Today, I finally met my SP friend. We didn't have dinner as I wanted but did meet for a cup of coffee in the afternoon (thank God for flextime at work). I had to confess to her that our little arrangement is tearing me apart. I admitted that I had a mixture of lust, romantic feelings, and infatuation for. In a nutshell, I said "Having you do the Houdini act on me and the thought of you doing what you do with me with who knows who is unbearable to me. So, I've decided that I can't see you anymore because it hurts too much. "
She was shocked and hurt at first. She admitted that her feelings for me are similar, but she's happy with the status quo.
To make a long story short, I left before she could see me tear up and cry. She was getting teary eyed too.
It hurts but I'll survive. Now the hard part is staying away from hobbying. I'll continue to post (as appropriate) as part of the therapy (I prefer this than CBT for the moment, SeeCupRider and Gen. Gonad).