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its Weiner's weiner ... the cover up is always worse


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
My thoughts exactly StefanoUS....

btw, maybe weiner can get together with his D buds, compare notes (if ya know what i mean) and have a weiner roast! :thumb: :lol:

Interesting take on it rumple. Doctored intelligence or not, jihadist terrorists murdered 3,000 innocent everyday working people of all faiths and nationalities ... and in your mind U.S. officials are the war criminals and should be charged for crimes? :confused:

If you hate Conservatives that fine, you're entitled. .
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Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello all,

Interesting take on it rumple. Doctored intelligence or not, jihadist terrorists murdered 3,000 innocent everyday working people of all faiths and nationalities ... and in your mind U.S. officials are the war criminals and should be charged for crimes? :confused:

If you hate Conservatives that fine, you're entitled. But to turn the blame around for the outright murder of thousands of innocent civilians in order to trivialize Weiner's actions is pathetic. Personally, I think the Weiner controversy is overblown by the media. His wife should be pissed and that's it, unless he was also doing it during working hours.

StefanoUS, I believe Rumples is referring to the fact that the Bush administration almost definitely tailored their evidence to go after Iraq and Saddam who had nothing to do with 911 as we now know, instead of Bin laden and Al Qaeda. The Jihadists who committed the terror had very little to no hold in Iraq, so the Bush use of 911 to target Saddam was a lie. The problem is proving Bush and the rest did it deliberately. Rumples isn't turning the blame around, he's saying it was put on the wrong foes. However, that episode and other slants really have no place in this thread.

Supposedly Weiner did send a naked weiner picture, according to Andrew Breitbart, who claims to have a photo of Weiner's.

You draw an interesting line.

I look at this a bit differently. I think that the person who did this is must more interesting than what he did. If you lived in NY, you would understand what I am saying. Weiner is a political attack dog. He is the first politician always calling for his opposition's head. Now, that the tables are turned, he is resisting pressures to be forced out. If it was Conservative Congressman Peter King of Long Island who was accused of doing this, Weiner would have been the first to do call for a resignation.

What he did was trivial. But he is an employee of the Government. As I said in this thread before, employees have been fired because they used company equipment to look at porn, etc. Why should a Congressman be different if he did use Government equipment?

If Weiner is an attack dog being hypocritical then he should be called on it just as severely as he would to others. Whether he used government equipment or time, or he sent photos of his exposed genitals to women is still in question as far it seems. Crossing those lines makes a difference in the whole equation of his continuing to serve in office according to ethical rules and/or laws. But if he is sending legal material on his own time through his personal property it's really up to the women who got the photos, his wife and the voters in the next election to decide what to do with him. Until any of those lines are crossed this should be just a...WHAT A DIPSTICK WEINER IS...thread.

mind you i didnt mention any specific political group or member by name.....its all just general comparison.
im just amazed that the picture in question is of a mans underwear.....
lets say it would have been a full erect member..standing up in all its glory..fully in the nude..then i would be more of a critic myself, regarding the issue.
but it wasnt.

True. So far, according to the provable facts that are out, all the guy is guilty of for now is questionable photo transmission, questionable loyalty to his wife, and questionable behavior against what is usually expected of a serving U.S. Representative.

BTW...did you know some New York fast food joint has made quite a large killing selling Weiners' hot weiners? Frankly, I wonder how people would find that kind of imagery a good selling point for their lunch...or a snack. Can mustard, onions and peppers, or whatever really make eating a Congressional weiner tasty??? Ish!


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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Does anyone know what Weiner's "therapy" or "treatment" is actually going to consist of? Is he going to see s shrink who is going to tell him, at the rate of $300/hour, that it's a bad idea to send out e-mails and twitter posts of an overtly sexual nature? Because I can give Weiner the same advice for free.

Kansas Frank

Does anyone know what Weiner's "therapy" or "treatment" is actually going to consist of? Is he going to see s shrink who is going to tell him, at the rate of $300/hour, that it's a bad idea to send out e-mails and twitter posts of an overtly sexual nature? Because I can give Weiner the same advice for free.

Hey EB -- the latest development in psycho therapy is "exposure therapy," wherein the patient is exposed to the stimuli that trigger the condition for which he is seeking treatment. I would respectfully suggest to Congressman Weiner to relocate to Montreal for a few months so that he can hire the local lovely SP's and expose his Weiner to them as much as his heart desires. :) He can identify himself as NY Sausage or Libéré Saucisse when he's booking.
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Actually KF I was just reading this morning's NY Post and there was an answer to my question. Weiner is apparently going for the same "therapy" or "treatment" that fellow sex addicts Tiger Woods, David Duchovny and Russell Brand had. It's called abstinence therapy and it requires abstinence from sex, masturbation and Internet surfing for 90 days. I am not sure I understand the rationale behind this therapy. Does the urge to have sex go away when you don't have any? I think the urge increases. I am not sure how Weiner is helped by this other than politically making it look like he is trying to help himself.

Kansas Frank

Actually KF I was just reading this morning's NY Post and there was an answer to my question. It's called abstinence therapy and it requires abstinence from sex, masturbation and Internet surfing for 90 days. I am not sure I understand the rationale behind this therapy. Does the urge to have sex go away when you don't have any? I think the urge increases. I am not sure how Weiner is helped by this other than politically making it look like he is trying to help himself.

I concur with you EB. He'd go Bananas! We all remember the wet dreams we had when we were teenagers. So, how do they prevent Weiner from having wet dreams. Show him photos of ugly people before he goes to sleep? Look at what inmates do in prisons -- the strong one turn the weak ones into bitches. I'd say Weiner go seek treatment from our legendary Eager Beaver. LOL! I think overexposing himself will likely be more curative -- so I'd say he get his Weiner to Montreal to liberate it. :) I'm certain our friends in Montreal's Hobbyland will take excellent care of him, very discreetly. He'll always have a happy ending after each treatment session. ;)


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Actually KF I was just reading this morning's NY Post and there was an answer to my question. Weiner is apparently going for the same "therapy" or "treatment" that fellow sex addicts Tiger Woods, David Duchovny and Russell Brand had. It's called abstinence therapy and it requires abstinence from sex, masturbation and Internet surfing for 90 days. I am not sure I understand the rationale behind this therapy. Does the urge to have sex go away when you don't have any? I think the urge increases. I am not sure how Weiner is helped by this other than politically making it look like he is trying to help himself.

Excellent point. When I am in a non-Hobby friendly environment and I want to take my chances by hiring a hooker the only way to beat this urge is to "beat off" and then I am OK for another day.

The best treatment may be the opposite of what the experts suggest. Case in point, I was in Brazil and I talked a Rio De Janeiro Termas girl into comng home with me after out session. She fucked me all night long. As the night went on pleasure turned into a burden and finally as exhaustion set in, the burden turned into pain. I was in Hobby land and I had to take the next night off. I was able to do two short sessions a week later and I lost my sex drive for Until late May.

Maybe we should send these guys to hobbyland and let them fuck themselves out? Then they can concentrate on thier work.
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Report: Weiner Sexted Photos Taken In US Congressional Gym

Attached is a report showing all new Weiner photographed poses which he sexted to women, allegedly taken in the US Congressional Gym. The pics are not that flattering in my opinion:

This guy is clearly obsessed with his own penis. Note the pic he took with a chokehold on his penis. I wonder if growing up with the name Weiner did this to him.

There was a guy in my high school graduating class who had a strange obsession with his cock, always talked about it and made bizarre penis jokes. About 20 years later, I read that he was arrested for exposing himself to a female college student. This was, apparently, his second such arrest. He was later convicted and he is now a registered sex offender.

Anyway this makes you wonder what else is out there and when is it going to end for Weiner. The major news story he needs to blow his name off the headlines of the New York City newspapers is not happening. Weiner's weiner continues to be the dominant news story in NYC.
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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
This story just keeps getting more and more bizarre, not to mention embarrassing to Weiner, his family, his friends and his party. Whats funny is that the ultra far out there, Barbara Walters, is actually defending him. (but of course no surprise) Here we have this lovable old woman who many have looked up to for years for her professional journalism (or so called) now defending this guy for what he has done. There goes any little bit of credibility she had left. I mean seriously, she is slapping all women in the face with Weiner, you know what i mean you pervs :lol:

Here is a clip, kinda funny how all of them disagree with her, and all are normally supportive of her "views" but Liz Hasselback.... i would of loved to have been a fly on the wall when they went to break after this segment, there lucky good ole Babs didnt fire them all on the spot! Had this been anyone else, that her "views" didnt agree with, she would of crucified that person. Such hypocrisy on that show anyways. Kinda funny at the end, Barbara is a horny thing, she loves the main subject of the pics in Weinergate 2011

Attached is a report showing all new Weiner photographed poses which he sexted to women, allegedly taken in the US Congressional Gym. The pics are not that flattering in my opinion:

This guy is clearly obsessed with his own penis. Note the pic he took with a chokehold on his penis. I wonder if growing up with the name Weiner did this to him.

There was a guy in my high school graduating class who had a strange obsession with his cock, always talked about it and made bizarre penis jokes. About 20 years later, I read that he was arrested for exposing himself to a female college student. This was, apparently, his second such arrest. He was later convicted and he is now a registered sex offender.

Anyway this makes you wonder what else is out there and when is it going to end for Weiner. The major news story he needs to blow his name off the headlines of the New York City newspapers is not happening. Weiner's weiner continues to be the dominant news story in NYC.


Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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Actually KF I was just reading this morning's NY Post and there was an answer to my question. Weiner is apparently going for the same "therapy" or "treatment" that fellow sex addicts Tiger Woods, David Duchovny and Russell Brand had. It's called abstinence therapy and it requires abstinence from sex, masturbation and Internet surfing for 90 days. I am not sure I understand the rationale behind this therapy. Does the urge to have sex go away when you don't have any? I think the urge increases. I am not sure how Weiner is helped by this other than politically making it look like he is trying to help himself.

Those therapists who treat "sex" addiction believe that an oversex person and a person who engages in deviant sex, is actually acting out other psychological problems thru sex. Before anyone jumps on me, deviant sex is defined as annonymous sex that puts a person in danger of damaging his health or getting arrested, thus damaging his reputation and perhaps career, marriage, etc. This definition is different in Canada than the US, since engaging in prostitution can get someone arrested in the US, where in Canada there are some instances where it is illegal and some that are not.

But anyhow, be that as it may, sexual exposure in public or sending pictures of himself to people he does not know as Weiner is demonstrating is definitely a form of deviation. In the case of Weiner, since he is a public figure, this is jeopardizing his career. What the therapists try to do is get the patients to address their underlying issues and abstinience is important because the sexual behavior is an escape from facing their issues. Some therapists think it is a brain chemical problem. Some think it is a childhood or developmental issue. Many think it can be a combination of both.

I personally don't get pleasure at seeing someone in a bad place, even if I disagree with his politics. I hope Weiner does get therapy and is able to control himself in the future. Hopefully, he will be more humble of a person if he works his way out of this. I doubt he will ever be nominated for mayor, and he has put his career in question for sure.

As far as prostitution goes, I engage in it where it is legal. I am very much of a liberterian in that I believe it should be legal in private places away from communities. I just mention this because of the definition that I gave above would cover prostitution, since it can be a taboo in many societies and people suffer the consequences if they get caught in those places.
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Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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This story just keeps getting more and more bizarre, not to mention embarrassing to Weiner, his family, his friends and his party. Whats funny is that the ultra far out there, Barbara Walters, is actually defending him. (but of course no surprise) Here we have this lovable old woman who many have looked up to for years for her professional journalism (or so called) now defending this guy for what he has done. There goes any little bit of credibility she had left. I mean seriously, she is slapping all women in the face with Weiner, you know what i mean you pervs :lol:

Here is a clip, kinda funny how all of them disagree with her, and all are normally supportive of her "views" but Liz Hasselback.... i would of loved to have been a fly on the wall when they went to break after this segment, there lucky good ole Babs didnt fire them all on the spot! Had this been anyone else, that her "views" didnt agree with, she would of crucified that person. Such hypocrisy on that show anyways. Kinda funny at the end, Barbara is a horny thing, she loves the main subject of the pics in Weinergate 2011

Whoopie Goldberg's response was quite interesting. She mentioned Congressman Chris Lee of NY who sent a shirtless photo of himself to a transexual that he was corresponding with via Craigslist. Lee, who is Republican and married, resigned the next day. Goldberg said that if we (the View Crew) said that Lee should resign, surely they have to say Weiner must resign for doing essentially the same thing. To not say that Weiner should resign would be hypocritical, Goldberg said.

Good clip, Igna.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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This story just keeps getting more and more bizarre, not to mention embarrassing to Weiner, his family, his friends and his party.

Just when I think it can't get any worse for Weiner, it does. It's literally gotten worse every day. Like someone else said earlier in this thread, I thought Weiner had a chance to survive if something big happened (another news story) to disrupt or distract this 24 hour news cycle on Weiner's weiner. But that has not happened, and every day there is a new layer of weird being added and Weiner is neither commenting nor denying. The Congressional Gym photos have to be an immense embarrassment to not only his party, but all of his colleagues.

At this point we don't know what else is out there and whether it will get weirder still. I suspect it might.

Somewhat ironically, Weiner has knocked the Dominique Strauss Kahn story out of the local papers. The DSK story is almost equally bizarre and of course involves criminal behavior, but obviously involving a foreign politician rather than a local one.
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Kansas Frank

Maybe we should send these guys to hobbyland and let them fuck themselves out? Then they can concentrate on thier work.

There has got to be good scientific research to support this view. IMHO, those who are sexually repressed are likely to develop a healthy appreciation and respect for sex, after they've been overexposed to sex, under proper supervision -- by sex experts. ;)

So, let Weiner go check into a nudist resort and let the Montreal's SP's "teach" him how to have sex without being preoccupied with his own Weiner. I think all of our favorite escort agencies in Montreal should reach out to Congressman Weiner's shrinks.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
If the highlighted words are any indication, the SP's might wanna provide him some Viagra first! :D

So, let Weiner go check into a nudist resort and let the Montreal's SP's "teach" him how to have sex without being preoccupied with his own Weiner. I think all of our favorite escort agencies in Montreal should reach out to Congressman Weiner's shrinks.


New Member
Apr 22, 2011
I just wonder, if his name was not Weiner if things would have died down by now. The press is having a field day with the guys name.

Kansas Frank

. . .the SP`s might wanna provide him some Viagra first! :D

69 -- Viagra might help but as you know, most of the SP`s in Montreal are masterful at reviving Weiners. :) I`ve received the best `s from Montreal`s SP`s! :thumb::nod::D

Kansas Frank

I just wonder, if his name was not Weiner if things would have died down by now. The press is having a field day with the guys name.

You are right. Ironically, Weiner, a common surname among German Amerians, means "wine merchant" in Yiddish.
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Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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I just wonder, if his name was not Weiner if things would have died down by now. The press is having a field day with the guys name.

I don't think so, but it makes it even that more of an odd story. Looking at the picture of Weiner taking a pic of himself in the Congressional gym with him clutching his weiner with a towel is too much. This guy has some psychological issues. The rest of the Dem party wants very much to get rid of him and distance himself from him.
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