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January visit to Montreal -- Is it worth with all the cold weather ?


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I don’t understand the logic of rushing to Montreal to sit in a hotel room and walk around in temperatures in the teens with blowing snow.

For me this is a problem anytime in Montreal (sitting in a room waiting for a knock on the door). It can be especially bad in the winter. That is why it was great to go the week of a GT and meet up with other MERBites for drinks, dinners, breakfasts, coffee. It was always a lot of fun. Yes, the service is super in Montreal but I like the German FKK or Brazilian Termas/Privy scene. The Montreal parties reminded me of this...In fact they were even better. Hopefully, the head Unicorn will throw another one this winter. However, if it were business, I would jump at a trip anytime of the year. A free trip to Hobbyland!!!! Weeeeeeeee!!!!! Or maybe I should say Ouuuuiiiii!!!!


New Member
Jan 2, 2018
Yes it’s worth it. I’m visiting now and I find the cold weather invigorating. There’s plenty to do, the food and drink is good, the hotel rooms and flights are cheap. Not a lot of tourists around. I love it.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
A free trip to Hobbyland!!!! Weeeeeeeee!!!!! Or maybe I should say Ouuuuiiiii!!!!

And at some point each day in montreal it's Je jooouuuuuiiiiiiiiiiiis! ;)

Altought I do not attend parties I once in a while go for beer with other merbiste. That is how I met SSJ, Shyman and few others. Do not be shy to ask out of towners. There should be a thread on seeking other pervert merbiste for social beer time ;)



Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2006
I also find the cold weather invigorating and enjoy my winter visits to Montreal. I would caution to bring appropriate cold weather gear though, including a scarf. If you have to walk a few blocks and it's really cold with the wind blowing in your face, your face is going to sting.


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2006
If ever interested, Playa Escorts (Pleasure Palace) is a legal brothel. I can get an hour in jacuzzi room for $300 - $350, but 50% of girls offer only CBJ. 100% offer CFS for the $300 rate. Not nearly as good of a hobbying destination as Montreal or NNJ/NYC but the beach, temperatures and all inclusive nature do compensate for the CBJ limitation and pricing at the legal brothel. Not sure what way I’m leaning but it’s a 1st World problem to have. Lol

Agree PDC is a fun place. I love the completely nondescript, no-sign metal gate front of PP. Nobody would have a clue what's inside. I never paid full price there though. If you just walk up and half pretend you are interested, they will show you the lineup to entice you. Then when the lady comes back and hits you with the tourist gouging pricing, just say you don't have that much on you. Be hesitant and indicate maybe you will come back later. Then make an offer. I negotiated $160 for 40 minutes last time. They don't want you and your money to leave. Well it worked for me last time. Very hot girls there.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2017
Mistral, you are so correct and you’ve gotten a much better rate than I. I generally pay $300 for a jacuzzi room for one hour. They’ll throw in beer or wine if I make a second visit during a trip. If you tip the manager $20 you can often get GFE service and more time added to the session. They sent down a girl whose pic I liked from the Cancun location one time. Exactly right. They don’t want you to leave and will discount so you don’t. Overall, it’s not Montreal quality but I’ve had some fun times there. It’s a good place to go late at night after the bars. Now you got me leaning towards hitting Playa instead of Montreal. Lol


New Member
Nov 7, 2016
Hi all

Thank you for lot of information.

Yes, it is free trip (of course except hobby expenses :)

So I decided to take the cold plunge and make the trip from Jan 15th to 19th

I would love to meet for beer with other merbiste.

And yes, I will be over dressed with multiple clothing layers and scarves :)


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2012
I have made a trip the past 3 out of four winters during February. The 2014 and 2015 trips were really cold. I was nearly suffered frostbite and I swore off future trips but I went back again in 2017. I probably will make a trip next month. Dress warm and use Uber. Buy a thin comfortable layer of long underwear and wear them on the plane. Bring hats and gloves and scarves warm socks and boots. If it gets too cold you can always have outcalls. The girls are used to it and they will get there rain, sleet, or snow.

what's there to do for most of the day? can't take a 3 hour stroll like in other months.


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
I was in Montreal during the blizzard of March, 2017. I was supposed to leave the day the storm hit, but I had to extend my stay by 2 days. You have to be prepared for the possibility of extreme cold and/or a snowstorm. I experienced both while I was there.

Nevertheless I had a great trip. I had a quintessentially Montreal experience-I went to a Canadiens game (with 17K crazy fans) while a winter storm was at its height outside.

After the snow finally stopped the next day, I enjoyed walking around downtown and in Old Montreal and seeing the city with a fresh, deep coating of snow. If you haven't experienced that, then you haven't experienced all the facets of life in Montreal.

I also enjoyed visits to the Museum of Fine Arts (including a special exhibit on Chagall) and the National Library. I went to the Festival of Lights one night though it was so cold (before the storm hit) that I had to keep ducking into the Complexe Desjardins to warm up.

With the metro and the tunnels it's easy to move around the city without spending much time outdoors.

I had no trouble booking escorts on a same day basis and I met a great new girl from Vogue (who unfortunately retired later last year). I went to the Downtown Club a couple nights.

I enjoyed leisurely meals. Did some shopping. Stopped for coffee and read the papers. I also got to stay at the Vogue for the last 2 days of my stay (after I booked it on Hotwire when I had to postpone my departure).

All in all, winter is a great time to visit Montreal as long as you approach it with a positive attitude and come prepared to deal with Mother Nature. If you really love Montreal, then you will love it at any time of the year.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Great story Captain. I once left for a trip to the East Coast with the final destination of Montreal. When I got there I found I did not have a warm enough coat so I went shopping in the underground mall and I bought a long grey woolen dress coat and the sales lady selected a matching scarf. It is one of my favorite articles of clothing and I have received several compliments.

I love the winter in Quebec, especially in Quebec City. Stay at the Marriott Courtyard which is a snowball''s throw from the gated city. There is a really beautiful outdoor by the ice rink and the restaurants are fantastic. You can walk down to lower town and imbibe in one of many of the quaint bars there. I remembered watching the QC municipality remove snow with the worlds largest snow blower. It was a truck mounted snowblower making about 1.5 MPH while blowing snow into lumber trucks that were traveling along side it at about 3-5 MPH. Each truck would be completely full after they passed the truck mounted snowblower. There were dozens of trucks waiting their turn to be filled. Amazing! They know what to do with snow in Quebec. It was during this trip that I first considered myself a hobbyist.

Getting a girl has never been a problem due to winter. The girls may smell like cigarette smoke but that's OK (what is it about the winter that makes cigarette smoke stick to clothing?) Montreal is really beautiful and the snow doesn't stop the city from functioning. I had a problem a few times with my face nearly freezing while walking but the good times drinking with other Merbites and meeting girls made up for it.


Active Member
Oct 29, 2013
Sex Prison USA
Just drove up from NYC. The drive wasn't bad in the Adirondacks if you have snow tires or AWD. Light snow. Right lane was semi-plowed. Left lane had a light layer of snow. AWD allowed me to pass the slow traffic using the left lane; just be smart and don't attempt to speed up to pass another vehicle while going downhill or with a curve coming up.

Really didn't have any issues with the road......until I got into Montreal. All the streets were covered with snow. The rental X3 with all season tires spun a little bit climbing Robert-Bourassa and a bit of fishtail when turning corners. Otherwise it was pleasant drive.
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