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If you won Friday's Lotto Max, What would you do with the money?


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
You have much higher chances of dying tomorrow than winning lottery. So, if you don’t consider and act on the first why play with the second?

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I don't play loto max or any super high level loto. I only play Quebec 49 wich 2 millions is the maximum. Still this would be enough for me.

I have a deal with my mother, if she win she gives me 200 000 and if i win, same. So im starting at 1 800 000. I pay my debts first (a couple thousands) , i give a few thousands to my closest friends.

I would want to build myself a house. Total value of around 400 000 (in sherbrooke, it get you a pretty great house). It would be a luxury but not "that luxerious" type of house. Still enough space to have a gaming room of decent size, a private small gym, and hopefully an indoor pool depending on cost (if too expensive, it would be outdoor)

Then the time it take to build that, i would rent an appartement in Montreal and have some fun :p First month i would probably book 1 lady per day for 2h. Then afterward it would go down to 2 a week or something.

I don't do drugs so no drugs for me. And as much as i love beer, its not good for weight or health so i wouldn't drink every day.

I would pay myself some fun (outside escorts) but nothing crazy.

One thing i would to do tough is once a month have a party, you know those frat party types. I would probably book 6 girls or so for maybe 3-4h and they would have to find a lonely "unatractive" guy and make him believe he actually "scored" with them. Of course their would be some form of security or something to make sure everything goes well. They would tell the guy its a one night stand and nothing more. Those parties would be fun :p

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
I don't play loto max or any super high level loto. I only play Quebec 49 wich 2 millions is the maximum. Still this would be enough for me.
most people are fiancially irresponsable so winning any kind of money or inheriting will not make them smarter.Anyoe who knows anything about money can read the replies and see who the dreamers are.
Last time i came into money in 2016 i didn't spend a cent of it invested it .most people would be looking at a enpty bank account 5 yrs later.Thats statistics not just my opinion.I know a many who won the loto 2x and how years later he is borrowing money of people,lost it all gambelling.
The odds of winning a prize in the Quebec 49 are 1 in 32.3 while the odds of winning the jackpot are 1 in 13.98 million. odds of winning the max are 1 in [FONT=function_probook]33,294,800 million.
if you check the results you will typically see quebec 49 6/6 is 0 winners and 5/6 bonus is 0 winners 4/6 pays a whopping $750 total sales last draw $590,063 max sales were [/FONT]
[FONT=function_probook] $80,549,795 and no one won.[/FONT]

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
Well both of us I believe don’t have a day job to lose anymore lol.
Well my friend that dont lose the day job was meant for others as i know you
basically mirrored me in the sence we both had great jobs
lives seemed to parallel and we are probably better of than 95% of people
due to luck and hard work.I feel sorry for the upcomeing generations.
Useing a excell sheet made me realize i as spending too much on lotteries
the government banks on each citizen spending $750 a year.
MY goal this year is to only play the max when its 50 mill and 1 ticket and 6/49 when its 10 mill to reduce my losses
last max draw 16,109,959 million tickets were sold ([FONT=function_probook] $80,549,795)[/FONT] some idiots buy $1000 in tickets which is 200 tickets and think they are going to win
i had $200 on the banco.but in 1972 when the mini was $5,000 i won $500 and the max when it was the super 7 i won 500.

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
if someone does win follow the example of warren buffet rethingk waht you previously wrote and you will remain a winner
here is a youtube video of how warren buffet worth 88 billion spends his money
his house whihc he purchased for $31,500 has a current value of $250,000 6000 square feet typically to be considered a mansion it as to be 10,000
this caused many rich people to take a step back and look at him
it does not matter how much money you make its what you can save
its all about structure and disipline
most people who have no money will right away throw most of their winfall away which is a mistake
recent big winner in lachine who gave he kids only a measly 1 million each the kids don't speak to her anymore feeling they deserved more
she was smart id bet the kids piss it away withing i a few years and this will be a good lesson so when the old lady finally dies and they inherit hopefully they wont make the same mistakes.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
Visit site
Trust me you can get much better, fancier rooms in nicer hotels haha, Chabrol isn’t exactly where I’d spend a month with beautiful ladies if I was multi millionaire. It’s a fine hotel for the mere mortals but if I won the loto I’d definitely rent somewhere else! Haha

True, but I would only be needing the rooms for 4 hours and the Chabrol has some very nice high end rooms, also it would be disrespectful to go anyplace else other than the greatest place on earth(IMO), where I have been at least 200 times or more.:thumb:

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
most people are fiancially irresponsable so winning any kind of money or inheriting will not make them smarter.Anyoe who knows anything about money can read the replies and see who the dreamers are.

Investing 350 000/400 000 in a house is a good investement as value only goes up.
I would surely try to put 1 million aside too

But yes i would have some fun with a good 250 000 or so :p

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
Investing 350 000/400 000 in a house is a good investement as value only goes up.
I would surely try to put 1 million aside too

But yes i would have some fun with a good 250 000 or so :p
so you win 2 million you buy a house for 450k put a million aside

best advice is
pay your bill
s put the money in a investment for 1 yr
and with interest
you can attain a better standard of living than you presently
have off investment income and your principal never goes down.
good luck

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I don't play Loto Max so there is no point talking about if i won 70 millions. I said i only play Quebec 49 and therefore the max winning is 2 millions. I know 2 millions even tough a large sum is not "crazy rich" either. Thats why im saying i put a million aside, invest 350/400 000 in a house and then the rest i may go a bit "more loose" on it but i know i couldn't go crazy either. Lets say i book 1 girl a day for 2h for 2 months, thats roughly 500$ a day so 1000$ every 2 days, thats basically 30 000$ for 2 months. Large sum yes, but out of the total is not "that crazy". And thats an extreme strech there... I would probably skip days for whatever reasons. I would probably "get tired" of booking girls every days at some point anyway. Now i love it because i don't do it often, but doing it every day, at some point it would "loose the magic" and things would go back to normal, maybe once a week or so...

So even if i spend 50 000 total in 2 months for a "summer of fun" or something. Its not a huge part of the ammount. During that night the other million would make interest too... One family member (cousin of my mother) inherited a large sum of money from her husband when he died prematurely (cancer) and my mother told me she lives out of the interest alone. She don't live the crazy life but she don't live poorly. So 1 million would do it.

Even tough i would be "rich" i doubt my life would change drastically outside of escorts booking (lol). Its not like i would magically change my interest in life.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Ocean front house in the Cayman Islands $6 mil, yacht $2.5 mil.
Friends and family $10 mil... Kick back.


Mar 22, 2019
So even if i spend 50 000 total in 2 months for a "summer of fun" or something. Its not a huge part of the ammount. During that night the other million would make interest too... One family member (cousin of my mother) inherited a large sum of money from her husband when he died prematurely (cancer) and my mother told me she lives out of the interest alone. She don't live the crazy life but she don't live poorly. So 1 million would do it.

Even tough i would be "rich" i doubt my life would change drastically outside of escorts booking (lol). Its not like i would magically change my interest in life.

2M$ generates 5% returns conservatively. You can target 7-10% if you're less conservative but that means you may lose some of your capital in a recession.
5% of 2M$ is 100K$, taxable at 33% for dividends/interest or 26% for Capital Gains; but you need to add legal & fiscal, management fees and account for inflation.

For less than 2M$ management fees (assuming all your money with one HNW service) are 1% or more. Inflation hovers between 1 and 2% (meaning your money is worth 1-2% less every year). So in practice; you're netting 50K$ a year in income if you want to keep your capital intact.
This is why most people go broke. They assume the money will stay around forever, but they don't do the math. Once your capital erodes, its ability to generate more income erodes, and you'll go broke unless you make lifestyle changes.

My advice to anyone coming into some money is to wait a year or two and see how much money it really makes once you deduct all the fees and taxes before deciding how much you can spend responsibly. Buying a house (whether it's a beach house in the Cayman or a fixer-upper in laval) is fine as it doesn't depreciate your net worth. Buying a fancy car or a yatch or hobbying should stay within your means if you want to maintain your lifestyle into retirement.


Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Its good infos to know but lets say the chances are very slim so... lol

But 50K a year would be... lol so much more than what i get now. Like 5X +

So i think it would be good, that being said obviously can't go crazy either.


Mar 22, 2019
Its good infos to know but lets say the chances are very slim so... lol

But 50K a year would be... lol so much more than what i get now. Like 5X +

So i think it would be good, that being said obviously can't go crazy either.

Hey Mike. I'm sorry, my post was not very sensitive. Please accept my most sincere apologies if it came across as inconsiderate :(. My intent was only to inform.



Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2012
If I would not have any urge to pay the bills, I think I would go for some volunteering.
Giving money when you have pile is easy and doesn’t «*hurt*». Giving time is rewarding and keeps money in perspective.

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
stop dreaming people back to work for most of you
well after 10 draws no winner the major prize was won on 1 ticket in ontario $
70 million
6/7+ 7 winners of
1 million guarantee loto quebec says 30 winners but its not 30 of 1 million 10 x 1 million 7 x1 million 2 split ways and 2x1 million 3 ways
9 of the ''30'' winners is in quebec

this is the 11th draw over 80 million in sales this and the last and today was the payout as usual loto quebec is the big winner

Sal Bass

New Member
Feb 14, 2012
There was a guy in the US where the lotteries are 10-15 times the size of Canadian lotteries who won over $700 million. He said wished he had burned the ticket. He got the giant mega houses like JR Ewing lived in and many cars but he was not happier. He gave money to his children. His daughter got divorced a year later from her husband and he got half her pile. One son bought an exotic car and got into a wreck and is now paralyzed. Another son is in prison for killing a person with his car when he was drunk. His grand daughter that came to him often for money and got $10-15 K regularly was found dead with her boyfriend from an overdose of drugs.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
There is no way money buys you happiness. It can make your life a bit easier... That's about it.

The entrepreneur that succeed are always the one who are not in it first and foremost for the money.

Social media not helping we have entered an era of pure bling bling. The amount of likes is like money. Down the road it can lead you to depression big time.

Humility and focusing on serenity above only quick pleasure is what brings happiness. I am not there yet but working on it!
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