Montreal Escorts

Is it common place to get a number from a SP?


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
Hmm, it might be a compliment, it might not be. It mainly means you're ok to see for a second date, you're harmless and maybe deep-pocketed and maybe come quick!
.... or it might also just mean that it’s pretty SLOW and if you have a wallet and a pulse you qualify... I know it is frowned upon by agencies and there are other times where it is even encouraged, yes that also .... but it is always a business proposition and you mean nothing to them ,of that make no mistake .... it as a compliment that they might view us as decent enough to do business with ...of course one can choose to believe differently , however if you remove your ego and overcome your need to feel wanted as a man which clouds your judgement , then the truth will become pretty clear ......

so nothing unusual as most get propositioned , some more than others ... Obviously the younger more attractive patrons are the more desirable as they are also more relatable and fun to be with .... myself I’m nothing special , much older and common but I’ve had the occasional SP’s like most here in the hobby offering me their numbers whatever their motives....some to go shop at the store they’re working, to go eat at their restaurant and even to go cut my hair etc. and of course to book with them outside ..... again everyone thinks differently but I rarely pursued it or was interested except for a few occasions where I very much liked the SP’s and it was mighty tough to book them ... but like many have already mentioned here if the SP’s wanted to make themselves available/accessible they would have already easily done so ...... for the most part we go to the middlemen the agencies and make the bookers our facilitators because nothing is more peaceful for ones sanity than straightforward and uncomplicated .... it’s that simplicity that makes it all so addictive ....I don’t go looking , if I wanted numbers then I’d play the percentage numbers game on my own with civies or SB’s with whatever results ....

also I still think Montreal’s agencies have a plethora of amazing talent for the locals and the visiting out of towners ... they’re getting paid the asking price , but not what they deserve in my humble opinion ... that doesn’t mean that every time the rates increase I’m popping champagne,,, quite the contrary as these are trying times for everyone involved me included, but it’s just my opinion when comparing other cities talent even though I know that my comment won’t be received well ....

anyways always grateful for the good experiences and also appreciative of the few SP’s that I’ve genuinely cared for ... they got Hustle in their DNA and I admire their survival instincts... but I can do without the ### , the shortcut’s and sometimes the series of unfortunate events .... stay safe everyone

Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
Obviously the younger more attractive patrons are the more desirable as they are also more relatable and fun to be with ....
I think this is debatable, being young and attractive/handsome doesnt make one a fun and enjoyable person. Women in general have a much more elaborated brain when it comes to what may or may not turn them on, and for most of them, the visual plays only a small part in the seduction game.


Ruler of the Frozen Tundra
Feb 11, 2005
Ruler of the Frozen Tundra
Generally speaking wouldn't they charge more outside the agency? One factor that might be a plus is more potential availability or location possibilities (assuming she was incall)



Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
Generally speaking wouldn't they charge more outside the agency? One factor that might be a plus is more potential availability or location possibilities (assuming she was incall)


I only met with a few because of connection or chemistry, but all of them agreed to a price that was at par with the agency, more or less 20$.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2017
I think this is debatable, being young and attractive/handsome doesnt make one a fun and enjoyable person. Women in general have a much more elaborated brain when it comes to what may or may not turn them on, and for most of them, the visual plays only a small part in the seduction game.
I tend to agree. I find as I get older the connection gets better, though I’m middle aged. You’re not looking for a long term relationship with these girls. It’s usually hi and bye. At least that’s how I try to frame it or keep it. But I think they feel safer and are more engaged over drinks or a random dinner after a session and at end of their shift. Just my 2 cents.


Nov 9, 2020
I tend to agree. I find as I get older the connection gets better, though I’m middle aged. You’re not looking for a long term relationship with these girls. It’s usually hi and bye. At least that’s how I try to frame it or keep it. But I think they feel safer and are more engaged over drinks or a random dinner after a session and at end of their shift. Just my 2 cents.
Have to agree with both of you, connection is a huge part, as far as relationship, I see one girl now that I am really comfortable with and it works well for both of us. She gave me her personal number and info and we seem to get along very well. The only challenge now is for a longer date, I like dinner date but nowhere to go with these lockdowns. Hopefully Montreal will open soon.
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Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
The only challenge now is for a longer date, I like dinner date but nowhere to go with these lockdowns. Hopefully Montreal will open soon.
Just order nice food, there is so much choice with delivery now, then use your imagination to set a nice table and there you go, no need to leave the place!
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Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2020
Saw this SW many times, she work for an agency , the last time I saw her she told me that I was her type and that she would definitely date me... So I ask her if she willing to go eat at a restaurant ( when they gonna re-open) she told me yes.
At that point I tought myself she gonna charge me the " social time " and it's normal, and I ask her " Don't worry , I won't ask for a discount" and she told that it will be free for me because I look great! Lol I didn't care much , SW tend to lie all the time but then when the meeting was near the end , she proceed to take my phone and put her number in it .
Days goes by we texted a bit of small talk nothing crazy but then when I ask her out she didn't respond.
I was disapointed because I tought we had a great connection and we can maybe hang out wtv, but then I slap myself back to reality and think why does gave me her number?

1) maybe she plan to be independant soon, and she wants to keep me as a future client ( they all tend to do that as soon as they get many regular customer)

2) she is going to text me back with a " hey comme see me, I'm working at the agency" when she won't have many booking that day

3 ) maybe she like me but she is also sceptic because she usually don't hang out personnaly with clients

Long story short, it was not my first time getting sp/sw number , and it tend to always be those case. guys don't be fooled , those girls are big time hustlers , their job is to provide companionship! Yes she make you feel like you are the one! But at the end of the day! You pay their bills so why she will blow that money tree? Lol , after thinking about it i'm not mad at her, she got a really good game, she will defenilety hook maaaanyyy customer that way lol


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
My buddy thought the SP that gave him her number was interested in more than just sex. So they arranged to go out on a "date" and then back to his hotel room. When they were wrapping up their date she asked to be paid for the 2 hours at dinner and the 2 hours at the hotel room. It turned into something really ugly for both of them. Always make sure you know what the relationship is before you go down that road.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
^^^^Totally agree. I mentioned that to my buddy but he was one of those "in love" or convinced that "she really likes me" types. Big mistake, it's all about he Benjamin's.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2017
My buddy thought the SP that gave him her number was interested in more than just sex. So they arranged to go out on a "date" and then back to his hotel room. When they were wrapping up their date she asked to be paid for the 2 hours at dinner and the 2 hours at the hotel room. It turned into something really ugly for both of them. Always make sure you know what the relationship is before you go down that road.
This is a confluence of funny, sad and horrific. For the life of me, I could NEVER understand the idea of an escort even thinking of being paid when a guy treats her to dinner. And I could never imagine a guy ever paying to wine and dine a girl. Picking up the dinner tab is enough.

I’ve had a few dinners with Montreal escorts, usually following our sessions. I of course picked up the dinner bill. I’d be damned if I would ever pay her for her “time.” As much as I enjoyed those dinners, I would have had an equally good time chatting with the folks over dinner at the McLean’s bar or some cute waitresses or bartenders at a nice Old Montreal restaurant.

Sorry this happened to your friend. Unbelievable.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
This is a confluence of funny, sad and horrific. For the life of me, I could NEVER understand the idea of an escort even thinking of being paid when a guy treats her to dinner. And I could never imagine a guy ever paying to wine and dine a girl. Picking up the dinner tab is enough.

I’ve had a few dinners with Montreal escorts, usually following our sessions. I of course picked up the dinner bill. I’d be damned if I would ever pay her for her “time.” As much as I enjoyed those dinners, I would have had an equally good time chatting with the folks over dinner at the McLean’s bar or some cute waitresses or bartenders at a nice Old Montreal restaurant.

Sorry this happened to your friend. Unbelievable.
A valid point. I think the key here is that you had dinner "after" the paid event. I think my buddy clearly misunderstood the SP or got caught up in the illusion of thinking a girl half his age was really interested in him and he never bothered to ask about the specifics. I've definitely spent time with SP's after the banging, but then it's obvious that your each on your own time. And even then the conversation would go something like this "after your done working would you like to go out for a drink or dinner?. Because I could also see this going wrong if you don't specify what your asking by saying "let's grab something to eat" and she then calls the booker and you get hours added on to your visit.
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The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
This is a confluence of funny, sad and horrific. For the life of me, I could NEVER understand the idea of an escort even thinking of being paid when a guy treats her to dinner. And I could never imagine a guy ever paying to wine and dine a girl. Picking up the dinner tab is enough.

I’ve had a few dinners with Montreal escorts, usually following our sessions. I of course picked up the dinner bill. I’d be damned if I would ever pay her for her “time.”

Sorry this happened to your friend. Unbelievable.
I think, that if it’s the John contacting the SP for dinner, then for sure she should get paid. It’s the John initiating and the SP is allocating her “time” to go to dinner with this dude. I think that’s only fair. Not sayin it’s my cup of tea as like Bobby I’d be just as happy goin to some place watchin a game and chattin up the bartender or persons sitting by me.

However, you must understand there are some silly fuckers on this board.

Tons of guys get #’s from chics and give out their own #’s. How many times have you read a review about some dude getting a text “where r u?” “Have you disappeared/retired?” “When am I gonna see you again?” If you respond with a goin to grab food wanna come and end up paying bill and social time fees, that on u.
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Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
I, personnaly would never pay a girl for social time or sleep over. I been out for dinner with SWs twice and it was very clear from the start that, yes I would handle the tab but thats it, both time didnt involved sex/work activities prior or after. I am not desperate for some company, most of the time I am just a phone call away to get a female friend or a buddy to have a nice chat over a good meal.


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2020
Saw this SW many times, she work for an agency , the last time I saw her she told me that I was her type and that she would definitely date me... So I ask her if she willing to go eat at a restaurant ( when they gonna re-open) she told me yes.
At that point I tought myself she gonna charge me the " social time " and it's normal, and I ask her " Don't worry , I won't ask for a discount" and she told that it will be free for me because I look great! Lol I didn't care much , SW tend to lie all the time but then when the meeting was near the end , she proceed to take my phone and put her number in it .
Days goes by we texted a bit of small talk nothing crazy but then when I ask her out she didn't respond.
I was disapointed because I tought we had a great connection and we can maybe hang out wtv, but then I slap myself back to reality and think why does gave me her number?

1) maybe she plan to be independant soon, and she wants to keep me as a future client ( they all tend to do that as soon as they get many regular customer)

2) she is going to text me back with a " hey comme see me, I'm working at the agency" when she won't have many booking that day

3 ) maybe she like me but she is also sceptic because she usually don't hang out personnaly with clients

Long story short, it was not my first time getting sp/sw number , and it tend to always be those case. guys don't be fooled , those girls are big time hustlers , their job is to provide companionship! Yes she make you feel like you are the one! But at the end of the day! You pay their bills so why she will blow that money tree? Lol , after thinking about it i'm not mad at her, she got a really good game, she will defenilety hook maaaanyyy customer that way lol
Lol she texted me back and we finally hang out, smoke a bit and ate , she didn't ask me for some $, I made it clear before that I will pay the tab and the weed, it was very nice to see her dressed and to talk a bit.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I would never pay an escorts time for dinner.
Paying for sex with someone much younger and someone totally gorgeous is one thing.
Paying their time for dinner is like buying a friend, even at my age I am interesting enough for a woman to sit across the dinner table from me because she wants to be there not because I am paying her to be there.
It has nothing to do with money I don’t mind taking her to whatever restaurant she wants and she can order whatever she wants but paying for her time, nope that will never happen.
Besides what is the purpose of talking to someone over dinner who’s real name you don’t know, half the things she will tell you are not true and half of what you tell her will be either guarded or not true either, makes for a delightful evening.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
So the question was:

Is it common place to get a number from a SP?​

Every time I go to McDonald a get a number. Ah! Ah! ;)


Location: Fantasy Land
Mar 27, 2016
I've received a LOT of numbers over the years. Be careful what you wish for though. If I told you how many times I've been ghosted after receiving a number, the percentage is VERY high. After a while it's simply not worth my time to be wasted. My advice is to simply enjoy the experience for what it's worth. Live in the moment and don't get caught up thinking about future plans with the ladies. In my experiences, things either get more complicated for you and her or you'll be completely disappointed and turned off by a ladies lack of communication towards you. Either way I don't recommend it. Going outside an agency is not worth it. Just keep it simple


New Member
Mar 28, 2021
Là où le bas blesse c’est de payer pour une nuit tout en sachant qu’un minimum de 7 heures de sommeil beauté est exiger par la plupart des filles alors tu payes de 300$ à 500$ de l’heure pour son sommeil.Faut vraiment avoir de l’argent à jeter par la fenêtre.
Pour moi, ça c’est une exagération flagrante! Pour ne pas qualifier autrement.
Le même principe s’applique aux repas, si tu payes pour un service d’avoir une accompagnatrice, tu payes son temps mais l’obligation de payer le repas et le vin ne fais pas partie du service.
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