Lets play: Be the ass wipe!
Starting: Me!
1. As some of you have stated I do not force nor have I asked someone to leave because she did not perform a particular act during the meeting, still it pisses me off to no end that we have to play this ridiculous game over and over again!
Just Tell Me The F%$#*! truth!!! as I book you and you can be sure not to be required to perform any acts you consider to be beneath you.
2. So you do not like Mutants! WHO THE HELL DOES??????

- Either the average Joe out in the street is consider a mutant in your book or
- The average hobbist in MTL is a troll!!!

I will be selfish and choose option 1 to begin:
Which leads me to:
Girl find a new vocation cause it ain"t going to get any better and you are obviously in need of something else
But even if you where to choose option 2, on behalf of us Trolls,
find another vocation cause ............ (see above )
But finally, here is the kicker for me. A service is provided that I require (SP), in this case the intimate companionship of a lady. I must do everything in my power to respect her and make her feel comfortable as she is going to share with me some moments (hopefully they are not as traumatic to her as they seem to be for you) that should if nothing else be pleasing.
I will do my best to behave as a gentlemen, take care of my higyne, improve my Troll apperance and provide for an ambiance that is conducive to the girl being comfortable.
It is my money going out of my pocket, shouldn't I have the rigth to expectations? to service? to respect?
It blows my mind that although it is my hard earned money going out of my pocket, I still somehow am to feel uncomfortable or guilty for the pressures this profession puts on young ladies like you.
QUIT!!!!!!! If they have you prisonner in some dungeon and do not let you out, post! will go get ya!
And for the last time: If anyone does not want to do anything during a session and you are open and honest about it, from the start, 99.9% of all the hobbists in this site will respect and honor your wishes.
The problem is that although you can not concive kissing us trolls of the world, you will still work at Eleganza, still be announced as a GFE and still be cheating unexpected shumcks out of what they thought they were getting!
Even more importantly, you will still take the money (cause it is all about the money rigth?) you made and buy yourself something nice, probably from a good looking store and a good looking salesperson, I just hope they do not tell you as you are comming in that the 2 X 1 specials are YMMV and that the 50% discount only applies to people that the cashier likes!
Good Lord I am an ass but it feels good!