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Licking Pussy


New Member
Mar 5, 2019
I would really really really want to daty at every session with my provider but I'm just worried about contracting something. Maybe I'm a germaphobe person but can someone clarify if I do lick pussy I cannot and will not contract a disease?

Always hungry.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner

No one can guarantee that, just like every time you cross the street or get into a car you could be injured.
chances are not high though, there is plenty of information in the health section of Merb on this and on the Internet , google is your friend.


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
I agree with Fradi , there is no guarantee. There will always be a possibility of contracting some form of STD and the link between HPV and oral sex has been well documented. So I’m not downplaying the dangers but at the same time this HPV virus can also be passed on by kissing mouth to mouth, no ? Plenty of information online to be more aware and we could and should try to be more selective with who we choose to perform oral on but in the end there will always be risks . The same way we can get hit by a bus tomorrow. But one sure way of making this unpleasurable for both parties involved is to worry sick about it . With s mindset like that best to stick with lollipops.


New Member
Mar 5, 2019

No one can guarantee that, just like every time you cross the street or get into a car you could be injured.
chances are not high though, there is plenty of information in the health section of Merb on this and on the Internet , google is your friend.

Checked Google alot. Read a bunch of articles but only get the PC answer of: yes you can but a low chance. Would love some first hand real world answers from you guys.


Active Member
Mar 1, 2012

A friend has been doing this for years. (20?)
During that time, many tests.

One STD known. Chlamydia
Almost surely from a lady via BBBJ.
Easy to cure with antibiotics.
Almost surely one or 2 HPV strains. Sometimes you feel HPV briefly for a week. A bit.
Very hard to know how many. But seemed to show up once or twice on tests.

Pretty sure I know it is active for maybe 2 weeks and then mainly dormant.
It can cause cancer (people think). Long gestation.
As you know, cancer is caused by MANY things. Some people get it, some do not.

So, based on this and the people he was seeing (people who mostly take care of themselves and are fairly safe about sex)....
Seems pretty darn safe to see. But no guarantee.
But exactly the same can be said of civvie sex.
The only (likely) difference is number of partners.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Checked Google alot. Read a bunch of articles but only get the PC answer of: yes you can but a low chance. Would love some first hand real world answers from you guys.

That is about all you are going to get, there are a number of charts out there that give you the same information as on one of the Merb threads in the health section. Of the likely hood of getting each different STD from a specific sexual act as a giver and receiver.
These are from ligit places and they are pretty much the same so I don't see why it wouldn't be true.

As far as real live accounts from members or SP, do you honestly think anybody is going to say, oh yeah I got this and that and it wasn't a big deal.

i am more than willing to take a chance on oral sex, but not on sky diving, heights scare me , pussy and a nice ass doesn't.


New Member
Jan 6, 2013
I haven't read through all 6 pages of this thread, so forgive me if it has been asked:
What is the equivalent of a "glory hole" (anonymous cock sucking) but for pussy licking?


Active Member
Mar 1, 2012
Hi Fradi,

Two comments.
If a lady smells nice and takes care of herself (lots of little clues), then I think the chances on pussy licking are WAY low.
Still, Ass-to-Mouth.... I draw the line. Too many germs, and they can mess you up (digestion, etc). Some like it, I do not doubt the pleasure, but I am not doing it.
Just sayin'. (You did not say anything to the contrary....your comments just made me think of the issue.)


Active Member
Mar 1, 2012
One or two people have mentioned (to me offline) that they enjoyed this thread and learned from it.

So, I assume you all have been investigating in your own research labs. What have you learned or noticed lately?

LADIES: Tell us how you like to be licked. (Tell us what your friend wanted. Tell us what your lesbian lover wanted.) How the hell are we going to learn? Please tell us. We love you, we want to please you. (Yes, we also want to be pleased. A different thread.)


Some women like face-sitting. They like the control, the sense they are making the man do it, that he can't escape. She holds her pussy just above the man's mouth. Sometimes it extends to real sitting on the mouth and face and head. In theory suffocation could careful out there kids. In practice, she can watch you be teased, reach out with your tongue, guide you to certain things. (Did she want DATO? For example.) Depending exactly how she does it, it may require some muscles on her part. Muscle tone, gym-work.

Some women like to move their pelvis. So, the tongue stays almost still, while she moves her pelvis to get the tongue to just the right places at just the right speed and pressure. With the ache and the tension of almost being there. So, it's a mental tease as well.


Active Member
Jun 25, 2018
Nothing new here I'm afraid, but I will reinforce that asking a woman where she likes to be touched, be licked, where her g-spot is, etc is instrumental. Some ladies may also tell you this without prompt when you go feast on them.

One technique I happened to use recently was quite the delight for the other party. After sufficient warm up, suck the nipple into your mouth a little past the aureola, and while holding the breast in place with your lips, lick the nipple while it is inside of your mouth. A very cautious addition of lightly nibbling and/or lightly biting the nipple can be added as well, but this must be done slowly initially and it can be difficult to do as you are already using your lips to hold the breast in place. This technique may have been mentioned prior, being an evolution of sucking, and if it was, I do apologize.


Active Member
Nov 17, 2016
I like DATY. It's a bit hard for me to admit, because I'm generally a clean, safe sex kind of guy, but I really enjoy using my tongue on her tongue, pussy and even ass. This is very dangerous, I think because these are all exposed mucus membranes and therefore easier to transmit disease. But so far so good.

I'm glad I came across this thread because I've had a bunch of thoughts that have crossed my mind on DATY.

I like DATY because it can be a way for me to get the WG to show desire. Some girls will do whatever you want, but oftentimes I am skeptical if she's really into it. I know more than likely she's not. This is a time-limited paid interaction, after all.

Still, I want a full-throated reaction, which can be a tough demand. Some of the better WGs will act it out, but sometimes it's done badly and then I feel like a dupe. The opposite is also possible, sometimes I do turn her on, but she's the type to react quietly.

When I do my job right with DATY though, it's almost a sure signal that I've turned her on, because I can tell she's wet and she uses no lube. Oftentimes, I can also tell from the smell. It's not a delectable smell on principle, but I've learned over time what it means (that her juices are flowing) and that makes it very intoxicating.

It's also a turn on to see a woman want me, or at least my tongue, is small, subtle ways, to have her move her hips in search of my tongue, to have her fingers brush the hairs on my head and pull my face in close. I've had experiences where I know she's not complimenting me because when I reach up to fondle her breasts, she slightly risks offense by batting my hands away. She's just concentrating on her own pleasure.

In my experience, most WGs have been thrilled when I've offered to give DATY. It might be that it's rare, but it could also be just that they can avoid pounding for a little longer.

In one of my recent encounters, a WG yelped in pain when I went at DATY with far too much vigor. In more recent encounters, I've been far slower and delicate, and it seems to be appreciated. I may have been doing the DATY equivalent of jackhammering in the past.

It's harder to get the delicate touch right, though. My instinct has been to match the way I put my mouth to her delicates with the way she puts her mouth to mine, but now I'm thinking I have to be a lot more gentle.

It's tricky, because she's done the sexual equivalent of breakdancing for me, and here I'm trying to do a delicate waltz for her.

One other thing, after being with WGs and trying to learn from them: A lot of girls I've been with (not necessarily in MTL) don't swallow. As you might expect, you tend to pool up a lot of saliva when your mouth is open for so long -- think about what happens when you're at the dentist! A lot of WGs take that pooled saliva and spit it into a nearby napkin. I guess that's for health reasons... if you swallow it, some of it can infect your throat. I haven't learned to not swallow yet.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2017
Given all the health risks involved, I'd say performing unprotected oral is horrible idea.

Indeed it's not a great idea per say, though of all the sexual activities, oral on a girl is one of the safest things a man can do. Probably safer than receiving a bbbj.


Active Member
Mar 1, 2012
I get tested regularly. I got one thing one time (over years...) from all the girls I have see. (I have not seen the most, but also not the fewest....) It was cured with antibiotics. Almost surely from BBBJ, not DATY.

Now, HPV...if I were younger, I'd get that vaccine.

I do NOT do DATO. I bet it feels great. (I'm sure I would love her reaction.) I do not know enough, but it seems edgy health-wise to me.

Maybe I should try a finger back there.
Not consciously, but in the back of my mind, I feel I should wash that finger after use before it goes much further, and I am afraid I will forget to do so. Still, it is wonderful to touch and be touched.

Main point: If you see the right girls, I think health risk is low for DATY ....from my experience. Ask your doctor, who is probably seeing even more highly priced girls..... hehe. (By that I mean... I assume higher price roughly equates to "taking care of yourself" in more tests and doctor visits with good doctors.


Active Member
Mar 1, 2012
News from the field.
The sucking idea. (Who suggested that first above?)
Anyway, good feedback from the field. For some ladies, rather intense. Go easy until you have tested the waters.
Not sure that all ladies would orgasm from it. Might be too intense.
But it makes a good middle course before the cheers at dessert.

Every woman is a lovely thing to discover. Remember that you are licking her mind, as much as anything else.

Share your learnings....


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2012
I get tested regularly. I got one thing one time from all the girls I see. (I have not seen the most, but also not the fewest....) It was cured with antibiotics. Almost surely from BBBJ, not DATY.

Now, HPV...if I were younger, I'd get that vaccine.

i had a doc tell me his own pro opinion... the big reason why the HPV shot was capped off to be less useful for adults was driven by the perceived cost. if cost is not a hinderance to you, get it even if you're past the set age as there's still benefit. there's less benefit but there's still protection he said.


Active Member
Mar 1, 2012
Hi all,

Mr P said that he learned something from this thread. So I am BUMPing it now.

Also, if HE can learn something, then you all can!
(Teasing in several ways.)

And it’s a new year!


Ladies: Please give us more advice.

Gents: What have you learned lately from your field research? Please share!

(Does that sound playful? I hope so.)

Some suggestions or contributions from me…. can’t remember if I am repeating…some, yes.

1. Repeat. Try things that have worked before.
2. Every woman can be different. And each woman can be different at a different time. Try new things. Use your imagination!
3. Set a mood (“Strike a pose” some will remember.) But set a mood, and let it work with her mood.
4. You are licking her mind (or her brain, or her feelings) as much as anything else. Don’t just lick her pussy, let her feel that you are licking her mind.
5. Show that you want it! Lots of ways to show. Talking about it out loud can be good.
6. Make her talk, and tell you specifically if she is liking something.
7. Listen. Her sounds, her every muscle is talking to you. Her wetness. Listen carefully.
8. Make her put her hand in yours. Listen to the hand. Have her put her hands on your head. They will talk to you!
9. Build it up. She will start not so warmed up. Tease her. Get her warmed up slowly. Lots of ways.
We should start another thread about sucking nipples and licking breasts. Apparently also, a lot to be learned.
10. Find something that gets her motor running. If you think it is the thing, hold it and come back to it.
11. Keep doing a variety of things. Don’t switch too often.
12. When you think she has built up enough tension. After you have teased her enough….
13. Come back more and more often to the motor thing. Give her confidence you will stick to it. Then patiently keep doing it until her bubble pops. For some, it take a while…
14. After: Tell her she is beautiful. Highly recommended. And that she tastes good. And that you really enjoyed it.


Talk to us!

Help those who want to try new things!

1. Women are wonderful and deserve this!
2. Hearing a woman have pleasure is absolutely wonderful! And to know you had something to do with making it happen…wow!
3. “and in the end, the love you take is…equal…to…the ….love…you make.” (Cf Abbey Road)
If you do this better than the average guy (not hard) women will give back a LOT!

Finally, if I can learn how to do this better (and objective observers have said so) at my old age, then definitely YOU can. You can learn this! (And there is a lot to learn!)

IMO, no man knows how to do this right every time. (Right being defined as she will have an orgasm.) 1. At any given moment, she may not be in the mood for an orgasm. 2. The technique or whatever that she needs now is NOT what you have now. … So do not take it personally. In part, she is responsible for her own orgasms. You can’t MAKE her. So, usually, even is she only has fun (no O), she will still appreciate it.

And it gives you more to learn for later!!


Active Member
Oct 13, 2019
Many thank for the bump Harwell.
I also learned so nice things from that post.

I indeed agree with you on point no.1 : Women are wonderful and deserve the best!

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
IM not big on reading
I love eating pussy and reaming their assholes

everyone gets comments on many things their looks style.... build ....status ....size of their dick....personality

i had teh gardasil vaccine 3 shots to protect agains hpv
and i had the twinrix shot to protect against hep a and b
and to be responsable i get tested 1x a year and keep a journal of sexual activity
to date never had a std

1 of a few comments i always got was where the f--k did you learn to eat pussy like that

on the flip of that i have met a few workign girls who i cant believe they suck dick for a living as they are terrible at it

i had a stripper i saw back in the 80s from supesex she was bi and if she had the choice she always took me over her girlfriend
and 1 thing which distingushed her from very woman i ever say and thats in that is over 600
when i was with her she never took her eyes off me,i mean she was fixated,its teh most increadable thing i can ever remember
every woman has commented me on my looks and build but msot dont like to ''stare'' like that for many reasons i guess
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