I don’t understand the logic of rushing to Montreal to sit in a hotel room and walk around in temperatures in the teens with blowing snow.
For me this is a problem anytime in Montreal (sitting in a room waiting for a knock on the door). It can be especially bad in the winter. That is why it was great to go the week of a GT and meet up with other MERBites for drinks, dinners, breakfasts, coffee. It was always a lot of fun. Yes, the service is super in Montreal but I like the German FKK or Brazilian Termas/Privy scene. The Montreal parties reminded me of this...In fact they were even better. Hopefully, the head Unicorn will throw another one this winter. However, if it were business, I would jump at a trip anytime of the year. A free trip to Hobbyland!!!! Weeeeeeeee!!!!! Or maybe I should say Ouuuuiiiii!!!!