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I am a SP virgin


New Member
Dec 17, 2004
Hi folks,

I'm a ~35-yo SP-virgin but I've been lurking here for a long time. Fact is, being with an SP has been a long time fantasy of mine, but I've always been too chicken to actually do it. Pok, pok.

Two reasons always held me back:

- Fear of catching something, even if a condom is used (whatever that may be).
- I'm fat and not much to look at, and I'm self conscious.

The 2nd point only became an issue for me since I went to Pussy Corps a few years ago and booked a girl for a private show. She was allowed to touch, but the reverse wasn't true... Nothing too raunch happened, except I wacked off a bit, and I kind of got naked, and she did manage to get me worked up. But near the end of the session one thing bothered me quite a lot. As I was kneeling on the mat/floor, she went behind me and wrapped her arms around me, and as we were both facing the mirror on the wall, she said "Look, look at us in the mirror", with her eyes going flap-flap and oozing sexiness, smiling with her best o-shaped porn smile.

While I'm sure she intended me to get all worked up from the sight of seeing myself with a hot babe, it had the opposite effect of directly exposing in extreme contrast just how much of a lower-than-average joe (face/body) I really was, and how I could never see how a hot girl like this would ever go for me in real life. All of the magic of was lost right there and then, exposing just how much of a fraud the whole experience had been... So, my ego took quite a shock that night.

While I'm not here to bother you with my emotional issues, I do have a few questions for SPs and johns. So, in the spirit of coaching a rookie, I'd like to ask you old coots and pros some questions about yourselves and personal experiences, other than on a superficial nature.

All questions obviously optional.


1) How/Why did you get into the hobby?

2) Do/did any of you have similar feelings about yourselves? Did they go away once you got "into it"?

3) What's the frequency of your hobby?


1) What's the age of the average customer?

2) What does the average customer look like?

3) What goes through your mind when you meet a John thats unattractive? Becasue it's work, do you just trudge along, get on with it and plaster a smile on your face?

4) Would you refuse a customer based on looks/weight? If not, would the service vary a lot based on this?

5) In your opinion, do girls get tested regularly?

6) When/if SPs learns that she has contracted an STD, does she usually stop working until the infection is gone (or permamently in the event of AIDS/Hepatitis/Herpes), or is it common practice to just continue working and put on a condom and be "extra careful" ?

Other comments welcome.

By the way, I havent seen these issues discussed anywhere and I read most threads. Apologies this is all too naive, and/or if anything like this has been discussed before.
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Cunning Linguist
Sep 29, 2003
Visit site

First of all, welcome to Merb. And congratulations on your inaugural post. You speak to some worthy issues that are seldom brought up here.

1 - Why? -- An appetite for new and different sexual experiences that I cannot pursue in civilian life.
3 - Eight encounters this year, 14 hours in total.

For background on weight-related issues, you might want to read Ripley`s thread


New Member
Nov 9, 2003
I doubt Lady Stella and Like-a-virgin are the same person. I saw her yesterday and while she was talking to everyone who has been ever arrested, sha asked none of like-a-virgins SP questions. Even if they were though, the questions are still valid; they are questions I have been asked many times, and I immagine that there are other hobbyiests who are just too shy to ask.

1) What's the age of the average customer?
About 40 or so, I have met with men as young as 19 and the oldes man I ever met as a client was 83.

2) What does the average customer look like?
Like any average joe you see on the street.

3) What goes through your mind when you meet a John thats unattractive? Because it's work, do you just trudge along, get on with it and plaster a smile on your face?
I have learnt early in my career the respect and kindness are worth so much more that looks. A guy could look like he belongs on the cover of GQ, and some do, but if he doesn't treat me nicely I will return his money and tell him that not my ex spouse, not even my father gets to treat me with disrespect. Personally I like big men ;)

4) Would you refuse a customer based on looks/weight? If not, would the service vary a lot based on this?
me? Never, I suggest you book your appointment with an independant, and ask her in advance if she has any problems with weight. Some girls are very tiny (100 lbs) and have a fear of being crushed...usually the very young ones.

5) In your opinion, do girls get tested regularly?
Most do. Also SP's are more likely to use condoms during ALL sexual encounters. I know people who only use condoms with some people but not others. Remember you cannot tell if someone has an STI just by looking. This question is just as valid for hobbiests.

6) When/if SPs learns that she has contracted an STD, does she usually stop working until the infection is gone (or permamently in the event of AIDS/Hepatitis/Herpes), or is it common practice to just continue working and put on a condom and be "extra careful"
From what I know, since I myself have never caught anything, most stop working. Getting a permanent disease can really put a scare into a person. Another question that is also valid for hobbyists

Hope this has been helpful to you.

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New Member
Dec 17, 2004
Thanks for replies...

Hi, and thanks to those who have replied. Obviously I'd like to hear from more of you, so keep'em coming.

BTW, I'm not Stella. I'm just an insecure guy who wants to know. Also, Ripley's thread is one thread I missed, I've just glanced at it a bit and will go read it all soon.

Thanks Ronnie for your informative reply. I wonder if all SPs feel the same way you do regarding your customers. Regarding your question: as for myself, I'd never consider being with a SP knowing I have a STD because that goes strongly against my ethics. Actually, I asked because I also have this prejudiced preconception that many of SPs are also drug users (??) or gold diggers so I'm thinking that ethics would easily take back seat to making money to keep up with the "lifestyle"...

You could probably set me straight on this one too, actually, and I apologize if this is insulting to anyone, that's not the intent. I'm very new to this.

Finally, I forgot to ask one last question which was important to me... How do 1st time SP customers react when they decide to go for it? God knows, I'd have no clue how to behave, and I'd be a nervous wreck... I'm also thinking I'd have serious performance anxiety (ha). Does this happen often? What happens then?



New Member
Nov 9, 2003
What I was getting at was that clients also need to get themselves checked regularly also, and not see SP's without informing then first if they are not clean... Who do you think the SP got the STI from? Most likely a client.

Has anyone actually tried to contact Lara Roxx? I heard that there are people trying to sully her name... just hear say of course but I still have not heard of anyone trying to contact her.

It is true that many SP's and street girls are drug users, then again so are many girls who "give it away for free". Most SP's try to avoid STI's by sticking to safer sex always... even in their personal relationships (ex:boyfriends or husband) I know I would not consider having sex without a condom with my boyfriend... Girls outside of the business... and guys too... are often less cautious.



New Member
Dec 17, 2004

Elvis said:
I have a couple of remarks for you, you may do what you want with them!

(...) Actually, you were very lucky: what happened to you, IMHO, while sharing a "precious moment" with this so-called "Hot Babe", is an act of pure reflexive consciousness. That do not happen very often in life.Your emotional issues are what I consider is the most important. Also, I know that this "Pussy Corps" is indeed quite a sordid place. Stay away from that hole.

I also have a question for you: are you married? do you have your own family? if not, I would think twice before going into this "hobby".
This was 7-8 years ago. I was younger and rather inexperienced, but it's then that I discovered that I could probably never do sex for the sake of sex. Sure, I get turned on by porn movies, but the irony is that when this sort of sex is performed/attempted on me it becomes a turn off because the exchange is so exagerated that I disconnect completely and discount the whole experience as being fake. Even if there are no strings attached, I prefer a more down to earth and sensual experience with some connection with my partner, than a session of fake raunchy sex with a bad actress.

Lucky? no, not really. I'm too introspective and I tend to overanalyze myself way too much: it gets in the way of just letting go and having fun. As for Pussy Corps, I never went back.

I am not married but I'm not single. In all fairness, I think I should end it because from day one I have never been satisfied with it, but somehow it's been 2 years now. Also, I don't think I would ever have a SP problem if I was to have kids, or for that matter, a woman that I was truly in love with, and I don't think I could ever fall in love with a SP. In this respect, I can relate to most of what Kaempferrand says. I think we're pretty much in the same boat.

The only viable issue,IMHO, is to find a true and intelligent woman who, even if she is a SP/MP,will respect you, will like you for what you are and with whom you can develop a true friendly human relationship. Even if you pay her a few bucks, that's no big deal. What is important is the quality of the relationship. Forget those pseudo-porn movie stars look-alike. It's only fake and emptiness.
Wow, now that's new to me. Are you serious? To be honest I had not considered the possibility that any experience with an SP would be more "meaningful" than, say, hiring a plumber to fix a broken pipe, simply because I didn't think any SP would care whatsoever to entertain more than a cash transaction. Always assumed that smiles, cuddles, laughs and other "feel goods" and niceties were thrown in for repeat business and a good tip.

I saw a TV show a while back regarding strippers. During an interview: "We sell an illusion, nothing more, nothing less. The trick is to maintain the illusion, so we're nice to them, and we party with them and we make them feel good about themselves, but in the end we're only doing it to empty their wallets."

That was pretty blunt and direct. At the time, I remember feeling insulted, but then laughed at the absurdity of the male condition. We're so gullible.

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New Member
Dec 17, 2004
Kaempferrand said:
...To put it simply in many ways it was to fill a void in my life. (...) Also during this time I built such a concrete emotional armour (...) After talking to various colleagues of mine, they recommended this as a way for me to open myself up but they warned me though not to have attachments
I can relate to your situation like you have no idea. It's been so long since I've been in love it's pityful. I'm talking 10+ years ago here (That's what happens when your heart gets crushed to sub-atomic particles). Anyway, I never actually considered using SP services as a way to start to "feel" again. If that ever happens, I wonder what that'll do to me.

Thanks for your reply. Your comments, along with Elvis', have given me plenty to ponder.

naughtylady said:
What I was getting at was that clients also need to get themselves checked regularly also, and not see SP's without informing then first if they are not clean...
I agree. Now, if only those q-tip things didn't hurt so much going up the uretha, we'd have no reason to procrastinate. (ow)


New Member
Dec 17, 2004

Thanks, Kaempferrand, for your thoughts and input. We probably have a few things in common.

Courage? Well, I don't know... Much can be said under the anonimity of an alias, so I see no point in trying to pose as something I'm not. You will only ever know me as a virtual member in a virtual community, so I'm here to get the answers to the questions that relate to me, not to pretend to pose as a super-stud. Here, I have no ego to tend to, and I suspect (hope) that you'd all be in the same situation, which is why I thought this would be a perfect place to ask the questions that I did.

Which brings me back to the questions in the 1st post. More contributors to the questions welcome. If possible I'd like this thread to not get too sidetracked if possible.

Oh, and also not to forget my late question (for SPs) that I think got drowned in a previous post:

Do a lot of first timers have performance anxiety? Is this common? What happens then?

Thanks for all your input so far. I'll try not to hoard the thread now...

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New Member
Nov 9, 2003
Maybe this is why we all do what we do both SP and the Client. Looking deep down maybe it is more than just dead presidents, but added with another layer it is about being close without being deceived and being hurt. We all know that there are lies but little white lies where you don't end up with the possibility of being emotionally bankrupt. Spending time with her, I know there is a time stamp and when things will end yet it is not about that. It is more about the journey than the destination.

Wow, I think you are on to something very deep here...

Like_a_virgin>> Yes a lot of first timers have performance anxiety, some are very quick on the gun, others just cannot keep it hard. I usually warn them that this is frequently the case so they are not too embarassed by it. It is OK we usually have alot of fun anyway and sometimes things will work on the second try, either way, it can be the first step to experiencing some intimacy. That is why I usually reccomend atleast a two hour session in a case like this.



New Member
Dec 17, 2004
Oh, and here's a question for you Johns that's sure to be unpopular and to get no replies at all :).

Ever take viagra before an SP encounter?



New Member
Dec 17, 2004
Wow, 5 days now, and only 3 people answered the original questions...

Guess not too many people are willing to talk about this.
Ah, well.
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