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Loss of interest

The Mac

Active Member
Apr 13, 2008
J’ai perdu beaucoup d’intérêt pour le "hobby" depuis le covid. Avant je voyais des filles au moins 2-3 fois par mois mais depuis 2020 toutes mes régulière on arrêter les prix sont rendu tellement élevé comparer à il y a quelques années que TOFTT est rendu plus risqué côté monétaire ça dois être frustrant payer 250-300$/h si le service est pas à la hauteur. Je crois que j’ai vu une fille deux fois cette année lol je m’ennuie du bon vieux temps 2015-2019


Jul 5, 2008
Just being honest, after all we are posting on a paid sex forum. Did you come here for the golf tips?
Following your anology would I then be wrong to presume that you see women as meant to be fucked?


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2018
C'est bien beau penser aux femmes et les désirer mais je connais très peu d'activités qui réussissent à faire le vide mentalement à part le golf.
Moi j'ai hâte aux jours où j'aurai moins envie d'aller voir des escortes.
C'est rendu beaucoup trop dispendieux ce hobby pour le retour sur investissement.
J'ai souvent des questionnements sur l'intérêt de poursuivre cette activité.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
Following your anology would I then be wrong to presume that you see women as meant to be fucked?
The purpose of escorts is exactly this: to free your mind and time for other useful activities than fuck. I regret of not having money and discovering the escort world in my youth when I spent most of my time trying to get some girl into bed instead of hard study and carrier building. Now, in an advanced age, this hobby helps me to use precious time left in my life for other useful activity than fuck as setting appointments and go through them takes a few hours per month at most.


New Member
Apr 8, 2023
J’ai perdu beaucoup d’intérêt pour le "hobby" depuis le covid. Avant je voyais des filles au moins 2-3 fois par mois mais depuis 2020 toutes mes régulière on arrêter les prix sont rendu tellement élevé comparer à il y a quelques années que TOFTT est rendu plus risqué côté monétaire ça dois être frustrant payer 250-300$/h si le service est pas à la hauteur. Je crois que j’ai vu une fille deux fois cette année lol je m’ennuie du bon vieux temps 2015-2019
True dat!


New Member
Apr 8, 2023
Like everything in life you get fed up of anything. Some guys will fuck till the day they die. Some won't. I'm not gonna lie this shitty summer weather is not helping at all. And winter will come soon again. I've had a few friends suicide over winter seasons. The lack of vitamin D is something....anyways try to cheer up dude

Thor Jr

Wǎnshàng hǎo tiānshǐ
Jul 24, 2008
Men are meant to fuck, not golf
Nothing wrong with doing both...Tee time at 6am and let Jessica be my par 3 at the 19th hole, my 7 iron is always ready. And then cap off the day with a nice massage with any of the wonderful ladies out there of your choosing.

Just enjoy in life what you most desire.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2012
Like everything in life you get fed up of anything. Some guys will fuck till the day they die. Some won't. I'm not gonna lie this shitty summer weather is not helping at all. And winter will come soon again. I've had a few friends suicide over winter seasons. The lack of vitamin D is something....anyways try to cheer up dude
Maybe they should get out of their lazy-boys...Incredible what you can do outside when wearing proper clothes.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2012
Guys who r noticing a loss of interest in sex should go for a full blood work up, could be a thyroid, testosterone or even cholestrol problem. Could also be a mental problem so an antidepressant like Wellbutrin might help if Prozac or Lexapro makes junior go to sleep. Men are meant to fuck, not golf or garden.

Thor Jr

Wǎnshàng hǎo tiānshǐ
Jul 24, 2008
Maybe they should get out of their lazy-boys...Incredible what you can do outside when wearing proper clothes.
Yes, grab a book and go down by the river and sit on the bench wearing loose shorts and watch all the beautiful ladies with tight shirts and spandex jogging along.

This message is being brought to you by a non profit Organization and does not represent our actual views of women or in any way to disrespect women in nature. We hold a high standard of respect and admiration for women at all times. We do not warrant this kind of behavior in any way.

Thank you,
Lou Cipher


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2012
Yes, grab a book and go down by the river and sit on the bench wearing loose shorts and watch all the beautiful ladies with tight shirts and spandex jogging along.

This message is being brought to you by a non profit Organization and does not represent our actual views of women or in any way to disrespect women in nature. We hold a high standard of respect and admiration for women at all times. We do not warrant this kind of behavior in any way.

Thank you,
Lou Cipher
Well...I was thinking more about grabbing a snowboard...
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Rosie Sparkles

Supporting Member
Sep 14, 2016
Of course if you are looking only for sex and not connection it sill get boring fast af. As for the "providers only care about money" talk... I am sorry but we do live in a neoliberalism society, we all need to work and make money to survive. Maybe book a companion that is more advertising the experience you want. I have clients I am dying to see leave my incall, when they are dull and only care about the boobies for exemple. As for others, I develop relatoinship, trust and I am always glad to hear from them. I root for them. We are humans after all, we thrive in connections and sometimes it clicks better with someone.

Paying for companionship is a service. You are paying for not having to entertain someone everyday, expectations are clear about the time frame and activities. Dating can suck ass honestly, you need to have the patience. I feel a good comparison is that you could 100% cook yourself dinner, take cooking lessons even. But sometimes you dont want to think too much about it and just enjoy a good meal made by an expert. Some restaurant are more your vibe than others.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2019
Guys who r noticing a loss of interest in sex should go for a full blood work up, could be a thyroid, testosterone or even cholestrol problem. Could also be a mental problem so an antidepressant like Wellbutrin might help if Prozac or Lexapro makes junior go to sleep. Men are meant to fuck, not golf or garden.
Nobody said this. Ever.

Should read what the thread is about before making up your own topic to discuss to display what a MAN you are

This topic was about
I used to be a semi active person in this... hobby? But lately I've lost almost complete interest in it. Maybe it's the last minute cancelations by providers
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Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2017
Nobody said this. Ever.

Should read what the thread is about before making up your own topic to discuss to display what a MAN you are

This topic was about
Exactly! I don’t need to get blood work, or any physical check up!! That’s not the issue. I used to hobby regularly, at times averaging 1 appointment per week.

Now I’ve lost interest for reasons mentioned in my post: sometimes difficult to book popular agency ladies in the summer; agencies booking clients back to back makes appointments feel rushed; Indy rates have increased, so have to cut down if I go that route; not much luck with TOFTT lately; cancellations, etc.

There are peaks and valleys in this hobby. I’m sure the urge will come back, especially when I can see some my favourite ladies!


The Longest Title in MERB
Mar 16, 2003
Beer Factory
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Nobody said this. Ever.

Should read what the thread is about before making up your own topic to discuss to display what a MAN you are

This topic was about
It was implied and it’s a related relevant topic. Besides, you are seriously telling everyone that you have never ever gone slightly off-topic within a thread? C’mon, get real.

And when you’re done with the self-righteousness and being a self-appointed moderator, read my post carefully. In what way was my post, a display of machoism that offended your sensibilities?

Men are meant to fuck and all of us like to fuck so much that we pay for it, that’s why we’re here on a paid sex forum. If that desire start disappearing then my belief is that it is symptomatic of a broader heath issue. You are free to disagree with that belief but really weird for anyone to label it as a bragging statement of male machoism? I think that says more about you than me. Just my humble gender-neutral opinion.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
I posted a couple of weeks ago that I was going through a low interest phase, but that eventually the interest always comes back.

Well I'm happy to report that I'm back :)

I saw 4 SWs in a 6 day period plus I dropped by Cleos once. And I want more.

But right now I feel really guilty but the money I spent this week (especially the unplanned 4th visit). I am going to severely slow down.

Also, I feel one good experience can 'awaken' the drive within us. String a few in a row and I'm ravenous. Whatever.
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Thor Jr

Wǎnshàng hǎo tiānshǐ
Jul 24, 2008
It's not so much the idea of losing interest, its just that at times, circumstances change. If i am dating or in any kind of relationship then i tend to shy away from both the hobby and merb. I don't want anything but my own stupidity or lack of interest in the woman i am with to be the cause for our time together to come to an end. I am not ashamed of my hobbying, but then again, i will not flaunt in the woman's face. I don't want any kind of social media to be the cause of our breakup. This is why i stay away from Facebook and i will not date a woman who spends her time glued to facebook . I actually hate facebook. Couldn't even tell you the last time i was on the site, many years ago.
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