Sweet Angle Smile
Montreal Escorts

Long term arrangements


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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What R the Man said above is exactly the way to do it and the way I did it in visiting Montreal. You don't text a girl every day between trips, just when you are coming and where she wants to go for dinner etc. Just the relevant and important details. Girls don't like needy and clingy guys and Vice Versa, this topic has already been covered. Many girls even say in their SA profiles they don't want to text endlessly, this is code to "get down to fucking business" and that "no needy/clingy types need apply." The Code is common sense basically and if you can't figure it out......well I will let you fill in the blanks.
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Apr 18, 2021
how much do you guys usually spend on a date ? I am from States, but looking at Montreal for first time.


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Aug 10, 2011

I'm back on SA since one year. Is it me or the requested fee have blowned up? before, in my experience, 300 was fine, now its more 500-600, and not for the top profiles


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Aug 13, 2004
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Merci pour vos inputs.

Pour Jessica et Victoria je vous confirme qu'elles n'utilisaient pas leur vrai photos. Ça leur ressemblaient vaguement tout au plus.

Celle que je rencontre jeudi soir ne me demande rien, on s'est fixé un point de rencontre, on à échangé nos cells, on à texté un peu, elle m'a envoyé plusieurs photos qui semblent legit.

Les deux autres que je suis supposé rencontrer, l'une me demande 150$, l'autre me demande 220$!!!! Celle à 220$ c'est une asiatique format mini aux seins refaits. Mais c'est justement ça qui me gosse, les deux sont des pitounes de première si je me fie à leur photos, mais en même temps ça ressemble à une foutue arnaque de se faire payer un lunch, collecter du cash et me faire dire "ça fonctionnera pas finalement".

Enfin bref, à suivre...

Edit 29/07/2021: finalement j'ai tout annulé. Afin de ne pas avoir de surprise, je clarifie avec celle que je devais voir jeudi que c'était bien une rencontre exploratoire pour voir si ça clique. Elle me pique une crise en me disant que pour elle l'arrangement était débuté car on avait fait un peu de sexting et qu'elle m'avait envoyé des photos!!! Faque elle s'attendait que je lui donne 400$ pour aller souper et prendre un verre (en sachant très bien que je n'étais pas dispo après pour aller à l'hôtel!!!). Wtf? Je lui ai dis que l'arrangement commençait quand le cul commençait et que si je voulais aller juste jaser je me bookerais un psy et que ça allait me coûter moins cher. Elle à pas aimé... Je vais m'en tenir aux escortes et massos, je suis clairement pas assez habile socialement pour naviguer sur ce site!!!

Je suis content d'entendre vos histoires. J'avais envisagé m'inscrire à SA, mais après mure réflexion, je crois que je vais attendre. $ 500, c'est quand même un bon montant, sans avoir l'assurance que ce sera agréable.
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Aug 13, 2004
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Salut LilouDallas,

Merci infiniment de ton post. Tu viens de me sauver beaucoup d'argent! Je suis en contact avec elles depuis hier, et on était en train de planifier un rencontre demain soir, devine ou? Au Idéal de Laval! Je confirme leur noms... Celle qui m'écrit est Jessica, et l'autre c'est Victoria! Disons que c'est surement pas juste une coincidence!


Allo CoolAmadeus, fais-leur une joke. Raconte-leur l'histoire de LilouDallas en changeant les noms et vois leur réaction.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I read some of the posts in this thread but the thread is rather lengthy. With everything closed in Canada especially in Quebec (restaurants and bars), how is one to meet up with a potential from SA? Normally I would meet at a public place like a restaurant or a coffee shop. Seems the only option is at a hotel or at your home. Someone mentioned these girls do not want to be treated like escorts. I imagine the attitudes of Americans vs Canadians is different with respect to sexuality? Especially with the very hostile nature for prostitution in the US?


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Jul 11, 2003
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In non Covid pandemic times, you ideally want to meet at a restaurant the first time. I can think of 2 different women I met in Montreal through SA, one of whom I repeated with and the other I did not. I let them choose where to meet and one picked Dundees and the other picked Deville Dinerbar. These dates were both pre-Covid in 2015 or 2016. The one I met at Dundee's was a mixed racial black girl, the other one was white. The Dundee's girl I ended up seeing a few times after including for my birthday in 2016. BTW that was the only time ever I ate a meal at Dundee's. Was there many times to have drinks and watch basketball games, but with the SA girl was the only time I ever ordered food. Was OK. She took a taxi to meet me there. I think I gave her money for the taxi home, cannot recall.

You are correct that, in general, you never want to hookerize a lady on SA as by requesting a first meeting at a hotel, but there is an exception to the general rule for profiles that are obviously of escorts. And you will know those profiles when you see them- they are a small % but are there and 100% can be recognized, usually there is escort like photography and escort website like language as opposed to the usual bio you see. When you see those profiles and the girl is RECENTLY ACTIVE (save various searches based on your criteria like black or mixed, body type preferred, age preferred) and then do that search sorted by RECENTLY ACTIVE. When you see a girl that is recently active and you recognize her from Cleo's, that's where I would break the rule and broker a first meeting at one of the new Hyatts (if they have opened, otherwise lowest 3 star available). After that you know what to do.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I noticed a few profiles that suggests the girls are there for sex for money. I am inexperienced with SA. However in Quebec everything is closed so to be able to make any kind of NSA date with any girl it would have to be at a hotel or at your residence. The girls are not stupid and they know that. Montreal for Canada is a moderate place to meet Black girls, Toronto is the place they have triple the amount of Blacks. I am open to other races, I turned my filter to Latina and Middle Eastern. I used to see many stripper profiles but not anymore. Are there any other websites similar to Seeking?


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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There are at least a dozen or so other similar sites. Do a search and you will find them. They are all different, but in many cases you see girls registered on SA also registered on the other sites. I did try a few other ones and didn't like them that much. The most recent one I tried is called "Elite Meets Beauty." I think it's cheaper than SA but also has way less "inventory", and most of the "inventory" are ladies who I recognize from SA. Another one is called "Sugar Daddy Meet", or something like that.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Same thing I noticed... Seeking seems to have the most inventory.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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SA increased to $109(USD) per month now but less than that if you book 3 or 6 months membership. In the past they also ran 33% off membership specials on holidays. It's a lock they will have one on Valentine's Day which is just over 2 weeks away.
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The Longest Title in MERB
Mar 16, 2003
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I'm trying to buy on Google play and it's 160 CDN
Google play tax? Sign up direct via web browser. Depending on your target market, the pickings can be a bit limited for now due to covid fears.


Active Member
Aug 25, 2019
I have used Secret Benefits. It's definitely work, but I have met some great people on it


The Longest Title in MERB
Mar 16, 2003
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I have used Secret Benefits. It's definitely work, but I have met some great people on it
I used Secret Benefits some time back, it charges for each interaction, right? Does it work better in Montreal?

Honestly, I dislike Seeking but it seems to be the most widely used despite all its shortcomings.


Active Member
Feb 29, 2012
SA increased to $109(USD) per month now but less than that if you book 3 or 6 months membership. In the past they also ran 33% off membership specials on holidays. It's a lock they will have one on Valentine's Day which is just over 2 weeks away.
25% off, just got the email today


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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25% off, just got the email today
33% off. I post below a screen shot of the email I got:
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