Montreal Escorts

if you lived in montreal, would you have SPs visit your apt?


New Member
Jan 9, 2006
It doesn't have to be bad

it depends on who you are seeing, whether or not you are attached, etc...

When inviting an SP to your home, you should be just as cautious as you are with anyone you invite into your home. If you met a pretty girl on the street and she was ready to go with you, would you invite her? SPs are quite simply, women, and like all people, some can be trusted, others cannot be trusted.

For the ladies themselves - make her feel safe and comfortable - this is probably my number one concern in terms of visiting someone at home, I have done it, but only with those that I have met with previously.

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General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
hobbying at home

docterwill said:
Is this a good or bad idea

Bad idea. Keep your personal life personal and separate from your hobbying. You want to associate your home to your private life and motels to hobbying. Apart from the possible security threat, do you really want agency owners and SPs knowing where you live? I had an SP once tell me where another board member lived in Old Montreal without me asking her. She just came from his place and had a bad session and decided to vent to me.


General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
SeeCupRider said:
It's bad enough leaving your ID at the Chablis but one assumes the staff there are discreet, it's the only thing we ask of them!

I suspect that they could share information with agency owners. Always have a fake ID handy.;)


General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
SeeCupRider said:
Besides anyone who tries blackmail will get it on this board...better to just provide a service and get paid for it, no?

I do not want to exaggerate here. I am paranoid by nature and I do not trust anyone. I have others to think of. As for blackmail, it's not going to happen unless someone is real stupid. There are ways to deal with blackmailers and agency owners are not in the business of blackmail. Some SPs have tried this in the past and got burned badly. Not a wise decision.



Dec 7, 2004
Latinofreak said:
GG it's not paranoia, it's common sense

Would you invite just anyone at your place? you don't know the people you're inviting home. It's not like having a friend saying I'll bring one of my good looking friends at your place.

The agencies need to write down the address they're sending the girl, do you know what they do when they're done sending the girl? Some may keep them, some may destroy them. It really comes to you and about how much are u willing to "risk/gamble", to save a few bucks.

Once they know we're you live, they will know your real name.

Try this:

You will no longer be anonymous once they go to your house.

I have security at my condo, carry my own "protection" and did
some army (cough cough) and dealt with a robber myself. So I
have lesser concerned about my physical protection and house

Real personal story

In 2001 before I was even hobbying, my family member had a burglary
incident. There were nobody living in the house. The house had a fire
about a month ago. The neighbour reported the burglar by phone to us.
I parked my car just behind his car to block him from escaping.
Can you believe a burglary was in progression! (the neighbhour called twice for
the police to come and shouted them but... you know the police. They're
never there when you need them most.) I talked to a girl friend that was in
the police force she was a bit surprise that they didn't came as fast as they
should. Anyway, I ordered him to put my stereo back to the house and he
did :eek: He started bullshiting about having a contract with the owner. I
lied and play along with him: (in french) "Ok, cool but wait till they come here.
No problem, make sure you empty you're car first.
Don't worry (mr. burglar) it probably a misundertanding." He started to talk
about having 3 kids and this contract can help him (yeah right) had even a
"bébé à bord" on his car. Act compassionnated: "Man, that must be hard
with kids and all. I hope this contract goes well. You know man, this house
has fucking security camera all over(lie#1). The police is investigating in for
a possible crime thats why i'm here, you just triggered the security alarm (lie#2)
Don't worry, I know the owner so I'm gonna explain to him (lie#3)". We
talked for 45 min. while waiting for the police. Where the f*ck were they :eek:
Btw, the police station was only 5 min from this place.
Picture this guys, they came with bulletproof vest on, they did not know who
the robber was. The burglar realize it was a setup. "Oh! shit". I was standing
5 meters from the burglar. I just pointed my bat in direction of the burglar.
Needless to say, they came arresting him. But was surprise no force wasn't
being used. Police stared at me, i was in my pyjama and had a bat. Could not
understand why the burglar was so friendly with me. Only verbal negociation
was used, not glock necessary. So ridiculous. Again, that was stupid
of me. Not worth risking my life. Do not attempt this. I was just lucky. He
could had a consealing gun. Or, if he was with a partner I probably would be
fucked up also (without a gun).

Morale de l'histoire: "do not rely on anybody to protect you".
"dont do stupid shit like vodka236, cuz he's a crazy motherf*cka."


But, yes, don't do it at your place if you're not ready to deal with
all those situations mentionned by GG and Latinofreak.

In hotel, you can at least call security if get mug by them and never
be bothered or have to worry in real life.

Hey, can I be banned for giving bad advice? :p

For me, the reason for having them at my place is better ambiance,
I feel more at ease at my place (not to save money) just like a real
date. Sharing a bit of my own reality to SP of how I live. They're not
used to be in private place (I can see in their eyes). I want to make
them feel good about themself by being accepted by me. I know its
crazy but I want them to remember their special encounter with me.
But maybe in the future, I'll try once in an hotel just to see how it

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New Member
Jun 17, 2005

If you cann't afford a nice hotel under discreet conditions you should not be a hobbyist. Too risky in the long run.



Dec 28, 2004
Depuis que je suis célibataire, plusieurs fille sont passé chez moi sans qu'elle soit escort... il n'est pas évidant pour les voisin de savoir si une fille est une escorte ou non... Et les voisin doiventes surveiller énormément pour connaitre l'heure d'arriver et de départ de mes invités.

Alors je en croix pas a moin de faire venir 2 à 3 filles par semaines que les voisin soit un grand problèmes.



New Member
Apr 19, 2004
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mazingerz said:
Les rumeurs commencent rapidement. Si des voisins voient souvent des filles différentes aller vers tel appartement et partir au bout d'une ou deux autres, il est clair que tu seras étiquetté comme quelqu'un faisant appel à des escortes. Ça passerais mieux si tu appelerais toujours la même fille.

(quote from mazingerz concerning suspicious neighbourgh)

Personnally, i've dated sp in my appartment/condo during big part of my 20's. I first thought when i saw my neighbourgh on their balcony that i would be pointed as a escort caller, but tried to reassure myself since i had also a couple of regular dates coming that this could look normal, especially that i'm the good looking but shy type. But i realise the biggest flag is the driver stopping in the street and waiting for the girl to get in and call (ouch). One driver even got to the door with the girl. My worst nightmare was Nadya from Eleganza, she got out of the car (i was looking through the window), started to yell at the driver and theyre whre people outside... then the lady came to my door (ouch). I also had a girl telling me she almost rang at the wrong door, she had the reflex to call back her driver to make sure she was at the right place just before. Imagine "joe i dont use escort" average answering the door and having a girl say hello xyz, you called for me! I made myself very low, relying on incall for a while and i havent called any girls for months after last time i moved.

There are advantages on calling home. Beside the $ saving, you have lot more flexibility. If you want a girl and she cancel or she is not available, you dont have to absolulty take a consolation price since you paid the hotel. But on the other hand, a driver "delivering" a girl at your door every two weeks might look a little suspicious... especially when the girl make a show.

So i now mostly call during winter or rainy days, or very late when i'm off. I minimize risk, but they are still present. During nice summer day, i visit incalls... or try a little more on montreal terasse to have normal dates


Active Member
Nov 15, 2006
When I was married I used the chablis. Now I am single and I use my apartment. I live in a large apartment complex where nobody really notices people coming and going (not even my nosiest of neighbors - lol). Anyway, no one could tell if she is an escort or a real date. The sp's that come over usually dress like any other young girl. I like using my place because it feels more like a real date and I feel i can make the girl feel more comfortable in my own place. I have also have better access to food and beverages. The flow is better as we can start in the kitchen or living room to get aquainted and then move to the bedroom later and vice versa. I am not worried about security as I use girls from the same agencies which I trust like eleganza, devilish and xxxtase. However, I do take certain precautions like I wont leave my wallet in full view. I have been having escorts over once or twice a month for the past year and havent had any problems. I really dont think Amelia, Stacy, Tamara, Akyra, etc... or any of the usually well reviewed girls are going to mug me anytime soon - lol. The only inconvenience I ever have is my next door neighbor knocking on my bedroom wall when some of the girls get a bit loud with their moaning - lol. Anyway thats his problem. And that has happened with real girl friends too. As for the agency having my address - I dont see what possible use they would have for it anyway other than being able to get the girl faster to me and without getting lost. It seems that the agencies I use dont really keep the addresses because every time I call they ask me for the address again.


New Member
Jul 24, 2006
I have issues of meeting an SP in my apartment because you can here absolutely everything from one apartment to another and if the girl gets vocal which a great majority of them do i would be a bit emberest. the building is only 3 stories high and the landlord loves to hang around on the lobby to see the comings and the goings of the residents. I would not mind if it were a real GFE or a special f**k friend that stays a great deal of time not just one or two hours.:rolleyes: Also as quickly as she came she laves which raises suspicions even more from the neighbors, its not like she is going to spend the night like real f**k-friend might do. If a taxi picks her up it looks more legit. Maybe the driver can put a taxi sign on the car when going to a residence. I may then reconsider my position.
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Active Member
Nov 15, 2006
Player I understand where you are coming from. If I lived in a smaller apt. unit I would probably feel the same as you. In my place no one really notices much. Except for Tamara, she came over barely dressed (lol), to the point that someone in the elevator told her he was speechless -lol. Next time I book her I will ask her to dress a little more conservatively. They probably just thought she was going out on the town. Most people never really think escort. Unless its super obvious. But these agencies dont hire streetwalker types.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
Memorial Day weekend a friend let me stay in his private residence in Montreal for 5 days/4 nights, as he was out of town. I must say that after staying in hotels on dozens of prior trips to Montreal, it was an interesting experience, in part because I was not familiar with either the residence or the neighborhood, and in part because the SPs ended up being very curious about the place and asked me questions that I could not answer.

I saw 3 SPs over the course of 4 nights. The 1st of these SPs, who I saw on the 1st night, I took into the master bedroom after some heated foreplay. I went to close the curtains (the bedroom window faced the street), and the entire curtain assembly came crashing down on my head, hitting it, bouncing off, and then toppling on to the floor. My embarassment was much worse than the actual pain caused by the window treatment assembly hitting my head, because I realized immediately that the anchor to the assembly had come out of the wall, and there was no way I was going to be able to effect a repair, even if I had the tools, which I didn't. I reported the situation immediately to my friend via cellphone, and he told me he would take care of it the following week. Fortunately, there was another bedroom so I proceeded there because there was no longer any privacy in the master bedroom.

On the last evening, the 3rd SP who came expressed an interest in seeing the entire apartment. Unbeknownst to me although I had slept there the 3 prior nights, in the dining room there was a small enclosure and I noticed a hatch that, when lifted, revealed a staircase that led to what appeared to be an unlit cellar. As I lifted the hatch, the SP asked me if I knew what was down there and I told her I didn't, although it looked like a dark cellar. She wanted to go down there and look around, but I finally persuaded her to go with me into another room. I was a little nervous because I had really no idea what was down there, and did not particularly want to find out. Recall that I am a horror movie fan and horror movie rule #1 is never go into a room when you don't know what is in there.;)

Throughout all of these experiences I tried to imagine if I owned a place like that if I would be comfortable having SPs over. The answer is unequivocally yes. All of the agencies I used (which were Magnetic and Eleganza) dropped off the ladies very discreetly. The neighborhood was quiet and although I did not know it that well, everyone seemed to keep to themselves. I don't see any problems with this arrangement. If and when I ever get a place of my own in Montreal, I would have no problem hosting there.
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New Member
Jul 24, 2006
private residence (single house) or (mega apartment complex) is not exactly a three stories apartment were you can find kids and families in the building. I would have escorts coming also in such a setting.


New Member
Mar 28, 2007
naughtylady said:
Robbery is a problem with anyone who ever goes to your home. SP or not. Heck the guy from a utility company is just as likely to case the place!

I have been to many clients homes. I guess some people are more paranoid than others. If you stick with people who have an established reputation there should not be a problem.



yeah me too she is right :D


Mar 28, 2007
Wish I had a place in Montreal.
I'd just tell the neighbours that I have a lot of younger sisters.


Mar 28, 2007
If the walls were thin I'd just play porn full volume whenever I went out just to get them used to the sounds.
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