Latinofreak said:
GG it's not paranoia, it's common sense
Would you invite just anyone at your place? you don't know the people you're inviting home. It's not like having a friend saying I'll bring one of my good looking friends at your place.
The agencies need to write down the address they're sending the girl, do you know what they do when they're done sending the girl? Some may keep them, some may destroy them. It really comes to you and about how much are u willing to "risk/gamble", to save a few bucks.
Once they know we're you live, they will know your
real name.
Try this:
You will no longer be anonymous once they go to your house.
I have security at my condo, carry my own "protection" and did
some army (cough cough) and dealt with a robber myself. So I
have lesser concerned about my physical protection and house
Real personal story
In 2001 before I was even hobbying, my family member had a burglary
incident. There were nobody living in the house. The house had a fire
about a month ago. The neighbour reported the burglar by phone to us.
I parked my car just behind his car to block him from escaping.
Can you believe a burglary was in progression! (the neighbhour called twice for
the police to come and shouted them but... you know the police. They're
never there when you need them most.) I talked to a girl friend that was in
the police force she was a bit surprise that they didn't came as fast as they
should. Anyway, I ordered him to put my stereo back to the house and he

He started bullshiting about having a contract with the owner. I
lied and play along with him: (in french) "Ok, cool but wait till they come here.
No problem, make sure you empty you're car first.
Don't worry (mr. burglar) it probably a misundertanding." He started to talk
about having 3 kids and this contract can help him (yeah right) had even a
"bébé à bord" on his car. Act compassionnated: "Man, that must be hard
with kids and all. I hope this contract goes well. You know man, this house
has fucking security camera all over(lie#1). The police is investigating in for
a possible crime thats why i'm here, you just triggered the security alarm (lie#2)
Don't worry, I know the owner so I'm gonna explain to him (lie#3)". We
talked for 45 min. while waiting for the police. Where the f*ck were they
Btw, the police station was only 5 min from this place.
Picture this guys, they came with bulletproof vest on, they did not know who
the robber was. The burglar realize it was a setup. "Oh! shit". I was standing
5 meters from the burglar. I just pointed my bat in direction of the burglar.
Needless to say, they came arresting him. But was surprise no force wasn't
being used. Police stared at me, i was in my pyjama and had a bat. Could not
understand why the burglar was so friendly with me. Only verbal negociation
was used, not glock necessary. So ridiculous. Again, that was
of me. Not worth risking my life. Do not attempt this. I was just lucky. He
could had a consealing gun. Or, if he was with a partner I probably would be
fucked up also (without a gun).
Morale de l'histoire:
"do not rely on anybody to protect you".
"dont do stupid shit like vodka236, cuz he's a crazy motherf*cka."
But, yes, don't do it at your place if you're not ready to deal with
all those situations mentionned by GG and Latinofreak.
In hotel, you can at least call security if get mug by them and never
be bothered or have to worry in real life.
Hey, can I be banned for giving bad advice?
For me, the reason for having them at my place is better ambiance,
I feel more at ease at my place (not to save money) just like a real
date. Sharing a bit of my own reality to SP of how I live. They're not
used to be in private place (I can see in their eyes). I want to make
them feel good about themself by being accepted by me. I know its
crazy but I want them to remember their special encounter with me.
But maybe in the future, I'll try once in an hotel just to see how it