this thread over 20 years ago. J/K I never did that. LOL
But honestly I got good response by being polite and to the point like mentioned by you ladies.
I have not sent a text to a new SP since 8 years now because I have my favourite girl that I see on a regular basis and we have our code if she replies on after hours(my working hours) so to be discreet.
Yes, I'm a married man and too many times in the past I would sent a proper text only to be responded days later with a generic text that included here rates, services, times, location, and different rates for different services and sometime both in French and then English and often a picture for me to look at so that I would be tempted to book. And I would say that 80% of the time it asked for a deposit.
That is scary to receive and luckily enough I have always been the one to open that text and not my wife.
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