Montreal Escorts

It's Official Canada has adopted Nordic Model Prostitution Law


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
But the client is also the less useful link. He doesn't really know anything important about how the ''Worldwide Slave Trade Super Crime NetworkTM'' works. They could however use this charge to get someone to cooperate on something unrelated.

...and read everything recommended by Oprah.
New rule: We must now only use the word ''vajayjay'' in our reviews.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
But the client is also the less useful link. He doesn't really know anything important about how the ''Worldwide Slave Trade Super Crime NetworkTM'' works. They could however use this charge to get someone to cooperate on something unrelated.
So what your saying is when a john goes at a popular GT he is blind folded !Hummm,
When he does incalls he does know the adress ,
Have you ever heard of line taps ?
The Johns will be in the line of fire risking a criminal record and all the consequences related to it for what reasons ,what will be his gain?
The right questions may be alot more difficult to answer!
Good luck


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
The client knows the address and contact info, but so does the police. The client in most cases doesn't know anything that could help the police catch a bigger fish. Even if I get charged, I don't know anything that the police doesn't know already about my escort's business arrangements. The only one I meet in person is the escort and she can't be charged with anything. I cannot denounce anyone.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
The client knows the address and contact info, but so does the police. The client in most cases doesn't know anything that could help the police catch a bigger fish. Even if I get charged, I don't know anything that the police doesn't know already about my escort's business arrangements. The only one I meet in person is the escort and she can't be charged with anything.
Well good for you !But then I wish you are never interrogated by Police investigators and charged !!!
You see identity of people is required to charge them !
The Police need witnesses willing to testify it will not be the escort ,but anyone that can identify a owner of escort agency can testify giving he has the right enticement ,witch is called testifying under protection of the court
But this will not happen because of ???????
Wishful thinking!!!!!
Good Luck


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
I'm not saying I don't have an incentive to cooperate. I just don't have anything they need. If I get arrested they won't loose their time trying to ''cut a deal'' with someone who has nothing to offer. They'll just send me to the judge or maybe offer me to attend john school.

Most clients don't know enough to even identify the booker, let alone the owner. Sex workers are now allowed to hire third parties, so I cannot testify that the booker is doing anything illegal, even if I knew who it was. In some cases it's possible that a client would have some useful info, but that's a rare event I think.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
I'm not saying I don't have an incentive to cooperate. I just don't have anything they need. If I get arrested they won't loose their time trying to ''cut a deal'' with someone who has nothing to offer. They'll just send me to the judge or maybe offer me to attend john school.

Most clients don't know enough to even identify the booker, let alone the owner. Sex workers are now allowed to hire third parties, so I cannot testify that the booker is doing anything illegal, even if I knew who it was. In some cases it's possible that a client would have some useful info, but that's a rare event I think.
Hi Siocnarf
Hi all
I do like your sense of homor , Johns school might unfortunately mandatory morning sessions of Greek !
Has for Johns that knows nothing well they are worthless to the Police ,and for the one who ca identify a escort owner through a real Police line up and provided the to have a monopoly get out of jail free!Hummm
With a guaranteed end result no prosecution witch means no jail with all privileges what will that john do ?
C-36 will not change the way Police investigates it will provide them more leverage!
By the way just to make things clear I am not in favor of the actual C-36 wording
,I am expressing concerns about possibilities that might occur!
I wish the best to all to you too


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
I don't know if they have john school in Montreal. I know they have them in Alberta. I would be curious to attend one just for fun.


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
In the past centuries, the Church was tolerant of prostitution as a necessary evil. It's only recently that most of them have gone on a crusade to eliminate sex work. They lost control of all human sexuality, except that last remaining issue. Religious or feminist, the problem is people who reject facts because they don't fit their ideology. Fortunately some religious and feminists live in the real world.

C-36 puts ''victims'' at more risk of aggression. Putting social or religious ideal above the life of people is immoral (even for many deeply religious people) so that stance is not surprising.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
In the past centuries, the Church was tolerant of prostitution as a necessary evil. It's only recently that most of them have gone on a crusade to eliminate sex work. They lost control of all human sexuality, except that last remaining issue. Religious or feminist, the problem is people who reject facts because they don't fit their ideology. Fortunately some religious and feminists live in the real world.

C-36 puts ''victims'' at more risk of aggression. Putting social or religious ideal above the life of people is immoral (even for many deeply religious people) so that stance is not surprising.
Hi all
Churches and prostitution have link together for more then the pas centuries it is from the origin of Christianity . 28:1-10
Gospel ofMattew 28:128 After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb.

Mary Magdalene
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Mary Madeline" redirects here. For the American political activist, see Mary Matalin.
This article is about a biblical figure. For other uses, see Mary Magdalene (disambiguation).
Mary Magdalene

Penitent Mary Magdalene by Nicolas Régnier, Palace on the Water, Warsaw
Born Date unknown
Place unknown
Died Date unknown
Place: possibly Saint-Maximin-la-Sainte-Baume, Ephesus, Asia Minor [1]
Honored in
Eastern Orthodoxy
Roman Catholic Church
Anglican Communion
other Protestant churches
Bahá'í Faith
Feast July 22
Western: alabaster box of ointment

Eastern: container of ointment (as a myrrhbearer), or holding a red egg (symbol of the resurrection); embracing the feet of Christ after the Resurrection
Patronage Apothecaries; Kawit, Cavite; Atrani, Italy; Casamicciola Terme, Ischia; contemplative life; converts; glove makers; hairdressers; penitent sinners; people ridiculed for their piety; perfumeries; pharmacists; reformed prostitutes; sexual temptation; tanners; women
Mary Magdalene (original Greek Μαρία ἡ Μαγδαληνή),[2] or Mary of Magdala and sometimes The Magdalene, is a religious figure in Christianity. She is often thought of as the second-most important woman in the New Testament after Mary, the mother of Jesus.[3] Mary Magdalene traveled with Jesus as one of his followers. She was present at Jesus' two most important moments: the crucifixion and the resurrection.[4] Within the four Gospels, the oldest historical record mentioning her name, she is named at least 12 times,[5] more than most of the apostles. The Gospel references describe her as courageous, brave enough to stand by Jesus in his hours of suffering, death and beyond.[3]

The Gospel of Luke says seven demons had gone out of her,[Lk. 8:2] and the longer ending of Mark says Jesus had cast seven demons out from her.[Mk. 16:9] The "seven demons" may refer to a complex illness, not to any form of sinfulness.[6] She is most prominent in the narrative of the crucifixion of Jesus, at which she was present, and of the events on the morning after the immediately following sabbath,[4] when, according to all four canonical Gospels,[Matthew 28:1–8] [Mark 16:9–10] [Luke 24:10] [John 20:18] she was either alone or as a member of a group of women the first to testify to the resurrection of Jesus.[7] John 20 and Mark 16:9 specifically name her as the first person to see Jesus after his resurrection.

Mary Magdalene was there at the "beginning of a movement that was going to transform the West".[4] She was the "Apostle to the Apostles", an honorific that fourth-century orthodox theologian Augustine gave her[8] and that others earlier had possibly conferred on her.

Ideas that go beyond the gospel presentation of Mary Magdalene as a prominent representative of the women who followed Jesus have been put forward over the centuries. These include giving her a role similar to that of Simon Peter among the male disciples, believing that she had been a harlot, or that she was the secret lover or wife of Jesus and the mother of their child.[4][5][8]

Mary Magdalene is considered to be a saint by the Catholic, Orthodox, Anglican and Lutheran churches — with a feast day of July 22. Other Protestant churches honor her as a heroine in the faith. The Eastern Orthodox churches also commemorate her on the Sunday of the Myrrhbearers, the Orthodox equivalent of one of the Western Three Marys traditions.
Mixing Churches to the C-36 debate is kind of awkward considering the foundations of Christianity witch is based on tolerance and pardon !
The Criminal laws on the other hand does not have the same basis its more of a control of what is acceptable by society and does not conflict with our Charter of rights and freedoms !!!
Does adult people have free will ?Any law that restricts its opposes free will ?
C-36 in its current wording is definitely a riskier move then the previous law that was stuck down !
Warmest Regards


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
Mary Magdalene isn't the prostitute who washes his feet. They got mixed up later. In the bible itself there is no reason to assume they are the same person.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Mary Magdalene isn't the prostitute who washes his feet. They got mixed up later. In the bible itself there is no reason to assume they are the same person.
Hi Valcazar
And hi all
Your statement contradicts none documented history ,it would be nice if you would produce reliable and credible sources about what you are saying ?
Hopefully not from apostasy sources or Apocrypha books,?
Further more since religion as teach over the centuries that Mary Magdalena was a prostitute even if they recant now ,centuries of false or true teachings about her by the Church stays !
As for C-36 is concerned, your answer will not change the issues ?
Warmest Regards


Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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In the past centuries, the Church was tolerant of prostitution as a necessary evil. It's only recently that most of them have gone on a crusade to eliminate sex work. They lost control of all human sexuality, except that last remaining issue. Religious or feminist, the problem is people who reject facts because they don't fit their ideology. Fortunately some religious and feminists live in the real world.

C-36 puts ''victims'' at more risk of aggression. Putting social or religious ideal above the life of people is immoral (even for many deeply religious people) so that stance is not surprising.

I would like to make a comparison to what you are saying and the history and culture of prostitution in the US. C-36 looks very similar to what happened in the US 100 years ago, but in the US, prostitution laws are mostly state laws and not Federal. The only Federal concerning prostitution is the Mann Act, which says you can't bring a person across State lines for the purposes of prostitution. As long as you do the act within a specific state, you have broken a state law and not a Federal law. C-36 is a National Canadian law.

In the US, it was the Woman's Suffrage movement (women;s right to vote) along with some aspects of Protestant Churches around 100 years ago that resulted in State laws which made prostitution illegal. Before that, for about 140 years brothels flourished in most towns and cities legally.

The prostitution laws in the US put both the customer and provider at risk for other crimes. Either the customer or provider can be murdered, robbed, scammed, or assaulted. In the late 70's and early 80's when prostitution was somewhat open in NYC and had security at their brothels. Brothels almost never were raided except for unrelated accusations or charges, such as drug dealing, etc.

In the US, prostitution is investigated based on the local jurisdiction's assessment of the seriousness of prostitution and complaints by local citizens. Some local jurisdictions are very aggressive towards prostitution arrest and prosecution. Some turn a blind eye. I gather C-36 will mirror the scene in the US if it passes. However, the government in power may try to prod local LE to enforce the new law to make headlines.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
I would like to make a comparison to what you are saying and the history and culture of prostitution in the US. C-36 looks very similar to what happened in the US 100 years ago, but in the US, prostitution laws are mostly state laws and not Federal. The only Federal concerning prostitution is the Mann Act, which says you can't bring a person across State lines for the purposes of prostitution. As long as you do the act within a specific state, you have broken a state law and not a Federal law. C-36 is a National Canadian law.

In the US, prostitution is investigated based on the local jurisdiction's assessment of the seriousness of prostitution and complaints by local citizens. Some local jurisdictions are very aggressive towards prostitution arrest and prosecution. Some turn a blind eye. I gather C-36 will mirror the scene in the US if it passes. However, the government in power may try to prod local LE to enforce the new law to make headlines.
Hi all your analysis is correct the law in Canada is Federal but the applications of that law is also local Jurisdiction as the application of the law is other Provincial Government applications different way in Canada then in the US,
The federal Police in Canada is the RCMP they do not have vice squads in Provinces they not have the contract of Provincial Police ,Quebec and Ontario have there Provincial Police corps but in certain Provinces in Canada the RCMP have the 3 hats Federal,Provincial and City Detachment witch is the case in B.C. it does create certain transparency problem however when they need to investigate misconduct of a RCMP officer.

Provincial Law
A. Jurisdiction
Unlike Parliament, which has jurisdiction over criminal law matters through s. 91(27) of the Constitution Act, 1867, the provinces have no direct jurisdiction in relation to the criminal law on prostitution within each province. However, some of the provincial powers laid out in s. 92 of the Constitution Act provide scope for dealing with prostitution without any need to encroach on the federal criminal jurisdiction.

Exclusive Powers of Provincial Legislatures

s. 92(13) Property and Civil Rights in the Province

(14) The Administration of Justice in the Province, including the Constitution, Maintenance, and Organization of Provincial Courts, both of Civil and of Criminal Jurisdiction, and including Procedure in Civil Matters in those Courts.

(15) The Imposition of Punishment by Fine, Penalty, or Imprisonment for enforcing any Law of the Province made in relation to any Matter coming within any of the Classes of Subjects enumerated in this Section.

(16) Generally all Matters of a merely local or private nature in the Province.

Although the provinces have no jurisdiction over the law on criminal matters, they do control the enforcement of that law. Courts also sometimes recognize a legitimate overlap between federal and provincial criminal jurisdiction, thus validating provincial legislation that deals with criminal issues in particular situations.(39) Essentially, legislation that merely regulates morality and criminal conduct may be left in provincial hands, but legislation that creates an actual prohibition akin to criminal law must fall under federal jurisdiction. The harsher the penalty becomes, the more such provincial legislation would trespass on federal jurisdiction.(40)

Provinces have attempted to tackle the prostitution question from a number of angles in recent years, most often through legislation on highways and traffic, proceeds of crime, community safety, and child protection. In the mid-1980s, however, before many such measures were implemented, some provinces also tried using injunctions to deal with prostitution.
So as you can see C-36 application may vary from Province to Province and from jurisdictions to jurisdictions
Very much so, a complicated subject for all !!!
If you are a lucky John you might tackled and shackled by a constable on Patrol a real COP !!!!:help::help::help:
Regards all


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
However, the government in power may try to prod local LE to enforce the new law to make headlines.
I have a feeling they will try to keep it as low profile as possible. First, surveys say it's a very low priority for citizens. No one really cares except special interest groups. They also have to keep in mind that sex work activist are pretty vocal; they already beat the government in supreme court and this law is going to be contested almost immediately. This is not like 100 years ago when you could just shame them and oppress them into silence. It's not even like 15 years ago in Sweden.

They make a shitty law to please their base. They can blame other people when it is not applied and when prostitution fails to disappear. And they can blame other people when it finally gets decriminalized.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Bill C-36
Will make the selling of sexe not criminal ?what will happen with the moneys earned from it ?And publicity illegal?
Servers transfered to protitution countries to avoid shut down and arrest and respecting Canadian Court issued warrants ?
What about the money earned from it in Canada?
Kind Regards


New Member
Jul 27, 2013
Norway's closely watched prostitution ban works, study finds

OSLO (Reuters) - Norway's ban on buying sex has reduced human trafficking and has not increased violence against women, as some had feared, a study commissioned by the government said.

Following the example of its neighbor Sweden, Norway criminalized buying sex in 2009, but critics said the law would push prostitution underground, making women more vulnerable and increasing the likelihood of violence against them.

Nations like Finland, France and England have adapted a partial ban, making it illegal to buy sex from a person who was trafficked or pimped. Foreign governments have been carefully watching the effectiveness of the more comprehensive Norwegian and Swedish approach, which punishes buying but not selling.

"This report does not find any evidence of more violence against prostitutes after the ban on buying sex entered into force," said the report, which was published on Monday.

"The enforcement of the law, in combination with the laws against trafficking and pimping, makes Norway a less attractive country for prostitution-based trafficking than what would have been the case if the law had not been adopted," it said.

However, the lower demand has resulted in lower prices, a problem for prostitutes who often come from poor countries and have few other options to earn a living, the report said.

The nearly 200-page report is based on six months of research, including interviews with male and female prostitutes, police and support organizations.

The Norwegian law applies to all its citizens anywhere, making it illegal for Norwegians to buy sex even in countries where the activity is accepted.

Penalties for breaking the law are set by local municipalities. In Oslo, Norway's largest city, convicted sex buyers face a 25,000 crown ($4,000) fine.

Norway's ruling parties have favored relaxing the law, but said any proposal to change it would be dependent on this study, which would form the backbone of the government's planned white paper, a precursor to any change in the legislation.

"This report shows that the law clearly has contributed to a reduction of demand and volume of prostitution in Norway, which is what it was intended to do," said Steinar Stroem, a professor at the University of Oslo and one of the study's authors.

Street prostitution in Oslo, the country's biggest city, is down between 35 to 60 percent from before the ban, while the indoor market has shrunk by 10 to 20 percent, the report said.

(Reporting by Joachim Dagenborg; Writing by Balazs Koranyi; Editing Crispian Balmer)

Hmmm. Correct me if I'm wrong, but prior to 1999, prostitution was legal in Norway for both the buying and selling sides. Since the buying of sex was criminalized five years ago, the study showed incall prostitution has dropped 10 to 20%. I'm not so sure that's a great statistical story if prostitution was 100% legal prior to 1999. I would have expected the decline to be greater. Also, the incidence of violence is impossible to prove so I'm suspecting some homemade statistics here to be consistent with the government's position. Not sure the Norway government wants to admit failure.


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2007
I don't understand what is all this shit anyways? whats wrong with the law canada has now? why change it??
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