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If escorts could review clients... what would they say about you?

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
It's really insulting the intelligence of the ladies to express surprise that such boards and backchannels exist.

I thought it was kinda naive to think otherwise. This is internet, it's huge, if escorts didn't have such sites it wouldn't make sense.
Aug 25, 2008
I'm curious if they list the great experiences and good clients also. I asked one Indy if she kept notes on clients and she said she had two lists, good guys and perverts. lol


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I'm curious if they list the great experiences and good clients also. I asked one Indy if she kept notes on clients and she said she had two lists, good guys and perverts. lol

ok so which list is the good one and which is the bad one ?


Thor Jr

Wǎnshàng hǎo tiānshǐ
Jul 24, 2008
I am on the DNR list, please let me go with a huge grin on my face..Among other things..:bounce:


New Member
Apr 3, 2012
A girl I toyed around with told me I was hard to deal with at times, after one of our encounters she went straight home and told me she almost wanted to red flag me. Then she became very affectionate and we saw each other after hours. At some point we just parted ways, she retired recently and have no news from her.

Another girl, who I saw outside her working shift recently texted me calling me an asshole.

So, it seems I am funny and interesting at first, then I become this uber asshole.


Active Member
Jul 31, 2016
The problem with provider's black list: some ill-intended providers can list good clients on blacklists, preventing other providers from seeing those clients.

scenario 1: client having a bad day, sh*t happens, one time thing, he's usually not like that. He gets listed
scenario 2: provider gives awful B&S service, client rightfully mad at her, maybe asks some money back. Provider pissed, he gets listed
scenario 3: provider wants revenge on old bf (who might be a very good client), he gets listed
scenario 4: you all know this, provider wants to keep client to herself. he gets listed so others don't see him


basically, provider's blacklist can be abused.

Here on merb, if a someone says a provider is not good, others have the liberty to give their opinion still. I don't imagine providers have such a sophisticated system of review (or do they) for clients.

how do you providers trust the authenticity of names on a blacklist. Do you absolutely not see those clients, or might you give them a try


Ruler of the Frozen Tundra
Feb 11, 2005
Ruler of the Frozen Tundra
Variation on #2

scenario 2b: Client posts a less than glowing review, he gets listed

scenario 5: provider gets irritated during the screening process, he gets listed



Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
Anywhere and everywhere
Visit site
I've been told on more than one occasion both in and out of this hobby that I am a charmer. If that's true, I'll take it all the way to the bank. I was raised to live my life by the golden rule and I have done that always. Respect begets respect, don't ever forget that .

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
The only time you will see an escort openly talking about their clients is after they leave the business, and then they kill themselves.

This caught my eye, and I thought pardon.


Active Member
Jun 24, 2009
J'ai souvent pensé écrire un livre genre recueil de nouvelles sur le sujet.

Peut-être un jour...

J'imagine que certains en serait charmés/touchés mais que d'autres détesteraient voir que ça les traumatiseraient.

Ça dépend vraiment de notre histoire...


Active Member
Jun 24, 2009
Another girl, who I saw outside her working shift recently texted me calling me an asshole.

So, it seems I am funny and interesting at first, then I become this uber asshole.

C'est très courant ça.

Je dois malheureusement parfois mettre une fin à une relation comme le client change (principalement quand c'est un membre de forum qui participe trop).

Ça c'est moi et habituellement ça les rend fou (il n'y en a qu'un qui l'a accepté). Visiblement ton escorte t'as simplement enduré et comme elle ne joue plus à la pute, bien elle n'a plus raison de mentir. Si elle s'est retenue longtemps elle a cumulé comme un trop plein et avait besoin de t'exposer la réalité.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
SP review of a client

Imagine if SP’s could review us fuckers!?!?! What would they say?

found this on another board and thought it was cool

“A client came the other day who just made me feel like a whole women. Sing it Aretha, girl I’m so feeling you....

Anyway, enters an older, wiser, sexier Mr. Smooth. He’s dressed sexy casual, textbook Autumn in Canada. So hot in his flannel shirt I wished I’d know to match his look in some tight jeans and gaping button up top. I would have done this right with some melted Brie, a boutique whiskey. I guess that’s for the do-over. Today I had a nice high-end scotch for my guy and dressed in a dangerously tiny black dress.

We have the greatest catch-up conversation about business & life. I love to bits my smart business guys, we get going on dreams but also on the pragmatics of how to make it all happen. We both learn from each other but haha I can see he’s having trouble focusing. As it should be I get all over him like a cat in heat. The brains have immediately stimulated everything else obviously lol.

We stroll to the ladies’ boudoir. So intense and seductive getting to naked. I’m enjoying every difficult button and his beautifully-worn belt which I easily slide off thinking how hot that bad boy would snap on my ass or softly loop my neck (but it’s not that kinda date
) and yep that’s super exclusive behaviour.

I slip off one sexy thing revealing another sexy thing over top of my naturally sexy things in Russian doll style. I’m not Russian, but Ukrainian and so my veins run a little vodka and I tend to be a little on the direct side of the argument.

We’re up close and personal now, I’m seeing so many features I adore. Beautiful sharp bone structure, a sexy little mole. This annoys me, grrr too sexy, I don’t always like giving away this small power concession but he extracts it in his lovely unassuming way. He lets me do my thing which totally opens up my engine. I’m purring now pretty seriously and want to bring my man into my mind and body.

Down, down the B-52s bass in my ears. Thank god no one can hear my crack-pot thoughts. And yet underneath these waves something grows as hard as a rock lobster, I sort of remember a giant clam, there was motion in the ocean, everyone was fruggin’ whatever that means and good god boys in bikinis might have been baking potatoes (that part is admittedly a possible acid flash-back). Anyway waves were made.

Much beached-out ecstasy. An attempt to revive us both but haha we were still jellyfish and happy to lie together in the sun for another moment of bliss twisted limbs.

We part our day of dreams with great reluctance but knowing more good times are ahead and feeling a kind a deep satisfaction you feel when only tasting the fillet of a lover and none of the gristle. We’re both of an age of not being so needy and can just enjoy our sweet moment under the waves. It’s all good with this lover and I only want more of him always.”

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
She’s a female meta, I will call her Feta

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Anyone know if cloudy or Mr. Deliciouso were in TO recently? My 1st guess would be Willis but he looks like he’s @ home gettin silly with his Tofu


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
How about some useful information? What about services? DFK/LFK/DATY/MPOS? Did he allow BBBJ and allow her to CIMWS????? I'd say she's nothing more than a SHILLLL!!!!!
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